
The Law Of Religion

When religion replaces a pure conscience, insanity rules the land, and those living in the land will call it the 'law of the land', even the 'law of God'.

Everything becomes religion to the man who denies Truth, so that Truth is substituted by the false sense of truth dictated by religion.

Take a close look at today's religious systems and how they validate corruption so that a man's conscience is silenced by his embrace of the 'religious conscience' which assures him that his indulgence in corruption is good.
Take a close look at history and the violent and immoral practices sanctified by the men in the holy robes.

In the name of Jesus instruments of torture were designed to be used against Yahshua's own people.
In the name of Jesus the holy robes enriched themselves by exploiting the poor.
In the name of Muhammad and his Allah pedophiles are sanctioned to gratify their depraved lust and wicked desires at the expense of the young and innocent.
In the name of Muhammad's Allah Yahshua's people are murdered in cold blood, beheaded because they held fast to Truth and refused to submit to the Lie of the Islamic dogma.

The satanic nature of religious bonds becomes especially noticeable when men are led by the chains of dogma to act out abominations in the name of the Creator.
Just bring to mind how Islam is used to legitimize Sodom's perversions so that bloodshed and immorality are transformed into holy acts performed in obedience to the corrupt creed.

The problem with religion (and this includes ALL ideologies which become a surrogate conscience to the fallen man) is that it dresses a man in holy robes in order to match his heart with the surrogate holy robes, whereas YHWH shapes and changes a man inwardly so that he clothes his life in correspondence with the change within.
Two diametrically opposite flows from two diametrically opposite forces.

Following Yahshua because you chose to believe in Him is not religion, although outwardly it may have an appearance as such.
It is a relationship with the Spirit of a living Man Who was and is Good, and as you get to know the Man better you furnish your life in agreement with His instructions.
Not because you are forced to, but because you love Him and you want Him to be close to you, which means that there are certain things you should do, and other things you should avoid.
It may have an appearance of religion to the world, but in spite of the external similarity the flow is the diametrical opposite of the flow of religion.

One dresses up to be holy, the other is dressed by holiness.
One flows from the world into the heart, the other flows from the heart into this world.
One is shaped by external dogma, the other is shaped by the living Spirit from within.
One is in agreement with dogma, the other is in agreement with the Spirit.
One is Death in the eyes of Heaven masking as Life, the other is Death in the eyes of the blind world yet Life coming from Heaven.
One is the absolute Truth changing a man's heart from bondage to the Evil of the Lie to the Freedom of the Light of Truth, the other is the Lie seeking to imprison a Soul and shape a man's heart in the image of the Darkness of the Lie, even though it presents itself as light to this world.
The Evil One always presents himself to the world as the bringer of enlightenment.

As the world is turning into Darkness, the violent cold star of Islam is rising and shedding its icy light on the corpses of the victims it created.
Do any of those who bear the name of being the Western brothers and sisters of the ones who are beheaded by Islamic zealots care about the ones who were murdered because they held fast to their love for Yahshua?
Or do they simply shrug their shoulders and worry more about possibly losing their jobs, or being unable to go on vacation because of the rise of daily expenses?

Today I read a news item about a Dutch crane building company which was hired to work on a gallery around the ka'aba in Mecca.
If the company wanted the contract it was obligated to let Muslims do the work since infidels are not allowed on the premises of the ka'aba.
So, the crane builder came up with the solution to persuade employees to convert to Islam in exchange for a salary of 10,000 Euros per month.
Can you image what kind of feeble, spineless idiot you have to be to sell your Soul for money?
Yet the crane builder had no difficulty in finding the men willing to bow down to Allah and sell their Souls, and he referred to them as 'real Dutch guys', as if their sell-out was born from a noble charactertrait.
Men and women have sacrificed their lives because they refused to betray Yahshua by professing the Islamic creed, and here a number of men cave in for a measly 10,000 Euros...

But, we have more important matters on our minds, such as which team will win the soccer world championship, or where we shall go on vacation, right?
Wickedness abounds, and the entire world grows darker by the minute.
Conformity to the Lie pervades every aspect of our lives, and if you want to succeed it is required that you profess your conformity to the Lie in order to haul in your reward.

Satanism no longer is considered to be an abject ideology.
It is promoted openly and an integral part of popular culture, as evidenced by satanic ceremonies performed during events such as the MTV awards.
Yes, the reward for conformity to and promotion of the agenda of the Fallen Ones can be public acceptance and financial success.
I emphasize the verb 'CAN BE', because you may just end up being bamboozled by the one you made your dark lord.
Bands no longer excuse their indulgence in Satanism or give vague references to it, but instead they openly promote their dark lord and perform religious rites on stage as part of their 'creative act'.
They refer to it as 'rebellion' while in fact they end up kissing the feet of their tormentor.

What is done openly in the West is performed in secret iunder the cloak of Islam, so that the various Islamic decrees become the conscience which enables the worst kind of perversions and bloodshed.
Everywhere your eyes can see, Darkness abounds.
Is it any wonder destruction is rushing our way to devour us?

When religion replaces YHWH, wickedness rules the land.
Until it is destroyed.

When religion replaces a true, undefiled pure conscience, religion becomes the conscience.
It shapes a man's identity and turns him into a puppet on the strings of the religious puppet masters.
You become a good Christian, a good Baptist, a good Catholic, a good Muslim, a good Buddhist, a good Hindu, a good fascist, a good Nazi, a good communist, a good libertarian, a good socialist, a good atheist, a good evolutionist, a good hedonist.

But not a good man.
Because to be a good man you have to be shaped by the Spirit of Good Who shapes a man's heart from within, and that is exactly the opposite of how religion works.
It is the exact opposite of the flow of this world.
As Paul wrote, don't be conformed to this world, but let yourself be renewed by the Spirit from within.

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