
The Choice

The first choice bought us the entry ticket into the theater of the damned.
We chose to buy the tickets into the play of life with our very life-force.

Upon entering the theater, the outer shell of the body became our marionette costume.
We used to operate freely, yet as marionettes the strings attached to the marionette costume determine our actions.

The outer shell gave us tainted glasses through which our soul views life.
Through these glasses our soul does not see life as it truly is, but it sees a distortion of the glasses, a reality which is created by the glasses and which does not really exist.

The outer shell gave us a mask.
The mask allows us to see ourselves in the mirrors of the maze as acceptable.
We put on the masks for the very purpose of finding acceptance in these mirrors and approval by the other marionettes identifying with the image in the mirrors.
As we live in marionette bodies, viewing the world through the tainted glasses and wearing a mask to be part of the crowd, we gradually become the marionette, we become the glasses, we become the mask.

And as we surrender to the prison existence and build our identities upon that existence, we die in our prison.
Our glasses projected freedom and life where there was bondage and death.
Because we believed our glasses and identified with the image we beheld through the glasses, we surrendered ourselves to death.

We became zombies, projections of death, feeding on the energy of others to keep us going through our daily routine on the great big wheel of lies.

Yet ultimately, we have to face our reality of death.
We leave an empty marionette suit, a pair of glasses and a mask as an inheritance for the next generation of fools which chooses death over life.

That is the destiny unfolding from the first choice.

There is a second choice given to us by our Creator.
This choice gives us an opportunity to escape out of the theater of the damned.
Yahshua is the One who came here to cure us from our schizophrenia, and He is the One who gives us the choice to be cured and escape from the mad prison of existence we are put in.

When we choose to believe in Him, our spirit first is led to the exit of the theater back into real life.
Because our body is slow and resistant to the spirit, the internal division between the spirit and the body becomes very clear and noticeable to our soul when we make the choice to believe.
Yahshua reconnects our spirit to YHWH's Spirit, and because our body carries the legacy and the force of evil there is a great contrast between the input of this Spirit into our soul, and the input of our body into our soul.

Most of us never will be able to get rid of the legacy of the memories of sin within our body, and the only way we can be liberated is when YHWH gives the signal for our spirit to separate from the outer contrasting shell of our physical body.
When that happens, our spirit and soul escape from the mad theater while our body remains on the stage in the theater as a disintegrating fossil of deception.

In our original uncorrupted state such a signal would mean that our physical body simply would transform its energy to be able to enter a different dimension.
But since our body has become glued to the bandwidth of physical creation as a result of our choice to sin, the only way for our spirit to leave this dimension is when the physical prison is separated from our spirit.

Only a few select individuals were given the prerogative of being reconciled with their Creator to such an extent that their body was able to comply with the signal to transform.
As a result, their bodies did not die.
Instead, when YHWH gave the signal the energy manifesting in the form of a physical body simply transformed into a manifestation in a different dimension, a dimension which the Bible calls heaven.

They had in common that they lived close to YHWH and led a kadosh (holy) lifestyle.
In other words, they lived from faith and killed the part within them which lived from doubt.
These individuals are forerunners of what will happen to those who believe in Yahshua in the near future.

Our choice to sin meant we cut ourselves loose from the Source of Existence.
As our spirit was cut off from our Creator's Spirit, our body suddenly was stuck in the physical dimension, and death became a reality for us.

The integration and oneness we experienced in YHWH gave way to a state of separation entirely in line with the character of dualism.
Since our spirit retained the knowledge of good whereas our body became a vehicle for evil, our soul split into a carnal and a spiritual mind, the mind of the actor in the theater of the damned and the mind of spirit connected to life outside of this theater.

Since our spirit now found itself imprisoned in a body subject to the laws governing the physical creation, we experience in our soul the constant tug of war between the mutually exclusive forces of good and evil as long as we are living in our physical body.

Yahshua's salvation liberates the spirit first.
Then it draws the soul back into the spirit through identification of the soul with the renewed spirit.
Lastly, the outer separate shell of the body will be transformed so that it once again be an energy manifestation of the spirit, able to travel into different dimensions since it can adapts its energy in accordance with the spirit.

We are close to the moment when Yahshua will return and our bodies will be transformed.
The image of the trumpet or the shofar in the Bible is the image of the signal YHWH will give which will cause the the energy of the spirits and souls of the believers to manifest in new transformed bodies.
The trumpet will sound, and the spirits of YHWH's own will resonate and pass this resonance on through the soul into the body, so that even the physical shell of the body will vibrate in resonance and be transformed by it.

No longer will our body be a prison stuck in the bandwidth of physical creation, but it will truly be an extension of our spirit and able to change the manifestation of its energy to reach beyond the bandwidth of physical creation.
This last step will transform us from internally divided schizophrenic human beings into restored individuals having one mind only which acts in harmony with our Creator.

Until that time we have to learn with the consequences of our original choice to separate ourselves from our Creator.
The first seed of salvation yields an instantaneous renewal of our spirit.
From that seed of inner renewal of our spirit our soul is healed and brought back into the domain of the spirit.
The body still acts like an obstinate outer shell because it contains the memory of sin, both in the form of memories in the brain of past sins as well as the genetic memory encoded in our body.
As such the body serves a useful function of learning to refine ourselves and grow in faith and love for our Creator.

The quest for eternal life on an earthly level only is a perversion of true eternal life.
Extending the lifespan of human beings indefinitely means they will indefinitely be trapped into a schizophrenic existence.
It is the equivalent of extending a life sentence indefinitely.

Life is more than existence.
Existence becomes worthwhile only when we learn to act and live in harmony with our Creator.
We then experience the sheer joy of existence in that harmony.

To extend life in a state of separation from our Creator becomes torment.
Because it lacks the harmony and inner fulfillment which makes life worthwhile.
Furthermore, by extending the lifespan of the physical body indefinitely, you extend the limitations thereof.
This limitation is caused by the fact that our physical body has become a separate outer shell, like a manifestation of energy frozen in the physical bandwidth.

To try to live forever in this frozen state is like turning yourself into a fossil which eventually grows to hate its existence.
You literally lock yourself in a state of physical separation from the Creator, trapped into a realm which has an expiration date set on it.
Why should you desire that?

Human beings need a reason to exist, and this reason can be found only in YHWH.
All other reasons are artificial distractions which act like a drug keeping you unaware of the lack of true reason.
Ultimately the effects of all drugs wears out and you have to face reality.
That is usually the moment when life becomes a pain.

It was one choice to doubt YHWH which created the prison of our lives.
It takes a second choice to believe YHWH in Yahshua to escape from this prison again, and live in freedom.
By that second choice the split turns into the reunion.
And through that reunion existence becomes meaningful and a joy.
In that state, eternal life makes sense because of the sheer joy of existence in YHWH.

Our second choice gives us the chance to undo the first choice our ancient forefather Adam made, the consequences of which we all inherited.
We cannot help but fall victim to the consequences of this first choice.
The second choice is the one we do not inherit.
Each of us must decide for him- or herself whether we want to be rescued from the theater of the damned, or whether we want to integrate with it.

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