
The Blanket

In Babel's world nothing is what it seems to be.
Babel has spread a blanket of deceit over the stage of this world, and by adopting this blanket as a standard, a false, warped reality comes into existence.
By referring to concepts embedded in this blanket, marionettes become entwined with its false premises. 

The standard of this blanket is the sand dust in the eyes of the stage dwellers which makes them remain asleep to Truth, while the embroidery of the blanket is strengthened through the many references to its intricate web of lies.
The blanket covers the stage in the Darkness of confusion so that no one can find a clear path to Truth anymore, for it is obscured from the sight of men under many layers of false concepts and subtle lies.

Babel knows that the best Lie is the one which has 90% of Truth in it.
The additional 10% is like leaven which permeates the entire lump of Truth so that the Truth, which is manipulated to act as an endorsement and enhancer of the Lie, serves to make the Lie credible and make it more powerful.
She believes that by using 90% Truth as an enhancer to the credibility of the Lie is evidence of her superior intellect and supports her belief that in the hands of a capable manipulator the Lie is more powerful than the Truth.

"And if the Lie is more powerful than the Truth, then the distinction between Truth and Lie based on a moral frame of reference created by YHWH, where Truth is the superior quality which you should strive for, becomes irrelevant and invalid.

Instead, you should learn to use a different frame of reference, not one which is rooted in YHWH's bias towards the values He deems to be good, a bias which uphold His ideas as superior and good (in spite of the fact that I am able to overcome Truth with the Lie and use Truth to enhance the credibility of the Lie), but one which is based on the ability of a strategy to realize a goal effectively.
With that in mind, the Lie is superior to Truth, just take a good look around you; have I not built your stage reality in my image?"

Evil is insane because it is out of touch with YHWH's sanity and stands in contrast with it as the embodiment of the absence of sanity.
Therefore it cannot perceive, receive and be part of Truth.
Any attempt to reason with insanity is futile, because sane arguments cannot be recognized or validated by insanity.
Instead, false arguments are used to support the insanity.

It is a clash of mutually exclusive worlds where one truly is, and the other is not, yet it has been given an appearance of existence.
There is no common ground between the two.
As a matter of fact, any compromise we make with the Lie destroys Truth and makes us part of the Lie.
Our compromise has put Truth in a submissive role as a supporter and enhancer of the Lie, and this is how Babel succeeds, by relegating elements of Truth into a supportive role of the greater Lie.
For her it is just a matter of rewiring certain elements of a concept of Truth so that this concept ends up referring to a Lie.

Just think of the Lie the serpentine seducer told Eve:
'If you eat from the forbidden fruit you will become like YHWH, knowing good and evil, and surely you know that since YHWH cannot die, you will not be able to die either.
Instead, you will be like YHWH living forever as a god unto yourself, and YHWH's commandment that you may not eat of the Tree simply was given as a test to see if you are spiritually ready to take the next step in your existence.
It restrains you from eating the fruit as long as you are not mature enough to realize the truth of the implications of eating from the Tree, but the moment you are spiritually ready to realize that you will be like Mighty Ones yourself once you eat from the Tree, and you are ready to make the choice to become a god, then the restraining commandment has served its purpose and it is no longer useful, because you are ready to take the next step and become gods yourself.
You will die to your old limited existence as man devoid of the knowledge of Good and Evil, but you will continue to live as a god in possession of this knowledge, knowing how to distinguish between the two and make decisions based on this understanding.
And as you know, gods can create rules and set rules aside as they please.'

I paraphrased the Lie of the Fallen One, because the Bible often tends to relate stories in shorthand, but it illustrates how YHWH's Truth was wrapped in the blanket of a Lie in order to seduce Eve into believing the Lie.
The choice Eve made to believe the Lie was the switch which turned YHWH's Truth into a support mechanism for the Lie of the Fallen One.

The only reason why Babel has been successful is because YHWH gave us the choice, the switch which activates either a reality of faith in YHWH, or a reality based on faith in evil.
This switch is not the weak inferior component by means of which the Lie is able to overcome Truth, it is the most essential component of all, the very reason why we are here in this theater.
YHWH ALLOWS us to experience the consequences of making the wrong choice, and this means that Falsehood is able to thrive by means of the wrong choice we make.
Yet this wrong choice serves the purpose of creating an awareness within us of who YHWH is, and what YHWH is NOT from the perspective of experiencing the full extent of dualism.

The choice is the element which Babel considers to be the Achilles heel of YHWH's design, for out of the choice the reality of a path for the future unfolds, and by manipulating the switch of the choice she has the power to create different realities of the future.
Babel believes that the choice is the element which will enable her to anticipate and even alter prophecies.
And if by manipulating the choice she can alter the future of mankind, she has a chance to alter YHWH's prophecies about the 'end of days' to her advantage.

Since Babel considers the choice to be the weak point in YHWH's structure, she plans to exploit this weakness to the best of her ability.
The choice is the element which allowed her empire of Darkness to thrive on the stage of Life.
All Babel had to do was to manipulate and influence the choice.

Her favorite means to manipulate the choice was to use the power of the Lie, for she is a great believer in its adaptive power.
Babel does not assess the Lie in terms of its moral value in YHWH's balance of Good and Evil, but in terms of choosing the best and most effective tool to influence the choice so that the desired reality comes into existence as a result of the choice.

The fact that Falsehood is able to thrive is not because YHWH has not thought out His plan for Creation adequately, but it is able to thrive because YHWH allows it to for an appointed season.
If YHWH would reveal the exact absolute Truth about everything right now, no Lie would be able to exist and Falsehood would vanish, for truly the Lie is nothing in itself other than the expression of the absence of Truth.

Yahshua made the adversary's mode of thought known to us when He said 'for thou savourest not the things that be of YHWH, but those that be of men', Matthew 16.23.

The verb 'savourest' comes from Strong's Concordance G5426, and if you look up that word you will see other translations which in my view are better than the ones commonly used to translate this scripture.

A better translation would be 'you do not have understanding of the ...', or 'you are not of the same mind...'.
Yahshua made it clear that the Satan is not capable of understanding YHWH because he is lost in his own prison of an evil mode of thought which makes him blind to YHWH's purpose and plan, and it causes him to focus on how man thinks and acts, and how he can influence man's steps in order to turn him against YHWH.

The common translations of this passage make it appear as if the Satan is on the side of man, but that is not true, quite the contrary!
The Evil One is able to anticipate and through anticipation manipulate and exploit man in the quest to turn man into a pawn of his rebellion against YHWH because of the fallen nature of man, something we have in common with the adversary, yet whereas the Evil One is able to understand our psychology, his mind is cut loose from YHWH's mind and therefore unable to understand (and anticipate) YHWH's ways and His purpose for mankind.

Yahshua made it clear that Babel has a deep understanding human psychology and how to influence people by exploiting this knowledge of psychology, yet she fails to understand and anticipate YHWH because she is cut off from Him and given over to a prison- instinct of Evil, the hook in her jaw.

The prison instinct of evil is shaped by the nature of evil, which is completely reactionary.
Evil does not create or set absolute standards.
Instead it subverts that which has been created and plagiarizes standards in order to establish a reality in the image of the Lie.

So when YHWH makes His standard known to Adam and later Moses, Babel mimics this by creating a plethora of different standards embodied in the different religions of the world.
YHWH's standard is like the mirror with the rod hanging next to it.
In this mirror we see a reflection of ourselves which validates our choices for good, yet which condemns us where we chose for evil.
Babel's religions are like warped mirrors which validate us when we believe in the Falsehood embodied in the standard of the mirror, yet it condemns us if we do not believe in that Falsehood.

If YHWH uses a book like the Bible to proclaim His standard, Babel creates her own books for her religions to promote and explain her false standards.
If YHWH uses prophets to speak His words, Babel uses her own prophets to speak of her lies.

EVERYTHING YHWH creates has shadow components designed by Babel.
Remember this, because it means that if YHWH entered this world in His Son to save mankind, you can be sure that the Evil One will plagiarize this as well, something foretold by YHWH's prophets.
If YHWH announces what He will do through His prophets, Babel announces what she will do through her chosen vessels.

Since the Lie has given Babel her power, it is her favorite tool for shaping the reality of the stage.
The Lie creates slaves to its Falsehood and thereby servants to Babel's empire.
It perpetuates the motion of the wheel which shapes this stage-reality as new cogs are enlisted in its service to replace the old defunct ones.

The Lie is everywhere.
We are confronted with the Lie in politics, supermarkets, medicine, churches, schools, arts, music, and as time progresses, the Lie becomes more blatant and explicit in its appearance.

Recently I saw a movie named 'Legion', and in this movie YHWH and His angels are depicted as evil zombies, the rebellious angel who fell from Heaven is portrayed as the good savior of humanity, and YHWH's judgment of the stronghold of evil on this world is presented to the viewers as a hostile event on YHWH's part against the good of humanity, an event we all should fight against because it is evil.
The movie is blatant Satanic propaganda glorifying the fallen angel, and it is very appropriate it is called 'Legion' since it clearly is inspired by vile, lying demonic Shadow spirits blaspheming YHWH and assassinating the character of the angels Michael and Gabriel while glorifying the nature of the Evil One who fell from Heaven pretending to be the one who truly loves mankind.
In this movie genre I always look for elements of Truth, and I found it a sad and disappointing experience that in this movie I encountered nothing but a great big blatant lie, a complete waste of my time.

"I loved that movie, finally one that does me some justice.
It is only your narrow-minded biased scope which prevents you from appreciating it.
Maybe you are better off watching some simple music clips?"

Yes, let's take a look at that the clips used to promote that which passes for music.
Very often a female 'artist', who nowadays seems to be specialized in walking around in underwear or even less than that, is used as a seductive commercial avatar for the package to boost the sales.
I cannot refer to these packages as music because they are mere wallpaper designed to enhance lifestyles instead of being music for the sake of music, idols bestowing a false meaning on life for empty souls seeking to worship that which blinds their minds to the emptiness of their lives.
These clips have become  increasingly explicit in their use of not only degrading sexual imagery, but also in the use of Illuminati symbolism featured in the clips to the extent that it feels as if you are watching a commercial for Satanism, like the movie 'Legion'.

The artists and movie makers who sell out to work in service of Babel's Lie are the ones who are rewarded and get more exposure they can handle, yet the ones who rebel are denied access and exposure, for they are a threat to Babel.
Babel always tests them before they are allowed to work in her service so see if they truly are willing to abandon what is right and good in exchange for benefits.
The more they show themselves to resemble the character of the whore, the more acceptable they are in Babel's eyes.
Just as YHWH tests us and thereby allows us to work out the choice we made, Babel mimics Him and submits us to her own tests, and YHWH allows her to test us because in trying to seduce us into submitting ourselves to Babel she becomes an instrument in YHWH's hands to refine and purify us.

It is no coincidence that so many movie stars and artists have sex tapes from the past following them around, for these tapes are evidence of a test they were submitted to by Babel.
Babel's tests come in the form of a temptation where you have to set aside what you know is right and good, and if you pass that test, Babel opens a door for you and you climb up her ladder.
Only, this ladder does not lead you to Heaven, but it reaches into the Dark Loft where the Shadows dwell.

Whereas the manifestation of the Lie is very explicit in these examples I mentioned, the Lie also operates on a more subtle level where people are not even aware that they are referring to the Lie.
The Lie makes people proclaim praise to the adversary thinking themselves to be praising Yah by the very words they use to proclaim the praise.

It is hard for Babel not to snicker at people when they 'praise God', or 'bless in the name of the lord', or when they wish people 'the best of luck with God's help'.
In spite of the best intentions, these words proclaim Babel's praise and providence.

Babel skillfully removed references to the name YHWH in her many different Bible versions and replaced them with titles such as 'God' and 'Lord' so that the Bible too is tainted by Babel's blanket of many lies.

How could people know that YHWH berated the people of Israel through Isaiah for worshipping the deities carrying the names 'G-d' and 'Meni' when the Bible translations do not mention these deities by name?

Yes, 'G-d', 'Gad' or 'God', is a name for the deity of luck.
The original manuscripts mention them by name, but translations have rendered these names invisible.

Whether you read the original King James, or the English Standard version, you are likely to read in Isaiah 65.11 something along the lines of 'But you who forsake the Lord,    who forget my holy mountain, who set a table for Fortune and fill cups of mixed wine for Destiny'.
It refers to a superstitious idolatrous ritual to make sure your lucky number comes up.

"And who could guess luck is connected to Lucifer, a name used to refer to, well guess who?" Babel proudly mocked.
"When those gullible conformed sheep puppets wish each other 'good luck, and may God bless you', my Shadow servants cry out with laughter!

'May the Lord be with you'.
Again a hoot, for how many remain ignorant that 'Ba'al' in Hebrew means 'Lord' in English?
So even though they believe themselves to be followers of the Nazarene, they are proclaiming faith in me, Babel, all the way, you even end up praying to me!
Yes, I am the 'lord your god'!"

Yes, it amuses Babel and her Shadows to no end how the entire stage proclaims confidence in Babel and her minions thinking themselves to be referencing to YHWH!

Babel even went as far as to take away YHWH's name away from the mouths of people so that only fossil reminders of His name in the original manuscripts would remain.
Yet in spite of her success to silence the name by force and decree, Babel could not prevent the name from entering the mouths of people again in this day and age.
After being buried in the grave of silence for many centuries YHWH's name has been resurrected, and it is back in the mouths of many people.

And you think I had not anticipated that?
Listen closely how the name is pronounced by many people, and you will come to realize that not only did I anticipate it, I now have appropriated YHWH's own name so that it becomes a reference to ME!"

And indeed many pronounce the name of YHWH as Yahovah, or Yehovah, unaware of the fact that the Hebrew word 'hovah' means 'destruction, ruin'.
So when the blessing is pronounced in the name of Yahovah, the people receive the blessing of 'I AM destruction, I AM ruin', a clear reference to the Satan, and when the people pray to 'Yahovah', well, guess who they end up referring to in their prayer?

And even if the people who use titles like 'G-d' or 'Lord', or who pronounce the name as Yehovah, are aware of the hidden references, many of them persist in their old habits, simply because 'their preacher or teacher does it', and they 'are referring to YHWH when they say G-d or Lord'.
To them, it is just a coincidence.

So, let's get this straight, 'hovah' refers to the Hebrew root 'HYH', 'to be', and although in appearance ('HVH') it is the same as the word 'hovah' carrying the meaning 'ruin, destruction', they are unrelated and their similarity is just a coincidence, right?
'God' may look similar in appearance to 'G-D' as mentioned by Isaiah, the deity of luck, yet this deity is 'Gad' and it has nothing to do with 'God' other than the similarity in the gimel (G) and the dalet (D), right?
'Lord' may be translated in Hebrew as 'Ba'al', but it does in no way refer to the idol 'Ba'al', and the translation into Ba'al is just an unfortunate coincidence, right?
The name 'Jesus', 'Iesous', may sound as if you are hailing 'Zeus', the supreme deity of ancient Greece, but the name 'Jesus' is unrelated to 'Zeus', and the similarity in sound is just a coincidence, right?
And if we add it all up we arrive at the sum total of 'one mighty big coincidence' where people end up referring to a suspicious looking mask of the Evil One thinking themselves to be speaking of YHWH and His son Yahshua, right?

No, it is not a coincidence, but a deliberate sabotage.
It is Babel working the works of deception, spreading her blanket over this world so that those who use this blanket as their frame of reference end up becoming a spectacle of entertainment for the Shadow world.

The sabotage exists for the same reason as many different religions have sprung up from the fertile soil of Babel's blanket: to obscure YHWH's standard of Truth by covering it with many lies.
This is where the reactionary nature of evil becomes very evident: YHWH places His standard on the stage, and Babel creates many facsimile standards incorporating concepts of YHWH's standard, yet adding lies to them, and/or twisting YHWH's concepts in devious ways.

Remember this: Babel believes that the Lie is superior to YHWH's Truth, and to prove this point Babel constantly seeks to wrap Truth in a blanket of lies in order to reduce Truth to the rank of relativity, the rank where Truth stands among many other different 'truths', which in fact are lies dressed up as truth in order to overcome Truth.

Babel knows that Truth is defined YHWH, and since Babel does not regard YHWH as having the right to determine the absolute and thus make everything relative to Him, she uses the Lie to prove that Babel has as much right to set standards for Creation as YHWH has.
To Babel, YHWH's Truth is just His standard, and if she can prove His standard can be overcome by her standard, then YHWH is not qualified to impose His inferior standard on those who are able to create other and better standards. 
If the Lie has the power to create a reality in its own image, replacing a reality which originally carried the image of Truth, then the Lie is superior to Truth and YHWH's standard is overcome by Babel's standard.

In her madness Babel believes that if she can prove that the Lie is superior by replacing the current Creation with a new creation made in the image of the Lie, she has successfully demonstrated her superiority over YHWH, and she will rightfully be able to proclaim herself as the queen of Heaven.
If Babel were convinced in her heart that she has been defeated by YHWH already, she might as well give everything over in YHWH's hands.

But YHWH placed a hook in her that drives Babel in the belief that she can prevail over YHWH, and that hook is the very thing which seduced Babel in the very beginning: her pride, and the insanity growing in the soil of her pride.
The insanity of the evil fuelling her pride drives her to believe that she can succeed.
Babel has turned the insane foundation of the Lie into her Credo.

This is why the entire stage is covered in a blanket of lies, this is why Babel took names and titles referring to YHWH and twisted them so that they end up as references to Babel, serving as entertainment for the Shadow Masters.

This is why I will not use the words 'God', 'Lord', 'Yahovah' or 'Yehovah' to refer to YHWH Elohim.
If you KNOW of the shady connection these words have with the Fallen One, why should you persist in using them?
I do not want to give Babel that satisfaction, nor do I want to give offence to my beloved Creator YHWH.

By taking the words 'G-d', 'Lord', 'Yahovah', or 'Yehovah', you end up referring to the embroidery of confusion of Babel's great blanket of lies she uses to cover her shameful activities with.

Babel's recipe for this type of confusion is very simple:
1. put the main ingredient of the dough into the baking tin,
2. add the leaven of the Lie, 
3. mix it with the sugar and spices of translations and traditions so that the connection of the translated word to its shady meaning is obscured, 
4. give it time and watch the cake of lies rise

This recipe has brought forth a great variety of different pies and cakes to feed the hungry with the poison of a multitude of lies.

"And this is just a small token of what my blanket of deception is capable of!
Surely, only a mastermind would be able to rule the entire world with lies?
Did not YHWH proclaim that His Truth would prevail?
Look around you and tell me who is prevailing!"

That is why Babel loves the Lie so much: it allows her to prove for all eternity that the Lie is superior to the Truth, and that SHE therefore is superior to YHWH.
For if she can cover Truth on the Earth stage under the blanket of her Lie so that she can rule the entire stage and shape its reality in the image of the Lie, then surely this proves that the Lie is superior.
Babel CHOSE the Lie deliberately as her strategy to demonstrate the prowess of her intellect as well as showing the host of Heaven that YHWH's standard of Truth is inadequate, and that by adhering to this standard YHWH shows Himself to be inferior to her intellect.

"And if the Lie is superior, then I am superior to the One who cannot lie, YHWH".

Since Babel shapes their lives and made the creatures of the stage serve her majesty, Babel believes she rightfully deserves to be praised and referred to as their creator, because after all,

"Did not I create their world as it is, did not I give them a place in my structures, did not I provide for those who worship me?
Have I not EARNED the right to be worshipped as their creator then?"

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