
The Rule Of Insanity

Yes, insanity has always been around, but these days it has lifted up itself to the highest position and parades around unashamedly, proclaiming its words as the highest wisdom.

Like when four Jews were killed recently, and Netanyahu was not invited to attend the protest in Paris.
He was asked to remain in Israel.
When Netanyahu saw that ministers of his cabinet had decided to go to France anyway, he too joined them.
So what did Hollande do next?
He invited Abbas, a man who glorifies Hitler and names streets after Islamic murderers, to join the protest.
But what can you expect from a man whose wisdoms really shines in his comments concerning the recent killings when he proclaimed that 'Muslims ar the first victims of fanaticism, fundamentalism and  intolerance'...
No wonder France goes down the drain.

And yes, the Turkish Hitler named Erdogan (read about his comments concerning Netanyahu's presence in Paris here) and his prime minister Davutoglu also were present, the latter promoting the Istanbul Process, a Clinton-inspired movement which aims to silence the protests against Islam and the pedophile murderer Muhammad by making any critique on them punishable.
Everybody kept saying 'je suis Charlie', and pretended to be somebody they were not.
Charlie was gunned down, and it presented the hypocrites with an opportunity to further their agenda by means of Charlie's corpse.

'It's a war between us and the extremists, the 'us' including the 'real Islam'', so they kept saying.
I challenge you to actually read the Quran for yourselves (as I have) and decide for yourselves what is the 'real' Islam.
I challenge you to visit Israel's neighboring countries and check how much leeway there is for critique on Islam and its sick deranged prophet.
If you do, how can you deny the poison in the doctrine, how can you deny the poison affecting the lives of millions in a very negative and Evil way?
Would you want the poison of such a doctrine find a way into the legislation of your country?

It is not so much a fight against extremists, it is a fight against the pure doctrine of Islam which creates and more importantly justifies terrorists.
It is a 'god-given' license to kill.
If the only way for moderate Muslims to be a good human being is by ignoring certain statements in Islam and making themselves blind to their prophet's blood thirst and his pedophilia, then what does this tell you about the doctrine and its creator?
'Moderate Muslims' are not considered to be real Muslims by those who strictly adhere to the doctrine.
It is an apartheid-doctrine which inspires and justifies hatred, creating division not only between Muslims and non-Muslims, but even between Muslims themselves.

But our political leaders have sold their Souls to the Devil and do his bidding, that is how they stay in power.
They seek to appease the Muslim nations with their political intiatives, so that the deeds of those who killed innocent human beings are used to further the cause of the poison which inspired the killers, Islam.
It is insanity to the extreme.
Our war is with Islam, the vile doctrine, and the enslaving poisonous effect it has on the minds of people.

I don't understand it, if you read a part in the Quran which explicitly tells you to kill those who refuse to submit themselves to Allah and reject his chosen prophet Muhammad and his ideology,  and in one of the books of the Hadith (the commentaries on the Quran) you find the explicit instruction NOT to create your own interpretations to the text of the Quran, how can you deny its dangerous, terror-inspiring content?
How can you look at the life of Muhammad and the example he sets and NOT realize that he is the enabler of terror and immorality?
How can you look at Islamic nations and NOT see how they do not have the extent of liberty for their citizens as we have in our Western nations?

READ the Quran, take a look at for instance chapter 9.123, or chapter 8.38-39, or chapter 2.193, or chapter 9.111, or chapter 48.29, and decide for yourself what the true nature of Islam is, remembering that the believer in Allah should not create his own interpretations of the Quran as instructed in the Hadith, but he should take it at face value and practice it.
If you take it at face value and you practice what the Quran teaches, you have to fight against those who do not submit to Allah and Muhammad and kill them with harshness and an attitude which is devoid of mercy.
And where do you see that attitude?
Right, take a look at ISIS or Al Qaeda, and you see the fruit of the Quran in action.
Moderate Muslims have to ignore a large part of the Quran in order to remain decent human beings and live in peace, so what does this tell you about the Islamic doctrine, the vile content of the Quran?

But our political leaders expect from us that we join their political insanity and support it.
They are insane, stark raving mad idiots, and they ought to be put out of office and in a mental institution.
What else should you do with those who are caught up in a dangerous psychotic fantasy?
But to this day we are given over in the care of psychotic idiots.

Woe to us, the poor innocent victims of psychotic idiots...
Who chose the idiots into office with their gullible votes?

No, the leaders we have today are the leaders YHWH wants us to have, because what else can you give to a nation where the people immerse themselves in Evil and become psychotic idiots?
They look away when Islamists murder Jewish families in Israel yet cry bloody  murder when the same Islam shoots at critics who choose to insult not only Islam and Muhammad but also Christianity and Jesus.
Thus YHWH confronts the Western nations with their lack of compassion for the Jewish  suffering at the hands of the sick deranged prophet of Hell's insanity: he brings the murderers right on our doorstep where they proceed to continue their murderous quest, this time at OUR expense.

Know this: when Israel goes down, we go down, and if we support those who will attack Israel, we shall share in the curse when YHWH implements it upon Israel's foes.
Either way, either through lack of empathy and support for Israel which are the lesser Evils, or the greater Evil of encouraging and aiding Israel's destroyers, we will suffer.

No, to the Westerner the upcoming soccer matches is what the world is all about, the latest soap, the latest car, the latest movie.
And so to make us aware of our insanity and our egotism YHWH visits us with economic depression, gradually stripping away our diversions and our various forms of escapism.
He brings Islamic murderers in our midst to confront us with Israel's daily plight that we might have empathy and support Israel.
When the pain increases, it becomes harder to ignore.

Many Jews already see the signs on the wall.
They face a strong increase in anti-Semitism, a word which describes the irrational Evil hatred of Jews which has existed for many centuries.
Unfortunately, the Islamic doctrine lends itself very well as a self-justifying Trojan horse for the persecution of Jews, Christians, and all the others who refuse to submit to Islam.
Many Jews are leaving Europe since the continent once again is transforming itself into a playground for the Fallen Ones, and the time is at hand when the believers in Yahshua will also suffer.

You still think it will not happen here?
Already the groundwork is in place for the political structure based on 'blaming the victim' which operates by a twisted logic of its own.
The logic goes like this:  the ones who utter criticism on Islam and its prophet inspire terrorist acts as a reaction against the insults - the critics of Islam provoke and therefore are really to blame for the terror - to restrain the critics is to end terrorism - the critics of Islam are the real cause of terrorism and must be silenced.
And so the victims are blamed and we are forced into the straightjacket of compliancy with the lies surrounding Islam.

Will we learn, will we open our eyes?
I hope the veil has dropped and more people finally have woken up to the ugly Truth.
Because the Truth will set us free (from the poison of the Lie).
Free from the lies of our leaders, free to see how Muslim immigrant ghetto-networks throughout Europe have been created which enable a highway for terrorists along which they safely are able to move to and fro.
But if not, be sure that the pain of our past will compare favorably to the pain of what is coming upon us, like small woes preceding the intense and more painful woes, even the complete collapse of our financial system and extreme poverty in a society where terrorists rule with fire and destruction.

Our political leaders do their best to shut our eyes and dumb us down as their parade around Paris in their utterly mad, insane hypocritical protest march.
As always they lie, they exploit, lacking any remnant of moral conscience as they use the victims of Islamic aggression to further the cause of Islam and point the accusing finger at the critics of Islam.
How sick, how low, how vile, how insane!

'In the war against the 'extremists' and their ilk, the ones who incite them which are the critics of Islam and Muhammad, we need to intercept emails and phone calls more efficiently, we need to be able to track everyone at any given time'.
I find it sick beyond words that the corpses of all the victims which Muhammad created after his Death now are used to favor and promote his cause, a most horrible case of necrophilia, and to usurp the few freedoms and rights to privacy we still have left.

But we have not seen the end of this yet.
The end will be when flames light up and color the sky, and we will be horrified to witness the Evil we have cherished in our midst.
People forget that all this time it was YHWH's stretched out hand which protected us from Evil, but when people turn away from YHWH and embrace Evil, is it any wonder that YHWH gradually withdraws His hand in order to confront us progressively with the true nature of the Evil we embrace?

That is the first stage of judgment: the withdrawal of YHWH's protection.
The second stage comes when Evil is unrestrained and absorbs all it can.
That is when YHWH will reflect the nature of Evil back on those who are Evil, meaning that He will bring destruction upon all that which is Evil upon this world.
That is the moment when He will set aside His own, for He cannot and will not punish His own children together with those who vexed them.
No, like Lot we will be taken out the way and the Evil-doers will face the horror of their own reflection in YHWH.

Everybody is Charlie these days, but I'm not.
I'm not Charlie, I'm Yahzor.
Yah is my Zor, my Stronghold, my  Fortress, and I stand for YHWH and His cause.
Not to make people submit themselves to YHWH, but to inspire love for YHWH and voluntarily make the choice for Him.

His Son Yahshua did not demand submission to 'God' or 'Allah', no, He humbly asked that we make the choice to love Him and His Father.
We wondered, 'show us then Your love for us'.
And so He showed us how much He loved us, allowing Himself to be tortured and murdered, thus giving His Life so that we might find ours.

The freedom to choose is a fundamental principle of the Bible.
Already in the first book Genesis the first man and woman were given the option to choose to believe or disbelieve YHWH.
If YHWH demanded total submission, then why would He have given Adam and Eve the freedom to choose against Him?
No, YHWH wanted Love, and the only way Love can come forth is through a voluntary choice to love.
YHWH created the option for Man to rebel against Him so that Man could be shaped in the loving image of the living Creator through a dualistic process where the forces of Good vs. Evil can express themselves in Man's Soul and allow him to choose and be refined by his choice.

I cannot imagine a greater contrast between the prophet of Islam and the Son of the Almighty.
One demands submission and takes away our freedom, the other ask us to love Him and restores our freedom, one instructs the believer to take up arms, be harsh and kill the unbeliever, the Other instructs us to love, endure and pray for our enemies and those who do not believe.
One is the son of the Devil worshipped as a saint, the other is the vilified and rejected Son of our beloved Creator, my  beloved Yahshua.

If Yahshua is turned into the villain, let me be a villain to the world, because my choice, -yes, a voluntary choice I made-, is to love Yahshua, just as it is my choice, -yes the choice I still have but which may be taken away from us sooner than we think-, to reject Muhammad and his doctrinal poison of Islam.

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