
The Fault Finders

The idea exists that if YHWH uses a person for His purpose, this person needs to be impeccable, perfect.
And that has never been the case, except for One Who was destined to be our Messiah.
All the others He used, including prophets, were men and women who were familiar with Sin.
It was not because they were so good that YHWH chose them, but because He put a special quality in their hearts which made them suitable for the purpose YHWH had in mind.
That quality makes them open up for YHWH and embrace His Spirit, it makes them hate falsehood and lies, it makes them loathe insincere pretence, it makes them hate Sin and feel grieved over moments they succumbed to temptation.
Not a public display of grief in order to look good in the eyes of others, but a private deep-felt grief which they expressed to their Heavenly Father.

Donald Trump is no exception to this rule.
He is not perfect, and the media loves to put the magnifying glass over the faults in his character and depict him as the ultimate criminal.
But let me ask you, was Samson one of YHWH's chosen ones?
If so, may I remind you that Samson had a weakness for strange women, and there is even a story in the Bible where he visited a prostitute.
He loved a Philistine woman intent on manipulating his weakness for her in order to destroy him, and thanks to his weakness she succeeded.
Furthermore, Samson went out on killing sprees, slaughtering hundreds of Philistines.
Would such a man be considered an instrument in the hands of YHWH today?

I mention this example not in judgment of Samson or to point an accusing finger at him, but to remind you that YHWH can use ANYONE He chooses, and if He chooses someone it does NOT mean that this particular person is perfect in any way.
It means he or she has the qualities to be able to accomplish what YHWH has in mind.
It is not about the person, nor about the character or the goodness of a person, it is about YHWH and HIS character, HIS goodness.

And may I ask you, is there anyone among  you who has not said something, done something, or harbored shameful thoughts for which you are ashamed?
Do these sins of your past define who and what you are?
How would you feel if I took those moments of you at your worst, and held them up while proclaiming, 'this is who and what you really are'?
If you repented and you loathe yourself during your weakest moments, would I not be guilty of judging you wrongly and doing you injustice by defining you as the sum of your weakest moments while in Truth those moments testify of what you are NOT because you have repented and you really are the opposite of what those moments of vulnerability and weakness make you appear in the eyes of the public?

I am no man's apologist, but in case of Trump I am not joining the choir of those who condemn and reject him for his moments of weakness especially when he tells us he regrets those moments.
Donald Trump said something he should not have, like all of us, he admits it, and he apologizes.
But my goodness, how the established press explodes in holy indignation!
They are almost religious in their fury!

Bill Clinton on the other hand lies about his abuse of women, he even laughs at it and dismisses it as nonsense.
Like his wife Hillary, who is equally guilty of great Evil, and who does not for so much as one second seem to lose any sleep over the trail of blood and suffering she left in her wake.
But the established press looks the other way as if there is nothing to report.
I have written it before, I will write it again, these two Clintons are today's version of Ahab and Jezebel, just as Obama is today's version of the Pharaoh whose ambition it is to rule over the world.

Always bear in mind that the established media is bought and paid for, and if you read a negative news report about someone who is not part of the globalist bankers club it is wise to stand back and ponder on it before you react.
The attack on Trump was strategically executed as part of the plan to turn people away from him because he is not 'one of the club', and it will not be the last attack on him.
It is part of a PR war against Trump in order to destroy his character and his credibility, while Clinton is left untouched.

But then again, Clinton IS part of the club and she WILL make sure she serves the interest of the club of oligarchs.
If anyone stands up with incriminating evidence of her crimes, such as Assange, he is silenced in order to keep Hillary's image from being damaged.
And so they threaten Assange to the point where he cannot disclose harmful evidence, and Hillary's public image is saved.
The club which promotes Hillary will stop at nothing and they will not hesitate to eliminate anyone who harms their interest.

The club wants to rule.
Laws to not apply to them, and government leaders are there to serve them.
Their ambition is to rule over a global market, and so their agenda is primed towards the creation of one large global political system that will serve their interest.

That club sees in Islam a suitable battering ram against the traditional Western ideals of personal freedom and individuality.
It is not because they believe in the Islamic Allah or its prophet Muhammad that they give a VIP status to Islam, but because they consider it a suitable tool to advance their agenda.
Their aim is to use Islam as part of their social engineering scheme, and when Islam has served its purpose it is supposed to go down with Christianity, mutual destruction of two religious systems so that the new global system of spiritual enlightenment can take their place and pacify the slaves in the new global order.
Of course I am referring to Luciferianism, Satanism.

They are taking a great risk when they utilize Islam as a tool in their engineering scheme, and even a greater risk when they want to overthrow entire nations by instigating a third world war.
The outcome of such a war is unpredictable and prone to unforeseen circumstances.

They may think they  can use Islam for their purpose, but if anything, the Islamic revolution in Iran in the seventies has shown us that the opposite of what the leftists wanted happened.
Iranian leftists supported the Islamic coup d'état because they believed they could use Islam as a battering ram against the Shah and rise to power in the aftermath, but today's Iran very clearly shows that no such thing happened and Islamic mullahs took over, oppressing the nation to this very day.
Just look at pictures of Tehran before the revolution, which portray a Middle Eastern version of Paris, and Tehran after the resolution, a dreary hijab-ridden prison where people are supposed to keep their mouths muzzled in public or else you risk the ninety-nine lashes and a prison sentence extending many years.

The goal of the globalist club is to use Islam as part of the plan towards a one world government, and to achieve this goal certain obstacles need to be removed, such as the national identities of Western nations and typical Western values which stand in the way of the plan, values such as personal freedom and privacy.
They are tied to and interwoven with the national identity of Western nations.

Multi-culturalism was an instrument designed to destroy the national identity of nations in order to remove the obstacle of traditional Western values upholding the ideal of personal freedom and individuality.
Personal freedom and individuality are qualities which do not fit in a collectivist global dictatorial system, so if a nation upholds these values as the highest ideal you need to get rid of these values first.
Multi-culturalism served to import a collectivist ideology, Islam, which is an ideology where those values I mentioned are deemed subservient to the collectivist Islamic dogma.

The roadmap of the plan toward a global world government is the reason why certain parties with more money than they can ever hope to spend promote and support political ideals which seem to be contrary to the interest of those parties: those ideals are steps fitting in a greater social engineering scheme which aims to create a global world order.
Their ambition is to create a global people farm where they rule over the slaves, and in order to reach this goal a certain plan needs to be executed step by step.

The road towards the realization of this global people farm is created through social engineering spanning across centuries, and in service of that end goal the club of the oligarchs support certain people and promote certain ideas like chess pieces on a chessboard.
If they support Islam it is not because they believe in Allah, but because Muslims play an important part in their social engineering scheme, and if they pretend to support the leftist ideal of 'redistributing the wealth', you can be sure that they do so with an alternate globalist agenda in mind, and you can be equally sure that they mean the wealth of anyone but themselves.
In the Satanic Utopia, referred to as the New World Order, the billionaire club intends to be above the law and enjoy even more wealth than before.

This is the ideal the adversary Soros supports with all his might and all his power and all his wealth, and if he has to destroy Western nations for the sake of satisfying his ambition he will destroy them without giving it a second thought.
After all, Soros is god in his own eyes, isn't he?
And a god ought to rule over the world and let others serve him.

Look at Islamic nations in the Middle East, and you see what Islam brings to the world: a dumbed down dictatorial theocratic system where personal freedom and individuality are made subservient to the stringent and idiosyncratic rules of Islam.
This is a fundamental and irreconcilable difference with the traditional Western values and the reason why Islam is deemed to be a suitable demolition tool to destroy Western values.
All you need to do is to import Islamic believers into Western nations, one way or another.

So, when multi-culturalism failed and support dwindled, there was a need to use a different approach in order to import Islam and destroy the national values from within.
Because, that was the idea behind multi-culturalism, to create an ever increasing base in support of overthrowing the traditional Western values of personal freedom and individuality.

The compensation for the demise of multi-culturalism was found in an artificially created stream of Islamic refugees into Western nations.
It was artificial, created by the USA's invasion of the Middle East and their support of Islamic extremists to the point where a large stream of 'refugees' could be directed to the Western nations.
They could have used a different and more efficient approach to solve the 'refugee crisis', but that did not fit into the hidden agenda which aims to destroy the values of Western nations from within and replace the original population with Muslim import.
It is an act of war, and those in positions of authority who are collaborating with the plan are guilty of treason, such as Merkel.

This is what it really comes down to: provide an impetus for Muslims to migrate West in order to use them as tools destroying the nations and their Western values from within, using tolerance as a psychological lubricant for the invasion led by the leaders of our Western nations.
Yes, they are collaborators for the most part, with a female German Hitler aka Merkel leading the pack.

The social engineers know all too well that this process will lead to a backlash, but they intend to use the resulting tension and even civil wars as the means which will give the collaborators a legal mandate to use violence and impose martial law.
That is when they REALLY can make big strides forward.

They stare themselves blind on the new global order, forgetting that their Golden Dawn is nothing other than the reflection of light on the Satan's urine.
When he dumps on this world they think of it as a Satanic blessing.
Let there be no mistake about it, the Adversary uses the ambition of globalists as the means to usher in his own queendom.
That means Man in his current state WILL be destroyed, and a new Satanic version of Man is designed to take his place.

Satanism has always been present in this world in a great variety of forms, preferably hiding in the background, out of sight and in the Dark.
Those in agreement with the Satanic agenda have been working towards this one goal of a New World Order, a Golden Dawn which will give birth to the open manifestation of pure Satanism as a political system for this world in everything but the name.
It is designed to be a big 'anti-YHWH' statement, a structure where the Satan's concepts are the foundation for the values and laws within that system.
In short, it means Hell on Earth for YHWH's own, that is, IF this ever becomes a reality.
Be sure that YHWH will abort it before it can blossom, and there is nothing the Adversary can do about it.

The Fallen One mimics everything YHWH does, and if YHWH has announced the coming of the glory of His Kingdom in this world through the Messiah Yahshua, then the Adversary will work towards the birth of his own Golden Dawn heralding his queendom through his own anti-Messiah.
This is why there is so much animosity against those who are not in line with the ambitions of the globalists, and that is why Trump is vilified and attacked by almost everyone in a position of power, influence and esteem.
The massive attack on Trump from all sides should make two things clear: firstly that he is not part of the club, and secondly it should open our eyes to the extent to which Satanism owns and controls this world.
I am part of the resistance, and I hope you are too.

The big difference between the Clintons and Trump is that Ahab's and Jezebel's moments of Evil define who they truly are, while Trump's moments of weakness do not define who he truly is.
The Clintons will and can never repent of their Evil because they are serpentine in Spirit, while Trump can and has repented of things he said which were shameful because he is NOT serpentine in Spirit.
Aside from that, I think there is a BIG difference between someone making a shameful statement about women and someone who actually abuses women, and then I am not even commenting on the trail of blood following the Clintons.

Samson was not defined by his weakness for the temptations of strange women, although his weakness rendered him into the hands of the Evil One who used a woman to bring Samson down and subsequently tortured and humiliated him.
In the end Samson repented with all his heart, and in his final moment he destroyed the temple of the Demon Dagon.

And in case you wondered, that was a good deed.
Samson was YHWH's instrument in judging the Satanists present in the temple, and His judgment consisted of holding up His Mirror of justice.
In that Mirror the Dagon worshippers, the Satanist, saw the reflection of pure bloodthirsty Evil, and so this reflection translated in their own destruction just as they destroyed YHWH's people.
In spite of his weaknesses, you WILL find Samson in Yahshua's Kingdom, I can assure you that, because he repented and he was forgiven.
Samson never had a serpentine Spirit, quite the contrary.
YHWH used his weakness as part of the path which turned Samson into the ultimate tool of YHWH's judgment upon the heads of the Philistine Satanists.

YHWH's destruction of the Satanists through His instrument was a good deed, because the killers of YHWH's own received back what they had done.
Likewise, because the Satan mimics YHWH, he will use his own instruments to destroy YHWH's children and the ones YHWH uses for His purpose.

The globalists will never allow Trump to rule over the USA, unless they can find something they can use as blackmail against him.
If nothing else works they WILL try to kill him and get him out of their way, and unless Yahshua sends an army of Angel warriors to protect Trump he does not stand a chance to harm the interest of the likes of Soros.
They know that if they let Trump have his way he will turn the clock back on their agenda, and the Evil One knows he does not have much time left.
You can be sure they will do everything in their power to make sure nothing gets in the way of their plans, and that includes an obstacle like Trump.
They may even begin a war to prevent Trump from standing in their way.

Perhaps you wonder why I write about Trump.
After all, I am Dutch, not American, so why should the US elections concern me?
The reason is that the outcome of the US election will have far reaching consequences on a global scale.
If Hillary is elected, the US has not only voted for its own destruction but also for the destruction of European nations and the entire world.
And if anything I would like to avoid a situation where the third world war shows its ugly face in the form of nuclear devastation and immense suffering.
With Trump we may have been granted a window of rest, a pause which allows us to catch our breath, even to the point where we might actually see a temporary yet short lived revival of economic growth.

But considering our bloodguilt and the sins we have made our nations guilty of, we may not even be allowed that window, and the war could make itself felt anytime by now.
The Western concept of freedom has been perverted and serves as a gateway for Evil.
As a result the West has fallen into the hands of the Adversary, and that is the reason we are being destroyed from within and without.
I pray that our Heavenly Father remembers His own and that He will not allow us to suffer destruction at the hands of the globalists.

Can the destruction of an outright war be avoided altogether?
I would like to hope so, but no, the red horse is riding and its rider will accomplish his mission, and sooner or later the dreaded day will arrive to a sleeping egotistical nation addicted to the Lie.
The rider obeys our Heavenly Father and follows His instructions, and if our Father decides the time of the world is up, then he will act immediately, and if our Father decides to give us a small window in time and space, the rider will wait for the word.

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