
The Numbers - V

In the previous part I briefly touched upon a principle which I will explain in greater depth.
Everything begins with YHWH, and this beginning is represented in the basic decimal range of single digits in the number '1', out of which the basic decimal range comes forth.
This basic single-digit range is concluded by the first double-digit number, the '10', which is a direct reference back to the '1' and a number which YHWH often uses as a multiplier to reach into the double- or more digit zones.
All begins and ends in the '1'.

This basic range is like the beginning in a three-part story, where the middle range consists of the double-digits, and the range on the other side of the middle is the three-digit range.
In these three parts Dualism is depicted with a middle road added to it, a zone where one either crosses over into the triple-digit zone, or one returns back to the single-digit zone.

This three-part structure has mirrors in the higher ranges, like the range starting with the four-digit number digits, which ends in 999,999 in the six-digit range.
'1000' is an extrapolation from '1', just as '12,000' is an extrapolation from '12', and '144,000' is extrapolated from '144', which in turn is derived from '12 x 12', the dualistic reference to the two houses of Israel, and '12' in turn refers to the '3'.
The six-digit range, like the three-digit range, completes the story, and once again the same order of ranges can be extrapolated in higher ranges, beginning with '1,000,000'.
It is the equivalent of playing a melody on a piano, then repeating this melody in a higher octave.
It's the same melody, the same notes, only they sound an octave higher.

Since YHWH introduced Dualism with the number '2', the Adversary builds on double-digit numbers as pointers to his vision which manifests in its fullness in the triple-digit range.
The triple-digit range carries numbers such as '111', '666', '999', and they stand for a Satanic reality where YHWH does not want us to venture.

YHWH aims to keep us in the basic decimal range, because in the beginning we also find its completion ('7'), and the new phase in eternity ('8').

When YHWH uses double- (or more) digit numbers, such as '12', they point back to the basic single-digit decimal range.
'12' stands for YHWH's representation in the form of Israel.
It points back to the '3', which in this case stands for the fullness of YHWH's manifestation, and the '2 - 1' movement, the Salvation from bondage to the Evil One.
Through Israel YHWH brings Salvation from Evil, and only when Israel is the representation of the fullness of YHWH can Israel be YHWH's beacon of Light in this world.
ALL multiple-digit numbers used by YHWH point back to this single-digit range, their origin and their destiny.

The Adversary does the exact opposite.
He takes the single-digit range, and makes it stand in service of his double-digit range leading to his triple-digit range.

This way, the single-digits of the basic decimal range become a reference to the double-digits, and the double-digits in turn refer forward to the triple-digit zone which stands for the fullness of the manifestation of the Satanic concept embedded in the double-digit. 

Why '3'?
Because of the energetic properties of the number '3' to manifest the fullness.
It's a three-part drive which propels towards the full manifestation of the properties to which the '3' pertains, in this case the Satanic ideal.

A waltz is a nice illustration of the energy of the number '3'.
The three-part rhythm is a very powerful and propelling force, a seemingly unbreakable unit of rhythm which feels as if it go on forever because of its intrinsic power to keeping propelling something forward.

The typical rhythm of the waltz begins with the deep bass on the first beat, followed by two chords on the second and third beat, and as such it is a great illustration how out of the deep bass ('1') the dualistic existence came forth by the choice to split off from the '1' (the '2' chords).
The powerful motion where the two chords seem to be propelled forward by the bass on the first beat, shows us in musical terms how the contra-side of Dualism propels itself forward towards its ideal by means of the energy which originated out of the '1', the bass on the first beat.
The waltz is a great illustration of the single-, double- and triple-digit zone, how the energy of the basis in the single-digit zone, the '1', is used by the Fallen Ones to push us into the double- and triple-digit zone, the '2' chords on the second and third beat in the waltz.

YHWH seeks to draw us out of the double-digit range back into unity with Him.
He wants to set us free from the propelling motion used to push us into the double-  and triple-digit zone, and bring us back into His rest, the '1'.
For a season we all travel into the double-digit zone, from whence some proceed into the triple-digit zone, while others are called back into the single-digit zone.
In other words, some who have fallen to Sin build upon Sin and shut out any Light of YHWH within them, while others who have built upon Sin for a season are led by the resulting conflict back to YHWH, and repent of their journey into the Evil Zone.

The strategy of the Satan is to take the properties of everything YHWH created, His numbers, numbers manifesting in acoustic energy, numbers embodied in geometric shapes, and place them within the subversive context of Satanism so that the energy of the manifestation of the numbers can be used in service of the Satanic ideal.
That is how the waltz into the Inferno is set in motion.

And that is all there is to Satanism: a megalomaniacal diversion to hide the fact that in its essential bare state it is nothing other than a collection of tactics and techniques to leech energy from YHWH in order to realize an ideal which can never be, because it is an absurdity which cannot exist in reality, a stillborn illusion as the psychotic reality of an insane mind.
It is a lost cause which the Evil One presents as a viable alternative to YHWH's Creation, but nothing could be further from the Truth.

And so, what does the Adversary do with the number representing YHWH's mercy which gives man a new chance and sets him free from the consequences of Sin, the number '5'?

He turns it into the number of his own favor, by multiplying it with the number which stands for unity in the Satan's cause of rebellion against YHWH, '11', so that it comes to stand for Satanic favor in his order ('55'). 

YHWH uses the '10' very often to venture into the double- or more digit zone, with the '10' referring back to the '1', the unity in YHWH, and the Satan has derived his own counterfeit system from it by using HIS number '11' to multiply the concepts of the single-digit numbers, the number which stands for unity in Evil.
Just as YHWH's numbers end up referring to Him when they are multiplied with '10', the use of the '11' as a multiplier causes the concepts as defined by YHWH in the form of the basic decimal system to become references to the Satan.

The Adversary puts the '5' within his version of the pentagram, the five-pointed star, where the Satanic goat head has isolated and absorbed YHWH's mercy on all sides, thus forming a block around it.
In the pentagram mercy comes to stand in service of the Satan as HIS favor towards HIS anointed ones.

Usually the pentagram is associated with the number '5', only, the form of the Satanic goat head creates a link with the number of the Fallen One, '11'.
As such, the subverted pentagram creates the link to '11', the number referring to the Fallen One, so that the '5' comes to stand in service of the '11' and becomes '55', '5 x 11 = 55', the favor of the Evil One.

In the Satanic pentagram, '2' points or horns are directed upward towards Heaven, '1' point is directed downwards (to 'hell'), and the pentagram usually is placed within a (double) circle, '2'.

The circle contains the power which is invoked, and protects from interference, and a double circle is (like the double '1') a reference to Dualism, the mother of Evil.

The Satanic use of the circle is derived from the concept of YHWH's circle, as referred to in Job 1, the 'hedge' around Job.

Just as YHWH's concept of the '1' finds it Satanic counterpart in the '11', the double circle is the perfect Satanic mark on the concept of the circle, a derivative from YHWH's 'hedge of protection' so that it becomes the Satanic hedge of protection.

As you know, the manifestation of Evil is possible thanks to the existence of the principle of Dualism, so the '2' horns pointing upwards in the context of a double circle stand for the triumph of the Dark side of Dualism, where Evil is united in the common cause of rebellion against YHWH, the two horns battering against Heaven.
Two circles and two horns, or two horns and two points of the pentagram pointing left and right, '2 + 2 = 4', YHWH's concept for Destruction which the Evil One depicts as the complete separation and the gateway into the '9', the Satanic reality where the Evil One will implement his own isolated order of his paradise.

However, the Satanic '55' as the Shadow-component of YHWH's '5', the '55' which stands for the temporary, fickle favor of the Satan, must be paid for.
Where YHWH gives freely, the Adversary sets a price on his favor.
The semblance with the many religious 'merchants, prophets and teachers' setting a price on 'YHWH's word' is uncanny, isn't it?
Invariably they seek to become little entrepreneurs selling their view on YHWH's word, excusing their exploitation by the old and tiresome adage that 'the laborer is worth his wages'.
So, considering their habit of exploitation and their split-hoof interest where one part stands in YHWH's court and the other in Mammon's, who do you think they are REALLY serving?
Don't be fooled by huge Bibles, holy robes and long beards of merchants telling you to buy their 999-part series of why you must tithe.

If you want to obtain the favor of the Satan, you have to pay the price in blood. 
YHWH's mercy was paid for with His own blood, the blood of the One who sacrificed Himself so that He could bring YHWH's Light in Sheol and provide a way for the Souls of the deceased to be carried into the realm of Heaven by Yahshua's Light.

The Satan desires man's blood in order to harvest man's energy, and use it to create his own empire,  maybe even conquer Heaven itself once his paradise has established itself.
He wants to use man's blood to bring Darkness right up to the doorstep of Heaven.
Therefore, Satanic favor demands bloodshed, and those who worship the Adversary know this only too well.
But YHWH knows the crimes committed by those working in service of the Satan, for the blood of the innocent cries out to Heaven, and without His mercy YHWH will become the avenger of the innocent blood shed in service of the Evil One.
I guarantee you, He has your number, and you will NOT get away with your secret crimes!

Because the success of the Adversary hinges on this time-period, the Adversary will seek to harvest as much energy as he can in order to block Yahshua's return, and prevent Him from cashing in on His victory, because if that happens it means the '7' has begun, and he can forget about establishing a Satanic wonderland.
The greatest harvest of energy in the form of the slaughter of millions upon millions is necessary before the great new Satanic order can come into existence, and therefore the Satanic perversion of the '5' will make itself felt in an unprecedented way when the Adversary sets man up for another world war, one which will change our lives in the most dramatic way.

Such is the nature of the favor of the Wicked One, he demands bloodshed in return for his whimsical favor which can change in the most unpredictable ways.
Never has anyone who made a pact with the Adversary benefitted from it.
You are favored as long as you come in handy to the Adversary, but the moment your use has expired, he throws you in the waste bin.
In his eyes, this is neither Good or Evil, but instead it's just business as usual.

The Satan can even add an extra '5' to come to the number '555', a number of the same order as '666'.
If '666' is the number of man devoid of YHWH's presence, the manifestation of the fullness of the Satan in human form, then '555' is the manifestation of the fullness of Satanic 'favor' in the new reality which Babel is preparing.

Some believe that the number '6' is Satanic in nature.
However, this is not correct, since ALL numbers in the basic decimal range have been given their exclusive properties by YHWH, and YHWH has not reserved the '6' for Evil, but for man.
The number '6' stands for the dualistic man within YHWH's sequence ranging from one to seven, followed by the '8' and the '9', which together form the fork in the road of Dualism where Good and Evil split up.
The side-effect of Dualism, Evil, will be isolated and contained within its own dream reality of the '9'.

YHWH's number for man, '6', refers to man in his fallen condition, meaning that when man is born, he has inherited the legacy of Sin, but he has not yet merged into an identity he built out of this legacy.
The moment when man's identity transfers to the manifestation of Sin within him, he enters into the double-digit zone where he becomes '66'.
The '66' is the danger zone which can end up destroying us completely, because it is the zone where we walk around in spiritual somnambulism which turns us into puppets in the hands of the Fallen Ones.

However, I am convinced that Evil Spirits are born on this planet also, and they are not born as '6', nor do they venture into the '66' zone, but they are born as '666' because there is no element of YHWH's Goodness within them.
They enter as Evil Spirits in an Evil Body, and they grow up to become perfect psychopaths without the slightest conflict about any crimes they commit.

When we are under the spell of the Satan, living embodiments of the '66', and we become aware of our Evil identity and we repent of it, we venture back into the '6'.
Within this '6' we still experience the conflict of Dualism caused by the presence of Evil, but our Soul has chosen to align itself with YHWH so that the Evil identity in the Flesh comes to stand as an alien element within us, gradually growing weaker as our new identity in YHWH through Yahshua grows stronger.

The Satanic numerical system rests upon taking numbers from the basic decimal range, and link them to the Satan's concepts and numerical system so that the energy and reality of those numbers come to stand in service of the creation of the Satanic reality.
The same applies to geometrical forms, which are visual embodiments of numbers.

So, when YHWH has a certain meaning and a reality attached to numbers such as '1', '3', '4', '6', the Adversary turns these numbers into enabling elements of the numerical system of Evil by applying the Dualism filter.

Thus, the '1' filtered through Dualism becomes '11', the unity in Evil which split away from unity in YHWH as another possible reality.
The fullness of the '11' is expressed in '111'. 

The '3' filtered through Dualism becomes '33', the manifestation of the Fallen One to man, the fullness of which is expressed in the number '333'.
The '4' filtered through Dualism becomes '44', the complete separation from YHWH and the gateway into the '99'. The fullness of this separation from YHWH (which YHWH has defined as 'Destruction') is expressed in '444'. 
The '5' is turned into '55', even extended to manifest the fullness of the favor of the Satan in the number '555'.

After the number of man in his fallen condition ('6') has been filtered through the Dualism principle it becomes '66', the number of man under the compulsive influence of Evil.

The Adversary takes the '6', links it to the number standing for unity in Evil ('11') so that the outcome denotes the man in service (bondage) of Evil, '6 x 11 = 66'. 

By adding yet another '6', the number '666comes to stand for the son of perdition in whom no light of YHWH dwells any longer, the perfect psychopath, the number which also is assigned to Babel's full manifestation in the physical plane (three sixes) in the human Flesh (three sixes).
The number '111' stands for the fullness of unity in Evil, and so the number '666' is the embodiment of man having become fully Evil, '6 x 111 = 666'.

Although we all may come to travel on route '66' for a while, you don't want to travel all the way into the triple-digit zone, because you will enter a zone from whence no one has ever returned.

The geometric symbol associated with the '6' is the hexagram, the twin sister of the pentagram, and when the two babes of Babylon are joined together you get the formula '5 + 6 = 11', the number standing for unity in Evil or the Satan.

As is the case with the pentagram, it is not uncommon to see the hexagram within a (double) circle.

As I wrote before, the circle stands for the enclosure which isolates from interference by unwanted sources, a border which protects and isolates.
It also is the symbol which expresses eternity, although the '8' lying on its side is preferred in Satanism because of its inherent Dualism ('2' zeros), and the fact that the standing '8' of YHWH's concept is thrown down, a symbolic expression which is used in the Satanic cross as the Satanic victory over YHWH's promised new phase.
I will explain this in the next part.

In the hexagram you can see '6' little triangles as symbols of the pyramids, each triangle having '3' sides, adding up to '18' sides.
'1 + 8 = 9', the Satanic reality, and '3 x 6 = 18, three sixes or '666'.

Another way of looking at the hexagram is to see '6' triangles on the side, '6' points of the hexagram, and the '6' inner sides if you take away the triangles on the side.

In both cases, ('2'), you arrive at the symbolic for the number '666'.

However, contrary to rumor, the hexagram is NOT the same as the mark of the beast which is mentioned in Revelation.
It is used by the Adversary to put his mark on Jews as his target, but the mark in the vision of John is of a different and more frightening nature, because it changes who we are on the deepest level.

Furthermore, the hexagram contains two ('2') big triangles to depict the male and female aspect.
The principle of Dualism is  once again illustrated in these two triangles, which stand for the passing of the energy of Life from Heaven to Earth.

'2' circles, '2' triangles, here too the formula '2 + 2 = 4' is visible.

Although some believe that these two triangles stand for the union of the 'divine with man', in the Satanic context they stand for the process of leeching YHWH's energy of Life from Heaven to Earth so that it can be used to build up the Satanic empire as represented by the triangle, the symbol of the pyramid.

And by the way, this is the reason why the sexual ritual is used in Satanic magic: to invoke the passing of Life-energy from the Creator YHWH to Evil so that Evil is energized through the lust vortex drawing forth the energy.

The hexagram is Babel's mark on Israel, and Israel has turned it into a national symbol!
That's a big mistake and a complete mismatch, in spite of the fact that the hexagram is the symbol associated with Magen David.
The Adversary pinned it on the Jews to mark them for slaughter, and the Israeli government made the mistake of turning Babel's mark into a national symbol.
I wish they had not done that, because by pinning the hexagram upon a geographical area, Israel has marked the nation for the completion of the destruction the Adversary has in mind.

You see, YHWH's plan is to re-gather all Israelites into Israel, beginning with Judah.
Since Babel was unable to prevent this from happening, -in spite of all her efforts-, she adjusted her strategy.
She intends to use YHWH's plan in service of her own plan, which is to gather all the Jews into one geographical area, by turning Israel into one big geographical concentration camp, a target for Destruction so that the mistake of her Nazi era, -which led to the creation of Israel-, can be corrected, and the name of Israel can be wiped off the map permanently.
The Jews are set up and marked for slaughter by the Adversary, and that is why it is sad that Israel chose to wear the Adversary's mark as a symbol of national identity.
The symbol expresses how Israel was set up as a target, even before the nation rose from the grave.

The Adversary mobilizes the entire world against Israel in order to accomplish his ideal of the destruction of Israel, and the completion of what the Nazis set out to do.
Just observe how the entire world turns against Israel as if the tiny nation of Israel is the biggest problem in this world.
Observe how the world supports the wishes of blood-thirsty organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, both of which thrive on violence and promote the ideal of Israel's destruction.
Observe the 'peace-process' of the past 65 years, how Israel makes one concession after another just to be able to live in peace with her neigbors, and how the neighbors have time and again shown their unwillingness to bargain with the nation they seek to erase from the map, as they publicly have declared!

Then ask yourself: how could this tiny nation possibly be the problem it is purported to be?
How could any sane rational mind be so blind that he points at the Jews as the problem, while the Arabs and their neighbors are the ones inciting violence, invent the most ridiculous excuses to refuse negotiations for peace, and constantly preach violence on their TV stations against Israel?

The world listens to the bullies when they point the finger at Israel, and joins the bullies in their mantra that Israel is the problem while in fact the bullies have created the problem!
They are not interested in land, they just want to destroy Israel, erase it from the Middle-East.
To appoint Israel in the role of the world's greatest problem and defend organizations such as Hamas or Hezbollah you have to be either completely insane, or completely wicked, or a combination thereof.

The ONLY reason why the world is in complete denial of reality and runs after the bullies is because the powers in the political arenas are bought and paid for by the Adversary.
They are plugged into a Shadow world, and to appease the rulers of that world they have to do their bidding.
They are the Adversary's extension into this world, his hands and feet, and like stupified robots they repeat the programming the Evil One has put in their minds.
The Adversary knows all too well that if you want to control the world, you have to control the ones in power, and it is the control the Adversary has over the minds of people which makes them dumb, deaf and blind to Truth and reason.
And anyone who has ever attempted to reason with an insane person knows that it is futile and a waste of time, because the insane are not open to reason.
It's like trying to run software on a broken computer.

The way this world deals with Israel is one of the clearest examples of how our planet is ruled by a secret Shadow world, and how the nation of Israel was a mistake of the Fallen Ones which they desperately seek to correct.
Israel is a physical sign of YHWH's supremacy over Evil, and a painful reminder of the dumb arrogance of the Fallen Ones.
And they promote themselves as the architects of a completely new order which will bring man a new Satanic paradise?
If anything, the past has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt how incompetent the Adversary is when it comes to dealing with YHWH, how he loses time and again when YHWH makes His move.
He laughs at the Satan, because more than anyone else in Creation He knows how pathetic the Adversary has become in his misplaced pride, He knows exactly what the future paradise of the Fallen Ones will look like, and it ain't pretty, I can tell you that for sure.

I was not sure if I should mention the hexagram, because the haters of Israel use it in support of their argument that Israel is an Evil nation, a nation funded by Illuminati, and that it should be dissolved.
Israel today is the fulfillment (I should say, 'Israel today is 'a' fulfillment) of the prophecy that YHWH would restore the tents of Judah first.
Just look at how Israel not only survived against all odds, but triumphed over all the surrounding nations when they came against Israel to destroy the nation and kill off the Jews, and read the often miraculous stories of soldiers involved in the wars.
If YHWH had not stretched out His hand over Israel, it would not exist today.
But YHWH knew of Babel's plans for destruction, and He protected Israel during the wars.
If Babel with all her might cannot prevail against a single tiny nation when YHWH protects it, what do you think the chances are that Babel can succeed in her plans for the new order?

I love Israel, and it pains me to see so much animosity towards this tiny nation which is required to set murderers free for the sake of being able to negotiate for the elusive ideal of peace which their enemies will never grant them, because it is their goal to destroy Israel and rid the world of the 'Jewish problem'.

However, the national symbol of Israel simply is a mismatch with that which Israel stands for.
Yet even though this may be so, I am convinced it is no coincidence that this symbol was chosen, and the tragedy which is waiting in the wings will illustrate what I write here in the most shocking, devastating way, because the process which was set in motion during the second world war is not over yet...

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