
The Ruthless

There is a class of people in this world which seems to be completely in denial of the principle of the Mirror YHWH created.
This Mirror will reflect back at us the nature of what we have become through our deeds, words, thoughts and feelings, and although we may avoid having to look in this Mirror during our Life on Earth, immediately when our time is up we WILL face the reflection of what we are.
This reflection comes in the form of a reality which captures our Soul and Spirit, and this reality will take on the nature of what is in our Soul and Spirit.
The Spirit is like the light of the projector shining through the reality-creating properties of the Soul, and once reflected in that Mirror the Soul will distill an image of Reality for ourselves.

I know this sounds abstract, but nevertheless, it is true.
'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', the rule which makes it clear to us that we all will face YHWH's Mirror of Justice and Truth.
If we believe in Yahshua and live by His rule, then we will see in this Mirror the reflection of Yahshua's character and Goodness.
This means that once our time here on Earth is over, we will enter His Kingdom, His Paradise by token of His Goodness, that will be the reality Yahshua created, and in Him we are made part of it.
But those who reject Yahshua will not receive His reflection, but the reflection of their own Soul and Spirit with all consequences of such.

There is a class of people in this world, Evil Spirits, who live in complete denial of that Mirror, or maybe they subconsciously know what is waiting for them and they don't care.
They simply live at the expense of their fellow man, and commit Evil if it benefits them without ever pondering on the fact that they make themselves vehicles of Evil.
So what, that's the way of this world, and if they want to get ahead in this world they will do whatever it takes to make sure their own well-being is secured.

They enter this world and they are beguiled by the lust of this world.
If they desire to rule, they will make sure to send out signals to the Puppet Masters that they will fully support the Satanic agenda and lie, cheat, and even kill whenever it is required of them.
If they desire to be a big movie star, a sure way to get the attention of the Fallen Ones is to make a pornographic movie of yourself and let it 'leak into the public domain'.
Whether consciously or subconsciously, they know it will get you noticed by the 'powers that be', and the rest is up to 'the gods'.
If you are an ambitious rock musician aiming for the stars, do something shocking which goes directly against YHWH's instructions, do something vile and degrading, speak in favor of the Satanic agenda, which, -although perhaps not consciously known-, makes itself felt in the hearts of men in the form of 'the Flow', and subconsciously you know that when you go with that Flow you send out the right signal to 'the ones in charge of destiny'.
If they approve, doors open wide and the wind will be blowing in your back.

Everything is the same everywhere, and there is no single nation on Earth today where one could go to escape the Satanic rule.
You will encounter it from LA to Tokyo, from Alaska to Johannesburg with the only difference being that in some areas there are a few more people inclined to love what is Good and Right than in others so that the Satanic rule does not have as much power in those areas than in those where people are spoiled and given over to the lust of this world.
And as you know the lust of this world is engineered and manipulated by the unseen powers pulling the strings of Man, using his weaknesses and vulnerabilities to keep him locked into their power and authority.
The only ones who manage to escape are the ones who have given themselves over to Yahshua, they are the misfits and rejects in this fallen, rotten world.

The insensitive callous ego-centric mindset of the Satanic collaborators in this world is baffling.
They seek to engineer situations with complete disregard to human Life in order to derive benefit from the outcome, making themselves blind to the fact that just as they manipulate the world events they are manipulated by a very dark entity referred to as 'the Satan'.

In their ambition to move their plans for Metropolis, aka the Satanic paradise, forward they did not hesitate to roll over the entire Middle East.
They provided arms and training for dangerous extremists, barbaric factions such as ISIS in order to use them as an army by proxy and to overthrow  those who stand in the way of their agenda, like Assad.

They subsequently created a large stream of refugees aimed at Europe and the USA like a demographic weapon, a flood designed and created to drown and destroy the last remainders of the Christian character of Western nations.
They knew very well that the prevailing Islamic mindset of many refugees is not compatible with the concept of Western values, including the concept of individual freedom, they were well aware that among those migrants many criminals would seek to infiltrate in order to create criminal gangs in Western nations and plunder them from within, they were all too aware that among the migrating refugees there would be MANY fortune seekers as well as members of the Islamic barbarian army of ISIS.

They engineered this explosive situation DELIBERATELY so that the West could be destroyed from within.
Divide and conquer, make money by investing wisely without moral objections, and watch how out of the chaos the cry for a strong hand will arise, the cry for a savior who will give the people hope and a future when everything around them is falling apart.
Out of the ashes of the clash of civilizations and different ideologies they intend to provide that savior, and he will create the order they have desired for many centuries, the Satanic Order.

And how our own politicians love to play their part in this stealth invasion!
It completely blows my mind that today the secret security agencies are issuing warnings about impending terror attacks AS IF OUR POLITICAL LEADERS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT AND IT JUST COMES FALLING OUT OF THE SKY UPON OUR HEADS, OUT OF NOWHERE!
No, it was orchestrated, engineered by design, and now that all parties are waiting for the match to drop they love to act their part in this phony play of make-belief.

It is outrageous to think of how our nations are destroyed by the very leaders who are voted in positions of power.
They lie on a daily basis to the people who trusted them and whose best interest they should have in mind.
But no, they made their OWN best interest  their top priority, they seek to please the puppet masters from Brussels and the depraved Pharaoh of the US, giving in to their whims even if they are required to betray the people and make them bleed for the manipulation of the wealthy depraved few who seek to create a paradise for themselves where they sit as the ultra rich at the top of the pyramid, while ordinary people are relegated to the rank working slaves creating the paradise for the few parasites to enjoy.
It is horrible and a complete reversal of YHWH's concept of justice.

But it is not enough for the ruling psychopathic elite to hurt and even kill people including children, no, they use the photos of injured and drowned children to further the cause of the stealth invasion.
I cannot imagine anyone being able to sink to a lower level as a human being than that.
They use the suffering of children as push buttons activating the guilt lever so that they can move their ambitions forward, completely reptile and devoid of any human conscience.
They are not human by any standard.

The Satanic breed has no qualms about sacrificing your sons and daughters for their manipulative games when they create terrorists which your offspring is required to fight against, even making you believe they are fighting for a worthy cause.
Are the private assets and financial possessions of the Satanic manipulators a worthy cause to you?
They have no qualms about sending your own children into an early grave, and then manipulate you with the lie that they died for a good cause like true patriots and that they did not die in vain.
They orchestrate the ceremonies, they deal out their meaningless medals in order to let you come to peace with the fact that you no longer have a son or daughter, and inwardly they look at you with contempt because you accept their lie and because you can be manipulated so easily.
You are just a slave, and the only use you have to them is when you sacrifice your son, your daughter, yourself for their wicked cause.

The Satan's own buy and sell and use all means at their disposal to create situations from which they can benefit, even if it means millions will lose their jobs, entire nations will go bankrupt, and even to the extent where massive wars are fought.
They regard wars as reset buttons enabling them to create new streams of revenues, so that they can bestow riches upon riches, power upon power, slowly working towards the realization of their Satanic oligarchy.

And as they look back at their achievements and see how they are the ones who successfully manipulated and orchestrated events to their own advantage they say to themselves, 'Didn't I create all this, weren't my own hands diligent in the creation of my own empire, my own world?
Therefore it is good that the ignorant should serve as slaves in my own empire, and that I should enjoy the fruit of their labor, it is only fitting that I should rule over them.
After all, THEY lacked the skills and wisdom I have, and therefore it is good that they should serve me, even with their lives, for my own life is far more precious than the life of a million slaves.
I am like god and there is none like me, so have I not the right to live as a god?'

They forget that in their attitude, words and deeds they are mere copycats of the one who likes to portray himself as the Bearer of Light, Lucifer.
His pride got the upper hand of him as well when he deemed himself to be as capable as the Creator of All.

They strive towards their self-centered version of paradise where they can sit on comfortable thrones ruling over a world where the slave classes will be forced to adopt the straight jacket of a 'proper work ethic' and slavish obedience to the ruling elite, even to the point where they will relinquish Life and Death decisions into the hands of the ones sitting on the thrones.
A completely Evil empire which is preceded by the current Evil empire in this world.
Just look around you and the extent to which Evil rules over every aspect of our lives, even to the point where mindless robots are roaming the streets who are nothing but brainwashed puppets repeating the streams of mis-information and phony entertainment fed into their brains.

The Bible mentions the end times as the final period which will see the judgment of an utterly Evil and totally corrupt world.
We now live in such a world where on every level of society the Satanists are in control.
And by the label 'Satanist' I am referring to all those who work in service of the Satan, whether consciously or subconsciously.
In their deeds and words they show the world where their heart is and what they believe in.

The Satan rules this world and he is pushing it forward to fulfill his grand ambition, the destruction of Man created in the image of YHWH, the creation of a new genetically modified Man and the resurrection of the Dead.
Only, his resurrection of the Dead will mean the resurrection of Demon Spirits in this world.

Yet in the end your throne, Lucifer, shall be established on the cosmic wasteland.
Then you can show us your might as a god by bringing forth an entirely new Creation out of yourself.
Not by stealing YHWH's Creation, as you do now, but by using your own power and energy.
Amaze us, show us what power resides in you by the magnitude of your own Creation, bring forth a Paradise of beauty and justice which will baffle the Angels in Heaven, and you shall be called a true god.
But I tell you, when you shall come face to face with your heritage of Gehenna the host of Angels who joined in your rebellion will curse the day they believed in your Lie, for then it will be painfully obvious that everything was a Lie, and they fell for it.

Only a short while, and then the dictatorship of the Evil One will come to an end on Earth.
The Flow formerly flowing in the Satanic direction will be reversed and become the Flow in the Messiah's direction.
Earth will change, and for the first time since the Fall we will know what it means to live on Earth the way our Creator wanted us to.
It will be a colorful Paradise abounding in a joy which words cannot describe, and I for one am looking forward to that time.

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