
The Anti-Creation

Have you never wondered why the Satan waits until the very last moment with the execution of his mighty plans for Satanica?
It is his ambition to create what I referred to as the 'perfect tumor in the Body of YHWH's Creation'.
He knows that YHWH has made a realm of destruction where the character of Evil reigns, fueled by the sacrifice of energy from the Fallen Ones, a realm represented in the numerical system by the number '9'.

The Satan's ambition is to take that number '9' and transform it into his '999'.
On the scale from '1' to '999' the latter number is the farthest removed from the former.
Three is the number of fullness, and as such '999' stands for the fullness of the Satanic rebellion.
It points to the ambition to create an ecosystem which YHWH is unable to enter with His presence and thus interfere with it'.
Contrary to YHWH's concept of the '9', 'Gehenna' and 'the Outer Darkness', the Adversary's concept of the '999' represents a Satanic paradise where YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil no longer determines the moral concept of those who abide in that 'paradise'.
It is supposed to be the ultimate stronghold of rebellion, a synthetic realm and network derived from the existing order of realms, a realm where YHWH is not welcome or which He can enter, the Satanic anti-Creation.

Every experiment the Adversary has conducted in the past happened for the sole reason of preparing for the moment when the Adversary will seek to realize his plans and finding out how far he could go in upsetting the balance.
But why should he wait until the last moment, why hasn't he tried over and over again to make his ambition come true and learn from miscalculations and mistakes?
The single reason why he has not been able to realize his plans is simply because he has been restrained all the time.
YHWH made sure he could not get past certain boundaries, restricting his power throughout the history of Mankind.

It is not for lack of trying that the Adversary has to wait until the end.
One time he went so far with his experiments that YHWH was compelled to cleanse the Earth with the flood in order to get rid of the genetic experiments the Fallen Ones had conducted.
Through these experiments the Adversary found out exactly to what extent he was able to upset the balance between Good and Evil before YHWH steps in and restores the balance.
As a result of the experiments the entire Earth in the days of Noah was filled with genetic mutants which had no place in the ecosystem of Earth and the order YHWH had created, and they disrupted the balance to a very severe degree.
Eventually YHWH had to step in and order Noah to build the Ark, thus saving Noah and his family as well as pairs of animals who had not yet been contaminated by the experiments of the Fallen Ones.
Noah too was pure, untainted by any genetic experiment, and that is why he and his family were chosen.

The Satan was restrained, and when he tried to venture beyond the boundaries of his restraint he found out the hard way that YHWH would not accept it and set the record straight again.
So too in his temptation of Job he was not allowed to go beyond a certain point.

The Satan knows that YHWH will not let Evil expand itself at the expense of Good indefinitely, and the restraining mechanism is there to make sure that a certain balance between Good and Evil is preserved.
If Evil becomes too dominant, YHWH intervenes as the mirror of Evil.
This means that since Evil is destruction, YHWH will bring destruction upon the vessels and bulwarks of Evil.
Like in the case of the flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

YHWH acts in the capacity of the great Mirror of Creation, and the extent to which we have become Evil is the extent we receive the nature of Evil back in that mirror.
That is why we cannot see YHWH from face to face in our dualistic state of existence, because our internal dualism caused by the fallen state of our Body causes us to experience in YHWH's mirror the destructive nature of the Evil fallen state, meaning that we would be destroyed.
Since the Satan is ALL Evil without anything Good in him, his reflection in YHWH is all Evil, and as such his future lies in the realm of Gehenna, the realm of Destruction.

The Satan is very aware of the presence of the Restrainer, and he knows that if he wants to realize his plans to escape Gehenna he needs to wait until the moment arrives when the Restraint is lifted.
When that moment comes, he will act swiftly, and technology will suddenly know the moment of singularity as Kurzweil calls it, the moment technological progress explodes and makes the impossible happen.
It is timed to occur at the exact moment when the Adversary needs to make his move.
Right up  until that time he experiments, explores the boundaries of the balance between Good and Evil, and he seeks to use the restraining principle to his advantage through manipulation.

For example, if the Adversary wants to get rid of a nation or a town, or even an individual, he entices them to succumb to corruption, lust, injustice, idolatry.
When this nation, town or individual caters to the temptation, the switch is set which allows Evil to grow.
Because of this, the nation, town or individual are manipulated to become vessels against YHWH, and if the sinfulness increases the moment will arrive when YHWH intervenes and reflects back at the Evil vessels what they have become: Destruction.

A historical example is Israel.
The Satan did not succeed in destroying Israel by force, since they were protected as the people of YHWH's covenant, the chosen people YHWH reserved for Himself.
So because the Adversary could not overcome the Hebrews by force, he seduced all of Israel and its kings to make themselves guilty of corruption, lust, injustice, idolatry.
In doing so they set themselves up against YHWH, and when the balance was upset to an extreme degree YHWH stepped in and destroyed Israel after giving many warnings to turn back.
First the Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed because of its sinfulness, then the Southern Kingdom shared the same fate.
THEY were the ones who operated the switch of choice which energized Evil and made them an enemy of YHWH, THEY were the ones who set the destruction mechanism in motion.

Another example is Balaam, a man who was a deadly yet unfortunately a very familiar mix of being a 'prophet' as well as a notorious lover of money.
Today we see many religious Balaams everywhere, the wolves who turn YHWH and His Yahshua into merchandise serving their bank accounts and private empire as well as their delusions of religious grandeur.
Balaam was asked by king Balak to curse Israel, but because YHWH forbade it he ended up blessing Israel.
Since he was not allowed by YHWH to curse Israel directly, he, having set his heart on pleasing Balak and getting his hands on the money offered him by Balak, afterwards shrewdly informed Balak of another way to curse and destroy Israel.
This other way was to seduce the Israelites into partaking of food offered to idols and making themselves guilty of sexual immorality with cult prostitutes, a practise very common in Satanism.
By their choice to indulge in the temptation the Israelites cursed themselves and turned YHWH against them.
The Satanic manipulation game succeeded and YHWH sent a plague among the Israelites because they gave themselves over to Evil through Sin.

The Restrainer will never allow the balance to be upset beyond a certain ratio, and the Adversary uses this principle to his advantage by manipulating people and nations into destroying themselves.
This is why it is so important to get rid of sinful habits in your Life, because in catering to the temptation you set YHWH up against you, and you give unseen powers of Evil carte blanche in their games, tricks and ploys intended to upset you and turning your life against you in order to incapacitate you and turn you into a miserable wreck.
YOU are the one who makes it possible through your love of Sin, so always do your best to walk away from temptation when the Forces of Darkness seek to manipulate you and project their enticements into your mind.
It is manipulation from the Dark side designed to remove YHWH's protection and give them power to destroy you.

The Adversary knew he had to wait until the last moment, because THAT would be the one point in time and space when he would finally have the opportunity to realize his plans.
That one point in time and space is when YHWH removes the Restrainer from this world, and the Adversary has carte blanche.
THAT is the one moment when the Satan has his shot at realizing his ambition to create his Satanic ecosphere which YHWH is unable to penetrate, THAT is the moment when he will do his best to rid the world of YHWH's people and His appointed concepts, including the nation of Israel.
And if he is successful he no longer needs to worry about YHWH's intervention simply because YHWH will not be able to intervene in his domain, his anti-Creation.
At least, that is what the Adversary HOPES to achieve.

The Satan hopes to realize his closed Satanic ecosphere with the help of Man by holding out a carrot of paradise in front of him.
He influences the hearts of men and women so that they want to work towards a one-world economic system, a New World Order where Man can live in a technological paradise.
Some know exactly what the nature of this New World Order is, others are nothing other than duped fools recruited for the Satanic agenda, willing idiots who will lose not only their lives but also their very Souls to the scam of the Evil One.
They think they will belong to the elite in this paradise unaware that they too will end up as victims of a scam.

You see, the Satanic paradise is not intended to be a new paradise for Man, but a paradise for the Fallen Ones, including the Demons which the Satan hopes to resurrect.
It is the Satan's intent to create a synthetic Body as the extension and vessel of Evil Spirits, including the disembodied Demonic Spirits.
He aims to merge the Demon Spirits with the new synthetic Body so that whereas they now have to possess a human being in order to be able to live inside a human Body and thus only can enjoy the chance to share this Body with its host, a human being, they then will have a Body entirely for themselves without having to share it.
No, it is the objective to merge the Demon Spirits with the Body in the same way as Man's Spirit is merged with the physical Body by the human Soul which holds them together as a tri-unity.

This synthesized Body, which the deluded scientists today refer to as Man V2.0, will be an improved and immortal version of Man.
It has no rank or place in the order of YHWH's Creation and as such stands outside it.

You have to understand that ALL Spirits come from YHWH, including the Satan's Spirit.
Though the switch of choice the Satan's Spirit cut itself off from YHWH as its polar opposite under the dualistic paradigm of Good vs. Evil.
This paradigm creates the possibility of having the experience of living apart from YHWH.
This is NOT the same as living outside of YHWH, because there is no existence 'outside of' YHWH or even an 'outside'.
But, within YHWH's manifestation of energy in the form of the multi-dimensional Creation, the dualistic paradigm has created the possibility of experiencing an existence apart from YHWH.
This is possible through re-routing energy from YHWH through the switch of 'choice' so that the choice to rebel energizes the Evil side of Dualism and thus makes it come alive.
The choice is a sacrifice of energy, Life-force, like a plumbing mechanism which attaches a side branch to the main branch and thus siphons off the flow of energy through the side branch.

This is how Evil comes alive under the dualistic paradigm as a manifestation of Evil in Creation.
The new synthetic Body which the Adversary wants to create exists outside the natural order of YHWH's Creation.
It is not part of YHWH's network and there will be nothing in its DNA that can act as a receiver of YHWH's station and His creative flow.

Our current physical Body is like a very complex biological machine.
When you bring to mind the different machines that we know, such as tablets, iPhones, cameras, etc., then you know that you can hook these machines up into a network.
Each particular category of machine has its own driver and interface.
Because we are like a complex machine with a physical and metaphysical component, we are part of the networks which use a particular interface to exchange data with us, and this data influences us not only in the ideas and thoughts we have, but also in the state of our Mind and Body in terms of emotion and health.

There is a force of Darkness which has access to our Mind through our Body, and it is able to do so because our Body can act like a receiver of the data channel it is tuned into.
Since we abide in a fallen physical Body we are automatically part of the network of Evil the moment our Spirit fuses with our physical Body.
Our Spirit belongs to the metaphysical dimension where it is part of the network of Good, and the fusion of our Spirit with our physical Body means that two different and opposite networks have access to our mind, the network of Good and the network of Evil.
I have written about this previously in my post 'The Third Cloud'.

The Satan has the power and technology to access our minds, and he can even make us mentally and physically sick to the point of dying, don't underestimate him!
If we make the choice to believe in Yahshua, then our Spirit cannot be cut loose from the network of Good and we are sealed into this eternal network which emanates from our Heavenly Father.
That choice we made draws our Soul into that same network so that the last remaining component (our Body) either lets go off our Soul and Spirit upon the moment we die, or it is transformed into an interdimensional extension of our Soul and Spirit.

I have mentioned in previous posts how there is a network of information through which YHWH's Spirit flows, and an Evil network through which the information of the Adversary flows, and our Body is hardwired to be part of this second network ('born in Sin') just as our Spirit is connected to the first network.
The Sin against the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, means that you cut your Spirit loose from YHWH's network.
Both networks are part of the dualistic paradigm and as such under supervision of YHWH.
If YHWH should desire to do so He could destroy the Evil network instantly.

The Adversary aims to create a third interdimensional network, one which YHWH will be unable to restrain and supervise.
It will merge the structure of the metaphysical network with its equivalent on Earth, one which is still developing as the worldwide web and the various integrated servers and other appliances.
Once quantum computing becomes the standard the link can be established for a true interdimensional network with side branches in other dimensions.
Thus, being hooked up into that network on Earth makes you part of the network in other dimensions.

If then the personality data can be extracted from the brain and stored in the network, the option will become available to download the personality data into a new synthesized and interdimensional version of Man.
You can be downloaded into any form you like.
This means that the Satan will have created his own counter version of YHWH's plans for Creation: an interdimensional Man with a Body as the vehicle for the Soul and Spirit as well as the Spirit being an integral part of the network.
It is an anti-Creation and in every aspect a negative mirror image of YHWH's design for His Creation.

Have you never wondered about your own Soul and Spirit, and how your Body can die and be resurrected again with the same Soul and Spirit?
It implies that the living organisms of your Soul and Spirit and their data must reside somewhere in YHWH's metaphysical network, if I may put it in basic simple terms, and this data can be 'downloaded' again into a new resurrected Body.
It is like waking up in a new perfect Body.

The Satan aims to do the exact same thing, letting the Spirit and personality data reside in his interdimensional network and allow them to be downloaded into a new synthetic version of his own concept of Man.
If he were to succeed, he would have established an 'anti-Creation' within YHWH's Creation, a perfect tumor in the Body of YHWH's Creation.

The thing is, those who are in favor of the New World Order and the technological improvement of Man will have to allow themselves to be killed for the Satanic New Order.
They will be led to believe that their persona can be uploaded into the network and downloaded in a much better synthesized version of Man.
Only, when the process of uploading begins, all that is uploaded is the data residing in their brains.
Their Soul will be cut loose from the Body and the Spirit will be released from it.
It means they will die at that moment, and only the data within their brain resides in the computer.
This is like an elaborate CV, a description and a program at the same time, but not the person.
Man as YHWH created him cannot be uploaded into a computer, and the Satan knows this all too well.
There is no place for Man as YHWH created him in the Satan's brave new world, and he aims to exterminate us, leading us to the slaughterhouse with lies and fake promises.
And the idiots among us believe him and slavishly act out his orders.

Before this 'ultimate end solution', there will be a time of transition when those who have given their consent to the Mark will be modified.
They will be integrated into a virtual reality, and through the implant and how it regulates the release of chemicals and thus the expression and experience of emotions, they will become slaves of the machine.
The machine and its software will become their god, and very likely its scepter in the form of the Mark will also imply a modification of their DNA so that they can live longer and be healthier and avoid depression and other negative emotions.

The Satan knows he has only ONE window of opportunity to make his ambitions for his anti-Creation come true.
He needs this anti-Creation to work exactly as planned, because without it his future lies in Gehenna, and he knows that if that happens all is lost.
Because, once he is in Gehenna he will be locked into that state forever, eternally imprisoned in the number '9'.

So ALL his work and experiments have been a preparation for this one moment when YHWH will not restrain him.
THAT will be the time when he moves forward.

And so he moves the hearts of the collaborators in this world with promises of the one global society where they will rule the slave cattle from the top, and they need not worry about the slaves waking up, because if they now lack the awareness and stamina to stand up against their exploiters, they then will be like wax in the hands of those who will rule in the new World Order.

It is disheartening to witness the treachery of those in power, and how their ilk is rewarded with huge salaries and comfortable jobs financed over the backs of those who pay for their salaries.
And the ones who are exploited receive treachery, lies, and even more hardship as their meager reward.
Yes, the Pharaoh of this world is cruel and without mercy, exactly like in the days of Moses when YHWH used this hardness of heart to prove His might and power to deliver the Hebrews from their oppressors and entice the Egyptian pursuers of the Pharaoh into the sea of Destruction.

Yes, there is one thing the Satan seems to forget time and again: he is not the only one who can set traps, YHWH can set traps as well.
The Restrainer will be removed for a short season, but YHWH will remain to watch over His own and act through them.
And as the great Mirror of Creation reflecting back at it what it has become, He will bring untold destruction upon Evil until it is no more.
And in fact, it never really was, because Evil truly is non-existence with only an avatar in the current Creation as a representation of the dualistic idea of non-existence.


  1. Your blog, in my opinion, is the best thing after the Bible!
    Thank You very much.
    God bless You.

  2. Thank you for your kind words, I hope the words I write are a blessing to you and all who read them.
