
The Christian Gag Order

The most effective gag you can put on today's 'Christians' carries the name Judgment.
It muzzles the Truth, silences its voice, and renders its message impotent.
Just label any act of discernment as 'judgment', or 'discrimination', and the guilt trip does the rest.
After all, 'didn't Jesus tell us not to judge one another and to love everyone'?

Well, Jesus also was the One who repeatedly accused certain people of being fools, vipers, filthy rags (and in case you did not know, filthy rags were menstrual rags).
Now, this creates an interesting dilemma.
Yahshua uses words which seem judgmental on the surface while He instructs His followers to refrain from judgment, and warns them that anyone who calls a fellow human a 'fool' is in danger of hellfire.

Could it be that Yahshua is not double-minded, but that in fact many so-called Christians lack a deeper understanding of what Yahshua taught?
You simply cannot take Yahshua's words in isolation and uphold them as the ultimate Truth, because often Yahshua's words imply more than the words alone, as well as the fact that they are spoken within a certain context which highlights the deeper meaning of what Yahshua tried to say.

When Yahshua warned His disciples not to call anyone a 'fool', He specifically was referring to the motivation preceding the words.
Do you speak out of anger, do you speak because you lift yourself up by putting someone else down?
Then you are indeed guilty of Evil.
In other words, it is not about the word 'fool' or calling someone a 'fool', but it is the motivation which determines whether or not you are indeed guilty of judgment.

If you call a foolish person a fool and you do not do this out of anger or motivated by your ego, but simply call a spade a spade, then you have expressed a discernment.
If I call the terrorist murderers of Hamas 'scumbags', I would be guilty of judgment and in danger of hellfire if I wrote out of hatred or if I lifted myself up as holy in comparison to the terrorist I have called a scumbag.
But if I do not write out of anger or a need to lift up myself over another, and I simply call things for what they are, expressing that which YHWH urges me to write, then indeed I have used the right words for the right occasion.

With that in mind, take a close look at Yahshua.
We find Him throwing insults at religious leaders, at least, so it seems on the surface.
If we apply the norms of today's feeble plastic Christianity to Yahshua's conduct He is found guilty of judging people and lacking in love.
Yet all  that Yahshua did was name things as they are, and used the names describing those in religious power and authority very accurately.
He used words as identifiers of what people had become through their Sins, and Yahshua spoke Truthfully when He addressed those people in terms of these identifiers.

I am sure that this does not sit well among Christians, because Yahshua is supposed to be perfect, and a shining example of the typical political-correct-overly-friendly-and-always-making-sure-to-speak-not-a-word -which-may-offend type of Christian.
Today's Christians are bridled by the misguided belief that in order to please YHWH they have to be the honey of the world.
Yet I tell you, you were created to be salt, and if you do not have the taste of salt within you, you are suited for no other thing than to be thrown away.

You are not supposed to butter up the Devil and his ilk by putting honey on their sandwiches, have you completely lost your mind?
Why do you allow the bridle to be put over your head, why do you allow the gag of having a judgmental attitude keep you from being a voice of the Truth?
Is it not your own lack of a true and deeper understanding, is it not your lack of faith?
Because, if you have faith, the connection with YHWH, then you would have spoken up in Truth and not be afraid to name things for what they are, you would have remained steadfast in your observation and not come to doubt what YHWH tried to show you.
But you doubted, and then you became gullible wax in the hands of manipulators who seek to silence you and make you a slave of their gag order.
You fool!
Yes, you fool!
Come to your senses and return to the One in steadfast faith, and LEARN what it really means to refrain from judgment.
It does not automatically equate with the usage of phrases and words covered in politically correct honey.

Indeed, Yahshua is perfect, perfect in love, perfect in a non-judgmental attitude.
So, perhaps it is high time that today's ilk of jelly-bellied Christians learned to take a close look at the abuse of Yahshua's words to implement a gag order which keeps believers from being the salt of the Earth, making them doubt what they see and exchange the Truth which YHWH showed them for an agnostic 'well-I-don't-know-so-I-better-remain-silent' attitude which opens the door of their Soul to Doubt, the Devil's destruction mechanism of Faith in YHWH and the negative gateway into faith in Evil.

It should be obvious that there's a very important element  missing in the equation which reduces so many Christians to starry-eyed-accepting-all nincompoops, wax in the hands of the Adversary: the log in your own eye.
Too often we have a tendency to look at people through the distortion created by the log in our eye, and when we project the log in our own eye unto another human being we are indeed guilty of judgment.
So, to get a clear view and discern without judging someone we first should aim to get the log in our eye out.
This means we examine our own motives, and make sure they are pure and do not come from a distortion caused by the log in our own eye.

Doesn't our walk with YHWH/Yahshua imply that we examine ourselves on a daily basis to see if we can detect any impurity within us, doesn't our faith imply that we ask our Father to point out our wrongs and make us aware of them so that we can be pleasing to Him and a useful vessel for His purpose on Earth?
If you are zealous in this matter, -and I hope you all are-, then you should have a great awareness of yourself and the areas in your personality which you should be wary of.
It means that you become more open and receptive to YHWH, and that your perception of what He is telling you is fine-tuned.
It means that as you can perceive much clearer than before what YHWH is showing you, and He urges you to speak up, you comply and do exactly as He tells you, and you use the words He inspires in you.

That is what Yahshua did, that is what we are supposed to do if we are to be the salt of this Earth.
It means that when YHWH points out to you that a fellow believer is on the wrong path, and He urges you to speak or write, that you speak or write EXACTLY the words which YHWH puts into your mind, and that you put everything under the control and authority of YHWH so that the filter of your personality does not destroy the message by means of using the wrong kind of words.
It means that you do not use that which YHWH points out as someone's wrong as a defining element of the entire life of a person, as exemplified in the saying 'once a thief, always a thief'.
If you take a moment of Sin of one person as that which defines a person for all of his Life, then indeed you are judging, and YHWH will take your Sins to define you.
Just address the wrong, name the Sin, and what someone's indulgence in the Sin makes him.
If he persists in his Sin, then he truly become the embodiment of the saying 'once a thief, always a thief', if he should repent of his Sin and abstain from it, then your words were the means for YHWH to turn someone around, back to Him, and that person is no longer defined by the Sins he committed.
The Philistinian reptilian scumbags of Hamas are just that, and should one of them repent of his ways and turn to YHWH for forgiveness of his Sins, then he no longer belongs in that category.

So, always keep your focus on the Sin and what the partaker of the Sin becomes when he indulges in the Sin, but never let yourself be seduced into defining an entire person for all of his life by means of what he has become through his Sin.
Because YHWH can forgive any Sin, except for the Sin of regarding His Spirit as unclean and Evil.
That is a Sin which happens in the reality of the Spirit, and such a person is unredeemably opposed to YHWH's presence in the same way as Evil Spirits are always contrary to YHWH's Spirit.

If YHWH urges you to speak, speak, use the words He puts into your mind, and if you do that with a sincere pure heart, your words are the sword which YHWH plants in the soil of the Sinner's mind.
The sword divides the soil, and the Sinner now has a choice on which side of the dividing line he wants to be.
Your responsibility is simply to plant the words with pristine untainted fidelity, and it's the responsibility of the one receiving the words what he or she will do with them.
If the recipient persists in his particular Sin, then his choice for Evil turns him into a living embodiment of a 'fool', a 'whitewashed tomb', a 'murderous Philistinian scumbag', but should the message awaken him to the ugly reality to such an extent that he repents, then he no longer falls into the categories I mentioned.

Don't pay attention to the Devil's cronies, especially 'Christians' who will accuse you of being judgmental, just plant the message and be done with it.
Those 'Christians' have chosen to line against the Truth in your message for whatever reason, and they will have to bear the responsibility for that themselves.
But do not let your ego take charge of you, because then you will find yourself in trouble indeed as you become part of the problem instead of the solution.

Truth can be quite offensive, it can be very ugly, but it can never lie.
And if for the sake of conforming to the gag order you remain silent or change your words from salt into honey, you no longer are part of Truth, but you have effectively conformed to the Lie.
Don't let yourself be bridled by superficial plastic Christians devoid of true Faith, but always be true to what YHWH shows you, and make sure you do not puff up or be inflamed with hatred when you write or speak.

But DO speak up, DO hold fast to what YHWH shows you, be more tenacious than a pitbull when it comes to holding on to what YHWH tells you.
You are supposed to be the salt of this world, not the honey.

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