
The Absurdity Of Life

If I did not believe in the Creator and that we are eternal Spirits in a temporal physical Body, my outlook on Life would be very different.
For if there is no Creator and we are only temporary products of nature, then surely our short existence is an absurdity.
We can create art, build monuments, but in ten thousand years what will be left of what we have done?
Because our work, like ourselves, is just temporary and of no consequence.
A third world war might cause Van Gogh's work go up in flames, and if he suffered for the sake of his art while receiving no recognition or material reward in return, and Life would be nothing more than a temporary by-product of the cycles of nature, his Life would be a complete absurdity and an unnecessary vexation.

If I truly believed we are but a temporary product of nature without any purpose my highest ideal in Life would be to have as much fun as possible, and avoid the pain which is created by contemplating on my own short existence and how it does not have any significance or meaning other than what I think it to be.
Because in that philosophical view Life itself is an absurdity.
You come into existence as the result of the force of nature, you stay for a short while to witness a lot of pain and sadness, and then you go again without ever existing again.
My highest goal would be Hedonism, to heap pleasure upon pleasure and avoid pain as much as possible.
I would steer away from morality, ethics and rules, and devote myself to serving my highest ideal of Hedonism.

But there is something very strange about the sadness you may feel when you contemplate the futility of a meaningless temporary existence.
Why should you feel sad?
According to your view it cannot be because you are able to conceive eternity in your mind and you sense on a deep level that there SHOULD be more than just the absurdity of your existence, for in your belief system that is an absurd and unrealistic thought.

And it is simply because you focus on your short existence and how meaningless everything is which you undertake that this sadness and pain over the absurdity sets in, the pain which grows out of the dissonance between the meaningful eternal where your Life here has meaning and a continuation, and the absurdity of the absence of eternity where you live out a short and meaningless Life without any continuation or purpose for your existence here.
If you truly were temporary you should not have this sadness and pain in your heart, a deep heartfelt pain which really is based on the idea that you SHOULD be eternal, but somehow you are stuck in the absurdity of a short temporary existence.

Ah, so you turn to religion because you cannot bear that pain, fleeing into a mental escape to avoid the reality of the absurd situation?
I understand this thought, and I also understand why some would want to reject the idea that there is a Creator and that we are eternal for that very reason.
It is better to face reality head on than to be a wimp about it and escape in yet another absurdity which has the potential to deprive you of all the pleasure you could have had in your short existence if you remained unhindered by moral concepts having their roots in the fantasy of eschewed theology.

But suppose you are wrong.
Suppose that religion may be an escape, but that the inner realization that you ARE eternal and that there IS a God is true?
Suppose you are just inventing another escape into Hedonism to avoid facing the fact you are eternal and you are here for a reason, and that the moral concepts relating to what is Good, -and which you reject as blocks on the road to pleasure-, have their roots in a Dualism between Good and Evil, two forces you are experiencing in this world.
Then your escape into Hedonism becomes a ploy to keep you locked in the pain of the idea that your Life is an absurdity and that nothing really matters, and by walking in the faith in your Hedonism you miss the point of your existence completely and you in fact offer yourself as a sacrifice to the other side of the Dualistic coin, Evil.
And Evil is destruction, the reason why everything ends in this realm.

It is only because I DO have a Creator Who placed me here on Earth for a reason that I cannot live by and be ruled by the principle Hedonism.
Hedonism is the result of a faulty premise, sand which our Adversary throws into our eyes to make us blind to the Truth.
The Trutn that we are eternal, and we are put here in a temporary existence for a very specific reason.

Because of the pain we encounter in Life we may come to see our Life here as a punishment, an exile away from Heaven into a world where Evil rules and thrives at our expense.
I fully understand this reasoning, but it is flawed and simply not true.
We are not here because we are being punished, but because certain qualities of our Soul need to be brought forth, qualities we need in our eternal existence.
We are not sent here to be punished, we are sent here so that these qualities of our Soul can mature and produce fruit.

The process which allows our Soul to grow is the Dualistic process where we experience Evil.
We see Evil all around us and even worse, we see it within us.
Evil manipulates our feelings and our thoughts, its presence brings us pain and it stresses our Soul, driving us to cry out to our Creator to be saved from the horror.
Somehow the dynamics of this process of being assaulted by Evil, suffering from it, and persevering in our Faith is the mechanism which brings forth the growth of eternal qualities in our Soul.

That is what Life here is all about: to produce these eternal qualities of the Soul.
All other things such as what you do, whether you are the greatest painter or composer or businessman, it does not matter AT ALL.
What DOES matter is how your respond in your Soul to Evil and its diverse ways of assaulting you and making your Life miserable: do you cave in, or do you learn to persist in turning your Heart and Soul to your Creator?
Your Soul is the element which can be eternal, depending on the choice you make.
And an investment in the eternal yields a profit which is eternal and thus makes your Life here meaningful.

If you believe this is just my own take on the meaning of Life, then I want to point out that there is Someone much greater than I am Who also tried to make this clear to His pupils and everyone who heard His words: Yahshua.
Do you remember the story of the good seed which the Landsman sowed, and how an enemy sowed weeds during the night?
Yahshua explained how the workers noticed the weeds growing up among the wheat, and they asked if they ought to root up the weeds.
There were instructed NOT to take out the weeds, but to wait until the harvest time when both the weeds and the wheat would have grown to full maturity, meaning the time when the qualities contained within the seeds had brought forth mature fruit, and THEN the time had come for the harvest.

Although some relate this story exclusively to the 'end of the age' when all things as they have been come to an end, this story also has another meaning.
It tells us about the reason why we are here, it tells us how not only YHWH but also the Adversary have 'sown their own seed' in this realm of reality, and it tells us that we are here in this temporary realm until the moment comes that the qualities of our Soul have matured and we are ready to be 'awakened' our of the Earth-dream.

Life is a process.
During this process you make choices which determine the direction of your Soul.
Choosing for Yahshua means that your Spirit is reconnected to the Creator in Yahshua, and you 'are saved' as it is called in religious parlance.
It simply means you are reconnected to the eternal Source of existence.
But we still exist on Earth as human beings.
Our Soul is part of both our Spirit and our physical Body, and as such it experiences two opposite flows within itself.
One is like a Spiritual day and the other is its counterpart, the night, Light and Darkness.
Our Life here is like going through the seasons with their cyclic alternations of day and night, drought and receiving rain from Heaven, so that this process changes the Soul and allows it to mature and bear fruit.
Some seeds takes a long time to grow, other seeds a short time.
But both the Good seed and the Evil seed go through this process to bring out the qualities of the seed in the face of eternity: Evil grows into weeds, Good grows into wheat.

And that is what Yahshua tried to convey to us: we are not here to make this temporary realm our home or to build a monument to ourselves, we are here to grow, and the moment we have matured is the moment we go home.
It is not a punishment although it often feels that way, but it is a process of spiritual growth, and we need the fruit we produce in our existence in eternity.

And that really is the meaning of Life.
It is not an absurdity because we are considered to be temporary products of nature, human beings existing by the grace of chance and whose existence therefore is but an absurdity with Hedonism as its most lofty and beneficial ideal.
Our Life here matters and it is meaningful.
YHWH's own grow into a full grown crop ready to be harvested and enter the realm of Heaven.
The Adversary's seed may rule the Earth-domain because of the authority the Adversary still has here on Earth, but they grow to embody the character of the seed of the Adversary: mature weeds.
And weeds will be destroyed because they harm the crop, both in the temporary plane of Earth existence and in the eternal realm.

 "Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn."
Another parable He put before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."

The grain of mustard seed is not a shrub, let alone a tree.
It contains the potential to grow into a tree, but it first needs to go through the dynamics of the growth process.
It needs to go through the cycles of Sun light alternating with darkness, it needs to receive water alternating with drought, it needs warmth alternating with coldness, and the dynamics of this dualistic motion produce the right circumstances for the mustard seed to become the tree.

Yahshua made it crystal clear: this Earth realm is the field, we are born (planted) here so that we might experience the season of Dualism which produces the right dynamics for the seed to grow and bring forth fruit after its kind, and being 'harvested' by the reapers in eternity.
Our existence here is not a punishment, it is a process we need to go through.
If you were to die and your Spirit would rush to our Heavenly Father asking Him why you were punished, I guarantee you that He would tell you 'It was never a punishment, but I planted you there so that your Soul might bring forth fruit in eternity, just like My Son told you'.

Life here often feels like a punishment, because that is exactly what is given to the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Heaven by the Shadows, the Fallen Ones and their seed.
We are punished simply for being what we are.
Punishment should be reserved for wicked criminals because that makes sense, but in the hands of the Evil One this is reversed and becomes a punishment for loving and doing the will of our Heavenly Father.
So the mere act of existing on this planet too often feels like a punishment, as if you have been exiled to an outpost of Evil.

Noticing how I was treated by Shadows beyond the perception of others, but which I could very clearly see, gave rise to this thought and made me wonder. 
However, YHWH pointed in a different direction.
The idea of 'punishment' was the result of Evil Forces at work.
My existence in this Dualistic plane of reality served the purpose of going through the dynamics of a process because of the fruit it would yield.
And by the way, when I write about 'seeing Shadows' I do not refer to a physical form I behold, but I sense their presence because it oppresses my Soul in a specific way only Evil is able to.

Life here is not a punishment, nor is it the result of chance and an absurdity either, for it has a purpose and meaning from the perspective of the eternal realm, and our existence here and the choices we make play a crucial role in the face of eternity.
Your Adversary benefits from your denial and escapism into Hedonism and perhaps even the Machiavellian ideology when you believe his Lie that all you are and ever will be is what you make yourself in your Lifetime.

If you ponder on Yahshua's words with an open mind, then this message which He delivers in His stories shines through very clearly: we are here to go through a process which brings out certain qualities of our Soul that NEED the Dualism of our Earth existence in order to grow.
And Yahshua never lied.

The details of how Evil works in our lives differ, but they all have in common that they represent the manifestation of the Dark side.
We tend to focus on the details because they bring us so much hurt and pain, and we get angry with the details, wondering how on Earth they could be part of a process of growth when they bring us so much oppression, hurt, sadness and pain that they feel like a punishment.

The Fallen Ones manipulating the circumstances of our Life and bringing obstruction and adversity in our Life seek to prolong the hours of Darkness and maintain a relentless pace of hammering on your Soul, hoping you will break and give in.
And it is because of THEIR relentless and merciless bombardment with adversity, animosity, grief and pain that the details of our circumstances loom so large that we come to sit down in grief unable to see them as part of a process of growth.
It is those details which create the pain and the impression we are constantly being punished, especially when we pray and our prayers seem to go unnoticed to the One Who promised that He would listen and provide for us.
And we ARE being punished, only it is the Forces of Evil which expressly want to create that impression, hoping you will project this unto yourHeavenly Father as if HE is the One Who is punishing you.

But regardless of the many attacks of the Fallen Ones and the fact that sometimes you have to learn to endure (yes, that too is an essential lesson and an integral part of the growth process, so it is not as if our Heavenly Father is not listening, but rather He watches over us as we go through a particular phase of the process), the fact remains that the details do not really matter, it is what they represent that matters: the dualistic night contrasting with the Light of day as part of the cycles of a growth process.

And we move through these cycles unable to see ourselves change on a daily basis, even thinking this is not a process because we seem to remain stuck in the exact situation as 10 years ago.
But don't look at the situation, because the situation and the details do not matter, it is what they represent and embody that matters because the Dark Force is part of the process.
Instead, look at YOU, and see how without knowing how you really ARE changing and growing in the course of years.
THAT is the process at work, and you can see only part of what is being established and worked at in your Soul and Spirit.

This is exactly what Yahshua told us, that we are seeds planted in the Soil of a dualistic realm so that the process of growth can happen for us.

If you believe Yahshua lied, then surely it makes no sense to believe in Him.
Because believing a liar is like giving a license to be abused and taken advantage of by the liar.
But I tell you, Yahshua never lied, and He remained completely faithful to our Heavenly Father Who is not able to lie.
Take comfort in His words, because it means that our pain and hardship are not meaningless and the outcome of an absurdity, but they are part of the process of maturing into the Souls we are meant to be.
There is a purpose and a meaning behind it all.

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