
The Point of Resonance

Our Body is like a smoke-screen to our Spirit, obscuring a clear view of Truth and obstructing the Spirit every step of the way.
And yet, our Spirit lives in it and moves about in the Physical realm by means of this obstructive marionette costume.
This in itself is a miracle, that our Spirit is merged with a costume which embodies the opposite of what we are in our Spirit, two mutually exclusive realities projecting their image unto the one screen of our Soul.

Whatever image we focus on and identify with cancels out the other image, yet it does not cancel out the source of the projection of this image into our Soul.
The source of Evil projects an image in the likeness of its nature in order to manipulate us into surrendering our energy to this image.
We surrender our energy to this image by making the choice to believe this false image and identify with it.
In our Soul we choose the image we identify with, and our choice determines whether we merge with the image of Life as it is found in YHWH's living Word, or with the image of Death as it is found in Evil.

Each Sin we are guilty of is an offering of energy which strengthens the source which projects the false image on the screen of our Soul, and by strengthening that source it manifests itself  in a more dominant and powerful way than before.
Through our choice to sin or to stand back from temptation, we either strengthen or weaken the projector of Evil in our marionette costume, and as a result of our choice we become part of one of two mutually exclusive realities.

WE are the ones who activate these realities through the choices we make, because in our choices we reveal the identity of our Soul and Spirit, and the maturity of that identity.
Do we identify with Falsehood and Evil, and surrender our energy to strengthen Evil and keep its projected image alive in us?
Or do we seek to rob the false image of Evil of its staying power because we identify with Truth and we suffer when the projector operating through our marionette costume hinders us by projecting a false image on the screen of our Soul in order to make us sway and give in to the seduction to partake of the forbidden fruit of Evil?

What we identify with is what set us in motion, just like a certain sound at a certain frequency can cause an isolation wall to vibrate with that frequency so that it ceases to isolate properly at that point.
That point where the isolation properties of a wall show a dip is the resonance frequency of the wall.

When it comes to sound isolation, one important aspect you have to bear in mind is that the materials you use for isolation, -such as wooden panels-, have their own resonance frequency.
This resonance frequency is dependent on the mass of the panel, and the greater the mass of the material is, the lower the resonance frequency.
A resonance frequency is the point where the material begins to vibrate as an extension of the sound which causes the vibration.

For instance, if you have a wooden panel, and you pluck a bass guitar, there comes a moment when you will discover that the panel no longer is able to isolate the low note you play properly because it begins to vibrate 'in sync' with the note you play.
The result is that instead of isolating the sound, the panel actually transmits the sound.
This point is the resonance frequency, and to avoid this kind of leak in an isolation booth you have to make sure you use enough mass so that the resonance frequency drops below the audible spectrum.

Allow me to illustrate the phenomenon of resonance by mentioning one aunt who had an eerie gift of being able to pack a life-time's collection of frustrations and hidden despair into one single sneeze.
You might say that if YHWH's Word was the sound of Creation, my aunt's sneeze was the sound of anti-creation.
If Hell were a sound, my aunt's sneeze was its manifestation on Earth.
It would cause a nasty persistent ringing sine wave in the ears, lasting for an extended period as a reminder of the aural devastation which was visited upon man, not to mention the temporary deafness and the numbness in the eardrums and the frontal lobe shared by all those having the unfortunate privilege of standing in relatively close proximity of my aunt at the time that her horrific sneeze went forth.

When she sneezed, it could be heard all the way down the street.
It was a sound so loud and containing so many disparate frequencies that one day, when I was standing next to a cupboard containing many different cups and glasses, she sneezed, and aside from the damage done to my eardrums I still could hear the cups and glasses in the cupboard ringing in resonance with her sneeze.
If she were still alive, and the angel from Heaven would come forth to sound the last trumpet at the precise moment that my aunt would get ready to send forth one of her notorious mighty sneezes, chances are that this angel would be left wondering why his trumpet seemed to make no sound whatsoever in the overwhelming dominating presence of that sneeze.
Now, that is a depressing and frustrating experience for a mighty angel assigned the task of blowing the last trumpet which concludes YHWH's first phase of Earth's history.

The point of this anecdote is to make it clear that matter has its own vibration, its own resonance frequency, and when that frequency is played by a sound source, matter will vibrate in resonance with that sound source.

Evil has been designed to manifest everything YHWH is not, and so if YHWH is existence, Evil is non-existence.
Yet non-existence by its very nature cannot ever be, since it does not exist.
To be able to allow the manifestation of that which in essence expresses non-existence, YHWH created an artificial state of existence for Evil which comes into being when we or the angels transfer the energy YHWH gave us to Evil.
This transfer occurs when we doubt YHWH, and we give in to rebellion against YHWH through Sin.

Sin is the transfer of energy, Life-force, to the negative side of the Dualism coin so that we literally breathe Life into this negative side of the coin.
Through Sin we transfer Life-energy which YHWH gave us to the basic DNA of Evil, which is to embody everything YHWH is not, and from that spark of Life-energy this DNA begins to grow like an embryo developing into a full-grown Body of Evil.
To put it in acoustical terms, this transfer of energy is what causes the vibrationless state of Evil to vibrate with a frequency of its own.

When the angels rebelled against YHWH, their Life-energy was transferred to Evil, and they became living embodiments of Evil without any way to be restored back to YHWH's Goodness.
They stopped resonating with the sound of YHWH's Word and had no element within them that would enable them to start resonating with the sound of the Word again.
In acoustical terms this would mean they changed their mass, so that their resonance frequency was altered to the point where they would never be able to resonate with YHWH's frequency again, but instead they now resonated with the frequency of Evil.

With human beings the case is different because we have a conscience.
Our conscience is the element of the Spirit which contains the recording of the original sound of Life issued forth from YHWH, and as such it enables us to be restored back to the sound of the Word.

When we sin we do not instantly change into Evil manifestations without any option for restoration, because YHWH endowed us with a contrasting conscience, and everything in our Physical realm takes time to grow and manifest.
Because we feed Evil with energy through Sin, the embryo of Evil grows and gradually begins to take over our entire being.

Even before we committed our first Sin we carried the memory of Evil within the fabric of our costumes.
This memory of Evil produces our inclination to sin, and as such we are born into a traumatized state which is caused by the presence of this memory of the trauma of the Sin of our forefather Adam in our Body.

Our first personal Sin was our first trauma building upon the legacy of the original trauma we inherited, and this first trauma of our first Sin produced a representation on a Physical level  in our brains, where the memory of the Sin is linked to a registry setting of our emotions which combined form the package of our trauma.
The details of our Sins, together with the release of chemicals which produce the emotions and feelings associated with the Sins, act as pressure source on our Soul to give in to the temptation of this memory whenever it captures our attention and pulls on our Soul.
This is the basis for all addiction, and Sin is the most lethal and persistent addiction for us all.
But because it is so widespread and common to all, many of us change our perception of it and call the trauma-based addiction a lifestyle, a culture, a tradition.

The seductive power of Sin is like the resonance point of our Soul where our Soul begins to vibrate in unison with the temptation.
To us it feels like a strong pull into the temptation, the pull which is produced by our Body.

On the other hand, if we love YHWH and we want to do His will, our Soul will resonate in unison with His Spirit when His Spirit speaks into our Soul.

So, within our Soul we have two points of resonance: the resonance of our Soul with the temptation acting through our Physical Body, and the resonance of our Soul with the sound of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.
The resonance frequency is that which sets our Soul in motion.

Both resonance points of Good and Evil have different and mutually exclusive frequencies, where our response to one cancels out our response to the other.

Whenever our Soul perceives a frequency, be it from the Spirit or the Body, we in our Soul have the choice whether we choose to identify with the frequency and resonate with it, or whether we choose to resonate with the opposite frequency.
This choice is like choosing the mass of our Soul, and the mass of our Soul has a frequency point which causes the Soul to be set in motion with either the frequency of the Spirit, or with the frequency of Evil acting through the Body.

The resonance frequency of the Spirit cancels out the resonance frequency of the Flesh, and conversely the resonance frequency of the Flesh cancels out the resonance frequency of the Spirit.
By making the choice in our Soul for one or the other we cancel the resonant point of one frequency in order to resonate in unison (become one identity with) with the other frequency.
We ONLY can make this choice in our Soul because our Soul is connected to two sound sources: the Spirit and the Flesh, and these sound sources are each other's opposite.
By our choice we either end up isolating ourselves against the sound of the Spirit, or we isolate ourselves from the noise of the Flesh.

Both resonance points enable our Soul to make a choice to either identify with the sound source so that we become its resonance, or to reject it.
Our rejection of one causes us to resonate with the other, there is no neutral ground.
This is the result of the principle of Dualism: when we reject one, we automatically become part the other, its opposite.
We either resonate with the sound of Life, or with the sound of Death.

Evil in its purest state is soundless, devoid of any vibration of Life.
Sound implies the vibration of energy, and since Evil is designed to embody everything YHWH is not, Evil has no energy of its own.
Evil is Death, and Death does not have the vibration of Life.

However, by our choice to indulge in Sin we end up transferring energy from YHWH to the frozen Death state of Evil, and this transfer causes Evil to come alive in us, to produce a dissonance with the sound of YHWH's Word.
It is this transfer which causes us to experience two mutually exclusive resonance frequencies in our Soul, one from the Word of YHWH, and one from the Word of Death, Evil.
It seems to us as if Evil is alive and has a frequency of its own, but in fact Evil is nothing and does not have any frequency because in its pure state it is the complete absence of any frequency.

WE are the ones who inherited the sound of the Word of Evil from our forefather, and we amplified its sound by transferring energy to (resonating with) this sound.
Each Sin we are guilty of amplified the sound of Evil, and the continuous amplification of the sound of Death made it more difficult for our Soul to escape from resonating with its frequency.
In that capacity the dissonant sound of Evil became a continuous source of stress upon the Souls of those who belong to YHWH.

The sound of YHWH's Word of Salvation as it manifests in Yahshua is the sound which sets our Soul in motion to the frequency of YHWH's Salvation.
It saves us from the stress of the sound of Death causing our Souls to resonate with its dissonant sound, and the more we choose to tune in to the frequency of YHWH's Word of Salvation, the more we begin to resonate with its sound within our Souls, and the less the dissonant sound-frequency of Death is able to set us in motion.
The more we tune into YHWH's sound of Salvation, the more the volume of the dissonant sound of Evil begins to decrease as the reviving sound of Life is amplified within our Soul and causes our Soul to vibrate in unison with it.

The story of Creation and man's Salvation is the story of sound manifesting in two mutually exclusive frequencies, one carrying the frequency of Life, the other carrying the frequency of Death.

The frequency of Evil will be revealed for what it truly is in its deepest essence: point zero, NO vibration whatsoever.
By tuning our Souls into this point zero we stop vibrating with energy and become part of the frozen Death state of Evil, where there is no Life and Energy present anymore.
The Death-state of Evil is a stillborn photo which has trapped the Spirits identifying with it in an eternal vexation where they are part of the photo.
They experience its still Death-state in an everlasting frozen moment.
Yet to those who are part of the frequency of Life the photo is a motionless non-experience, lifeless, non-existent as an evolving reality yet existent as a lifeless picture portraying an artificially engineered simulation of Evil.

Our world was built upon the sound of the Word of YHWH.

YHWH spoke, and His sound carrying His will and idea of Creation manifested.

In the beginning, I AM, He is.

The Word existed in Him and was Him.

The Word resonated with His Spirit and was made one with the frequency of Life and Creation.

I AM conceived the idea of our Creation, and He energized the idea with His will.
His will set energy in motion so that the energy became sound and brought forth the building blocks of creation.
His Word was the embodiment of His Will, and by His Word energy manifested in the sound of Creation.

When YHWH spoke, the Word resonated with His sound and brought forth the sound propelled by the Will to create.

The Word went forth and caused energy to resonate with the Will behind the words, and the energy manifested in Creation, a complex structure of intertwined dimensions where Dualism could manifest.

Then the Word conveyed YHWH's sound of the creation of Life on Earth, and Earth resonated with the Word so that it manifested the Will carried by the Word.
When Earth resonated, everything which grows and lives on Earth came into existence.

Then YHWH spoke, and the Word resonated with His Will so that the Word Himself became the resonance and manifested in the Flesh, and the Word became YHWH's sound of Salvation.

The Word in the Flesh walked on Earth, and all those who had cut themselves off from the sound of YHWH's Word because they had resonated with the frequency of Death, Sin, now heard the live sound of YHWH's Word again.

YHWH's sound carried the frequency of Life and quickened the hearts of those perceiving the sound and who resonated with its frequency.

By their choice YHWH's creatures had changed the mass of their Souls, causing their Souls to resonate with the sound of Evil, thus isolating themselves from the sound of YHWH's word.
By their choice their Souls were locked into a state which in essence was compliance with non-resonance and Death, the ultimate absence of sound and energy, the frozen lake of Creation in its dualistic phase.

The only internal reminder of the sound of YHWH's Word was the recording of its sound in their conscience, and it caused their Souls to be torn in two, divided between the two mutually exclusive resonance frequencies of Life and Death.

Yet the recording of the sound of YHWH's Word by its nature could not issue forth Life.

To be set in motion to the frequency of Life would require for them to be able to hear the live sound of YHWH's Word, not a recording reminding them of having locked themselves into resonance with the frequency of Death.

However, the recording enabled YHWH's creatures to make a choice of identity in their Souls, and this choice would become the enabler or disabler of perceiving the live sound of YHWH's Word ever again. 

Those who immersed their identity in the vibrationless quality of Sin could no longer tune in to the sound of the Word when He walked among us.
The sound of the Word did not set them in motion, but it was reflected back again.

Those who were trapped into an identity of the vibrationless state of Death, Sin, yet who still identified with the memory of the original sound of the Word within them, began to resonate with the sound of the Word, and the resonance lifted them up into the frequency of Life of the sound of the Word, and  renewed their Soul and Spirit, carrying them back on the wavelength of the frequency of the Word of Life to the realm from whence the Word came, Heaven.

Their choice changed the mass of their Soul, and because it was able to resonate with the frequency of the recording of the sound of YHWH's Word it could resonate with the live sound of YHWH's Word as He walked among us.

Through the resonance with the sound of the living Word they became a new Creation.

YHWH's Word issued forth the sound of a new creation, and those who resonated with the sound of the Word were changed in the image of the will of the Father, which was carried by the sound of the Word.

Then the Word which had manifested in the Flesh was pierced and destroyed, so that the Word entered the pit of corruption, Sheol.
And all the Souls abiding in Sheol could hear the sound of the Word.

By their choice some of the Souls began to resonate again with the frequency of Life and became new creations entering back into the dimension of Life, Heaven.
By their choice some of the Souls isolated the identities of the possessors of the Souls, preventing them from resonating with the sound of Life so that they became an integral part of the dimension of Death, Gehenna or Hell.

The first came back to Life, the latter would never live again as they had become part of the lifeless photograph of Evil, a memory of an illusion of Life.

The Word made Flesh came to bring the live sound of YHWH's creating voice so that we might resonate with the sound and be changed by it.
The resonance brings our Soul and Spirit in synchronized motion with the sound of Life, so that the vibration of the sound within the Soul lifts up the possessor of the Soul back into the wavelength which leads the Soul and the Spirit back to the Origin of the sound.
The sound of the Word set the Spirit of the lost Souls in motion, and those who had not killed their conscience, -their identification with the Spirit-, resonated with the sound of the Word.

The sound of the Word even went into the grave to set the Souls of the departed into the resonating motion which brings them back into Heaven.

Those who had not immersed their identities in Death resonated with the sound of the Word Who had entered the pit of corruption, and the resonance locked them into the wavelength of the sound of the Word which brought them back home again.

Those who had killed their conscience and buried their identities in the deception of Evil reflected back the sound of the Word.
They did not resonate for they had destroyed the very thing which could cause them to resonate: their conscience, the part in their Spirit which could identify with YHWH's will.
Because they had done this they could not lock on to the sound of the Word, and they are lost in the nightmare they have created for themselves for all eternity.

Everything is created through the sound of the Word, and the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us that we might hear the Life-giving sound of the Word.

The sound of the Word even was made to dwell among the Dead to release the lost Souls from Sheol's safety net.

Then YHWH spoke, and the Word returned from Sheol into a renewed Flesh, a new man not locked in the bandwidth of the Physical Creation.

Yahshua was the Word Which dwelt among us, and He is the firstborn of the New Creation.
With Him, we, who believe and resonate with the sound of His Word, shall be transformed in His image.

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