
The Principle - II

Our world has been based on the manifestation of one basic principle: the Dualism between Good and Evil.
In our realm we find manifestations of both, not only in our external environment, but also within ourselves.
Our place in this realm and in our Physical Bodies enable us to gain insight and understanding of YHWH from the perspective of this basic principle of Dualism.

Imagine the drawing on the right as representing Creation in its pure state.

Evil does not exist, and the color white representing the Light of YHWH is all there is.

Imagine that YHWH is represented by a circle within this white rectangle.

You would not be able to relate to the concept of a circle unless you can perceive its form.

The Angels who did not rebel against YHWH relate to this form of the circle in the way it is depicted in the drawing by means of a  broken line outlining the shape of a circle against the same white background.
The illustration represents the Spiritual perspective of YHWH the Angels have.

In the illustration on the left you now see Creation in its Dualistic state.

Evil manifests as the absence of color, black, while YHWH is represented by the presence of all colors joined together, white, in the form of the circle.

Because we have fallen, we relate 
to the presence of the white circle from a position in the black background.

The perspective we have of YHWH in our Dualistic fallen state of existence is much sharper and clearer to us because of the fact that YHWH provided us with a contrasting background.
The circle really stands out against the black background, and we learn to relate to YHWH from the perspective of the Dualism between black and white.

YHWH created Dualism not just that we might get to know Him from this different perspective, but also to use this state of Dualism as a sculpting tool by means of which He carves out the form of us He had in mind when He created us.

Our motion from the white circle into the black background, and then the reverse motion of Salvation from the black background into the white circle, is a process acting in the capacity of a tool in YHWH's hands to create us into the person we are meant to be.
So, the presence of Evil serves a very worthwhile purpose, even though we experience it as a burden.
But, that is just because of the nature of what Evil is.

You have to understand that Dualism is part of an artificially engineered state of existence where everything which YHWH is NOT is expressed in the physical (and metaphysical) avatar of Evil.

It is an avatar because in reality it does not exist.

YHWH created Evil in its most fundamental form as one basic instruction: to embody and express everything He is not, to manifest everything which is 'anti'-YHWH.
In this role Evil is passive and dependent on what is ('I AM', YHWH).

For example, Light is a phenomenon created by YHWH and part of Who He is, and Darkness can never come into existence in a secluded space like a room unless Light is blocked and the contra-character of Darkness can manifest itself.

If YHWH is 'I AM', the Source of Existence, Evil is the avatar of 'I AM NOT', the absence of the Source of Existence.

In its initial created state Evil merely existed as one simple instruction code.
Just as Darkness can only come into existence in the absence of Light, to come alive as a living avatar in Creation Evil needs us to put up a block against YHWH's Goodness.
This block we put up is Sin.
Sin is the obstacle which prevents YHWH's Light from shining within us, and as a result Spiritual Darkness comes alive in us.

The choice to sin is the choice to transfer Life-energy of the Soul and the Body to the manifestation of Evil in the Body and the Soul.

If I were to illustrate this principle using the example of the circle within the rectangle, Evil (the black background), begins to manifest in the areas where we pull the switch of our choice to Sin (the red color in the picture).

We put this switch in the 'Off'-position so that it results in a block against the presence of the Light, the white in the rectangle.

In this area Darkness (the 'Off'-position of existence) now comes into being as a result of the choice we made.

In the beginning Creation was a clean slate without the manifestation of Evil, a white rectangle with a white circle representing YHWH.
Then some of the angels began to rebel, and the Life-force and power they had been given by YHWH now were usurped by the basic instruction code of Evil.
This instruction code suddenly came alive within these rebelling Angels so that they became living embodiments of Evil, having no Light of YHWH whatsoever within them left.

Their inner block against the Light turned them into Shadows, vessels of Darkness living in a reactionary mode of existence.
All these fallen Angels combined together formed the tangible, living expression of Evil in Creation.

In the illustration this situation is depicted as the Light, formerly present throughout the entire rectangle, now being restricted to the circle, while the outline of the rectangle remains in place.

Since the Light now is contained within the circle, the remaining patches within the rectangle where there is NO light display Darkness, entirely in accordance with the principle of Dualism as YHWH created it.

This is how Evil became a force manifesting itself in Creation.

It grew from a single instruction code into a force by means of absorbing the Life-force and energy of the Angels who rebelled so that it might manifest itself as an avatar of anti-YHWH, non-existence, in Creation.

When Adam was created he existed as an embodiment of the white circle which represents YHWH, living in unbroken, constant connection to the circle.

Adam did not know Evil, and therefore he had no knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Fallen One, now having become an extension of the basic instruction code of Evil, had to manipulate Adam in pulling the switch into the 'Off'-position within himself in order to transform Adam into an extension of the black background representing Evil.
By manipulating Adam into rebellion he would be able to rule over him and transform his environment in the image of Evil.

If Adam had refused, the Fallen One would never have had any power whatsoever over him, just as Darkness can never have any power over the Light.

But as we all now, Adam pulled the switch into the 'Off'-position of Evil when he chose to sin.

Only, whereas the Angels who had sinned became all Evil, Adam retained the knowledge of Good in his Spirit.

This knowledge of Good manifested in the form of his conscience conflicting with his decision to sin and thereby surrender his Soul to Evil.

Within his Soul Adam now experienced two streams of input: one from his Body which had become the domain of Evil, and one from his Spirit which retained the knowledge of Good.

As a result Adam now experienced the external Dualism of Good and Evil within the microcosm of his Soul.

When we are born into this world, we ALL inherit this schizophrenic state of mind.

We enter as pure Spirits into a Body wherein the force of Evil dwells, and because our Soul connects to our Spirit AND our Body we begin to experience the tug of Evil within the Soul.

Because Evil is already present as a memory within our Body, we inherit a proclivity to strengthen this memory and build on it.
This is how we transfer our identity to the black background of the illustration.
We cannot help but fall prey to Evil the moment we are born into this world.

The good news is that just as we inherit Sin through no fault of our own, we can inherit Salvation from Sin through no accomplishment of our own.

All we need to do is to make the choice to believe in the One our Father sent as our Lifeline, Yahshua, and our faith in Him links us back into the white circle.

The process of moving from the black background into the circle is characterized by the struggle we experience from a Body, which is part of the black background, against our Spirit, which is part of the white circle, and in our Soul we are torn between the two.
The Spirit-mind vs. the Carnal-mind, an identity split into two mutually exclusive parts, a false part vs. a true part.

It is painful when Evil pulls on our Soul and assaults the very core of who we are.
At such times it feels like living in a prison where we fed a steady diet of tears and pain, and we would love to escape from the prison to be free.
Yet we have to wait until the process of YHWH's work with us is complete just as a baby has to wait until the nine months have ended and time has come to enter the world outside the womb.

This requires of us that we make a daily choice in our Soul to latch on to the Light that we might be pulled away from the Darkness we behold with the eyes of our Soul.
The process of moving from the black background into the white circle is a process where we experience the tug of two conflicting forces, and it becomes a tool in YHWH's hand to carve out our characters to grow into the original design He had in mind for us.
Life within the Dualistic state of existence is a school, a factory where we are in the process of being formed like a Spiritual embryo awaiting the moment it is born into the white circle.

In our physical Body Evil comes alive in the form of neurons (brain cells) containing the memory of where we sinned, and these memories are linked to a registration in our Brain which releases chemicals in our Body which cause us to experience feelings and emotions in our Soul linked to the Sin.
After the Sin we experience the rise of emotions and feelings we interpret as  guilt, the input our Soul receives from the Spirit which makes us aware of the polarity difference between the Evil we have become, and YHWH's Goodness.
Our fallen state into Evil drives us to compensate for the guilt so that it can end up as the propelling force to drive us further into Evil by means of our attempts to escape from the discomfort of the guilt.

These neurons, -the memories of Sin within us and their associated emotions, can be triggered to drive us further into Sin through our wrong response to the temptation arising from the trigger, and that is how we are absorbed by a process where we end up sacrificing our Life-energy to an ever increasing manifestation of Evil within us.
In the Soul Evil comes alive in the form of conflict and seductions produced by the pull of our Body on the Soul, and each time we operate the switch of our choice in favor of succumbing to the temptations of Evil, our Soul opens up and releases energy to the Dark side.

This how we experience the basic Spiritual Dualism of Good vs. Evil within and without.
Yet Dualism can ONLY exist because YHWH engineered our realm in such a way that Evil can express its nature and stand in contrast with YHWH's character.

YHWH is existence ('I AM') and the Source of all that is, and Evil, by its nature, is non-existence ('I AM NOT') and can therefore never be a source of existence.
So, Evil really does not and cannot exist.

And yet, we experience Evil as a real force shaping our world.

This is because Evil has been given a form in which it IS able to manifest itself, and YHWH created our realm in such a way that the 'impossibility of the existence of Evil' is able to have existence and manifest itself.

How did YHWH make it possible for the state of 'non-existence' to exist?
By turning it into an avatar which begets existence through the Life-force we give it, like a flat balloon that we infuse with our breath so that it grows bigger and bigger.
This act of infusing Evil with our breath happens each time when we choose to sin and thereby transfer Life-force to the Dark side.

This is how Evil can exist in Creation as an avatar of non-existence.
Just as Solomon turns wisdom into a woman beckoning men to listen to her in Proverbs, and I turn Evil and the system of Evil into the woman Babel on this blog, YHWH has turned Evil into an avatar on the level of our realm so that we experience Evil as a reality.

On the physical level of our Life on Earth YHWH depicted the essence of Evil in the form of Death.
Death, as we see it, is the moment when a person or animal ceases to be an active living part of this world, the moment when a person or animal ceases to exist in the physical realm.
Death on Earth is a very clear and accurate depiction of what Evil in essence is, non-existence, or, 'I AM NOT'.

Yet, because Evil is an artificially engineered state serving the purpose of manifesting the principle of Dualism which YHWH created, the physical avatar of Death is an artificially engineered state serving the purpose of illustrating the nature of Evil.
Physical Death may mean that we cease to exist on a physical level, but on a higher level of the metaphysical realm Death simply means we step out of this physical world full of avatars of the nature of Evil, into the world we chose as our destiny while we were alive on Earth.

Just as Evil does not really exist because non-existence can never exist, the concept of Death does not really exist.

Because we exist, we can never stop existing, because to stop existing is the result of the principle of Dualism, which is an artificially engineered reality designed to provide us with a special environment which enables us to relate to YHWH from a new perspective and grow into whom we were intended to be.
Our physical realm is like a dream from the perspective of Heaven, or a holographic projection, a simulation enabling us to participate in it by means of fusing ourselves with an avatar within the simulation.

Everything which exists on the level of the simulation has a beginning and an end, or so it seems.
But in Truth, nothing which is an integral part of the simulation really exists.
The avatars embedded within the simulation are created as part of the simulation, like characters in a movie.
And yet, because we enter the movie as one of the characters, the environment and script of the movie seem very real to us as long as we are part of the movie.
But when the movie is over, and we die in the movie, we see how our Birth and Death in the movie were just part of a fictitious script of Dualism which can never happen in real Life, because in real Life there is no end to existence.

Death does not really exist.
It merely is an avatar we experience as real for the time being as part of a lesson we need to learn.

When we die, we do not stop existing, but we walk out of the school of Life on Earth towards our chosen destiny.
If this destiny lies within the white circle, we walk into eternal Life and Joy, if our chosen destiny lies within the black background, we end up becoming an integral part of the simulation, and in that latter state we will live eternally in a cage of a dream-state, a holodeck where we experience a lasting illusion of existence outside of YHWH.

There really is no existence outside of YHWH anymore than Evil can exist in YHWH's reality, but just as we can experience the nature of Evil because we are put in a special construct of Creation which allows for the manifestation of the avatar of Evil as a real force, we can experience an eternal manifestation of an illusion which lets us live in the idea of an existence outside of YHWH.

It is the character of what Evil is which turns Angels and men into Shadows locked in a reactionary state of existence.

Evil within us comes alive by the release of energy of our Soul to the anti-YHWH state of existence, so that a Dualistic microcosm comes into existence as a mirror image of the Dualism within the macrocosm.

One phenomenon exists in contrast with its opposite which is the embodiment of the absence of the phenomenon.

Like matter and antimatter, an illustration on a physical level of the Dualism principle.
How does antimatter come into existence?
As a result of the Dualism principle which 'splits' or 'filters' the energy in two opposite phenomena.
Here too Dualism is the filter created by YHWH which causes energy to transform in ('to be willed into existence as') matter and antimatter.

Einstein's formula E=MC2 expresses how everything is a manifestation of energy, and how the energy contained within Creation is of such immense proportions that we cannot possibly even begin to imagine it.
YHWH is the Source of everything and He has endless energy, and that is why He is able to bring forth an immense Creation such as the one we are part of.

Both matter and antimatter are manifestations of energy.
When energy is 'tuned' to manifest in the form of physical matter in our realm, it creates an equal counterpart in the form of antimatter.
The reason why this happens is because YHWH created Dualism as a basic principle for the current phase of our realm.

If you combine matter with antimatter, the convergence of the two in one and the same space leads to a release of a tremendous amount of energy, the energy from which they were made.
So, both matter and antimatter cannot co-exist in the same coordinates in a time/space continuum, just as Good and Evil cannot co-exist.

Good and Evil cannot co-exist simultaneously within the same time/space coordinates, because if they do, both mutually exclusive manifestations are released back to their original form.
This means they revert back to the energy from which they were built, which implies that Evil, 'Spiritual antimatter' which results from the principle of Dualism, will cease to exist (and the verb 'cease' is not really accurate, because Evil never really existed to begin with).
Because Good and Evil cannot co-exist, YHWH also created separate dimensions for both, with the ultimate manifestation of Good in the dimension of Heaven, and the ultimate manifestation of Evil in Gehenna.

This is why YHWH could never manifest His presence on the physical level of Earth in its current state, because if He did, the presence of His energy on a physical level would destroy all forms of 'Spiritual antimatter'.
Since our physical Body harbours the presence of Evil within its fabric, this would mean that we would die instantly if YHWH would show Himself to us in our fallen state.
And if we still are tied to the Spiritual Darkness in our Soul it would mean that part of our identity would be destroyed as well.
This is why YHWH had to create a special physical Vessel for Salvation, because to be able to see YHWH we first have to be restored and cleansed from the Darkness of Evil.
Yahshua is that Vessel, and in Him we are cleansed and restored back to purity.

Because we exist in a physical creation, we experience Good and Evil in the form of avatars on a physical level.
The only reason why we are able to experience that which seems like a co-existence of Good and Evil is because we live in two different modes contained by different dimensions within us.

In the domain of the Flesh, the physical Body, we experience the expression of the avatar of Evil reaching out from the Pit, while in the Spirit we experience the expression of Good which comes from Heaven, two separate realms, yet experienced by one Soul which lives in a Body of Flesh AND a Body of the Spirit.
As such our Soul experiences the Goodness of Heaven, AND our Soul experiences the Evil of Hell, and on Earth both opposite sides of the Dualism coin project their image unto the screen of our Soul and our Earth environment.
I am sure that all of you have experienced both Heaven and Hell in your Soul.
A very ingenious construction which makes it possible to experience the impossible.

This is also the reason why Angels who sinned cannot experience the intimacy with the Source of Good (YHWH) again: they are Spiritual beings which are not born into a Body of Flesh.

Because of that, they do not have two self-contained states of being their Soul can be part of, which would allow for one state manifesting Good, and the other Evil.

When they sinned, their Spirits turned Evil, and Evil was all they experienced.
They became the equivalent of anti-matter.

Human beings are given the great privilege of being allowed to experience two mutually exclusive states of Good and Evil in their Souls, because they are Spirit and belong to Heaven (at least, the ones who came from Heaven), and yet they live in the realm of the Flesh which belongs to the physical realm, a realm under the rulership of Babel, Evil.

It may be difficult to wrap your mind around this, but think it over, because it holds the key to understanding our own position in Creation as well as the reason why we can be saved, and the Angels not.

Because, the Angels who sinned have trapped themselves in a self-contained state of existence which is like a dream within a dream from the perspective of the real world of Heaven, a dimension created for the purpose of manifesting Evil so that the principle of Dualism might be able to have existence in Creation.
They sinned not on the level of a simulation, but in the real Life of the Spirit.

Just think of a computer game where you have to find your way in a maze on a mountain to score points, and this maze there are parts where you can accidentally take the wrong turn and fall off a cliff.
Because the computer game is not real you will not die the moment you fall off a cliff in the computer game.
But if you fall off a cliff in the real world it means your Life is over.

Everything we see around us is a manifestation of energy in the bandwidth of the physical Creation.
The energy proceeds from YHWH and becomes the Word of YHWH, manifesting in accordance with the Will which shapes the energy into a form.

The Word uses the energy to 'speak' Creation into existence, a complex structure with many separated, self-contained yet intertwined compartments, the different realms and dimensions.
The Will which shaped the Creation caused the energy to manifest in accordance with the filter, the principle, of Dualism.

And so the energy manifested in Heaven and Hell (Gehenna), Good and Evil, and YHWH even created a simulation chamber of Creation where both Heaven and Hell co-exist in the form of avatars, physical manifestations of the character of Good and Evil, and He placed man in the midst of this chamber where he could know YHWH from the perspective of Dualism, and be shaped by the experience into the image YHWH had in mind for him.

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