
Satanica Rising

The entire history of Mankind has been engineered and manipulated for one single purpose: the realization of Satanica.
We are talking here about the ultimate form of long term planning spanning millennia.
The goal was to replace the original Paradise, where there was no place for Evil, with a new Paradise where there will be no place of YHWH's children and His concept of Good.

Every step of the historical way, every experiment which has been conducted, happened for the single reason of being equipped with the technological knowledge to make Satanica happen.
It is the dream of every ambitious Satanist to be part of this 'glorious Satanica', a place devoid of YHWH's moral concepts of right and wrong, Good and Evil.
Yet they do not realize that they are being led straight into the arms of eternal destruction and misery.

What is the character of Evil?
Is it not the dualistic opposite of what is Good, manifesting in the absence of Good?

So if YHWH brings hope, Evil gives rise to despair, if YHWH provides meaning, Evil gives you meaninglessness, if YHWH inspires joy, Evil brings you joylessness, if YHWH fills you with happiness, Evil makes you experience unhappiness.
Just as Darkness is the opposite of Light and the character of Darkness makes itself manifest when the Light disappears, the character of Evil shows its true nature when YHWH retreats.
There is a realm which is designed to manifest the true nature of Evil, a realm which will be isolated from YHWH's Goodness.
YHWH does not disappear, but the realm of Evil, Gehenna, is a realm where the character of pure Evil manifests, a realm created to manifest the meaning of an existence of isolation from YHWH's presence, a realm which is derived from the Evil side of the current dualistic paradigm.

The workers of Evil have aligned themselves with the nature of Evil, and once this phase of Creation reaches its completion, YHWH will end the current dualistic paradigm by separating the element which creates Dualism, Evil, from its counterpart.
It means that the workers of Evil will then experience the true character of the Evil they embraced since the element of Goodness which YHWH brought has been taken from them.

During their life on Earth they have invested their energy in Evil, and it acts as a motor which projects the agenda and character of Evil (Hell) unto their Spirit.
They will be stuck in their choice of hopelessness, despair, unhappiness, and meaninglessness.
They may  have lived high on the hog when they were alive on Earth, blinding themselves to consequences of the choice for Evil they made, but in the end they WILL have to face the true character of what they have become and the reality which flows from that choice: Evil.

Never be seduced into becoming a part of their eternal loop of Evil.
Never consent to ANY modification of yourself, not of your DNA, not by means of an implant which hooks you up into a network.
Note that I am not referring to an artificial hip, or other prostheses.
If you do give your permission due to the advantages the modification (DNA, chip) is said to bring you, it may very well be that you will become part of a closed loop where no redemption is possible anymore.

I once wrote a song  with the words 'We want to put your Soul in the machine', and in hindsight it describes exactly the very thing waiting for us around the corner.
There are Fallen Beings who would love to swallow us up into a virtual reality to such an extent that we are cut off from YHWH's reality.
The moment the latter happens, you become the extension of the reality information fed into your implant, and it is through your consent that you lose your Soul to the Soul-eater.
Even if it means you will be thrown out in the street without food, NEVER give your consent.
It is our CHOICE to AGREE which the Adversary needs, because without it his plans to absorb our Souls cannot happen.
It is better to be free and walk naked in the street as the ultimate outcast than to live comfortably as a slave of the machine and the Darkness behind the source code of the machine.

In Satanica and the related virtual reality there is no morality but the one law which Alex Crowley gave to his fellow Satanists: do what thou wilt.
It means shame and guilt will no longer be part of your fabric, and any perversity you want to indulge in is deemed acceptable.
Feelings of shame and guilt are triggered by chemicals, and if that process which triggers the chemicals can be hacked, you can create a man or woman devoid of feelings of shame and guilt.

I don't think I need to debate what this means in terms of the impact it has on Man's psyche and his concept of morality.
You end up losing YHWH's implanted morality and embracing the Adversary's immoral concepts, and you lose your chance on Salvation.
Because of the absence of YHWH's morality no one needs to be anxious about sharing one's innermost thoughts with the machine, because vile thoughts will become a concept of the past.
Since there no longer is a prevailing moral concept of Good and Evil, the urges the mind produces will be deemed acceptable.

But the Satan CANNOT impose this final step towards Satanica on Man, he needs to coax man into CHOOSING for this state of eternal damnation, the lasting separation from YHWH.
It was his plan from the very beginning when he seduced Adam and Eve into the choice to disbelieve YHWH by believing his lies.
The Satan did this because he had a plan which incorporated Man, a plan to establish his anti-paradise.
He could not IMPOSE the current dualistic state of Man, but he needed to seduce Man into making the CHOICE to become dualistic.

Dualism is the intermediate stage where Man is intimate with both Good and Evil.
This stage in itself is not complete.
It is intended to be the phase which allows Man to become intimate with rebellion against YHWH, but it needs one additional final step to become complete: the separation from Good.
This implies that Man will leave the current dualistic reality behind in order to become a make-over of what he originally was, a new Man in the image of the Satan, devoid of any intimacy with YHWH (the Father of all that is Good) and thus completely severed from Him, like a tumor in the Body of YHWH's Creation.

The final stage where Man leaves behind his Dualism can ONLY be achieved through a CHOICE.
The Satan cannot impose the state of eternal damnation on Man without his conscious knowledge anymore than he could impose the state of Dualism on Adam without his consent.
No, he needs to COAX Man once again into the choice to give his consent to be part of his new paradise, Satanica.

The name 'Satanica' describes this paradise, the counterpart of Gan Eden.
Satanica is the 'Bulwark of Adversity', the tumor in YHWH's Creation which the Adversary intended to create from the very beginning, a tumor as a realm on his own terms where YHWH cannot interfere.

The number three expresses the fullness of a particular phenomenon.
The history of Man and his course in eternity also reaches its fullness in three phases.
The first phase is Adam as a pure Man knowing Good only.
The second phase is Adam as the fallen dualistic Man knowing Good and Evil.
The third phase is either Adam as the impure Man intimate with Evil only or Adam restored as the pure Man intimate with Good only.
This former state of the impure Man is the '666', the triple digit which indicates Man without conscience, Man locked into the state of eternal damnation, and the latter state once again is simply '6', the restored Man who came out of the fallen state indicated by the double digit '66'.

The only way Adam could move from phase one to phase two was by activating it through the switch of choice, and the only way people will be able to move from phase two to phase three is again through the switch of choice.
You choose eternal Salvation or you choose eternal Damnation.
This choice people make will activate a different dimensional reality, so that even though they are still on Earth, the Earth reality will be shaped in the image of the dimension where their Souls have chosen for and which their Spirit is part of.
The end of the dualistic age means that the dimensions will be separated, and the ones who activated the reality of Gehenna for their Souls will find themselves in the reality of Gehenna, and the ones who activated the reality of Heaven by means of their choice will be part of the dimension of Heaven.

You see, the moment you choose to believe in Yahshua here on Earth is the moment your choice activates the switch which seals your Spirit in Heaven.
The overriding image of reality to your consciousness is still Earth because you are plastered in a physical Body (or maybe I should say that your consciousness is tuned to the frequency of the physical dimension through your Body), but there is a merger between the two which you sense in your Soul.
The moment your interface to the physical dimension (your Body) falls away, or when Yahshua returns and transforms your interface, the overriding reality becomes that which your Spirit was an integral part of.

Likewise, the ones who choose be an integral part of Satanica through the Mark seal their Spirits in Hell, which merges with their dominant reality on Earth.
The moment their Body falls away they no longer have the consoling distraction of the Earth reality through their physical interface (their Body), but instead they see the Truth of their choice, which is that they have made themselves an integral part of Gehenna, eternal Evil.
They will wake up to horror just as Yahshua's people will wake up to joy.

The Satan aims to create the impure Man of Evil as a derivative of YHWH's original pure Man embodying His Goodness.
That is the only way Evil can manifest itself: by transforming energy into a vehicle manifesting the character of Evil, just as cancer takes the concept of good cells and transforms them into destructive cells.
Healthy constructive cells bringing forth Life become diseased destructive cells bringing forth Death, just as that which was created to be Good can become Evil through the switch of the choice.

Another description for this Satanica is the New Order with its physical derivative the New World Order.
They are interchangeable and refer to exactly the same thing, even though politicians will dismiss this notion.
They are liars and deceivers, because the New World Order is the Order which aims to bring about Satanica, the final stage of the Satan's rebellion.
And the Satan knows that he cannot impose it on us, no, he MUST have our CONSENT to be modified in order to be part of this New Order.
NEVER give that consent, because once you do, your story is over, and you will NEVER be part of YHWH's next phase, the glorious future He has in store for those who love and trust Him.

The Bible refers to the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil as the marker which led Man out of the Paradise, Gan Eden, into the world of Dualism where he exists as a creature fallen from Grace.
The Bible refers to the second marker which will lead Man out of Dualism into eternal Damnation as the Mark of the Beast.

Of course the Satan will not tell you the Truth about his Mark.
How did he seduce Adam and Eve?
He told them that if they made the choice to eat of the forbidden Tree, they would be modified to the extent that they would indeed know Good and Evil (just as YHWH told them), and because of that Man would become like a god (that is where the Adversary lied, because YHWH said that Man would die).

Likewise the Adversary will use the same lie once again in order to coax Man into making the choice to be part of his Satanica, his anti-paradise.
He will tell us that we will become like gods, extending our lifespan indefinitely, enjoying good health, being able to have access to all the information we need without effort, to have the skills and talents to do a certain job INSTANTLY simply by letting the network download these skills and talents into our mind.
We will be told we will not have to study years to learn a language, but instead we can know it immediately when the download has been installed in our minds.

And of course society will change and adapt to this technology to the point where you cannot find any job if you do not have the modification which downloads the skills and talents required for the job.
You will not get any social security when you do not comply with the terms of agreement which stipulate that you must consent to have the modification, the implant, so that you can become a participating member of society who does not need any welfare.
Electronic transactions will require the presence of the implant.

In short, if you then are NOT coaxed and pushed into giving your consent, you will no longer be a part of society.
Not only will you not find a job or a means to support yourself, you will not even be able to pay for anything.
You become a useless redundancy to the system, and it may be that the powers that be will decide to commit euthanasia based on social grounds, so that your organs can be harvested and put to good use.
They will smile and tell you it is for the benefit of everyone and that you will not feel a thing as they put you to sleep permanently.

Your only hope for survival will be to find a remote island where you become self-sufficient.
But then, what's the point of being part of such a reality?
You can be sure the Adversary will attempt to put his system in place, but YHWH will obstruct and thwart it because YHWH's children will not have any place left on Earth nor will the Satanic reality be able to bring forth anything Good.
It will be an anomaly, a strange synthetic element obstructing the natural organic flow in Creation.
So, He will punish those who consented to the Mark, He will disrupt the emerging Satanica, and He will destroy it before it can fully envelop the world and implement the final stage.

Oh, there is one tiny detail that the Satan forgot to mention.
You will become a slave of his system, but furthermore, he has no use for you as you are.
He needs to modify you even further and create a new Adam and Eve, because your design is deemed inferior and needs an upgrade to become impervious to YHWH's Spirit.

He forgot to mention that?
It does not surprise me since he also forgot to mention that you will lock yourself into the realm of Destruction by your consent.
In other words, you will give your consent to become an eternal part of the realm of the undead, the Spirits which will roam the reality of ultimate Evil and Destruction, Gehenna, the realm where no joy, meaning, hope or anything Good can be found.

But such is the nature of the Satan.
He seduced the first man and woman with a Lie.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, so those who refuse to take the lesson of Adam and Eve to heart will find themselves in their shoes when the Satan seduces Man again with the same Lie.

The consent to believe in that Lie will be the entry ticket into Gehenna.
Those who enter that phase become part of an eternal loop which manifests the horror they sacrificed their Life-force to, and with their sacrifice of energy they fuelled an engine which will run forever and which will project the true nature of Evil into their minds.
They have no future in that loop which they chose to be part of, but YHWH's children DO have a future because they chose to rather endure persecution than to participate in the works of Evil.
That kind of choice can only be born out of a sincere Love for our Heavenly Father, and it is that Love which much be brought out so that it can foster and give growth to the qualities of the Soul just as the physical Sun makes Life on Earth possible by the energy it feeds us with its light.

Today the workers of Evil are many, and Evil makes itself felt through them on Earth.
They have succeeded in creating a lost generation, a generation which is robbed of a future and set up to be reprogrammed to function as robots in a system designed to devour them.
They have plans for our future, plans purporting to serve our welfare but in fact intent on annihilating Man as he is in order to establish a true Satanic Order with a new Adam and Eve in the Evil make-over of paradise, an Adam and Eve which will know no Good.
They are designed to become true children of the Satan and serve his will only in the glorious vile Satanica.

So they are moving their plans forward towards this goal.
There WILL be war, and it WILL affect our lives dramatically, but I cannot tell you when, although it feels as if it is ready to break out any moment.
It may be just one week from now, it may be that YHWH will create a window in time and space for the sake of His own.
YHWH's children have been through a lot while the world was feasting, and it just may be that YHWH allows us a breathing space.
Maybe it is just wishful thinking because I think we could use a break to catch our breath.
But I expect the Evil schemers beyond the veil will ever agree to that, because they aim to move forward as fast as possible and wear down YHWH's children as much as they can so that they will not stand in the way of their plans.

It may just be wishful thinking on my part.
Maybe it's the sight of so much Evil which has tired me and makes me long for a pause, a little space to renew strength.

But then I look outside, I see the signs of the strange weather and the never ending storms, I see the dread written in the sky, and I see ourselves caught in the middle of something beyond our control.
All we can do is pray, endure, trust and move forward the best we can.
I really do not want the current situation to continue, and as such I hope YHWH will put an end to it sooner rather than later, and usher in His justice.

Life is not supposed to be like this, it is not supposed to be such a burden of Evil pressing down on us.
The only joy I find these days is when YHWH is near and He inspires me.
Let His Kingdom come, and let it be soon.

And trust me, when I write that we will see things no one else has seen before, I am not exaggerating one bit.
Our concept of reality will be challenged and shaken to such an extent that some will literally lose their minds, because they cannot deal with the immense changes and the fact that all the pillars which hold up our current reality will be smashed to pieces.
It will be turbulent unlike anything that has ever been and we will see things we deemed impossible.
Because all of our securities will be destroyed, we will lose grip on Life by external means, and only the ones safely anchored in their Savior will be able to move through it unscathed.
If the parting of the Red Sea was a miracle which saved Israel from Pharaoh's army, the miracle of parting the interdimensional veil in order to save Yahshua's people will completely overshadow that.

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