
The Timeline - I

In this post and the next ones I want to give you a different perspective of what we refer to as 'time', because in the light of understanding prophecy as well as your own life the traditional concept of time is a view which limits understanding.
Perhaps this post may be a bit dry at times and hard to understand, because we all have certain interpretations and concepts attached to words which may not be the same.
But, don't worry, I will provide illustrations of what I write here in this post and even more so in the next one.

That which we refer to as 'time' is nothing other than the moment we are captured (born) into a cycle which we come to experience in different manifestations.
Compare it to putting on a helmet which transfers you into the visual setting of a computer game.
Our Spirit is the element which is located in the real world, our Body is the element which is part of the computer game, and our Soul is our identity, who we are, and it is linked to both the awareness of who we truly are in the Spirit, and who we are in our Body in the computer game.

The Spirit and the Body are at war with each other, since the Spirit contains the memory of what is Good while the Body carries the imprint of Evil.
Furthermore, the setting of the 'game' is the reverse mirror image of the reality of the Spirit.
Because of that, YHWH's children tend to be a bit 'clumsy' in the ways of this world.

During the game we experience the dynamics of the impulses of the Body vs. the Spirit.
We also come to realize that the decisions we make in the virtual reality of the game affect the real world of our Spirit.
So, the virtual reality is capable of reaching out into the real world just as much as the real world is capable of affecting the virtual reality.

This realization forces us to come up with a choice: do we identify with the impulses of the Body and act in agreement with it, not caring about how it affects our Spirit, or do we identify with the Spirit and its Conscience, and let the Spirit move us.

If we listen to the Body and we do as we like, not caring about whether or not it affects the Spirit, our Soul merges with the virtual Body and becomes an integral part of the simulation.
If we listen to the Spirit, our Soul merges with the Spirit and the virtual character in the 'game' will come to reflect who we are in the Spirit.

Thus, the period we are part of the cycle, the game, becomes a testing ground as well as a sculpting tool, since the cycle incorporates the dynamics of Evil vs. Good and presents us with the choice.
Exercising the choice brings out qualities of the Soul by means of the dualistic paradigm of the computer game.
When the game and the corresponding cycle has served its purpose, YHWH calls us back, and our Soul and Spirit are once again put in touch with the real World of the Spirit.

You may win 100,000 points in a computer game, but what is the value of these points in real life?
But the skill you acquired playing the game, like for example an enhanced mental acuity, stays with you, and you can put that skill to use in real life.

Likewise, whatever you gather on Earth stays on Earth, and it is nothing but worthless dust in the reality of the Spirit.
But, the character of the Soul and Spirit which was brought out by the challenges you met during the manifestations of the cycle, stays with you in the real world, and that was the purpose why you were put in the cyclic existence of a Life on Earth.

I am here because YHWH wants to bring out a quality He created in me, and I need this Life as a tool in YHWH's hands to bring out that quality.
The same is true for you.

The traditional view of time is that of a line which stretches out from the past via the present into the future, a linear one way street.
Yet although we experience time as a linear line reaching out from the past into our future, it really is nothing other than an experience of moving through different manifestations of the cycles embedded in our Life, as well as other cycles we are part of and which affect us with their dynamics.
It is like walking on the edge of a circle making the same rounds over and over again, only, the circle changes its color with each round so that it looks like a new circle, a new cycle, but it is only our experience of it which is different due to the changed color.
The dynamics of the cycles may vary in intensity, but the cycles remain the same.

Our Life is like one large cycle with a beginning and an end.
This cycle consists of a string of experiences of smaller cycles which all have in common that they describe one and the same kind of dualistic dynamic.
All cycles occur over and over again, albeit in different manifestations so that our experience of them as well as their settings change, but the cycles remain the same. 

You may be familiar with the prophetic 'week' of YHWH's plan for mankind.
It consists of seven millennia which are part of the millennium week like individual cycles of a day.
The cycle of the millennia, or the day, is repeated six times so that there are seven different manifestations of one day cycle, the millennium, and as such the concept of the week of man's history on Earth is a prophetic depiction of the cyclic nature of our existence on Earth.

I am sure that if you look at your Life you will notice repeating patterns, the same kind of temptations bearing pressure on your Soul.
The setting in which the temptations stress your Soul may be different, but the dynamics involved in the process are exactly the same.
The dynamics may vary in intensity, but their pattern as part of the cycle remain in essence the same.

Cycles of temptation to sin are shaped by the energy we give them through Sin.
When we sin, we create a memory of the Sin in our heads together with our response and the emotions which caused us to fall for the temptation, and the trigger of this memory and associated scenery/settings and emotions are the elements which incorporate themselves as parts of a re-occurring cycle.

The combination of our weak points and the related pressures which cause us to sin, or at least make us sway, is shaped into a repeating pattern as part of a cycle.
They allow us to re-experience the same setting so that we can come up with different answers and succeed where we have failed.

The Forces of Darkness know our weak points and the most effective pressure zones all too well, and they all too often seek to trigger these points in order to set the cycle in motion again, in the hope that we fall prey to the dynamics and fall all the way into Darkness.
Thus they end up becoming a tool in YHWH's hand which allows us to go through the same cycle incorporating the same dynamics of Good vs. Evil we have experienced before, so that we are given the opportunity to turn to the right instead of the old habit of turning to the left.

So, the timeline of our Life is not a linear line from past into future, but a cyclic process which looks like running in a circle, the manifestation of the same cycle manifesting in different incarnations yet incorporating the same kind of dynamic over and over again.

When we refer to the existence of a horizontal timeline, we have taken the outline of the different incarnations of the circle, and stretched it out into one long horizontal line consisting of our cyclic experiences sequentially pasted together into that horizontal line.
The cycles in the string of cycles we refer to as our timeline represent different experiences of the same cycles manifesting in different settings, yet incorporating the same type of dynamic and the same circumstances related to the dynamic.

The duration of your Life on Earth is a process of experiencing cycles incorporating the same kind of dynamics between Good and Evil.
Where once you made choices in that cycle to Sin, after you came to believe in Yahshua the same cycle incorporating the dynamics of Good vs. Evil and the temptations rising through the dynamics of Evil becomes a cycle reflecting your choice to resist temptation and choose for Good.
Thus the cycle previously filled to a large extent with Evil is transformed into a cycle filled with Good, thus gradually losing the intensity of its dynamics as well as its cyclic nature.

So you see, the cyclic structure of what we experience as a long stretched-out timeline of our Life is designed as a tool of education and refinement.
Remember how at school you were required to learn by repetition, and whereas perhaps you may have gotten it wrong the first dozen or so times, eventually you were able to repeat the lesson you were supposed to learn?
YHWH's structure of the cycle serves a similar purpose.
It is an environment featuring the dynamics by means of which you are able to learn, not by rote memory, but by experience, and as such it serves to bring out the tangible evidence of the choice you made to believe in Yahshua.

Life is a cyclic motion allowing you to learn, and that is the reason why we should not fret over 'Sins of the past' we have repented for.
Our repentance expresses itself in our changed attitude towards the temptations produced by the dynamics of the cycle which previously caused us to sin.
Because of that, the manifestation of the cycle has changed to reflect the fruit of repentance, and by meeting temptation correctly, the Sin of the past cannot perpetuate itself and affect the manifestation of the cycle.

In other words: we have learned the lesson and we continue to practice the lesson as we move through the same cycle in different settings.
This is why it is senseless to ponder on past Sins and how great it would be to go back into the past to prevent ourselves from sinning: by meeting the same dynamics, which caused us to sin, in the right way by NOT sinning, we change the manifestation of that same cycle.

Not that we can undo past Sins, but by believing in Yahshua we are cut free from the compulsion to repeat the same Sins over and over again, thus remaining stuck in a perpetual cycle of Evil.
In Yahshua we can overcome compulsive habits produced by a wrong conditioning to the temptation produced by dynamics of the cycle, so it really is YHWH's power in Yahshua which not only saves us from the gravitational pull of Evil, but He also changes the cyclic motion of our lives in the sense that we no longer keep failing in the same cycle.

The cycles of our Life consist of different manifestations the cycles and their embedded dynamics, thus causing in us a different experience of those cycles.
The combination of cycles is the school where we learn our lessons, and this is part of YHWH's development process of our character.

In the illustration the cycle is depicted as one white circle, and 'time' is nothing other than the white circle breaking up in different layers, each layer of the circle manifesting in the 'string of the timeline' so that the timeline becomes a series of different perspectives of one and the same event, or cycle.

Of course the illustration is a very simplistic representation of the complex structure of interwoven, subdivided and interdependent cycles, but it serves the purpose of illustration how the phenomenon we refer to as the timeline is simply the result of moving through different experience of the same cycle.

Because of the dualistic principle, each cycle has a beginning and an end, and the end is a beginning of a new cycle, a different experience and manifestation of the same cycle.
This dualistic motion has led to the belief among for example Buddhists that we reincarnate over and over again, and considering the fact that we live in a dualistic motion manifesting in what we experience as a 'string of cycles of recurring dynamics and events related to the dynamics', 'a cyclic timeline', this is not really a strange notion.

However, our Spirit is not part of this realm, and therefore not part of the cyclic motion caused by the manifestation of the dualistic principle in this realm.
The Spirit does not have a beginning and an end, nor is it subject to a dualistic rhythm of being born, dying, being born again.

Our Body is like a dimensional portal which gives our Spirit and Soul access to experience a cyclic existence for a specific purpose, and once this purpose has been fulfilled, there is no need for endlessly going through the same cyclic experience over and over again.
The physical Body is almost like a spaceship for your Spirit, allowing you to travel to a cyclic world and be part of it for the duration of the cycle of the Life of your Body.

We enter with our Soul and Spirit a cyclic manifestation of experiences by means of being born into a Body which is subject to the tide of cycles. 
To put this in different words: we are born in a time-based and time-regulated (actually, it should read 'cycle-based and cycle-regulated') Body which relates to the different cycles as a timeline moving from a beginning in the past, via the present moment, into the future.

This timeline is nothing other than the same cycle manifesting in slightly different incarnations, thus allowing us to re-experience the cycle over and over again.
This principle allows us to have victory where we used to fail, because where we fell for temptation in one manifestation of a cycle in the past, Yahshua's redemption becomes apparent in experiencing the same old temptation of that cycle by not falling for the dynamics of the temptation.

The dualistic motion of a cycle can be represented by a sine wave.
Again, it's a simplified version of the dynamics of a cycle, but it serves the purpose.

A sine wave in acoustical terms describes one complete cycle of one periodic event.
In the case of the sine wave, its beginning is at point A in the illustration, and its end in point B is once again the beginning of a new cycle or period.

In acoustics the rising slope of this sine wave, when translated in mechanical terms, means that the cone of a loudspeaker moves forward, thereby compressing the air, and the declining slope is like the cone of a loudspeaker moving backward, thereby 'stretching the air apart'.
When this cycle of compressed and stretched-out air reaches our eardrum, we experience it as one cycle of a sine wave, and the more cycles per second we hear, the higher the pitch of the sine wave will be in our experience.

This sine wave also describes the cycle of a day.
Its beginning is like the emerging light, increasing in intensity until it reaches its maximum, then declining again until there no longer is the light of the sun present so that Darkness increases to maximum intensity, and then gradually moving back again to start a new cycle of a new day.
A timeline is nothing other than a complex structure of interwoven cyclic movements of different durations to our sequential experience of those movements.
Everything moves in repeating cycles, manifestations of one single dynamic interplay in different manifestations and different experiences of those manifestations.

Our experience of reality on Earth is the progression through a series of knots (A,B in the illustration) which tie the multitude of different dynamics motions pertaining to a cycle together.
Our journey through these dynamic motions happens in the moment we refer to as the present, the now, the activation point of Earth-reality to our Spiritual consciousness.
The activation of the 'now' is like pressing the play button of an MP3 so that the information points contained within the MP3 are activated in a linear way and we can enjoy it as 'music playing'.

The principle of Dualism causes EVERYTHING in our realm to move in repeating cycles which are manifestations of one theme, one subject, one phenomenon, in different incarnations and different settings.
Each day of our Life is the same alternation between intervals of light and darkness, yet each day is also different because it manifests in different settings and different experiences of that same day.
These different experiences and different settings are like camera positions which allow us to get a different perspective of one and the same phenomenon, so that in the end we truly have a multi-dimensional overview of that phenomenon.

So too the rise and decline of an empire can be described in terms of the dynamics between Good and Evil manifesting in the form of a sine wave.
The rise of an empire is when Evil has little opportunity to corrupt and obstruct the rise of the empire, the upward slope of the sine way in the illustration.

The moment people allow for Evil to manifest itself in a more pronounced way is when the downward slope of the sine way settles in, until it has reached its point of maximum imbalance, after which the manifestation of the cycle of the empire is destroyed, and a new empire-cycle can manifest itself, describing the same sine wave motion and the same dynamics.

The more accurate we are in our assessment of the different factors involved in the rise and decline of an empire, and the more accurate we are in incorporating this analysis in a complex algorithm, the better we will be able to predict the future of an empire by means of that algorithm, although there will always remain uncertain elements which cannot be incorporated into the equation.

If we take the illustration of the sine wave depicting the rise and fall of an empire, and we use it to depict the qualities of Good vs. Evil involved in the dynamics of the rise and fall, the resulting sine wave of Good vs. Evil would be each other's mirror image.

The more Good is able to manifest and contribute to the rise of an empire, the less Evil is able to corrupt good moral values.
Conversely, the more Evil is able to corrupt society in the image of Evil, the less Good is able to manifest.

If you combine the two illustrations of the sine wave depicting the rise and fall of an empire, and the sine wave illustrating the forces of Good vs. Evil as each other's mirror image, you get the reason why empires emerge, rise to great heights only to fall down into destruction.
Every empire thus far has embodied this same dynamic, and every empire has been like a differently colored 'slice' of one and the same cycle so that we are able to experience these different manifestations of those slices in a sequential order and regard it as a timeline featuring the rise and fall of empires placed within the timeline.

Time is nothing other than a perpetual string of repeating cycles manifesting in slightly different yet similar ways, thus creating different experience of a single cycle.
When YHWH will end time, He ends the manifestation of Dualism, which means the end of the cyclic motion we are familiar with.

So, the end of time = the end of Dualism = the end of cyclic motion =  the end of the simulation.

Those who will be resurrected or transformed are the first ones who will experience the end of their internal Dualism, even though Dualism itself will still be present in Creation.
The end of time will come when YHWH will end the manifestation of Dualism in Creation, and its cyclic motion we experience as a linear timeline.

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