
The False Badge

We used to take pride in ourselves and our sense of right and wrong, Good and Evil.
We cultivated our brand of tolerance based on that sense of Good and Evil, and we delighted in wearing the badge of our own values as expressed in our concept of tolerance and anti-discrimination on our chest as if it was the highest distinction any man could possibly receive, a medal of the greatest honour.

Yet our pride was blind, unable to recognize YHWH's distinction between Good and Evil, and this blindness turned us into fools thinking themselves to be wise.

A man with true understanding knows you cannot join Darkness to Light and expect them to co-exist peacefully, because Darkness exists at the expense of Light and the struggle for survival and growth causes the two to be at eternal enmity with each other.
It is the law YHWH created for all of Creation, the law which springs from the principle of Dualism which YHWH invented, a principle which allows the expression of Evil as an avatar into our reality so that it seems as if it can exist, while it cannot.

Yet in our pride we set aside YHWH's definition, we discarded YHWH's instructions and told ourselves that we can be gods ourselves and determine our own sense of what is right and wrong based on our own concepts and ideas.
And so we ignored YHWH's guidelines and made up our own rules, and proceeded from there onwards to achieve that which the sane man knows is not possible: to mingle Light with Darkness because we chose to alter YHWH's definitions of what is Good and Evil.

In our self-imposed blindness we criticized those who did not bow before our mighty badge and who refused to wear it.
We told them THEY were at fault, THEY were too rigid, THEY did not give in and offer land in exchange for peace, THEY took military action where we urged them to turn the other cheek and share in our self-delusion.
Yet if THEY had listened, THEY would not exist today.
If THEY had not listened to sanity and acted accordingly, THEY would have been reduced to a pile of ashes.

And yet we pressured them, we kept telling them to exercise 'self-control' and 'restraint'.
If their neighbours desired it, then LET them appoint terrorists as rulers.
Yes, in our blind naivety we believed terrorists could be domesticated too, as long as you gave them what they wanted and let them have autonomous self-control.
'Give-give-give' we shouted, even if THEY never received a crumb in return.

In our blind pride we saw ourselves as gods creating our own rules of what was right and wrong, Good and Evil.
We came to accept Evil as Good, calling Light that which is Darkness, and feeling disdain, yes, even cherishing animosity against that which is Good, because we chose to see it as Darkness.
We even created laws to protect the rights of those choosing to partake of Darkness because they referred to that Darkness as their Light, while trodding under our feet the basic rights of those who come from the Light to be sacrificed to the Demons of Darkness.

In our blind pride which fuelled our naive skewed sense of Good and Evil and our tolerance based upon our own faulty premise, we ended up supporting terrorists, we believed their lies even when afterwards we were confronted with them, and we stubbornly persisted in our erroneous prideful ways.
Our blind pride made us invite strange gods into our land and foster terrorists in our midst, even giving them a place of prominence for the sake of our glorious badge.
We chose to live in denial of YHWH's Truth and believed we could prosper in our rebellious pride.

We even chose to make ourselves blind to the past whenever it contradicted our sense of what is Good and what is Evil, we wilfully wore the blindfold which affirmed our brand of tolerance as good and glorious, because WE were Good, WE were glorious.
We considered ourselves to be gods having the right to impose our own concept of Good and Evil upon this world, so that we might re-create it in our own image.
And we ended up repeating the same mistakes all over again, simply because we chose not to believe, we chose not to listen, we chose not to see, we chose not to learn.

YHWH saw and He was amazed at the hardness of heart.
How could they persist in blindness, how could they continue to turn a deaf ear?
What will it take for them to see and learn?

YHWH knew more was required to make us aware of our erroneous ways.
And so He caused our false sense of tolerance to invite those in our midst who hate us and seek to devour us.
We fostered them and gave them a special place of prominence and political protection, for they were living affirmations of our superior sense of tolerance and the goodness of our national character, LIES we all too gladly accepted as truth.
Because Truth was painful and did not show us in a favorable light.

Surely, if our false tolerance causes us to accept intolerance towards our identity, then the madness of the consequences ought to suffice and wake us from our slumber?

"Perhaps when they feel the sting of pain their folly brings them, they will come to their senses and realize that it was their badge of honour causing their suffering, that it was their blind pride which transformed them into ignorant fools.
Perhaps when they live in the same circumstances as My nation they will finally realize that their demands, which they placed on My chosen nation, were unreasonable and would have caused the destruction of My nation if it had complied.
Perhaps when they feel the correcting lash of My rod on their backs, they will turn from calling that which is Evil Good, while rejecting Good as Evil.
Surely even the fool who will not listen to reason WILL respond to the voice of the rod?".

And so it took just one measure of YHWH to address a multitude of Sins we carry on our national shoulders: the Sin of rejecting His ways and His distinction between Good and Evil, and the Sin of lacking compassion and awareness of the plight of YHWH's chosen nation on Earth, and the Sins of committing Evil and calling it Good.
Our false sense of tolerance was born from our rebellious pride, a weakness masking itself as a strength, and it caused us to invite the enemy in our midst so that we might realize our folly as well as learn what the people of Israel have to endure on a daily basis.

If we still refuse to learn our lesson and we still are found lacking in our support of YHWH's chosen nation, He will add fuel to the fire.
That is when those our blind pride invited in our midst will turn against us and literally slay the sons and daughters born in our nations, that is when cities will burn and we will feel as if we are living in a  warzone.

And we WILL be living in the warzone.
It just will not be a traditional war fought by nation against nation, but nations will be devoured from within.

Do not let it come to this, but realize your folly, and learn what it means to love YHWH and abide by His rules.
He defined reality, and there is no way for us that we can escape His structure of reality.
So when He makes a clear distinction between Good and Evil as mutually exclusive opposites, let us have the wisdom to abide by His definition of what is Good and what is Evil, and not seek to create our own definition of Good and Evil.

If we choose for Evil, even though we may call it Good, YHWH will give us over to the consequences of embracing Evil.
It is not possible to deny YHWH's definition of our reality, and when we do and we embrace Evil because we deem it Good, we WILL experience the true nature of what we have embraced as defined by YHWH: Death and Destruction.
The road to Death and Destruction is preceded by many, MANY warnings YHWH gives us, instances where He lifts up His mirror so that we might be awakened by the reflection in His mirror.
But if we stubbornly persist in our denial of YHWH's definition of Good and Evil because we embrace that which He defined as Evil, then INEVITABLY we WILL end up facing the true character of Evil in the form of our Death and Destruction.

Who can stand up to rival YHWH's wisdom?
Who has power to shape reality in accordance with his own definitions of Good and Evil?
I know one who thinks he is able to, only to discover he loses time and again.
Yes, even the god of Death, the Satan, cannot escape the law of reality as created by YHWH, and his reality will be one of Death and Destruction.
He will have one final attempt to lift himself up over YHWH, but I am here to tell you he will fail, as he always has.

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