
The Reversed Reality

The day of our birth is the day of our reversal.
We are born in a world where reality has been reversed in the image of Evil, and to be able to function in this reversed world we have to learn to adapt to the reversal.
Unfortunately this means part of us is reversed and comes to stand in opposition to the reality of the Spirit.

When I write we should accept YHWH's definitions and abide by His rules, the ruler of this world will whisper into our ears that in doing so we become obedient little doormats bowing before a tyrant's demands, puny conformists lacking the stamina to rebel and stand up for the ideal of freedom.
'If you have any guts left, then be a rebel and refuse to cater to the tyrant.'

Only, the opposite of what he tells you is true.
If you heed his call to reject YHWH's rules, you in fact become the conformist to the deception of the great Deceiver.
You end up conforming to the reversed reality by reversing your Soul, and in doing so you lose substance and fade into a hollow Shadow.

The Adversary has set up his empire in this world, and as long as you do as he tells you to, you are rewarded, that is, if you are of use to him.
But woe unto you if you go against his wishes and rebel against the rules he decreed for his empire!
HE is the tyrant who punishes those who dare to rebel against the status quo of this world, and the One he refers to as the almighty Tyrant is in fact the One who gives us freedom of choice.
The Devil gobbles up your freedom while YHWH gives you back the freedom you lost when you heeded the call of the Fallen One.

To heed YHWH's instructions and abide by His rules is in fact the ultimate form of rebellion in the reversed reality of this world.
To accept YHWH's words means you accept Truth, and the Truth sets you free from the bondage of the Lie which the Evil One uses to keep you in submission to his dictates.
In his heart he knows he is destined for Destruction, and by golly, he is going to make sure that if HE is forced into the arms of Destruction he will take as many human Souls with him as he can.

To accept the Lie as Truth is plain idiocy, that should be obvious to everyone.
The trick the Evil One uses is to mask the Lie as Truth and thus seduce you into acceptance of that mask.
He never presents himself as the Liar, the bringer of Darkness, but he portrays himself to Man as the great Liberator, the bringer of Truth, the carrier of the Light.

Because we are born in a physical Body which is compromised and an integral part of the 'Cloud of Evil' which is the network of Evil capable of downloading information into our Body, we inherit a tendency to act as extensions of the information the Evil One downloads into our Body.
This information is not limited to sinful thoughts and feelings drawing you into Sin, but it also includes diseases of the Body and the Mind, even unto Death.
After we are born we inherit a compulsion to sin and conform to the gravity of the laws of the Evil One.
When we comply, we reverse part of our Soul so that it becomes an integral part of the reversed reality of Evil.

Our conscience, which is the part where our Soul is integrated into the Spirit which is not yet fallen or reversed, accuses us when we identify with our Evil side and act on the impulses it produces.
Our conscience is the part which reminds us how we are becoming part of a reversed reality, and it is able to fulfil that function as long as it stands in contrast as the element which is not reversed due to the fact that our Spirit is not reversed.
When we sin in the Spirit, such as when we reject the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) as unclean and alien, then because of the fact that we sinned in the eternal reality of the Spirit our own Spirit is cut off from YHWH's Spirit and turns Dark.
When that happens, we no longer have any part in us which can stand in contrast with the reversed reality of the Evil One, and we become one with him as completely reversed creations.

The Evil One considers the presence of this conscience as a weakness preventing us from fully rebelling against the 'dictates of YHWH'.
He refers to this 'bondage' as our chains of slavery, and he wants to seduce us to rebel to get rid of these chains.
He presents this as his roadmap to freedom, but it is the roadmap leading to spiritual Death, turning us into an integral part of the Death realm.

Because of our natural tendency to sin and build up an identity of Sin, the rebellion the Evil One seeks to inspire in us is in fact nothing more than conformity to the dictates of this fallen artificial implanted identity.
Yes, it is an artificial implanted identity which draws us away from our true identity, who we really are.
The implanted false identity is fostered and given form by the Fallen Ones acting through manipulation of our circumstances and our environment as well as the impulses of our physical Body.

Yahshua was the ultimate rebel Who defeated the Evil One.
He inspires in us a true rebellion against the compulsive tendency to sin and thereby turning ourselves into slaves having no other choice but to obey Evil impulses.
Through our obedience to Evil impulses we become puppets dangling on the strings of Dark, Evil entities manipulating us through the impulses.

Giving heed to Yahshua's instructions, learning to turn our backs to our fallen mind because we listen to and comply with our renewed and restored mind, is the ultimate rebellion, because it means we go against the dictates of the slavery we were born in.
It means we turn our backs to the tyrant who seeks to bind us through our bondage to Sin.

This world is like a negative film which depicts Good as Evil, Light as Darkness, a truly reversed image of reality.
This world turns the reality of Heaven upside down because of its bondage to the god of Death.
Therefore, what this world calls rebellion really is conformity, and what this world holds up as virtue is in fact a vice.

I seek to inspire rebellion in all of you, rebellion against the dictates of the great Liar, rebellion against his Evil empire, rebellion against his lies.
I do this by expressing Truth in the words I write, words which point to the ultimate Rebel: Yahshua.
He WAS and IS the Truth, the Way, and Life, and that is what He offers all of us.
His Truth reveals the Darkness of this world for what it is, His way shows you the multitude of erroneous ways of the Fallen One, and His Life makes you realize to what extent you were in bondage of Death when you did not yet realize the extent of your slavery to Evil through your Sins.

"Don't be a fool, he just wants to turn you into a slave of religion.
Just look at how he refers to 'YHWH' and 'Yahshua', names tied to the domain of religion, look at how he promotes the 'Shabbat'.
He wants to bind you to the rules of his exclusive religious dogma so that you lose the freedom I offer you in exchange for the mind-numbing chains of religion".

If anything, I seek to set you free from bondage to any religion.
I do not subscribe to a specific religion in any way, but I DO subscribe to Truth.
The Truth is that we have a loving Father in Heaven Who made us and put us in this reversed reality so that we might learn and grow, the Truth is that He truly is referred to as YHWH as Moses called Him, the Truth is that He became our Salvation in Yahshua and  you will look in vain to find Life outside of Him.
Although it has the ring of the Judaic/Christian/Messianic religion it really has nothing to do with religion.
You may try the Buddhist way, the Muslim way, the Hindu way, but none of them can give you what a personal living relationship with Yahshua will bring you, and that relationship really has nothing to do with religion.

As a matter of fact, religion and the way it compels people to dress up in the image of the religious dogma is an integral part of the Fallen One's circus of deception in this world.
Yet even within these wheels of religion you may find YHWH's people, growing and learning as they go along for a season, as well as a host of weeds dressed in holy robes to hide the fact that they are dead graves inside.
The latter conformed to the ways of this world, and the Satan gave them a place in his empire as a reward.
The greater their conformity, the greater their prominence and rank in the wheel of religion.
It is not a coincidence that Yahshua was delivered to be put to Death by those wearing the holy robes of organized religion.

When I refer to YHWH and Yahshua it is not a reference to any religion or a token of having converted myself to Judaism or some other form of Messianic religion, and when I refer to the importance of keeping the Shabbat it is not because I have converted to Judaism.
The name of YHWH and Yahshua do not belong to the domain of religion, but they are universal, as well as what those names imply.

The same is true for the Shabbat and YHWH's instructions which you can find in the Torah: they are not the exclusive property of the domain of Judaism, but they are universal gifts of YHWH to those who love Him for their own well-being.
They testify of Truth.
The more a religion incorporates universal Truth, the more I may look like a religious fanatic because of my reference to concepts found in that religion.
Judaism as a lot of Truth in it, and the same can be said about Christianity.
Both ALSO have human traditions and un-truth woven into the fabric of their particular religious denomination, and as organized religious institutes both have their place in the religious wheel of Babel's empire.

When I keep Shabbat I do it because YHWH personally brought it to me as a gift, and having experienced the rest and beauty of the Shabbat I have come to treasure it.
I have always had an aversion towards the artificial and enforced concept of Sunday as the obligatory day of rest where you are required to immerse yourself in the deadness of a church service followed by the deadness of obligatory family meetings and the horrible meals ensuing the deadness of the day, and as a young man I had made up my mind to throw all this religious garbage in the bin and go my own way.
I did not dread Mondays, I dreaded those horrible stillborn Sundays!

When I was a kid and I heard someone say that in Heaven each day is like Sunday I felt really bad, because it meant that Hell had all the fun days of Monday to Saturday, and I preferred that over the horrible ongoing series of Sundays.
Sunday was for people who loved to play harps on drifting clouds for all eternity, people who loved Sunday meals where the omnipresent stale thick smell of selfmade soup suffocated any remnant of vitality, it was for those who loved family gatherings which seemed to extend into a miniature eternity and thus drain the remaining Life out of the Soul, it was for people who had an ongoing love-affair with mr. Sandman lulling them to sleep on the dreaded Sunday afternoons in order to recover from the draining onslaught of the rituals which were an integral part of the 'day of rest'.
All the other days of the week were for people who love to go out and have fun and DO things, and if Hell had all the other days, then...

Seeing all the lies and hypocrisy around me I had made up my mind never to be part of that graveyard.
I was going to rebel against the lies and dark deception I saw all around me and do whatever I wanted to do.

However, contrary to what I thought, YHWH did not hate me for feeling this way.
He actually loved my aversion against the lies and understood my wrong reaction.
He protected me and guided me closer to Him so that I grew in understanding and I was given a clearer vision of the Dark Spirits behind ceremonies, rituals and people.
Through His lessons and the understanding He gave me I learned not to throw the child away with the bathwater in my ambition to rebel against the order of this world, but to separate the two.

So, the concept of a day of rest such as the Shabbat did not come natural to me AT ALL, but when YHWH introduced it to me at the right time and pressed upon my heart to give it a try, I complied because I loved and trusted YHWH, and as a result I have come to love Shabbat and honour it as a sign between me and the One I love, a  very special day I always look forward to.
My Shabbat does not have ANY resemblance to the concept of the Sunday rest whatsoever.
The Sunday rest I saw around me was the rest of the grave, while my Shabbat is the rest of Heaven, Life, a bubbling creative kind of rest as opposed to the draining mind-numbing fatigue of the Sunday rest.

When I keep YHWH's instructions, it is because His Spirit, His Ruach, binds them on my heart, and I benefit greatly from keeping those instructions because they protect me and keep me well.
They keep me close to YHWH and out of reach of Evil Fallen Spirits, instructions designed to keep me on the safe side of the road.
They are gifts, blessings I have received, and not rules I am forced to comply with.
They are extensions of Life and the energy of Life, not extensions of the grave carrying Death in its bossom.
Because I have experienced the beauty of those gifts I want to pass these gifts on to you so that you may find freedom from the lies of the Evil One and protection against his ways, because you found protection in His bastion of Truth.

It is not religion I preach, it is love for our Creator, it is not conformity I preach, but rebellion against the order of the Adversary a.k.a. the God of Destruction, it is not mindless obedience to rules and regulations I preach, but cultivating and securing a living relationship with your true Father Who wants you to be well.
Listen to Him and seek Him then, because the more you hear His voice and love the sound of Truth, the more you will find freedom and true happiness in that sound.

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