
The Divided Collective

Evil is everything Good is not, it embodies the opposite of what is Good.
So if Good means unity through Love, Evil brings disparity through Hatred.

We can see this principle very clearly at work in a world which sinks deeper and deeper in the clutches of Evil.
Take a good look at the  Middle East and the principle becomes very clear.
We see coalitions collaborating to achieve a certain goal, but when it is in their best interest to opt for a different approach the coalition suddenly turns into mutual enmity due to opposite interests.

There are no friends in this game, and there are no Good guys left.
A former commander of NATO recently made the same comment when asked about the current state of affairs in the Middle East.
Alliances exist as long as they are mutually beneficient, but the moment advantage can be gained or when the actions of one party are not in the best interest of the other, the former friend instantly is faced with an enemy stabbing him in the back.
Any feigned friendship and coalition is a coalition of people holding out one hand in friendship while hiding the other hand holding a dagger behind their backs.

As a result confusion reigns.
The same principle of Evil creating enmity through self-righteous and self-justifying hatred also is visible in Islam, where Sunnis take up arms against Shiites, and if Sunnis were able to kill off every Shiite I can assure they will begin fighting among themselves based on religious differences until only one man is left, the last Sunni standing amidst the rubble of destruction as the self-appointed epitome of righteousness waiting for Paradise to magically appear as his reward.
Yet the only reply he will receive as an answer to his question when Paradise will come will be that 'he is now in the paradise he created, his eternal home', and the Devil will take off in his inter-dimensional galactic cruiser, laughing uncontrollably as he shouts one last farewell: 'HAVE FUN'.
Islam binds together in Evil self-justification as long as there is a common enemy to fight, but the moment advantage can be gained and the enemy is subdued, the unity dissolves and gives way to enmity and division, seeing each as the new enemy, thus expressing the character of Evil.

There used to be friendship between Russia and Turkey, but we now have seen the strength and the value of that 'friendship'.
Russia bombed ISIS and harmed the economic advantage the Erdogan clan gained from buying up stolen oil from the ISIS barbarians, and so Turkey shows its muscles by shooting down a Russian plane.
It should be clear by now that it is not in the best interest of Turkey to make haste with the destruction of ISIS as long as economic advantage can be gained.
ISIS officially is the target, and the outrage over the barbaric actions of ISIS is purported to be the motivation to intervene in the Middle East so that ISIS might be destroyed, but when you take into account the presence of large oil supplies it is clear that economic and political motives are really the driving forces behind the coalitions and friendships, not to mention the desire of Obama and the UN to beat Russia into submission to the world order they have in mind.

The leaders of our nations no longer make an effort in making sure all their tracks are covered up, so that it no longer is as difficult as it used to be so detect their involvement in the current dire state of affairs.
They are so arrogant that they simply do not care.
After all, they can get away with anything, so why should they care?
A human life does not count for them, and they put the lives of people at risk whenever it is to their advantage without losing so much as one split second of sleep over the blood they have spilled.
They are so sick and depraved that words fail me to describe the sort of Evil which has hijacked their hearts.

Today Evil is of such proportions that there no longer is a way back for society.
Not just because of what our leaders do, but because of the rampant spread of Evil throughout our entire society.
It is EVERYWHERE, dumbing people down so that they cannot see that the candy they enjoy is poison in disguise, and it will kill them in the end.

When I look at the Netherlands it is not hard to notice how we too have leaders with a callous, indifferent cold heart which looks after number one first.
Only the other day the Dutch prime minister Rutte warned that with the current influx of migrants the social security system of the Netherlands would become too expensive.
As if the influx of migrants was caused by a force of nature and Rutte is there to warn us for the consequences, such blatant hypocrisy!
Does he really think that the man in the street can't see that Rutte and his treacherous ilk are to be blamed?
Has their arrogance grown to such huge proportions that they think they can feign innocence as if they too are victims of something 'beyond their control'?
Lies, all lies from the mouths of arch-liars who have no other desire than to imitate and please their father, the father of all lies.

They point the accusing finger at the tax advantages corporations receive, and explain that they needed to raise their tax income by taking it from individuals instead, thereby setting people up against corporations as if they are to blame while in fact it is the government who created this situation, it is the government raising taxes!

Besides the destruction of Christian values in Europe and the Netherlands in particular, a process which always has been top priority among the sick and deranged Left wing, the political leadership now also desires to create widespread poverty in The Netherlands.
Because poor people can easily be controlled and dominated.
Poor people are too busy and pre-occupied with survival and making ends meet.

To keep the Dutch social security system from being destroyed taxes have to be raised and social security checks have to be lowered, and this situation gives more power to government officials to demand full compliancy from those who are forced to apply for social security.
And in the current economy it is hard to find a decent job, let alone keep it, because we are STILL in the clutches of an ongoing never-ending economic crisis, a crisis which could have ended years ago but which is kept alive and well by artificial political means.
They can demand that applicants for a social security check are required to work in a job assigned by the government without getting paid.
The social security check applicants receive is the compensation for the work they do so that effectively you no longer are getting paid for the work that you do, but you are a slave receiving compensation for work assigned to you by your master, lord god government.
People sense it but because they cannot prove it they simply keep silent.

Effectively the applicants become slaves which receive just enough to keep themselves from starving to death while the ruling elite lives luxuriously and donates their digested abundance of lobster they ate in the toilets the slaves have to clean.
You get a society of the great divide: the stinking Satanic rich who own everything and their political Satanic buddies which get to share in their luxury, and the poor who hardly are able to make ends meet and lost all personal freedom in the process.
It is the horrible daughter of Communism in disguise, a daughter who surpasses her mother in every conceivable way, wicked to the core.

I wrote about the hypocrisy of our political leaders, how they willingly and knowingly let the enemy in.
They did this on purpose.
Recently the deceiver Erdogan made a deal with the EU which effectively will turn Turkey into a part of Europe in exchange for stopping the flow of migrants, a flow which was engineered by Western involvement (the wicked Pharaoh which rules the US had a strong hand in this together with the weak effeminate Europe following him with great admiration!), a flow which ALSO was engineered by Erdogan who by the way is in support of ISIS like his son who helps and finances the ISIS vermin.

And of course Brussels was only too pleased to welcome this deceptive leader of Turkey with his complete disregard for human rights into their arms, thereby showing once again what an incredibly hypocritical and deceptive bunch of traitors Brussels really is.
They gave him 3.2 billion Euros, the promise that Turkish residents will not need a Visa for Europe from October 2016 onwards, plus the prospect that Turkey will become a new member of the EU as EU accession talks will be restarted.

It was Brussel's chance to do away with the last remnants of the Christian character of Europe, and if they have to embrace a liar who arrests journalists who threaten to expose Turkey's involvement with arms smuggles, thenall the principles are set aside in favor of embracing this deceiver.
No, Brussels favors Islam over Christianity.
Brussels and the collaborative traitors who are in charge of our nations are succeeding in transforming the Europe from a predominantly Christian continent into an Islamic continent, something which will become very clear when this thorn in the European foot takes off its mask and shows the grim face of Islam in the form of violence, murder and rape.

Isn't it amazing how quickly one event follows upon the heels of another?
It is as if the powers behind the scenes know they have to hurry, and so they make haste in erasing Christianity from the Western hemisphere and replace it with the lies of Islam.
And what do our political leaders do?
They comply with Brussels, Brussels complies with the Pharaoh of this world and NATO, and the moment they notice that protests are increasing they act as if everything is caused by some force of nature they have no control over.
Yes they do, and no, it is not a force of nature, it is a force of deception they embrace, and they have no qualms in selling away their nations.

Obama's legacy is that he managed to turn the acronym of the USA into an acronym for Evil in the world, using all the resources available to him as a president to create war in the name of peace, terrorism in the name of fighting terrorism.
It's absurd when you consider the fact that the terror threat of  ISIS on the one hand is fostered and on the other hand it is fought, for the sole purpose of furthering a very dark and nefarious ambition to yield more power in the hands of politicians such as the Pharaoh Obama.
His origin is shrouded in mystery just as his political course is obscured by the many schemes of deceit which seem to backfire endlessly.

The scenario in the Middle East is becoming more complicated by the minute with nations fighting what they helped to create, various parties with conflicting interests meddling into affairs so that the chessboard appears to be in such complete disarray that the only solution which seems to be left is to start taking and sacrificing pieces in order to get a more coherent helicopter view.
Let me tell you, YHWH not only can oversee everything and the ultimate outcome in spite of the fact that the chessboard looks like a chaos, but He also will create even more complexity in the situation.
If the Devil truly thinks he is smart, let him figure out and anticipate what YHWH has prepared!

The thirst for oil has one nation competing with the next, allies turn on each other when advantage can be gained, and friendship between nations is now pretense more than ever.
The nations have been conquered by a spirit of greed and a lust for power, and in the quest to satisfy the craving of the spirit no stone is left unturned, no promise unbroken, and no morality and ethic principle is left intact.

Russia has become the champion of Good and Putin earned the title of the 'defender of Western Christianity', or so it seems.
How Good can you be if you are the defender of Christianity on the one side and on the other side you befriend and support Islamic aggressors, not to mention the lunatic which runs North Korea who recently threatened to nuke Turkey?
Putin make look sane in comparison to Obama, but make no mistake of confusing the word sane with saint, because his hands are stained as well.
There is no love for what is good motivating and driving any single nation anymore.
Instead, self-interest, economic advantage, these are the prime motivators behind everything including friendships and coalitions, and the nations using the Middle East as the chessboard to play out an Evil game of chess which will destroy everyone in the end.
Truly, the love of Mammon makes you an enemy of YHWH.
It always has been this way, but today it is even more dominant than ever before.

Still, Putin looks sane in comparison to Obama, because Obama pro-actively seeks opportunities to plunge this world into a new World War, one which will involve nuclear arms and which will bring untold devastation.
He provoked Russia with the Ukraine into starting a war, and failing to elicit the desired response from Russia he now tries Syria to create that World War he craves.
Never before in the history of the US has there been a president leaving such a trail of destruction in his wake, never before has there been such gross incompetence in many areas including the foreign policy as in the current government administration of the US.
How could you let such a man remain in power?
After Russia clearly showed detailed evidence of ISIS oil being transported into Turkey, do you think Obama who has the same satellite information at his disposal did not know?
This makes him a collaborator of Turkey and thereby a supporter of ISIS, and no one in the US who is in congress stands up to dethrone that sick and deranged Evil Pharaoh?

No, no one can stand up against the destroyer YHWH appointed over you, because you deserve him.
Have you not turned yourselves against YHWH, has not religion become a circus exploited by greedy salesmen lusting after money, don't you kill, destroy and do wickedness in the name of freedom, have you not received many warnings and have you not laughed at the messengers and set the warnings aside in your great arrogance?
You are guilty of great wickedness and bloodshed, and the time is upon you that YHWH has given you over to the god you worship.

All nations of the world are now drawn into the swamp of the Middle East, as foretold by YHWH, because it is HE who collects the criminal bunch which has no regard for human Life in order that He might judge them in His courtyard, Israel. 
The US and Europe pretend to be there for the sake of the people: destroying the fanatic aggressors and dictators in order to enjoy peace and democracy.
I guess we all should close our eyes and forget that democracy in both Europe and the US is nothing but an exercise of going through the motion of a theatre which is not real, a circus controlled and regulated by forces beyond our control?

The USA is in the grip of a Pharaoh who is hell-bent on unleashing the destruction of nuclear weapons, and he will stop at nothing.
Europe is in the grip of a bunch of Evil self-enriching despots hell-bent on destroying Europe and its culture and replacing it with an Islamic substitute.

We are at the point in history where YHWH is pulling all the nations into the Middle East, inluding the Pharaoh of the USA.
He has planted fish hooks in their noses, and they cannot help but being drawn into the morass.
They form coalitions and friendships based on their own self-interest, but it is a feigned collective which turns on itself whenever they see advantage for themselves.

There will come a turning point when their hearts will be set on conquering Jerusalem.
They will desire to have that city as the capital trophy of the new World Order, and so it cannot remain in Jewish hands.
That will be the moment when they will join into a coalition which aims to divide Israel among themselves and make Jerusalem their own, and they will attack Israel and many Jews will be killed.
Once the defense force can no longer protect Israel the Jews will think of the times when their forefathers were taken to concentration camps to be killed, and they will feel as if they are living in one big concentration camp.
And once Israel has been taken so that it truly seems as if the Evil One has succeeded in wiping Israel's name off the map, the coalition forces will rejoice greatly and the cry of victory and extatic gladness will be heard throughout the entire Islamic world.

Yet unity will flee from the coalition the moment they will cut up the land.
It will be the moment when YHWH personally will act out His Judgment, for that was the purpose and reason of why He allowed all the nations to attack and enter Israel: to bring them into His courtyard and judge them.
He then will execute the verdict and seek to destroy all the nations which came against Jerusalem, and He will use EVERY weapon we can think of, including the force of nature.
People will truly faint from fear in that day when YHWH visits the iniquity of the nations, for it will seem as if no place of safety is left where they can hide, and few are the ones which will survive.

But YHWH's judgment will not so much as harm one hair on the head of His own children, for they will 'enter their rooms with the doors shut until the woes have passed'.
The prophet Zechariah speaks of the return of YHWH in Yahshua on the mount of Olives which will split in two and the people will flee into the valley.
The description Zechariah gave is like a picture of the opening of an inter-dimensional portal so that it will be light continuously and the distinction between day and night is no longer present, and people will find safety by entering the portal.
How this will be I do not know, but I do know that we are incredibly close to that moment.

In closing l recommend that you read Zechariah's words for yourself, chapter 14.1-15.
Notice how the process we currently see in motion where coalitions turn on each other and friendships are feigned is something very clearly described in verse 13 which tells us that 'the hand of one will be turned against the hand of the other'.

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