
The Timeline - V

Dualism allows us to get to know YHWH from a unique contrast-based perspective.

Time is the motion through the dynamics of different cycles which are called into existence by the principle of Dualism.
It is a motion through a string of cycles on a great multitude of different levels or 'slices', and our Life on Earth consists of being an integral part of this motion.

There is a reason why YHWH created our lives as a string of repeating cycles: they facilitate a growth process.
Perhaps some of you at one time or another may have pondered on time travel, and how good it would be if only you could revisit some past moments so that you can change certain decisions you made, or certain temptations you succumbed to.

Now, there is good news, and there is bad news.

The bad news is that you can't travel back in time to correct past decisions, but the good news is that YHWH's construct of our lives as a series of repeating cycles allows us to succeed where we previously failed, thus preventing ourselves from making the same mistakes over and over again.

Life is a string of cycles stretched out in our experience along a timeline where they are placed in a sequential order.
The cycles are interrelated, and they consist of different 'slices' we experience.

Your Life is your motion through the helix structure of these different 'slices'. 
The helix either points at the fantasy domain of Evil, or to the real Life of Heaven.
It either spirals down into the bottomless pit of Evil, or it leads into the freedom of Heaven.

The sins of past cycles caused you to embark on a downward spiral towards the fantasy domain of Evil.
You may stop sinning, but you cannot reverse the downward motion upon which you embarked.
We ALL inherit the proclivity to set out on this downward motion into a spiral of interconnected cycles leading all the way into the domain of Evil.

We are born in a Body which is set up to begin the downwards journey into the arms of Evil, so we cannot help but fall into Sin.
But just as we cannot help but fall prey to Sin, our Salvation from the spiral into Hell too is through no accomplishment of our own.
All we need to do is to make the choice to believe, and the direction of our journey through the cycles is changed.

To begin the journey on the helix pointed towards Heaven we need Someone to push us into the cyclic motion leading to Heaven.
The guilt of Sin of past cycles where we failed to meet temptation correctly is like a gravity pull spiraling us in a downward motion into cycles displaying with greater intensity the prevailing dynamic of Evil and Death.

We cannot undo the guilt of Sins, but the cycles which caused us to sin manifest over and again, and by learning to go through those cycles without falling into the same Sin, these cycles end up becoming a refinement tool, cycles which point the helix to Heaven.

No, the cycles do not become our stairway into Heaven we climb through our own force of will.
They are an interconnected series of experiences we are LED through where YHWH's transforming power can shine.
He is the only One who can release us from the gravity pull of the guilt of past Sins.

We tend to look at 'the past' as part of the trinity 'past - present - future', a horizontal journey from point A, the beginning, to point Z, the end.
Truth is that Life is an ongoing series of repeating cycles in different manifestations, so that there really is no difference between a cycle  which we categorize as belonging to 'the past', and a cycle which is part of 'our future'.
They are one and the same 'event' manifesting in different configurations, and the presence of the dynamics of the cycles becomes a tool facilitating a growth process, where our character is carved out in the image of the One we believe in.

So, it is not good to stand still and ponder on past Sins or past mistakes, because if you are sorry for them YHWH has forgiven you for having missed the point in cycles which are past to us.
Furthermore, the same cycles will occur over and over again until your time is up.
When they occur again, you can make different decisions or resist the temptation, and put into practice what you have learned, thereby changing the dynamics of the cycles.
Your journey through this string of interconnected cycles is the process which fine-tunes your Soul to receive YHWH's signal and respond to it.

The dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil are transmitted throughout all the generations from the first man right up to the last one.
Because we are exposed to the rhythm of this cycle, we begin to adopt its dynamics, which the Bible refers to as being born in Sin.
YHWH allows the dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil grow to great extremes until it reaches the limit YHWH set upon the manifestation of Evil.
Once this limit is exceeded, it will attract its own destruction, meaning that the particular generation which exceeded the limit of Evil will be destroyed.
This principle applies to both an individual human being and the collective of a society.

YHWH positions each generation within the exact right dynamic setting so that He can bring out the qualities He created in the character of His own.
We are destined for this time and age, just as our parents were destined for their age.
YHWH uses the dynamics of the manifestation of cycles (the dynamics of 'the times') as a tool to shape our Soul and bring out the qualities He has created in us.

This principle also works the other way round.
Our individual dynamic contributes to the dynamics of 'the times'.
The dynamics of 'the times' is an essential component in YHWH's storybook to produce the right setting for certain phase or chapter in His storybook to commence.
The dynamics of 'the times' is nothing other than a type of dynamic which allows a certain manifestation of the layers of cycles, like the final layer of 'the end times' which needs the final layer of the cycle of the 'anti-christ' so that the final phase and last chapter of YHWH's storybook can begin to play out.

So, we exist in this particular position in 'time and space' to allow YHWH to bring out the qualities in us which He created, and because of who we are and the qualities YHWH put in us, we help to produce the right dynamic setting of 'the times' to manifest a particular chapter in YHWH's storybook for man.

YHWH's own have been placed here on the Earth stage in order that YHWH can use the dynamics to which they have been exposed and which they have adopted, to bring out the qualities of their Soul and Spirit which He designed.
We all inherit the dynamics of our parents, including the dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil.
This dynamic force manifests on a Spiritual level, on a Mental level, and on the level of the Body, including genetic diseases.
However, these dynamics are not static inheritances, and by learning to grow in love towards YHWH we change the dynamics and their manifestation on a Spiritual, Mental and Physical level.
Thus they not only serve as a tool in YHWH's hands to bring out the quality of Soul and Spirit He created in us, but they also serve the purpose of breaking the cycle and corresponding generational curses of our parents in us. 
We become the instrument by means of which YHWH creates a new cycle and a new dynamics, one which we will leave as a legacy to our children.

YHWH uses cycles to allow us to grow, by moving to the right where before we steered towards the left.
Cycles are repetitious, like the lessons at school were learned through repetition.
The cycles represent one and the same exam in different incarnations, yet embodying the same dynamic forces and principles, so that our journey through cycles enables us to succeed where we failed.

Cycles are created for us as learning opportunities, and the learning opportunity is the element which helps to bring out the qualities of character YHWH created in us.

This is the reason why YHWH structured this simulated playground of physical Creation as a cyclic Creation: as long as we do not learn our lesson, we keep adding to the dynamics of Evil, but the moment we put into practice what we have learned, we no longer add to the dynamic intensity of Evil but instead we invest in the dynamic presence of Good.  
The construct of a cycle allows us to receive back what we have invested in it, meaning that if we acted selfishly under particular circumstances, the reoccurrence of similar circumstances will bring out that selfishness and allows us either to build on it, or to reject it and thereby change the dynamics of the cycle.

This is part of the process of Salvation: although the Spirit is restored in connection to YHWH instantaneously, the Body contains the recording of Sin, Evil, and in the Soul we now have to learn to transfer the Salvation of the Spirit into the physical domain of our thoughts, deeds and words.
The process which allows us to work out this Salvation is provided in the form of repetitious circumstances manifesting over and over again, the cycles which enable us to learn and change their manifestation by putting into practice what we have learned.

Cycles are like cogs in the time machine.
They are like wheels within wheels carrying yet many other subsets of wheels within them.
Our Life is a journey through the different layers which bring different manifestations of a particular cycle.
Instead of experiencing every layer ('slice') of a particular cycle simultaneously, we are placed in a sequential wave movement of going through the dynamics of the different slices of a cycle.
We interpret this movement as a timeline.
Our Body is the spaceship for our Soul and Spirit allowing them to be part of the physical dimension and its cyclic unfolding.

The timeline we experience does not exist for YHWH.
Our perspective is one where each picture is placed in a long line of intertwined pictures, and our attention (consciousness) slowly moves from the left to the right through the different intertwined combinations of pictures.

YHWH sees all cycles and their embedded layers as one.
Imagine each cycle is a picture laying on the floor, and all the different (sub-) cycles and slices of cycles as well as their connections are laid out as one big mosaic.
YHWH's perspective of time is not like ours where we move through sequences of cycles from left to right, but He stands above the entire sequence of cycles from the beginning until the end so that there is no distinction of past, present and future, but an integrated complete finished picture from its beginning until the end.
YHWH is able to oversee the entire mosaic of cycles in one glance, not traveling through a string of different experiences of different manifestations of pictures, but seeing all the pictures and all their incarnations at once.
Our future is His past, as it were.

We are put in a Body which allows us to go through a sequential unfolding of the different layers of cycles because our Body is an integral part of the cyclic physical creation.
This Body is placed in a very precise position in this process of the unfolding of the different layers, and you can be sure there is NO random coincidence at work.
NO ONE is born in 'the wrong time period'.

YHWH has a helicopter view over ALL cycles simultaneously, and we lack that overview.
Instead, we experience the motion through cycles from a sequential perspective.

This is why YHWH's inspiration for creative work basically is instantaneous.
If you are a writer or a composer I am sure you are familiar with the phenomenon that you have a hard time 'keeping up' with the flow of inspiration, as if everything is downloaded into your being at once and you can't process it all at once. 
You may feel like trying to capture an instantaneous download of inspiration which your mind cannot work out instantaneously, because it is linked to the sequential experience of the physical Body.

Your mind has to take the inspiration and try to express it sequentially in a creative work.
The inspiration is like one big block of energy manifesting in your being at once, in an indivisible moment, and your time-based sequential Soul filters it through its talents, working out what it received from beyond time in a sequential way.
The trick is not to drown yourself in intellectual processes, but to try to hang on to the presence of the energy of that inspiration.

If someone is given the talent for painting, then the creative energy is transformed through the filter in the Soul of the recipient into a painting on a physical level, if someone is given the talent for composing, then the creative energy is filtered and transformed into a musical composition in the physical domain.

You receive the energy of the inspiration all at once, but your brain cannot handle that, it needs to work sequentially.
The inspiration presents itself from beyond the cyclic existence into your cycle of your Life.

It is up to you to make sure that you do not block the inspiration, and the way to do it is by staying in that one moment of the manifestation of the energy of inspiration as long as possible without letting your Body pulling your Soul in. 
Your Soul is integrated with your Spirit-mind as well as your Body-mind, and as such it is the translator which understands the inspiration it received instantaneously.
After receiving the inspiration the Soul translates it and passes it on to your physical mind which is sequential (cyclic) in nature.
Too much focus on the physical component by, -for instance-, losing yourself in the intellectual process, makes the Soul lose sight of the Spiritual component.
So it is a matter of learning to find the right way of allowing your Soul relate to the translation task from the non-cyclic spiritual into the cyclic physical domain, and you do this by staying in the present and remaining 'on top of thoughts', not 'in them'.

Our sequential perspective causes us to describe YHWH in terms of 'seeing the end from the beginning', which is a statement pertaining to our sequential oriented nature where we construct the image of a timeline stretching out from the beginning until the end.
The timeline is nothing other than the experience of moving through synchronized manifestations of cycles in a sequential order.

The 'end of time' is nothing other than the end of the interplay of dualistic cycles and their embedded dynamics.
It means we enter a new phase of Creation which is NOT based upon a sequential journey through different manifestations of the same cycles.
Our Body is the portal which gives us access to a position as an integral part of the interplay between the dynamics  of manifestations of different cycles (a 'fixed place on the timeline').

YHWH has created ALL possible manifestations of cycles, yet not all manifestations become part of the 'history' of mankind.
In our lives we make choices, and our choices affect the manifestation of our personal cycles as well as affecting the cycles of society and the people we come into contact with.
Our choices cause our consciousness to travel through a certain interplay between the dynamics of cycles, like a path of experience unfolding through the different manifestations of cycles.
It is like choosing one option from the multiple-choice question, and the option we choose determines the activation of layers of cycles.

Not every slice of a cycle created by YHWH will become part of our experience.  
YHWH has given us the steering wheel of our will by means of which we direct our consciousness and influence our reality.
It is the exercise of their will which prevented the people of Nineveh from having to experience the reality of their destruction at the time of Jonah.
The destruction WAS created as a reality by YHWH, but the people of Nineveh steered themselves into a different manifestation of the cycle of their society.
It is the switch of choice by means of which we activate certain links between cycles and deactivate others.

Imagine the complexity of all the cycles, their cross-references and interdependencies, their different layers,  and how we activate links between cycles by means of our decisions and choices.
How could anyone foretell the end from the beginning?
And this is where the genius of YHWH shines: He is the author of our sequential journey through all the cycles, and as such He knows exactly what will happen, how it will happen, and at what point (or 'when') it will happen.

Dualism brings forth cycles displaying the dynamics of polarities, the plus is alternated by the minus. 
This means that your Life in the domain of this cyclic motion will be characterized by the dualistic motion of positive and negative, Good and Evil.

Everything here on Earth moves in alternating, repeating dualistic cycles, and many people do not realize the implications of this for their lives.
It means that just as day is followed by night, in the Life of those who believe in Yahshua, Good is alternated with the hour of Darkness when Evil has the power to make its presence felt in their lives.

This cyclic movement is the reason why those who believe in Yahshua should not expect Heaven on Earth, a Life without obstruction or Evil.

Yahshua referred to this cyclic movement when He mentioned 'the hour and power of Darkness' as He was taken captive just before Babel's minions handed Him over to be murdered.

As long as we live on Earth in its current state, Evil has an hour where it can succeed in yielding its power against the Light, and the more people have surrendered to Evil and the more energy it is able to drain from man, the greater the manifestation and power of Darkness shall be.

Although Earth is the domain of Darkness because our ancestors handed over authority the moment they doubted YHWH and believed the Lie of the Fallen One, it has to allow for the manifestation of Goodness on Earth.
There HAS to be an ebb AND flow, a day AND night.

We rapidly are approaching the time when Darkness will seek to erase ALL manifestations of Goodness so that Life on Earth will become the ultimate Darkness of the night, a state which seems to have cut itself loose from the alternating cycle between Good and Evil in favor of a perpetual state of Evil.

The Fallen Ones will seek to swallow Earth in the domain of Evil, Hell if you like.
Yet their plan goes contrary to the design of Dualism on Earth as YHWH has created it.

Here too the plans and schemes of the Fallen Ones only contribute to their own demise, and they actually end up bringing about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Before the Light of Day can break through there has to be the Darkness of the Night, before the Kingdom of Heaven can incorporate Earth, Earth first needs to be swallowed up in the belly of Sheol.

This is the result of the Dualistic movement as created by YHWH, the cyclic motion we experience in a multitude of different ways on Earth.

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