
The Invasion

Throughout history you can find examples of Islamic fanatics attempting to turn the entire world into an Muslim brainwashing camp, and Europe has suffered greatly in the past as a result of Islamic aggression.
Yet up to this moment Islam was unable to succeed in conquering Europe, and even in spite of past successes time somehow managed to turn those successes into losses again.

Europe's military apparatus today is too strong for an outright ideological war, so if you want to succeed in your ambition to create an Islamic world, then a different strategy is called for.
A new strategy, one which is capable of conceiving and deploying every imaginable weapon for the sake of the Islamic cause, one which is capable of delivering the Islamic global paradise.

And so, you have to assess your enemy, scan him for weaknesses in his armour which you can turn to your own advantage.
A military conflict with Europe and the USA is not desirable, but what if you were able to succeed in using the adversary's strength against himself, what if you could use the strong arm of your enemy and manipulate your enemy to such a degree that you can use this strong arm against your enemy?
What if you could succeed in debilitating and traumatizing your enemy, availing yourself of weaknesses and charactertraits you turned into opportunities, and drive your enemy to commit suicide rather than fight him yourself?

There are certain parties in this world which must have pondered on this dilemma, and the solution they came up with is nothing short of brilliant.
Brilliant, yet vile, low and despicable at the same time.
But it's the end result which counts, right?

How do you turn the strong arm of your adversary against himself?
Surely in order to succeed you have to analyze what controls the strong arm.
You have to examine the authority structure by means of which your adversary operates, and manipulate certain elements within this structure in order to achieve the desired end result.
Rather than fighting from the bottom up it would be wiser to establish your goals from the top down.

You place the Manchurian candidate into the White House and manipulate both the nation as well as Western allies through the conditioned responses of the candidate.
You use European government officials issuing the orders to political leaders of the member states, which in turn make sure that the order given to them is carried out.
And if you succeed in manipulating the EU, you create a powerful domino effect capable of overthrowing entire nations.

And so we find ourselves in the situation where hordes of Islamic fugitives trample Europe and demand to be fed, to be given houses, to be given welfare, to be taken care of.
They are used in service of the Islamic strategy which aims to manipulate the people through the weakness within the Western mindset which they have analyzed.
Part of the Western ideology is compassion, tolerance and hospitality, and if you combine this with an appeal to feelings of guilt and emotion, then you can turn these 'weaknesses' into opportunities you can exploit to your own advantage.
Yes it is low, it is vile, but if it brings about the Islamic ideal of global domination then surely the end result justifies the means?

And so we are witnessing hundreds of reports of poor fugitives waiting in the heat for the train to come, we are confronted with the picture of a dead child lying on the beach.
Don't get me wrong, it is terrible that this happened, but have you ever wondered why the family of the child tried to escape from a SAFE country like Turkey by stepping into a dubious unsafe boat, the father KNOWING all too well that neither his wife or child can swim?
Have you ever wondered why none of the surrounding (rich) Muslim nations open their borders for fugitives which believe in Allah and Muhammad, and provide them with food and shelter?
I am sure Western nations would be only too eager to share the cost of regional facilities for the fugitives.
But no, they suddenly appear exactly on cue in large hordes in a non-Islamic Europe with Judeo-Christian roots, demanding to be taken care of and given houses, food, shelter, welfare.

It is a tragedy created for propaganda purposes which aim to establish an Islamic world empire and the destruction of the last remnants of the Judeo-Christian heritage of Europe.
What will it take for people to realize that they are being manipulated, conned into surrendering their nation to Islam?
And you can be sure there are parties which know all too well that Islam and the Western mindset do not mix.
It will inevitably create friction and conflict, and this will lead to riots and even civil wars.
All they have to do is to wait until the barrel explodes, and step in to impose martial law and take over the political power structure.

I will state it here again: our political leaders are TRAITORS!
Especially the fanatical left and the faceless/brainless middle which seek to remain in power no matter the cost.
If they have to praise Allah in order to get votes, they will do so, for nothing is sacred in the quest to remain in office.
And if you open your doors to Muslim asylum seekers and coddle them you can be sure of their vote.
They become the collaborators enabling the invasion and take-over of our Western nations by Islam.

The division within society between the manipulated who remain clueless and collaborate with the invaders, and the ones who are aware of the manipulation and seek to expose and destroy it, thus extrapolates itself into the political spectrum where the left turns into an Islamic ideological stronghold, and those who realize they are being manipulated flock somewhere on the right.
It's a different division between left and right than 50 years ago, but nevertheless, it will be there, and the gap will be much larger.

And what should be done to political traitors who sell their nation to the aggressor?
Shouldn't they be tried and punished accordingly?
Surely it is not hard to see how Obama pushed the EU, the EU pushed the member states, and the wicked leaders of the member states push the people, and what are the people going to do?
What does it take before the people starting pushing back?
Destroyed cities, murdered natives, raped women?
Isn't that exactly the image we have in mind as the aftermath of war?

If you control the political leadership, you control the police and the military apparatus, and you can use the strong arm of a nation against the citizens, especially if you have disarmed them as is the case in The Netherlands.

Yes, this is what we are witnessing at this moment: the INVASION of Europe by Islam.
It has nothing to do with fugitives, it has everything to do with manipulating circumstances in order to creates hordes of Islamic fugitives trampling all over Europe.
It does not take a genius to see we're doomed at this point if this continues.
This is not going to go away, this is the barrel of oil thrown over a small fire, and soon we'll see the fire explode.
Meaning, you will see war, civil war, utterly disrupted nations where hatred and racism will thrive again.

Yes, it is good to give food and shelter to fugitives, but the current influx of hundreds of thousands of fugitives (in the near future MILLIONS of fugitives) has nothing to do with providing shelter.
The willingness of people to help others is manipulated by certain parties which are after the demise of Europe and the traditional national values of European nations.
Europe is under attack, and the means by which Europe is attacked are incredibly sneaky, deceptive and hypocritical.

In an outright war you at least have a clearly defined enemy facing you with weapons, but this new invasion succeeds because firstly the face of the real enemy (not the fugitives) remains hidden, and the weapon used in this war are altruism, compassion, kindness, in the Devil's agenda weaknesses which lends themselves very well for exploitation especially when you combine them with induced guilt.
We are invaded by nefarious means, and in the absence of awareness on the part of our political leaders and the people living in the nations the invasion succeeds.
You know, they COULD collaborate to provide regional fugitive camps, Muslim nations COULD open their doors to their fellow believers, but instead they willingly and KNOWINGLY keep loading more passengers on the national Western boat until it will sink.
And they KNOW it will sink, that was the intent, and that is what makes it even worse!

How I wish that those parties which continually use their vast financial resources to create circumstances like this would be tried for their crimes against humanity.
They think they are smart because they succeed through manipulation, just as their dark overlord is accustomed to.

But there is a Creator Who knows and sees the things done in secret, and they will not get away with their crimes.
He TOO is capable of turning confusion to His advantage, and He already uses confusion by creating division among the globalists and warriors for the new order.
The Adversary may think he is smart, but YHWH will heap confusion upon confusion until that dark pitiful fallen being no longer is capable of determining the outcome.

YHWH allows all this to happen because we have turned away from Him.
We lacked compassion on Israel, a nation which faces Islamic/Palestinian aggression on a daily basis for the longest time, we took pride in our own compassion and tolerance thinking ourselves to be the epitome of universal goodness.
Yet compassion without discernment becomes stupidity which lends itself very well for abuse by the smarter party, just as tolerance without intelligent discernment turns into a gateway for Evil.

And so through our own pride and stupidity the 'Palestinian' problem is exported and turned into a global problem demanding a solution.
And you probably can guess what that solution will be.
Israel must be wiped off the map, the West must be destoyed and turned into a part of the Islamic global empire.
And I tell you, when Israel goes down, WE go down, when Israel is forced to bow before that ugly deity Allah and his false prophet, WE will be forced to bow before that same monstrous religious cocktail.

It is WE who are to blame, WE bring about our own destruction, and WE deserve it.
Or, I should say, YOU who defied reason and enlightenment given to us by our Creator, YOU who constantly refuse to listen, YOU deserve it.

So, YHWH allows it to happen for a very good reason, one which I have written about often before.
If we do not listen to reason, maybe the confrontation with the consequences of our prideful stupidity can act as the rod disciplining the back of fools.
And if the rod does not make the fools sit up, listen and learn, YHWH will give them over as slaves to the queen of Babylon, which was, is, and is yet to come in darkest glory ever.

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