
The Polymer People

Growing up was entirely different from I thought it would be.
Somehow I hoped that the things I saw as a child were just the result of my imagination at work, that the idea of being surrounded by robots was just the outcome of my fantasy and not real, and I hoped that the unfortunate brushes with the Shadow world were nothing but bad luck.
Only, those brushes kept popping up very frequently with such regular intervals you could almost calculate a timetable predicting the next time when the Shadows would be looming large in my world.
It felt as if I was living on a clock with hours of happiness when I was left alone, and hours of Darkness when I was targeted by others.

The others could be my parents, they could be teachers, they could be 'friends' who suddenly ganged up on me in order to beat me up and 'teach me a lesson'.
I did not understand because I had not done anything wrong at all, and I had no clue what the lesson was that they expected me to learn.
All I could do was wonder why they suddenly decided to gang up on me, and what the reason behind their collective attack might be.
I could not figure out why they felt compelled to do so when I had not given them any reason whatsoever.
It took me years to understand that my wrong was simply the fact that I existed, and that the lesson  I needed to learn was that I belonged to a different class of people, a slave class which served the purpose to obliging the other class and serving them even if it involved suffering and giving up your Life for their benefit.
The warning I received when I was a small kid was true: watch out for the robots, because if they notice you are not like them, they will come at you and try to force you into becoming like them.

Growing older meant enduring mean attacks from others without reason.
I existed, and when they noticed I was happy something in them drove them to search for a way to disconnect me from my happiness so that I might suffer.
That is one other thing I noticed: when I suffered, they suddenly were happy and friendly.
And I did not understand that at all.
How could anyone try to make another human being miserable, and then be happy because you succeeded in making that person miserable?
That was mean and very cruel, and not at all in my nature.

Slowly but surely my Heavenly Father let all the pieces of the puzzle fall in place, one by one, very gradually so that the resulting image I began to see would not be so overwhelming that I could not bear to know the painful Truth.
So I understand why people want to escape Truth: it is not pretty, it is not nice, it is not beautiful.
Instead the Truth about Life here is that it is an ugly existence where one species preys upon another and stops at nothing to get the elixir they need from the prey.

The meanness and the hardship the robots inflict on the ones who are not robots serves the purpose of conditioning the ones who are different, creating a collective of mental pressures designed to kill the Soul and give rise to a polymer robot acting out the conditioning mold because it has become his new implanted identity.
After all, this world is the domain of the polymer people ruled by Shadows, and if you want to reap the material benefits and fit in you have to become a polymer too.

Yes, there were two species, and because I grew up naively thinking that everybody was like me and wanted nothing but the good for another person, I ended up suffering whenever the ugly Truth showed me different picture of the reality I was part of.
There is a species which loves to do Good and wants the best for everyone, a species which revels in seeing others thrive and find their own place in Life.
Then there is another species which hates Good and wants the best for themselves, a species which revels in seeing the opposite species suffer and being dependent on them.
One is the species of the children of the Light, the other is the species of the children of Darkness.

This was exactly what our Heavenly Father told me when I just a small boy, that there is a species which is like a robot and which wants to turn me into a robot too.
Even within my own family.
It was a depressing moment on a very gloomy day, and later on I discarded it and no longer thought about it.
Until the process of growing up led me to find the Truth of what I was told the hard way, through personal experience, moments when the Shadows had reached into my Life with their instruments of torture and made my Life miserable.
And there were many moments.

Even to this day I am still recovering from the onslaught, and quite frankly I don't think I will ever fully recover in my Lifetime on Earth.
It has crippled me, and there are days that I find it very hard to walk through Life the way I was accustomed to when I was a youngster.
The knowledge of what this world is and watching the proliferation of robots everywhere, redefining their culture and imposing it in such a way that there is hardly any room left for people like myself to breathe, all these things in conjunction with the pain I carry with me often make it hard for me to go through Life.
In these difficult moments I cry out to my Heavenly Father because there is so much Darkness pressing upon my Soul that it seems as if all the Light has been blocked out and I have been imprisoned in Shadowland.

And this is exactly how I end up destroying Evil: by lifting up all the Darkness into my Father's Light through prayer.
Through prayer I end up destroying strongholds of the Prince of Darkness, through prayer my weakness and inadequacy are transformed into His strength and competence.
I have learned to lift up each moment of Darkness I encounter to my Heavenly Father, and He is One who destroys the Darkness.
That is how you become a real warrior in a polymer world: by turning your heart in prayer to YHWH, BELIEVING and not doubting for so much as a split second.
That is the way you become a vessel through which the Light of YHWH's Goodness shines in the Darkness of this Shadowland.

There was something about the presence of Shadows which always made me feel sad whenever they were near.
That is why I loved being alone by myself since the Shadows mostly clung to people, only to discover that whenever I sought to be alone the Shadows would bring another obstruction on my path.
There is an atmosphere attached to Evil which I simply cannot bear.
It makes me feel sad and anxious, I sense there is something wrong.
It is like a fog penetrating my bones with its coldness so deep that my Soul shivers, and it is this icy coldness which I sense so much in daily Life.

The Shadows attached themselves to people, but they also were present in buildings and objects, which I found very strange since people were alive yet objects and buildings were not.
But I was able to detect their presence flawlessly, whether they were in a building or attached to some object, because invariably their presence caused an oppression in my Soul which made me feel sad and vexed.
I used to wonder about it, whether it was just me and I was the problem, or was it something else?
Gradually I began to realize it was something beyond my control, a presence which I simply could not endure, the presence of Evil.

When I ask you why so few people are aware of the wickedness afoot, I do so because my heart is suffering from the presence of Evil in the world and how it abuses everything and everyone.
And when I look at the world my hearts suffers more now than before, as if it is all around me.
So I wonder and I ask: how can you NOT see it, how can you NOT feel it?
Something very wicked and Evil is afoot.

I understand why people would want to turn their back to society and decide to live a simple Life away from the turmoil of our grandiose ship of fake dreams.
They sense it is a Lie, maybe even sensing that it is the Titanic which is bound to run into that clump of ice drifting on the ocean of eternity.
They sense that Life is not about being conditioned to climb up someone else's ladder.
They just want to enjoy the beauty of Life and perhaps contribute to that beauty with the talents they are given, something which is far more noble than rubbing the back of the manager you imitate in the hope that he will recognize himself in you and give you that promotion which gives you more power, more money.
Robots like to live that way, real human beings do not.

But even if you turn away from society, you are still facing the fabric of same world, a world which is dying.
And it is the Good in society that seems to be dying, because society has built on corruption and wickedness and now there is full grown crop waiting to be harvested.
The society we live in is scarred by Evil beyond recognition.

Only the other day Merkel was chosen as person of the year by Time magazine.
With Hitler, Obama and pope Franciscus preceding her it is only logical that she was chosen and honored by Time magazine.
Time magazine may have chosen to criticize Hitler in the past due to his aggression, but it honors Merkel, the woman who willingly and knowingly set the doors of her country wide open for Islamic immigrants, aware of the threats of ISIS that they would send their troops into Europe with the hordes of Islamic immigrants.
Merkel is not alone, the Dutch government and all the others do exactly the same thing.

Have you considered why they would deliberately leave the borders open knowing that ISIS is sending troops their way?
It makes NO sense whatsoever from the perspective of common sense, and to say that all the leaders suddenly have gone mad or that they all lack backbone when it comes to dealing with Brussels simply is not very credible.

Imagine yourself to be a wicked man living in a house with others.
You want to dominate and control every member of the household, yet at the moment they will never accept that and reject your right to control every aspect of their Life.
So you want them to GIVE you that right, ACKNOWLEDGE that you have a right to invade their privacy and take the necessary measures 'for their own Good', and the question is: how can you achieve that goal?
Yes, that's right, you create a common threat, you leave the door of your house wide open for intruders to come in even though they announced they will murder everyone in the house, and when they have entered your house and start killing the members of your household you step in.
The members of your household will even beg for you to step in and grant you every authority you could possibly want because you are a strong man who carries a weapon, and suddenly you are the dictator of your household with everyone's approval because they need your protection.

Now extrapolate this example to an international level, and you can see how our political leaders are doing exactly what I just described.
Brussels wants control, and they are putting the pieces together of the machinery which will give the EU exactly that.
The Financial Times reported recently that the EU wants to institute a border force that will be responsible for guarding the outer European borders, even if a nation protests against it.
This means national sovereignty is eliminated by force in favor of the dictators of Brussels, and how it would work to their advantage if a nation already has stripped personal freedom and privacy because of the 'terror threat' (which they helped to create).
Brussels is making a very bold move and lets the mask slip even further, and it is shocking to see the extent to which our political leaders are aiding and abetting a bureaucratic dictatorship, putting their nations at risk, not caring if innocent people get killed as long as the Brussels dictates are carried out.
They are traitors of the worst kind.

Our leaders are showing a Darkness to their character which shocks the people not previously aware of it.
Yet YHWH tells me it is He who is changing times and seasons so that the world is ready to be judged.
It is He who gives our leaders over to madness and treachery, it is He who uses them to judge Evil in this world, and our nations which have embraced and instituted the Lie will not escape the judgment.
YHWH is acting on behalf of His own.

But we will need His protection more than ever before.
Just the other day Interpol, NATO and the EU had a meeting where it was concluded that immigrants groups had succeeded in smuggling weapons and even 'weapons of mass-destruction' into Europe.
I don't think I need to discuss what it means.
With open borders, who do you think are to be held responsible for the wave of terror which will be unleashed upon us?
KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY without even the slightest pang of a conscience.

Consider Brussels and how we subsidize huge salaries of people who destroy our nations in return: are we not completely mad that we continue to send our money to those unscrupulous callous traitors?
Truly, this is a world gone mad.
Good is ridiculed and portrayed as Evil, and Evil is in high-esteem and upheld as Good, and those who work for the cause of Evil are lauded and given awards and money while the ones who work for Good are cursed and counted as Evil, ridiculed and deprived of funds.

YHWH's own suffer in this polymer world, and the suffering has grown to such proportions that our Heavenly Father will not put up with it anymore.
His own sometimes wonder if their Heavenly Father has shut them out of His heart, because He seems to be deaf to their pleas when they pray for help.
It is not that He is deaf, it is that Evil has grown to such proportions in our world that it controls everything in our society, and the Shadows use their Evil powers against YHWH's own in every aspect of Life.
YHWH knows, and He will not put up with it anymore.
His interference will turn the vessels of the Satan against themselves, and He will open up avenues for His own where no Shadow can block the advantages He will send to His own.
He is not deaf, but He hears and acts in His own way and according to His own timetable, creating ways of provision for His own in the Darkness of Shadowland without any Shadow being able to stand in His way and block His provision.

YHWH is acting on behalf of His own, setting the Evil in this world up for judgment. 
That is why the scenery is changing rapidly, that is why confusion takes hold of the hearts of political leaders, that is why they are moved against each other.
The course of time is changing, and time itself is speeding up, as if it has come into a freefall just before is smashes into the ground.
Calamities will pick up speed too, as one will follow upon the heels of another, and before long different calamities will occur simultaneously.

Our economy is not recovering, it is dying as well, kept alive by artificial means just enough to give momentum to the ultimate solution of a closed one-world economic system in which only the approved members can participate.
Consider the threat of terror created by our governments, the ongoing economic crisis, the replacement of the native European population by Islamic immigrants, the 'need for international measures to combat the cause of climate changes', the concentration of power in the hands of a few, the creation of the European Monetary Unit.
If you put one and one together you can see how all these elements point in one single direction: the creation of a global power with the authority to regulate the lives of the individual members of this large collective.
No, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is what is happening all around us with the evidence of what I write piling up on a daily basis.

Something very Evil is afoot, and it's going to be a rough ride, a very rough ride.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, yesterday I stumbled upon an old TV movie from 1984 on YouTube which is a nice illustration of what I wrote. It's 'Invitation to hell', directed by Wes Craven
    Unlike many TV movies the story is not shallow and reveals the hidden Truth about society and what lurks behind the pretty veneer, and the acting is good as well.
    The storytelling could have left the viewer more room for self-discovery as the plot continues, but it's a good TV movie nevertheless.
