
The Changed Reality

When someone is so far out of touch with reality that he negates it and prefers to live in a fantasy world, then it is time for psychiatric treatment in order to bring the mind of the psychotic subject back to a state where it is able to acknowledge a relate to reality properly.
However, reality is a debatable subject.
It becomes even more debatable when reality appears to be changing and inconsistent with what you remember.

Nevertheless, sometimes a person is so far out of touch with reality that it qualifies as a mental disorder, and he should be treated accordingly.
We should not acknowledge this psychosis as just another perception of reality, because it is rooted in some kind of disorder where a person clearly is out of touch with for instance a biological reality.
Whatever the cause may be, it should be clear that the psychosis should not pass as an alternative and equal yet different way of looking at reality.
We should not teach children at school that you may have a male body, but if you choose to be female, you are female and you should seek to alter your biological reality so that it complies with your idea of who and what you are.
That is a form of child abuse.

This is exactly what certain destructive mentally ill and spiritually wicked parties intend to do.
They teach that we are not gender bound nor should be seek to honor borders between genders which used to have their origin in common sense and decency.
To do so equals a form of discrimination and inequality in their eyes.
They teach that whatever you think you are is what you are so that it can happen that a middle aged man who feels he is small girl really is a small girl.
Or a woman who feels she is a man should be able to have an operation to turn her into a man.

This is not the proper procedure to deal with these psychological (and may I add 'spiritual') problems.
Acceptance is not the cure nor does it heal the person suffering from delusions, quite the contrary.
Acceptance validates the disease and makes it grow into a bigger disease.
It can create a suffering in the deluded individual which makes him/her commit suicide.
Worse than that, if children are taught in schools that the delusion is not a delusion but another shade of what is normal, then children are being LIED to in such a way that it equals a form of abuse which can lead to severe mental problems later in Life.

But the 'progressive liberal Left fascists' are only too eager to pass insanity as normal and rape the minds of young children with their sick nonsense.
When will enough be enough?

We are at war, a war waged against common sense and good intellect, a war of Evil against what is Good.
It is a war which also targets young children, and that is where my greatest pain comes from.
If someone stubbornly refuses to accept good advice, well so be it.
If the suffering does not wake that individual up, then the impending thoughts of suicide coming his/her way should not come as a surprise, and maybe that alarm bell will be the wakeup call he/she needs.

But it becomes a different story when children are targeted and lied to by adults to such an extent that their Life can be totally screwed up by the lies told to them.
That is a form of hideous child abuse which I will NEVER EVER in all eternity tolerate.
You teach children the Truth and good sane values, and if you don't I have very, VERY bad news for you: in Heaven there are Angels who watch over the Souls of children, and if you abuse their Soul those guardian Angels will become their avengers.
The abusers will become a target in the eyes of the Angels, and they have much to fear because Angels have supernatural powers.
You don't want to offend them.

Unfortunately we live in an age where child abuse is in the process of being legally institutionalized under the umbrella of politically correct tolerance which seeks to embrace insanity under the umbrella of 'diversity'.
The roles are being reversed where those who really are mentally ill and who used to be treated as such in the past now are accepted as 'alternative', while the ones who protest against this madness such as yours truly are regarded as intolerant bigots suffering from a mental retardation.
So, the insane become normal, and the normal are considered to be insane and labeled as such.
This world always has been enveloped in a reality which is reversed and the opposite of the reality of Heaven, but this adds a whole new dimension to it which is conducive to the proliferation of Evil and demonic Spirits on Earth to the point where the frail balance between Good and Evil is upset to such a degree that destruction will inevitably be the result.

In the US political arena the likes of Obama and Clinton are agents of this destruction.
Obama should be seen for what he is: a stark raving lunatic who ought to be removed from office immediately due to his insane ideas about choosing your gender and having mixed toilets.
Why is this man still in the White House, how is it that the American congress apparently is not able to see the man's idiosyncratic insane psychosis?
How is it that suddenly all political leaders in the West reveal their true colors and their lying nature with such arrogance as if they no longer care because there is no need to put much effort in holding up false appearances.
Or could it be we shifted into a different reality?

I guarantee you that with the likes of these Evil, wicked, mentally insane psychotics in charge this world will enter a new and devastating world war sooner than many think, because they are puppets acting out a very Evil agenda which seeks to enslave and subsequently replace mankind.
A man like Trump may not be perfect, but he stands as a avatar of sanity amidst a sea where the insane roam and attack all semblances of sanity which threaten their psychotic insane world view.
Should the USA choose for Clinton next year, -IF there is going to be a new election-, then imminent destruction is assured and there will be no pause, no break enabling us to catch our breath and recuperate a bit.

I don't know what is going to happen.
I reported years ago how I got the impression that everything had come to a standstill, and Life on Earth at that particular moment was like a still-life, a frozen picture in time, and I was distinctly separate from it like someone visiting an exhibition and observing one particular painting.
That feeling of being a spectator has not changed, but what has changed and which is changing dramatically with each day is the painting.
It should not be possible but it is happening.
The picture no longer is the same.
Details are changing to such a degree and so fast that it looks different than I remember it.
Everything today seems in such a state of flux that all the things we took for granted as facts are changing constantly, even to the point where you remember things differently than what they suddenly appear to be today.
Now, THAT is very strange, isn't it?

A hot topic today is the so-called Mandela effect.
This refers to the different memories of what happened to Nelson Mandela.
Some people remember how he was put in prison and died there, while others remember how he became president after he was released from prison and died in 2013.
Two different groups of people with two different memories.
You might be inclined to think that one group has an accurate memory while the other group does not, and if it concerned just the memories of this one event it might be blamed on the dynamics of memory which is not static.
But, a whole lot more happened.

Today you will find differences in Bible translations which do not comply with my memory.
Furthermore, when I look at the world map the location of South America seems far more to the East than I remember it.
Honestly, I am not kidding.
New Zealand did not used to be anywhere near where it is now.
Sure, I could remember things incorrectly, but this is not all.
Certain parts of scripture use different words.
People remember words from the Disney movie Show White where the queen asks 'mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?', but now the words have changed and it says 'magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all'.
The old King James version now speaks of new wine being put in old bottles where it used to be 'wineskins', not bottles.
Old bottles don't break if you pour liquid in them.
Other translations still use 'wineskins', but somehow without us being aware of it, the translation in the old King James version changed in such a way that it does not make sense.

How is this possible?
The only way this can be possible is if details in the scenery changed, and this has been exactly my experience over the past years: the scenery created in me the impression that it had become unstable and unreal.
Somehow we are shifting from one stage setting straight into the next, and the props are no longer the same.
I am referring to a change in dimensions which is reported widely all over the world by people who may at first glance appear to be deluded, but they are in fact quite correct in their observations.
It is like an reboot of reality where a new program implements certain new features and updates other elements.

Now, imagine the scenery changing even more overnight to such an extent that one day you will wake up and discover your Bible has been altered so much that it contradicts many things you remembered, certain events appear to have changed and created a very different outcome, and reality is at conflict with your own memory of it.
Those who will remember the setting of the old reality will appear like psychotic lunatics in the eyes of those who do not remember, yet they are not psychotic or insane.

Whatever may be the cause, unpredictable changes are happening.
Imagine we are shifted to a completely new setting of the stage props, meaning we are shifted through different dimensions with different realities and histories, and what is upheld as spiritual Truth contradicts the Truth we know in our hearts.
Imagine a scenario where the Bible we hold in our hands suddenly contradicts the verses we remember from the Bible we read so often.
That is going to be the big challenge and the thing which separates the wolves from the sheep: the sheep will have to rely completely on the guidance of YHWH's Spirit to find Truth, but the wolves in sheep's clothing, being out of touch with His Spirit, will be guided by the altered and manipulated reality and be deceived by it.

Imagine you were the Devil and you had the technology to manipulate dimensional shifts, surely you will agree that this is a most powerful weapon you can use to your advantage?
You could create sudden shifts into different dimensions where you have implemented your falsehood and deception in such a way that it leads straight into your own ideal of a brave new world where a new version of man will inherit the Earth, a version which you invented with the technology at your disposal.
Maybe the changing setting of different realities is part of the reason why the revelation given to John is speaking in metaphors and not describing a factual setting of one particular reality.

But YHWH is the One controlling shifts of dimensions, and He too shifts us, the living Souls, through different dimensions.
It creates a very unpredictable situation.
I think that eventually it will lead to a schism where some will transition into YHWH's direction while others will find themselves trapped in the Satan's reality so that one day they suddenly will no longer be part of the reality we find ourselves in.
We will go to sleep at night and suddenly discover the next day that certain people we used to know suddenly are not there anymore, one is taken, the other is left.
I know this is weird, but today very weird and unprecedented things are happening.

Is the changing scenery the result of shifts in dimensions, or is it the result of time travel where minor elements in the past have been altered as an experiment in order to determine the outcome and see the effect they have on reality and the people living in it, or is it a combination of both?
I know that this post must seem very outlandish to many, but I can assure you that I remember certain things differently than what they are today, and I have seen YouTube videos about for example changed world maps where one guy commented how Australia seems in a different position and how some place New Zealand at a very different position than where it is now, and that is exactly the case with me.
Have you taken a look at where South America is located on the maps?
It is WAY more to the East than I remember it.
The thing is that when you are faced with so many physical evidence pointing towards the contrary you may be inclined to think that maybe your memories (which are dynamic in nature) may be eschewed and incorrectly.

But there are other things which are not the same as I recall them.
The changes are especially noticeable when it comes to Bible verses which use different words than I remember.
Such as for example Matthew 9 where Yahshua said that one does not put new wine in old wineskins, else the wineskin may break.
The King James version now reads that one does not put new wine in old bottles.
I also remember 'the lion laying down with the lamb', but when you read Isaiah it now reads the 'wolf laying down with the lamb' (Isaiah 11.6).
How did the big bad wolf creep into the King James translation?

On YouTube you will find many other examples, just check out this link and thislink.
You may be inclined to think it is part of a collective psychosis, some kind of mass hysteria where deluded individuals share a common delusion, but I can assure you I always tend to stand back and question ideas and thoughts to determine whether my own mind is playing a trick on me, or whether there is Truth to the ideas and thoughts.
And in this case I am certain there is truth to the notion that the setting of our reality is changing in inexplicable ways.

If you thought the sun will keep its place and will keep on shining for another million years and that the Earth will continue to rotate on its axis as it always has done, think again.
We are in such an unstable unsure era where everything becomes a possibility.
It is so strange that I cannot find words to describe it, as if we are in a tombola of realities where the outcome may been prophesized in the Bible, but the factual narrative towards the fulfillment of prophecy is different than what we thought it would be as the scene setting is changing on a daily basis.

And this is just a very minor precursor to what is coming.
This year is just a hinge year, a hinge of a door beyond which Heaven and Hell fight the final battle.
We will be caught right in the heat of the battle, and you better make the right choice today.
Beyond that door you just might find yourself on the wrong side, especially if the reality we always used to know is splitting into the left and the right where one setting leads into Death and complete destruction, and the other leads into Paradise.
I have written before how in the end our reality will split so that the manifestation of the principle of Dualism is torn into two separate realities: one which is Evil and which will be locked out, and one which is Good which will continue.
And this is exactly which will happen in the future, and from what I have seen thusfar it will happen through dimensional shifts.
Prophecy in the Bible often speaks in imagery, metaphors where future events and circumstances are described in such a way that you have to match the factual circumstances when they occur to the prophecy, and I think part of the reason is the way realities are structured and how they can be manipulated.

In closing I want to give you this for consideration.
Yahshua told us that in the time of the end there will be a moment when 'one will be taken, another will be left'.
This is a very odd statement hinting at a supernatural event (dimensional shifts).
Then think of the Revelation given to John where YHWH will pour out His bowels of wrath upon the Earth.
We all know that YHWH can never harm His own who are pure by reason of their Belief in Yahshua and their love and dedication to Him, so He has to make sure they will have to be supernaturally protected when this happens.
Furthermore, Revelation speaks of a group of people, the 144,000 out of the tribes of Israel, who will receive the seal so that they cannot be harmed, and they will learn 'a new song which no one else can learn', meaning a change in frequency to which they are able to respond, but the group which is locked into the Mark of the Beast cannot.
Then think of the children of the Devil who will receive the mark of the Beast, a seal which locks them into an Evil reality so that they cannot respond to the frequency change and transition into the reality YHWH has prepared for His own.
Bring to mind Paul's words when he wrote that at the sound of the last trumpet or shofar (an instrument issuing particular frequencies we can respond to and identify as the unique sound of a particular instrument) we shall be changed instantly in the twinkling of an eye, in other words, in one indivisible moment outside of time space, or, a shift into a different dimension.

Tie all these together, and what do you come up with?
I think the current Mandela effect so many are able to detect is the precursor of what is coming to this world: a shift in realities where at some point the reality for one group will move into the opposite direction of the group which will be locked in the reality of destruction, one will be taken, the other will be left, one group will be part of the Kingdom of Yahshua with a restored Israel, the other will be part of the Devil's queendom and suffer the horrors coming upon that world which ultimately will lead to complete annihilation.
How would Yahshua be able to explain it in an understandable way to the people of His time other than through the imagery He used, how could this be made clear in John's Revelation without the use of imagery depicting the change without tying it to factual circumstances which are subject to instant change with each shift in dimension?

I understand how this Mandela effect seems like a crazy idea to those who can see nor remember differences with the current setting of reality, and if you encounter someone who IS able to spot differences and sudden changes in past and present which never used to be there he/she may appear as a lunatic in your eyes.
If I had a new technology at my disposal which could affect reality I would first try it out in small matters, such as changing the spelling of words and replacing certain words, to see the effect both in terms of the changed reality and the way people respond to it.
But then again, in my memory the position of an entire continent South America or the location of New Zealand is completely different, and those are not small changes nor can they be just the result of changes caused by time travel only, it is more like a shift into a different dimension to a different version of Earth.
Or, an update of reality followed by a reboot.

Nevertheless, in spite of how otherworldly and odd this Mandela effect may be, there are quite a few others who ARE able to spot many differences without being able to come up with a rational explanation other than a 'shift in dimensions' or 'time travel experiments'.
I can see the sudden shifts and to me it is quite spectacular to detect changes in words which did not used to be there before thus indicating a change in the past, not to mention continents being at a different position than I remember, and I am not even considering the future which will bring us far bigger changes and shifts than we could ever imagine.

I have written before how this year is a hinge year, and I think a door has been opened into dimensional shifts beyond which we will never be able to venture back to the way things used to be.
The current developments are very exciting, because they are an indication that we on our way home, just as in the dream I had some time ago which I wrote about on this blog.
I never thought the boat on the canal would be the group of people transported through time and space into different dimensions.
Yet here we are in a reality which challenges the traditional concept of one fixed past belonging to one reality we are part of.
The changes I have detected feel as if a new version of a program has been executed and the reality vision we are part of has been rebooted.
We are on our way, and there is no turning back anymore.

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