
The Numbers - VI

In the previous article I wrote how the Adversary seeks to draw us into the double- and triple-digit zone, and how YHWH seeks to draw us out of the double-digit zone back into the single-digit zone, the basic decimal system.
The Adversary took YHWH's numbers as the foundation for his own numeric system, and created Shadow-components of them in the form of the double- and triple-digit numbers.
The double-digit numbers are numbers which describe an ongoing process, while the triple-digit numbers stand for the manifestation of the fullness of the concept embedded in their double-digit siblings.

So, '99' stands for the process of growing into the '999', the birth of the concept of the '99'.
The double-digit number is like an embryonic development stage while the triple-digit zone is the birth stage.

But you have to bear in mind that the Satan's numeric system rests upon a delusion, a Lie.
His numbers are Shadow-components, the double-digit version of which may purport to refer forward to their fullness in the form of the triple-digit numbers, but which in reality do NOT lead to the Satanic concept behind the triple-digit number.
In fact, they actually lead back to YHWH's definition as found in their single-digit root in the basic decimal system, so that '99' or '999' are illusions which really refer to YHWH's concept of the '9'.

Only, because the Satan has rejected YHWH's concepts and attached his own interpretation to YHWH's numbers, he wants to use the properties of numbers in YHWH's basic decimal system in order to energize the concepts HE attached to the numbers so that they can grow into HIS reality, and he does this in the form of double- and triple-digit numbers, references to Dualism and the fullness of the Shadow-side of Dualism respectively.

The Satan and his angels have crossed over to the other side of the Dualism coin, and they cannot relate to YHWH's reality any longer.
This means that in their mind  YHWH's created reality of Good vs. Evil is merely a definition of a value system, one which flows from YHWH's character.
They are unable to love Good simply for the  sake of Goodness, because their character has become an extension of Darkness, Evil, and in that state of being they reject the distinction between Good and Evil since it is an integral part of YHWH's paradigm, not theirs.
Instead, they see a Creator seeking to trap them into His paradigm, His definition of reality, and they want to establish a reality based on their own paradigm in Creation.

This in itself does not seem so bad, were it not for the fact that the notion of YHWH's reality being nothing other than our Creator's 'opinion being imposed on them' is the outcome of the principle of Dualism having created an Evil mindset in the Fallen Ones.
They regard this mindset as their own mind, while in fact it is the manifestation of the minus side of Dualism.

In other words, they act out a dualistic programming they activated, and this caused them to become slaves of Evil and NOT autonomous rebels seeking to establish a reality on their own terms.
The entire Satanic movement and its credo is nothing other than the noise created by the Shadow-side of Dualism, and as such EVERYTHING which flows from this side will ultimately embody the characteristics of this Shadow-side.

Yet the Satan and his angels are driven by this Shadow-side, elevating it to the status of their chance to establish a reality on their own terms, which in fact is a reality on the terms of Evil, the Shadow-side of Dualism.
They have trapped themselves in that box, and now they have become blind to the fact that they are prisoners of an impossible situation where they seek to build a reality in their own image while in fact it is not their image, but the image of Evil, which can never be because of what Evil is.
Yet they are possessed with the aspiration to establish their own reality, availing themselves of the energy which is available in Creation.

That is the one thing the Fallen Ones cannot do: bring forth energy the way YHWH can, and bestow entirely new properties on the building blocks of energy.
They have to work with the manifestation of energy which came forth from YHWH, and as such they regard YHWH as a battery which they can use to energize their own Creation.
That is also the reason why they torture and kill YHWH's own: to the Fallen Ones they are like walking miniature batteries with specific talents given to them by YHWH, and they seek to leech that energy and talents away from them in order to use them to further the process of building a Satanic empire.

Although they may claim it is necessary to inflict immeasurable grief on mankind because they need energy to build their empire, in their quest for their unholy grail they act out the instinct of Evil and thus give once again evidence of the fact that their mind is set in motion by the basic programming code of Evil.
They have zero regard for the distinction between Good and Evil, and do whatever is required to get the job done, something we have come to know as the Machiavellian thought.

The same strategy of leeching energy is visible in the Satanic system of numbers: by placing YHWH's numbers in a Satanic context, the energetic properties of those numbers are made to stand in service of the Satan's numbers and the ideals incorporated in those numbers.

You probably are familiar with the number for 'back luck', '13', a number in vogue with Satanic organizations.
If you add up the '1' and the '3' you get '4', the number of the four corners of the Earth as a symbol of Destruction, YHWH's triumph over Evil.
The Satan portrays it as the 'liberation from YHWH's tyranny' and the gateway into the Satanic paradise of the '9', and he expresses his Satanic concept of the '4' in the dualistic double-digit number '13', '1 + 3' and '4 + 9'.
Additionally, '11' (unity in Evil or the Satan) + '2' (Dualism, the mother of Evil) = '13'.

The double-digit number '13' expresses both the Dualistic principle as well as the movement to separate oneself from YHWH completely to enter the new reality of a Satanic paradise.

The number '13' stands for Satanic representation on Earth, working towards the common goal of achieving complete separation from YHWH, so that the Satanic ideal of 'freedom from YHWH's paradigm' can manifest on Earth.

Always remember that the Satan glorifies Dualism, because in his eyes it is the mental strength to stand in opposition against YHWH and separate from Him which is the motor of Satanism, and he sees it as the 'strength' which creates the presence of Dualism.
He regards Dualism not as his mother but as his child, the outcome of his inner resolve to separate from YHWH.
But in Truth, the Satanic resolve to separate from YHWH was made possible because YHWH created the possibility to separate oneself from YHWH.
The Satan did not invent Dualism, but Dualism created the possibility of the Satan.
Here too the character of Evil shows itself in the form of the Satan's reversed mind: not through intellectual strength did he create Dualism, but through Spiritual weakness Dualism created the Satan.

If we multiply '13' with '3' ('13 + 13 + 13', a formula which shows the numbers '111', '333', and if you add up the '1' and the '3' it also shows the number '444'),  the resulting number '39' stands for the fullness of the Satan's manifestation in his Earthly representatives striving towards the realization of the ideal of the Satanic paradise, the Satanic counterpart of YHWH's '12'.

'39' is a '3' and a '9', the movement striving to realize the 'fullness' of the ideal of the concept of a Satanic reality'.

Furthermore, '39 = 6 + 33', and this formula indicates the use of the condition of the 'fallen man' in 'service of the Satan' so that he ends up contributing to the Satanic ideal, the Lie of the Adversary's paradise.

For the reasons I have outlined previously you will encounter certain specific recurring numbers in the Satanic numeric system, such as '9, 11, 13, 33, 39, 66, 99, 111, 333, 666, 999, etc'.

They convey the message of Satanic rebellion against YHWH, a numeric representation of an alternate reality which is not ruled by YHWH.

I understand that the overwhelming amount of information about occult numbers on the internet can be confusing.
If all the information available on the internet were true, then every single number and geometric shape you can think of is Satanic in nature.
This is not true, because the Satan may be blinded by the zeal for his lost cause, he is not a fool in terms of wasting effort by using the unusable.
In other words, the Satan will emulate and plagiarize only that which works, which means that he has to rely on the meaning and properties YHWH bestowed on numbers and symbols, and that is the reason why you will see only certain numbers and symbols appear time and again.

To understand the Satanic use of numbers, all you have to know is the principles involved in the creation of numbers and geometric shapes, and why the Satan loves to use certain key numbers.

The energetic properties of numbers is the reason why certain dates are picked to further the plans of the Evil One.
Like '9'/'11' for instance.
If you have read this series you know exactly how important these numbers are and what they stand for, and the combination of the '9' and the '11' is a perfect occasion for a mass sacrifice.
'9 x 11 = 99' ('11' + '11' + ..., a formula which shows 18 'ones' which can be combined into '6' times the number '111'), the number of the process moving towards the manifestation of the fullness of the Satanic reality in the '999'.

That date has the Satanic ideal incorporated in the numbers: unity in the Satan ('11'), and the new Satanic reality or the New Order ('9').
And these 'Satanic forces' are not just metaphysical beings, but also their extensions, their hands and feet in this world in the form of organizations furthering the cause of the Evil One.
On the Jewish calendar this date is the 23rd of Elul, the sixth month, and if you add this up you get '2 + 3 + 6 = 11', again a perfect reference to the Evil One.
On the Biblical calendar based on the observable new moon,  september 11 was the 22nd of Elul 2001, or '2 + 2 + 6 + 1= 9' plus the numer of Dualism, the '2', again a reference to the ideal of the Evil One.

So '9/11' was a perfect date for a Satanic sacrifice as an energizer of the concepts represented by these numbers.

Awareness of Satanic numbers and their philosophy should make you aware of certain dates in relation to these numbers.
As I explained, the Adversary has no choice in this matter, because he depends for his energy supply on YHWH, and as such has to fine-tune his strategies to what YHWH has established in order to be able to leech the energy from YHWH.
And how the world runs after this deceiver as its savior!
Have Yahshua's words made no impression at all when He said that the Satan is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning?
Like our Father YHWH, Yahshua does not lie, because the lie is the outcome of Dualism, and Yahshua was not internally divided like we are.

If the notion of a conspiracy seems weird to you and you have some time to spare, you may want to check out the dollar bill and observe how it is literally inundated with Satanic numbers and symbols incorporating the numbers.

It is right there in front of your eyes, and most people cannot see it.
The Fallen Ones flaunt their plans for Destruction right in our faces, even turning them into entertainment for the masses.
The numbers and symbols speak of the USA under the control of a hidden force, a force which has assigned the USA a certain place and function within the New Order.

Does this mean that the USA is indeed 'the great Satan'?
I absolutely disagree with that notion just as I disagree with the notion that the current state of Israel is nothing but the product of Illuminati activity.
The overwhelming use of certain symbols and numbers in nations such as the USA and Israel is a testimony of the presence of certain parties which have a destiny in mind for these nations, which is the extension of the agenda of the Fallen One.

We live on a dualistic planet where Good and Evil are at war, and as such it is naive to think that the creation of a nation can be the result of only Good or Evil.
There's always a mix involved.
Wherever and whenever YHWH makes His move, you can be sure the Satan is present.

In both cases of the creation of the USA and Israel, forces were involved with ignoble intentions, forces which seek to turn the USA and Israel into pawns in their game to further the nefarious deception of the Satanic rebellion.
But, the presence and the intent of these dark forces and their involvement in the foundation of the USA and Israel does not mean that either nation therefore is Evil, because in both nations people inclined towards the Good are present next to the presence of Evil manipulators, both nations also knew founders and men in political and judicial power with noble intentions, and neither could have come into existence unless YHWH allowed it to because He has His own destiny in mind for them.

You have to remember that YHWH uses the presence of both Good and Evil in His plan.
He uses the Fallen Ones as useful idiots, because that is exactly how they use people.
In doing so YHWH holds up His mirror of justice to the Fallen Ones where He lets them experience that which they do unto others.
YHWH has incorporated the moves and strategies of the Fallen Ones in His own plan, and as such the Shadows become pawns in the realization of the greater scheme of things.

So, we should not be surprised that Dualism also shows its face in the USA and in Israel, but whereas in nations like North-Korea Evil is overwhelmingly dominant in the mix and leaves little (if any) room for Good, in the case of the USA and Israel there is more leeway for Good, and it is wise to keep this in mind when you contemplate the overwhelming evidence of a dark sub-structure acting in the nations to further a dark agenda.
It is good to have your eyes opened to the presence of these influences which prefer to move behind the scenes in obscurity, funding and appointing governments which further their goal, operating through efficient power structures incorporating a pyramid hierarchy where the few at the top push the buttons which set the masses below in motion towards the destiny the upper echelon has in mind.

I know the words 'conspiracy', 'blood sacrifice', 'occult numbers and symbols' usually add up to the classification of a 'conspiracy nut', someone with a paranoid mindset who has to deal with Life's pressures and disappointments by creating an imaginary scapegoat in the form of a 'them' vs. 'us'.
And although there are indeed plenty of people who get lost in the paranoid shadow world of their imagination, I have to point out at the overwhelming evidence in the form of symbols and numbers, not to mention that the entire Bible is about the Evil conspiracy against YHWH's order.
People tend to relate to the Bible through the lens of a stained-glass pseudo-reality which consists of going to church on Sunday, Bible study and group meetings to 'strengthen the faith', which usually come down to 'reinforcing the cultural identity placed in them'.
However, this form or religion is just Babel's way of sidetracking the masses into worshipping an absurdity, thus remaining blind to the Truth of what the Bible teaches us.

If you believe that the notion of a conspiracy is the product of a paranoid mind, then STUDY the evidence, the overwhelming presence of recurring numbers and symbols which are in vogue in Satanism, and ask yourself if this can be the result of 'a coincidence', whether or not it is a 'coincidence' that pyramids are found everywhere on this planet, or that stone phalluses rise in defiance against Heaven in Washington and the Vatican.

In YHWH's book they are markers for Destruction.

Just as YHWH put His people on this planet as elements of Good behind enemy lines to serve His Kingdom and labor for the cause of YHWH's Kingdom, the Satan has his own people on this planet working towards HIS ideal of the Satanic paradise.
And although ignorant pawns are used to pull the cart of the Satanic ideal, be aware that just as YHWH's people know who they are and what they are fighting for, the Satan's agents are equally aware of what they serve and what they strive for.
They strive for the '666' and the '999', and seek to bring the '8' to naught.

Babel seeks to avoid the '8' at ALL cost, so she splits it up.
Quite literally in the form of slashing the two zeros of the '8', and by breaking up the '8' in '4+4', '44', which is a perfect extension of the '11'.

'4' stands for Destruction in YHWH's dictionary, but the Adversary sees it as complete separation from YHWH, a gateway into an alternate reality where YHWH will not be able to rule over, a reality built by the Fallen Ones.

This is what is expressed in the '44', which stands for the gateway the Satan provides to enter the reality of his paradise, a reality free from YHWH.
If you add the number of the favor of the Satan ('55') to '44', the resulting number '99' is a direct reference to the ideal which the Satan seeks to finalize in the '999'.
As such it is a direct plagiarism of YHWH leading man into His promised new phase of Creation through His mercy, the '3 + 5 = 8', which stands in stark contrast with '44 + 55 = 99' (or '444 + 555 = 999').

Perhaps you are familiar with the Satanic cross?
Most people associate it with the cross hanging upside down, a symbol standing for the reversal of YHWH's order.

But the Satanic cross is actually the '8' spit up by the dualistic cross, as if the Evil One turned the '11' into a stake.
It looks as if the '8' is knocked down and slashed in two, and in this symbol the Evil One's aggression towards YHWH's plan for a new phase of Creation is evident.

I did not know of the existence of that particular form of the cross until after YHWH put an image in my mind of the illustration of the '8' lying down, split up in two zeros by a vertical line, like a sword.

The triumph of Evil and the Dualism manifested by Evil is the message which is embodied in the Satanic cross: '2' cross-bars (Dualism) on the stake which slashes the fallen '8' into '2' zeros, thus bringing YHWH's new beginning to naught, the triumph of Dualism over the new phase of unity in YHWH.
Here too the '2 + 2'  (the cross-bars and the zeros) refer to the '4' as the ideal of complete separation from YHWH.

The '8' slashed in two circles also depicts the plans of the Evil One to make sure that Evil will not be relegated to the cosmic garbage can, but instead grow into an alternate Creation with its own Satanic paradise.
Each of these creations will be separated and isolated from the other, which is depicted in the two circles, the two 'hedges of protection' which protect and isolate.
The Satan seeks to exploit the principle of Dualism to the extent that he will leech as much energy from YHWH as he can in order to establish an order of Creation which is fashioned after his own ideals and not dependent on YHWH's design of order.

In YHWH's number '8' the two circles are placed on top of each other as an illustration of how the dualistic principle will be done away with.
By knocking the '8' down and slashing it in two circles, the Satan symbolically illustrates how he intends to overthrow YHWH's design and create a new order in the circle of rebellion, an order which is not the outcome of YHWH's design, but his own design, and this is expressed in the separated circles so that they no longer combine into one '8'.

The '9' is the number YHWH assigned to the fate of the Fallen Ones, a reality which YHWH has isolated from His presence where His Goodness will not abide.
This was the ideal the Satan and his angels were after?
Then YHWH allows them to have what they so badly desired.
If they preferred Evil over His Goodness, then YHWH will give them a reality of Evil only.

Since YHWH created the number '9' as the destiny of the Fallen Ones, they seek to turn this number into a chance to establish a reality on their own terms, a reality isolated from YHWH.
In YHWH's dictionary it is portrayed as negative, a state of eternal Destruction, but the Fallen Ones seek to by-pass YHWH's concept of Destruction by making preparations to create their own eternal reality in their image and based on their own intellect.

So, '9' in the concept of the Fallen Ones becomes '3' x '3', '3 + 3 + 3'.
Combining the three's in these formulas you get '33' and '333', both pointing at the fullness of the Evil One, because '33 = 3 x 11' ('11 + 11 + 11', '6' ones), '11' being the number which stands for unity in the Satan, and '333 = 3 x 111' ('111 + 111 + 111', '9' ones).

Furthermore, in YHWH's basic decimal system the '9' is furthest away from the '1'.
Yet within this basic decimal system the dualistic principle causes YHWH's definition of the '9' to stand next to the Satanic interpretation of the '9'. 
In order to turn the Satanic concept into a reality, the Adversary takes this '9' all the way into the ultimate conclusion of the '999', as far away from the '1' as one possibly can get.
The Satan takes his concept of YHWH's '9', moves it through the process of the formation of his concept of the '9' in the form of the double-digit zone, until finally after the process has been completed the fullness of the Satan's concept can manifest in the birth of the '999', the number furthest away from the '1' but different from the '9' in the sense that YHWH's concept of the '9' has been replaced by the Satan's concept as embedded in the '999'.
The number '999' is still part of the numeric system as an indication that it needs the energy YHWH embedded in this system, but this energy is used in service of establishing the Satanic reality.

The number '9'  is also '2 + 7', the completion of Dualism in the Satanic conceptual lie of the '9'.
The Satanic Lie is that they cause some people to believe that the Satan is capable of turning YHWH's Gehenna of the '9' into the Satanic paradise.
It is a Lie, because YHWH has clearly outlined the Truth about the dualistic concept where Evil is defined as a reality embodying everything YHWH is not, and the '9' is the equivalent of a garbage dump, a depressing ugly reality since YHWH will not be present in that reality.
The Satanic completion of Dualism means that the Evil side of the Dualism coin now is separated from the Good side so that there will be a complete separation from YHWH's concept of Good vs. Evil, and the Fallen Ones can create their own value system in their own image.
In the Satanic reality YHWH is no longer present with His paradigm of Good vs. Evil.

The number '27' should also be familiar to you, because isn't this the age where many successful artists and movie stars 'mysteriously die', the age when 'accidents' and 'suicides' happen?
Many artists are not even aware of what they are doing when their insatiable hunger for fame and wealth inspires them to use Satanic numbers and symbols in their presentation of themselves.
They may not even be aware of the deeper meaning behind the numbers and symbols, yet something in their mind tells them that if they conform and avail themselves of the use of occult numbers and symbols, they are sending out a signal that they are in agreement with the order behind the numbers and symbols, and that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of obtaining that elusive carrot of fame and fortune.
They will even go as far as making a sleazy video of themselves in order to amplify the signal they sent out to 'the gods', or 'fate', as they believe.
"I'll even sell my Soul if you give me fame and fortune".

By agreeing to the Satanic numeric system, the 'budding artist' has operated the switch of choice by means of which he begins to resonate with the Satanic system.
The choice is the lever which causes his Life-force to stand in service of the Dark side, in exchange for fame and fortune, which may or may not come, depending on the whims of Babel.

I want to backtrack a bit to make sure you understand the mechanism involved.
Without faith nothing is possible.
Belief (faith) is the channel affecting our reality in the most profound way.

The Fallen Ones are very aware of the principle of faith, and so they applied the principle of faith to their own system of rebellion, Evil faith.
They used to believe in YHWH, but through doubt they came to believe in Evil.
I have explained the principle of faith in greater detail in my article 'The Shadow Plumbing'.

We operate faith by means of a switch, and this switch is our choice (just read the post 'The Temptation Switch').
We have been given full autonomy over this switch, and by turning faith in one off, the other kind of faith is enabled.
It is an 'or' type of situation where you can choose two realities, and there is no other option besides those two.
By choosing to believe in one, you automatically disable the other.

When we choose to believe, we choose to 'resonate with the frequency' of that which we believe in.
If we choose to believe in YHWH, we are tuned into YHWH's reality, if we choose to believe in the ruler of this world, we are tuned into his reality.
Either way we resonate with the sound of the station of our choice, something which I discussed in the post 'The Point of Resonance'.

Our choice of faith releases energy to that which we believe in.
And this is what the artist or businessman hungry for success does when he begins to incorporate Satanic numbers and symbols in his endeavor: he chose to believe in the system of this world, which is Evil and ruled by Evil beings, and he is releasing energy of his Soul to these Fallen Ones asking them for their favor in return, and this favor is of course success, fame and fortune.
By agreeing with a system you invest faith in it, and an investment of faith as a result of the choice  you made is the transference of your capital in the form of energy and Life-force over to the system, so that it is energized and comes alive.

The artist or businessman in my example may not be aware of the exact meaning of the symbols or numbers, it's just that they happen to know that apparently using these numbers and symbols is the 'smart' thing to do if you want to have success; you have to learn to go with the flow, 'plug-in', and 'surf on the waves' of the times.
They seek to be part of a system which is built on an ugly foundation, and by seeking to be part of that system they become part of its ugliness and the guilt of that system.
They close their eyes to the ugliness, because they know in their hearts that to get ahead in this world you have to 'make sure you get the wind of prosperity in your sails', and the only way to achieve that is by making sure you do not go against the wind. 

They are playing with fire, whether they are aware of what the numbers and symbols stand for or not.
By sending out the signal that they say 'YES' to the system, they have made the choice which causes them to resonate with the frequency of Evil behind the system.
It's the CHOICE  which is the switch that tuned them in to the 'matrix', and they begin to resonate with the polluting noise of deception.

The numbers '8' and '9' are the fork in the road of Dualism, the '8' being the continuation of 'Good', the '9' being the container of 'Evil'.

Dualism ('2') creates the co-existence on Earth of Good and Evil, and in the '8' and the '9' they reach their ultimate conclusion where Dualism no longer will exist, but its two opposite sides will be separated into a state of eternal joy and existence in the Source of all that is Good (YHWH), the '8', and a state of eternal Destruction of Evil, the '9'.
The '8' and the '9' are like the ends of the split tongue of Dualism, now cut loose and separated forever.

To the number '8' no other number can be added in order to change it, since it stands for a new phase of Creation where the system of Dualism and the current numeric structure no longer applies.
This is why the Satanic numeric system does not build upon the '8', but rather seeks to cut it up.

So, when the '8' is reached, the current numeric system and its reality-modifying properties have passed away, and an entirely new system will take its place, meaning that '8' is the end station, and the Forces of Darkness MUST do everything to prevent the '8' since they will have no place in the '8'.
It is their aim to do everything within their power to prevent YHWH's '7' from becoming a reality, because the '7' means YHWH is finishing up and moving to the '8'.

This is also why the number '9' is favored by Fallen Ones, since it moves beyond the '8' as if the Fallen Ones will have the option to establish their own empire beyond the '8'.
The Fallen Ones regard it as their chance to establish a reality on their own terms, which is why they relate it to the Satanic concept of '11' by multiply it with '11'.
The resulting number is '99' ('11 + 11 + ...'), 18 ones which combined can be grouped into '6' times '111').
'99' is the process of the formation of the ideal embedded within the '99', an alternative reality which is birthed in the '999', ('9 x 111', or '111 + 111 + ...', '27' ones in total), a reality where the fullness of 'those who abide in Adversity' is established.

As I wrote before, the Adversary's concept is based on a delusion and can never become a reality because of the principle of Dualism and the definition YHWH bestowed on the two sides of Dualism.
This means that the Satan's venture into the double- and triple-digit zone is nothing other than a diversion, an optical illusion to hide the fact that the double-  and triple-digit zone are but an empty projection of the Shadow-side of the road of Evil in the basic decimal system, as I have illustrated in 'the Forked Road of Dualism', the road consisting of the reddish numbers leading up to the '9'.
So, the Adversary's ambition to venture through the double-digit zone into the fullness of the triple-digit zone ending in the '999' is in fact the red road ending in the '9', and the Satanic reference to the process of double-digit numbers growing into their fullness in the triple-digit numbers is really a concept which in Truth will end up in YHWH's concept of the '9'.
The Satanic numeric system has a delusion as its foundation, and that is why, in spite of the attempts of the Evil One to leech energy for the realization of his goal, his ultimate destiny of the '999' will turn out to be YHWH's definition of the reality of the '9'.

The irony is that the Satan's attempts to leech YHWH's energy in order to invest it in his own concept of reality becomes an investment in the Shadow-side of Dualism, a principle created by YHWH, and as such the Satan actually ends up energizing YHWH's concept, including His concept of the '9'.
The reason is that the notion of a Satanic reality is in fact the concept inspired by the Shadow-side of Dualism, and NOT his own autonomously created concept.
And that is probably the Satan's greatest weakness: he cannot see he has turned himself into a puppet dangling on the strings of the Shadow-side of the Dualism coin through his choice to rebel against YHWH.
The Satan builds on a basic programming code of Evil, which is to manifest everything which YHWH is not.
So whenever the Satan fuels his 'own' concept of reality, he actually energizes the concept created by the Shadow-side of Dualism and thereby YHWH's created concept, including its ultimate conclusion in the '9'.
And isn't that perfect justice?

The number '9' is reserved for the Fallen Ones, NOT for man.
The man who has killed his conscience becomes a Fallen Spirit, and he will venture into the '9'.

The Fallen One seeks to design a new man engineered after his own image, and this new man will no longer be in touch with YHWH.
This new man, although he is labeled as 'man', will no longer be man, is designed to be a transmutation, a genetically engineered product of the Satanic mind, a vessel which does not have a place in YHWH's order.

In their mad obsession the Fallen Ones believe to have the creative power to establish a Creation within Creation where YHWH has no dominion, a realm where they are gods unto themselves.
And they WILL be gods unto themselves in an isolated realm, only their plans will turn out a little different than they have imagined.

To the Fallen Ones the mere fact that YHWH would endow angels with great creative powers is proof that He is not perfect, since a perfect god could have foreseen the consequences of bestowing powers like His own on that which He created.
If man creates a machine with artificial intelligence and gives it the authority to make independent decisions, and this machine grows to be more intelligent than man and subsequently rebels against man and seeks to eradicate him, isn't man to be blamed for this stupidity?
He never should have given a machine independent authority and powers like his own.
The Adversary applies the same kind of reasoning to YHWH and he considers his own 'autonomous independence' (which really is a masked slavery to the Dark side of Dualism), his 'prowess of intellect' and 'creative powers' as proof of the fact that YHWH is not perfect.
And if YHWH is not perfect, this opens up possibilities to exploit His imperfection, and turn them into an advantage of the Adversary.

That is why the Adversary is so persistent and zealous in the quest to establish his own order and create the perfect synthetic vessel, one which can adapt to inter-dimensional travel and yet act as a shield against YHWH's interference because it behaves as a firewall against YHWH's interference.
This is the reason for the genetic experimentation the Evil One carried out: he seeks for the perfect genetic formula, one which he will never find.
The Adversary needs to complete his mission before YHWH decides to pull the plug, or else he will find himself secluded in the realm of complete Evil from whence there is no escape.

The Satan uses his vessels on Earth to set the process towards the Satanic reality in motion, catering to their weaknesses by fueling greed, power, the lust for money, the desire to gods unto themselves.
These vessels hope to establish an order on Earth fashioned after their own ideas, one they can control so that they can dictate the terms necessary to make sure Earth does not run out of resources and ruin their plans for their paradise.

But the Puppet Masters operating their strings have a slightly different purpose in mind.
True, they seek to establish a  Satanic paradise, but it does not include man in his current form.
Man is unfit to be part of the order of their Utopia in his current state.

Today we are part of the rally towards the great climax.
We are witnessing a rapidly growing tension between those who hold on to YHWH's paradigm, and those who fight against it for the sake of establishing the Satanic order.
The tension is a prelude to the climax of the battle between these two orders, which are the outcome of the two roads of Dualism, Good and Evil.

The Satanists have been seduced into believing that their order can have existence, that their imagined paradise can come into being, as long as they first destroy the old order which was created by YHWH.
When YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil has been done away with, then the ashes of its ruins will be fertile soil upon which a Satanic paradise can flourish, so they believe.

So they battle against everything which pertains to YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil, and the intensity and scope of this battle grow on a daily basis as YHWH's values are under constant attack, and His people increasingly are subjected to persecution for seeking to preserve His values.
You have to understand that this is part of the battle where the Satanists seek to rid the world of YHWH's paradigm, the distinction between what YHWH defined as Good and Evil.
And the plan to rid the world of the presence of YHWH's paradigm includes the presence of YHWH's people who want to conserve YHWH's paradigm.
They forget that if they were to succeed in their purpose to kill all of YHWH's people on this planet, the tension caused by bloodguilt and the imbalance due to the presence of Evil would cause the planet to be destroyed immediately, because Evil in essence IS Destruction, Disorder, Death.

That's the nature of the final battle which is about to explode on the face of this planet: the battle between Good and Evil.
For the Fallen Ones it will be the most important battle of all, so you can be sure they will pull out all the stops to turn the battle in their favor.

Yet all the effort the Fallen Ones have invested in creating their own order in their Utopia will come to naught, and their numeric system which they derived from YHWH's numeric system with the express purpose of leeching energy and inverting YHWH's plan, is nothing but an exercise in absurdity which will fall to the ground as a meaningless reminder of the blind arrogance of Babel and her Shadow cronies.

All you need to know to understand the Satanic numeric system are a few basic principles and key numbers.
The myriad variations on the outcome of these principles are just variations on bogus pomp.

The secret codes of numbers and symbols of the Fallen Ones are but empty deceptive shells for something which can never exist, because they are built upon the idea of 'non-existence', something which was defined by YHWH and cannot be changed, since He is the true Great Designer, the ultimate Creator of all things who has the ability to bring forth realities fashioned after His design.

Truly He is the Great Architect, but not the Masonic version which refers to the vampiric ruler of this world.
No, He is Light, Joy, Love, and His kingdom is about to burst forth on Earth as it is in Heaven, and destroy the oppression and exploitation of YHWH's people by Shadow creatures.

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