
The Incongruous Reality

Some ideas deviate so much from what we have accepted as the norm that they seem insane.
And some of the ideas you come across on the internet are indeed the product of an overdose of imagination, or they may be caused by a mental illness.
But some ideas appear very strange and yet they are not fairy tales.
They are the result of a changing paradigm, or they may be the result of a hidden paradigm which now manifests in such a way that it affects everyone on the planet.

The common reaction when confronted with abnormal phenomena is to deny them, to relegate them to the realm of fairy tales and rationalize them away by fitting them into what we have believed to be the norm of reality, the standard.
Like for instance the phenomenon of many people all over the world suddenly claiming that land masses have moved, parts of the Bible have changed.
This is such an outrageous impossible claim that the standard reaction is to relegate it to the ranks of 'conspiracy' which many associate with paranoia and mental illness.

Yet I want to point out that the idea of a conspiracy is a central theme in the Bible, the conspiracy of the Fallen Ones against humanity.
Furthermore, supernatural events are so widespread in the Bible that it amazes me how in Christian circles anything which deviates from the image of reality as promoted by the media and pastors is rejected, and the ones believing it as seducers, Evil men and women who are out of touch with reality.
If they met Enoch and the next day he would have been transported through the dimensions to another reality and a prophet would tell them this had happened, they would not be far off from picking up stones to kill the 'false prophet'.
The Bible tells us of Yahshua walking on a lake, feeding thousands of people with only a few loaves of bread, raising the dead, healing the sick, being transformed so that even His clothes began to shine.
If anything deviates from the standard of what is normal, then Yahshua fits the bill.
Yet so many Christians are eager to accept this deviation from the standard of what is normal because it has been pumped and conditioned into their brains, yet when today supernatural changes are happening which are plain weird and which are not covered by traditional theology, they fail to acknowledge them and retreat in their safe cocoon where they worship the traditional icons on the wall.

The notion of a changed reality is plain weird, let alone of a Bible gradually changing.
But I assure you, I can see this happening, and although I was quite astonished when I saw the tangible evidence of it, I could sense a changing reality for many years.
What we have come to know as part and parcel of 'reality', the continuity of things, is gone.
Breaches have happened and reality has become incongruous.
Yet if the new reality replaces the old, everything in the new reality appears as if it always has been this way.
And that is not the case, the continuity of the old reality has been broken and compared to the new reality certain elements have changed inexplicably.
There has been a breach in the continuity, and I assure you there will be more breaches.

Today once again is a beautiful day, just like the time when I wrote to you about Liberation Day, and as was the case then today appears to me as unreal.
There is a certain quality about it I cannot pinpoint, yet it is very strong to my Spirit, an unreal artificial quality.
There is no doubt in my mind that the breaches in reality are the result of strong potent magic, it is 'in the air'.
The Adversary has the means at his disposal to hack in our image of reality and change elements, yet as always his hacks are not perfect unlike the times when YHWH moves us through dimensions.

Earlier this year I suffered from continuous headaches, so much that I wondered what was going on.
From mid December to January the headaches plagued me, leaving me for a week, then returning again, and first I thought it was the result of the very strange ongoing windy weather, or maybe some kind of spell.
I'm very sensitive in my physiological reaction to changes and motion, so much that even a mere swing is able to make me feel sick.
And often before the Autumn storms made me feel heavy in my head to the point of headaches, yet this time it was different, much longer in duration and with a certain odd quality to them.
I think somehow the changes in reality are related to the corresponding changes in the weather.
Of course I could be wrong about it, but the weather has had a very unreal quality over the past months as if it is the by-product of something else, and I think the use of reality modifying technology has something to do with it.

Whatever may be the case, elements in our current reality have been hacked, and the one element which makes me pay attention is the change in certain words in the Bible.
The hack is not perfect because you find other sources which refer back to the reality we knew and were familiar with, so although the words in certain translations now are different, other elements which are derived from the translations are not and contradict the altered words in Bible translations.
I know that the Adversary is limited in what he can do with his magic, his technology, and he does not have the power of YHWH Who is able to transform reality and NO ONE will be able to detect it because He does not leave loose ends.

So, is the Adversary capable of transforming even the output of YHWH's servants on this Earth?
Somehow I think he is limited in that regard.

Bring to mind Daniel 7.25 which reads:
"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws (seasons): and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

Often the latter is translated as 'half a time', but I now concentrate on the word 'dividing'.
If you divide something you break the continuity, and that is exactly what has happened.
Time is divided and the resulting reality is modified, and this is not just a onetime event.
Also, think about 'changing times and laws'.
Frequently this is understood in the context of changing YHWH's commandments, but it could also apply to changing the reality of a particular time so that as time is divided it is cut up in two realities which are not one continuous entity.
They appear to be continuous, but they are like an amalgam where alien elements have replaced other elements of the previous reality and they do not fit together just as iron and clay do not mix into one substance.
They are latched onto each other.

The 'saints of the Most High', the 'Kadosh {set apart] of YHWH', shall be given into his hand and be worn out.
Isn't this exactly how the Adversary always has attacked YHWH's own, obstructing them whenever he is able to until the suffering and pain makes them feel broken?
And aren't YHWH's own subject to the altered reality, the result of the dividing of time?
There also is hope then, because there clearly is a word 'until', which means it is coming to an end.

Now consider 2 Thessalonians 2.8-12:
"And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming—
 even him, whose coming is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders,
and with all the deceit of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,
that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

The coming of the wicked, the lawless One, is with lying wonders, power and signs.
If you are able to hack into reality and change for instance Bible verses you got a powerful tool to promulgate lies.
The 'working of Satan' is in the original Greek language 'energeia Satanas', and it strongly points to the manipulation of energy, which is how occult magic works.
With all 'power' is in Greek 'dynamis' and 'lying' is in Greek 'pseudos'.
I am mentioning this because you are familiar with these words in other contexts and this will give this text an additional meaning and a clearer insight in what Paul is referring to.
'Energeia' is used for supernatural power, a word which also is used in a 'strong delusion', 'energeia plane'.
The word 'lie' as in 'that they should believe a lie' is in Greek once again 'pseudos', and it refers to 'conscious and intentional falsehood'.
I am sure that if you consider the possibility of an altered Bible it is not hard to connect the word 'pseudo' with the Bible in that context.

In the future there will be a moment when the goats will be separated from the sheep.
The ones who mimick words and customs yet do not follow or know YHWH's Ruach, His Spirit, will be under the spell and authority of the Deceiver, because they  ALWAYS have been in his power and will not be able to resist his deception when it comes their way.
The Adversary will simply make their minds go to sleep and fill them anger towards those who try to unveil the deception.

The phrase 'time, times and a dividing of time' as found in Daniel often is connected with Revelation 13.5 where the beast was given to exercise authority for 42 months.
But there is more to the words of Daniel than just the direct linear time interpretation of one year, plus two years, plus half a year.
In Daniel it is deliberately phrased in a very curious, odd way, and it is not by coincidence that the phrase 'dividing of time' is used.
Time is cut, and a new line is latched unto the old one, until that one is cut, and another line is latched on (merged with) the previous one.
It is the cutting, dividing of time which creates odd anomalies in the hands of imperfect Fallen Devils, whereas YHWH's division of time is completely  seamless, perfect in its continuity.

The nature of our reality is so different from what science has believed for a long time, although lately the idea of a holographic reality begins to gain more acceptance.
The holographic image theory is closer to the Truth than the traditional model of Creation as found in science.

In closing I just want to urge you to have an open mind and not condemn others for writing or saying things that you find difficult to accept.
If you cannot see what I see, simply acknowledge the difference without condemnation, surely that is not too hard to do?

I am certain something IS happening, there definitely is a hack into our reality where the hackers have the ability to alter elements so that the continuity of reality is breached and altered, the dividing of time.
So, try to make a conscious effort to commit to memory the Bible verses you read, especially when YHWH's Ruach, His Spirit is leading you.
Rest assured that YHWH is at the helm and He is watching over us.
Bear that in mind, because the Evil One may think he can have his way with us, yet he fails to acknowledge YHWH's presence in our lives and take His sometimes unorthodox ways of protecting His own into account.

So be cheerful and look to our Redeemer, because if I am right, and I am convinced I am, then this means the time of our liberation is very close.
The Adversary hacks into dimensions and leaves imperfect results, YHWH can transform us and move us through the dimensions leading us straight into Paradise, perfectly, without even leaving a ripple in the fabric of His Creation.
Remember the words of Yahshua, in the end, 'one will be taken, the other will be left'.
If you want to talk about a perfect transformation through the different dimensions, then that fits the bill, the separation of Good from Evil.

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