
Satanica Unveiled

We live in the days when the secret worshippers of the Fallen One are slowly coming out of the closet.
Which is only natural if you consider how the entire world is run by those who worship Lucifer, either overtly or covertly.
Our politicians, our entertainers, our media, our preachers, the pope, imams and ayatollahs, ALL of them have become worshippers of Lucifer, and the few who still stand in contrast with them are subjected to persecution, even unto Death.

Today Lucifer is re-imagined as the true god who has our best interest at heart.
The Satanists in the Vatican have become quite open about their worship of Lucifer, and the same is true about artists, bands, movie makers, even politicians, although they still are a lot more careful.
The idea is to change the public's opinion about Lucifer first, and then prepare a throne for Lucifer to rule Earth.

Can you imagine what would have happened if Elvis Presley would have said on TV in the fifties that he was a Satan worshipper?
He probably would have to change identity, and any chance of having a music career would have gone down the drain, because the public simply would never have accepted the idea of buying records made by a Satan worshipper.
If Elvis Presley were an aspiring singer today making his appearance on TV, and he would disclose to the public that he worshipped Lucifer because he sees him as the bringer of enlightenment, the reaction would be so different.
People might find it odd, even a bit freaky, but they would not reject Elvis based on the notion that he is a worshipper of the Fallen One.
They would even excuse it as being a part of his act, his public image, and as such very entertaining.

The reason is very simple: the Devil no longer is taboo.
Over the years the public image of a ruthless misanthropist abusing Mankind has suffered from corrosion, thanks to the media which never lets a chance slip by to promote the agenda of the Fallen One.
Gradually Lucifer's image has changed to a more favorable one, so much that today the worship of Lucifer is accepted as long as it does not involve the traditional atrocities associated with Satanism, such as blood sacrifice, cruelty, etc.
Even the Vatican, now run by a truly Satanic pope, is more open about their worship of Lucifer, although officially they will still deny and reject Satanism.

The problem with the concept of the Devil is that he has a bad image as someone who eats human flesh for breakfast and quenches his thirst with human blood.
So FIRST this perception of Lucifer as a horror image needs to be changed, and if you take a close look at what is happening today you will notice that there's a tendency to depict Lucifer as the good guy, someone who has our best interest at heart.
Lucifer is promoted as the one who brings the light of knowledge to Mankind so that Man no longer needs to remain a prisoner of his dire circumstances through ignorance, but rather is able to embrace the saving power of knowledge and enlightenment which Lucifer purports to offer.

Yes, there are horrible Demons, but 'Lucifer is different, he really is our god who made us, the true father of Jesus whose intent was made visible in the attitude and words of Jesus'.
It was not enough to murder Yahshua, no, Lucifer crucified Him a second time after His ascension, on the crucifix of pagan idol worship which he turned into an amalgam of a new Christian religion, the Roman Catholic religion which used their make-over of Jesus as the PR image of their new religion.
The Satanists in the Vatican and their funny looking costumes truly believe that Lucifer is our true god, and they are now working towards the amalgam of a one world religion for the worship of the Shining One, Lucifer.

But know this that nothing of what youVatican prostitutes have done is a secret to YHWH!
He has seen your idol worship, He has seen the shame of your digusting obelisk in your center, He knows the idol images in your chambers even of Lucifer Himself, and He will give you over to complete destruction!
Nothing of what you have built and carefully preserved under the blanket of cultural patronage will remain but rubble reminding the world of the state of your impoverished destructive souls.

A big promotion campaign is in the works to make Lucifer acceptable so that the world can receive him as the true god and worship him, and give him the power to make a paradise on Earth come true.
It will be the paradise of the New World Order, and it will be a paradise on the terms of the Fallen One.
But that is perfectly acceptable to the architects and promoters of the New World Order, because they want to be able to enjoy the good things of Life and live forever in an Earthly paradise, even if this means it will come at the expense of others who will be killed and who will be turned into zombie slaves for the sake of making the paradise become a reality.

The Devil will hack into Creation and intends to create his New Order for Creation by means of interdimensional technological knowledge.
The predictions of the blessings that technological developments can bring us in the future all are designed to promote the use of technology and give it a more dominant place in our lives to the point where it takes over, and we become slaves of the machine.
We will be slaves of the programming parameters of processors and thereby slaves to the ones who created the parameters and their incorporated values.
We are told technology will make our paradise come true in the future.
Beautiful futuristic architecture as envisioned in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, freedom to do what you want, no need to be slaves to a boring job to make ends meet, a true Elysium for everyone.

It would be beautiful, a perfect paradise, except for one thing.
You all know how some people can get a depraved glee out of inflicting suffering on others, and how your happiness makes them feel miserable and vice versa.
That is the one thing which turns the vision of our beautiful future into a carrot dangling at the end of the deceptive stick: Lucifer has indeed a beautiful future in his mind, but not for Man as he is, not for you or your children.
You are supposed to die and make place for his invention.
He dangles the carrot right in front of you hoping you will sacrifice everything for the sake of the carrot, unaware of how your pursuit for the elusive carrot eventually will lead you to run into the abyss.

I am sure many of you have heard of the 'internet of things', a term used for a network of devices which communicate with each other.
The next step is the 'internet of living things' where parts of your anatomy, such as your DNA or your heart, are monitored and the data they communicate with a device can be used to track down diseases.
Imagine how the internet of things could be expanded to include brain to brain communication, or brain to server and vice versa.

That should give you an idea where the future is heading: everything and everyone communicates with everything and everyone through the network, like a hive collective.
Needless to say that by hooking up into the collective you lose your autonomy and independency, and you become not just part of the collective but an extension of its ideology.
Your identity will take on the form and characteristics of the role the collective feeds into it, and you become whatever the programmer wants you to be, not a creature doing the will of his Creator, but a creature acting out the will of the programmer and the agenda the programmer serves.
And the programmer, right now a function which is still performed by human beings, will be an automated robot with artificial intelligence, or an intelligent computer.

Technology is neither Good or Evil.
Whether it becomes Good or Evil depends on how we use it, and if power hungry sociopaths avail themselves of technological means to create slave classes then obviously technology has become an instrument of Evil.

The architects of the New World Order are only too happy to use technological developments for the sake of establishing the structure of the New Order.
Technology gives them the means to 'make sure everything works smoothly', meaning, 'make sure everything and everyone is and remains under control'.

George Bush gave a speech to the American Congress on September 11, 1990, with the direct explicit reference to this New World Order, and exactly 11 years later (and I have written before how the number '1' refers to YHWH, with the Satanic extrapolation of this concept, the dualistic '11', referring to Lucifer taking over the meaning of the '1') the attack on the USA happened.
As you can see, it is timed with EXACT precision, right down to the second, a careful execution of an agenda which aims to bring about this New World Order.
This alone should make you question the traditional explanation of who caused 9/11 to happen.
You should browse the internet and see some footage of politicians giving their speeches in favor of the New World Order, and you will come to realize with greater clarity than ever before how our leaders have been bought and paid for, and they do NOT represent us in any way.

Paul Warburg once commented: "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
Given the fact that many are waking up to the deceit of our political leaders and are offering more resistance than before, together with certain international leaders refusing to go along with the NATO, we are in for the 'conquest' option, meaning, a war.
It's the war Albert Pike referred to which aims to destroy the traditional concept of Islam and Christianity, and introduce the re-imagined Lucifer as the ruler of our world.
Consent was never an option anyway when you consider the ambition to reduce the number of people and the resistance against the totalitarian NWO.
So they are moving forward and will use violence to get their way, even if it means destroying two thirds of the population with the war which they began.

Just as George Bush dropped the words 'New World Order' and the ambition to realize this order publicly before Congress exactly on the right date, the Vatican's praise of Lucifer in 2014 is carefully staged as the starting signal for Lucifer's make-over as the God of Light who made us and who will come to create order out of the chaos, a sense of purpose in a world devoid of purpose, and an identity to replace the loss of our old identity.
It's not only the re-imagined Lucifer, it's also a make-over of religion.
He will not be a mad demon foaming at the mouth, but a calm, collected, intelligent and enlightened individual who seems to be eager to build up a new society, and many will fall for his guise.
He will appear as mankind's benefactor.
But he was, is, and will be a liar, a wolf dressed up as a sheep in order to seduce them into following him right down into the abyss he portrays as paradise.

Look at our world today: people have lost confidence in the economic system and their political representatives who continuously are contributing to the further destruction of their nation, the Middle-East is turning into a battlefield where major world powers find themselves on opposite sides and which is set to explode like a carefully planted time bomb, consider how the degree to which our political leaders live at the expense of their own people is beyond belief.
This is a society set up for destruction, a society waiting for the blade of the guillotine to drop, and if you remember the premise of the New World Order as the structure rising out of the chaos and ashes of the Old Order, then the pieces fall into place: we, as a society with its structures, must be destroyed, and the people must be turned into helpless orphans, so that the New Order and its Savior can be embraced by all and the entire world will become the domain of the enlightened one, Lucifer, the Son of Perdition.

As for me, I came into this world as one of YHWH's children, forgetting that I was one.
But as time went by I could not deny my heritage as one of YHWH's children, both in a positive and a negative sense.
It was positive because I could not imagine Life or have any sense of meaning in Life apart from YHWH, and to live without His love would be so excruciating that words cannot describe it.
It was negative, because in my state of ignorance when I still had no idea of where I came from, I encountered Satanists who constantly sought to do me harm, betraying my trust, showing me a double face so that I felt as if I was all alone in a cruel world with no one to protect me or help me.
At every corner a Satanist seemed to be waiting for me.
As if they knew every step I would take in advance, and they made sure that they always had one of their own right beside me, be it in the form of a friend who really was a fiend, or a family member living at my expense.
And I did not understand why, because I was not part of that system and ignorant of my heritage.
How could it be that different people ended up saying the same things, perpetuating the same kind of cruelty, even though they were unrelated?
As if something was acting through them, and that something was able to jump from person to person.

Gradually I woke and discovered the true nature of Life on Earth and my own position as one of YHWH's children, and the degree to which I woke up was the degree to which I found rejection and abuse on my path.
The world was run by Satanists, either deliberate, conscious Satanists, or unconsciously serving the Master of Deception.
And I was not a Satanist, I could never become one of them anymore than a cat can become a mouse.

I hated this situation, and I still do, but I have come to accept that this is the way it is today: the world is run by Satanists giving advantages and rewards to fellow Satanists, and I am the outcast because I am and will never be a Satanist.
And I am sure that what I described must sound so familiar to many of you who have received adversity and hardship as a reward for loving your Heavenly Father.
Be glad that this is so, because the world and the entire Creation will not be inherited by the Satanists, but by the children of YHWH.
The Satanists sow violence and destruction, and because of this they will reap violence and destruction as their heritage.
You who belong to YHWH, sow peace and goodwill, because you will reap Shalom and Goodwill, and the true Paradise in the end.

The architects of the New World Order seek to establish their paradise by shedding the blood of innocents.
They have no qualms about taking a life if it serves their ideal.
This is why their paradise will be turned into pool of blood, and destruction will be their heritage.

There's a true Paradise founded on love and kindness, the true Paradise which YHWH has prepared for His children.
It is not a carrot at the end of the stick, it is a promise of something which is waiting for us, and life in that paradise will be so good and fulfilling that every single one of us will forget the hardship we encountered here, and we will come to say that we would go through our current life a thousand times over if it were necessary, if the end result would be that we can be part of the future which YHWH has prepared for His children.

So before the bomb explodes and sets the world on fire remember these words: keep hope, for our hope will not be in vain.
It may seem as if the Devil wins a thousand times, but he really has lost the one time it mattered most.

We live in the day of the emancipation of the Satanist and his re-imagined god.
The good thing about our day and age is that the very structure of exploitation which remained hidden beneath the veneer of our society finally is emerging into broad daylight.
The masks are dropping and as a result the confusion is ebbing away as we see Satanica emerging from beneath into a world where Lucifer is re-imagined as our Savior.
At least now there is more clarity than in the past, and the lines are drawn in the sand of this world very distinctly.

I have written before how the workers of Evil derive a reversed reality from the reality of Heaven.
They think and live Life in reverse.

YHWH created Paradise, Eden.
He created a man and a woman in His image, and placed them in His Paradise.
Both the man and the woman were not fallen creatures with the knowledge of both Good and Evil, but they were pure, and had the knowledge of Good only.

Then the Adversary came and seduced both the man and the woman to believe in his lies.
The result was that the man and the woman no longer were pure, but they fell into disgrace and shame, for where before they had the knowledge of Good only and could bring forth nothing but Good, now they had the knowledge of Good and Evil with them standing on the wrong side of the equation.

The process which the Adversary began with Man in Eden he now seeks to complete in the New World Order.
He intends to create a new paradise, not like the first paradise which was built on YHWH's terms and His paradigm of Good vs. Evil, but a paradise which is built on the Adversary's Machiavellian paradigm.
He will reverse the first Paradise of Eden to create his paradise of Satanica.

Then he will place men and women in his paradise.
Not Man as YHWH created him in His image, but Man as the Adversary will create him in his own image.

Adam and Eve were made in YHWH's image as pure creatures knowing Good only.
They abided by YHWH's concepts and knew no other, something which in numerical terms is expressed in the single digit numbers.
Then the Adversary caused Man to become a dualistic creature by means of his lies, something which is represented by the double digit numbers.
The final end stage is the creation of a new Adam and Eve in the Adversary's image as impure creatures knowing Evil only, devoid of a conscience, devoid of the knowledge of Good.
This is represented in numerical terms by the three digit numbers, a concept which I have explained in my post about numbers and their meaning.

The final stage where the Adversary has built a new paradise, Satanica, is the complete reversal of what YHWH began in Eden, the crowning achievement of what the Adversary set out to do in the beginning when he seduced Adam and Evil.
Only, a complete reversal will imply that whereas YHWH created Eden to be Good, beautiful and constructive, the Adversary's Satanica will be Evil, ugly and destructive.
The beauty  of Eden will find its reversal in the destructive wasteland of Satanica, and as such it will not turn out to be the paradise Man longs for, but the hell he dreads and fears.

But by his deception and his lies the Adversary will once again seduce man into believing he will create a new Eden, and once again Man will end up on the wrong side of the equation if he believes the lie.
Because Satanica will be the opposite and reverse of Eden in every conceivable way.

When I mention the word 'Satanist', some of you may picture an image of someone who is part of a Satanic church or something of that order, so I want to give you an explanation of what I mean. 
There are two types of Satanist:

A. The overt, conscious Satanist.
This is the type who willingly and knowingly serves the Satan.
He may be part of a group which indulges in Satanic rituals, and he actively, consciously and deliberately devotes his life to serving the Satan.

B. The covert, subconscious Satanist.
This is the type who is not religiously following the Satan, he may not even believe in the Satan.
But by the allegiance of his heart and his deeds, his words, his thoughts, his likes and dislikes he acts out the will of the Satan.
He belongs to the group which Yahshua described in John 8.44: 'You are of your father the Devil, and your will is to do your father's desires'.
This is the most accurate description of this latter category of Satanists I can think of, and Yahshua said this to people who normally would go to the temple, offer sacrifices, read from the Torah, but in their hearts they were intent on doing the will of the Satan and as such they hated Yahshua.
Today they may be Christians going to church each Sunday, appearing like God-fearing religious folks while in fact they worship the Devil in their hearts by wanting to act on the Devil's desires.
This is what makes them Satanists.

So whenever I mention the word Satanist, remember that the terms covers two categories of people which on the surface may seem to be on opposite sides, but which really belong to one and the same camp.

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