
Liberation Day

Ascension day, and also the celebration of May fifth, the Dutch liberation day commemorating and celebrating the liberation from the oppressive German Nazi regime in 1945.
A beautiful sunny day with no cloud in the sky, and on the surface all appears to be perfect and as it should be.

Only, it is not.
For some reason even the light of the sun has a very harsh and piercing quality, and the good feelings a day like this should bring are overshadowed by a strong sense of dark oppression, as if a portal straight from Hell was opened and Devils can enter freely without the required visa.
May fifth is a celebration of hypocrisy, and Evil rules like never before.

But people are still moving to and fro, as if everything is exactly as it always used to be.
As I watched the cars moving by on Ascension day, I could not help but feeling so terribly alienated from the flow.
It is a vexation to my Soul.

Something has changed on a very deep level, something has changed and the current world no longer is moving forward but it is kept in a state of frozen motion, like a going through the motions describing a perfect circle to create an illusion of going forward.
But we are no longer moving forward.
We are sliding in circles of a spiral leading us deeper and deeper into the realm of Darkness right up to the point where we are poised on the brink of being pushed into the abyss.
Yet so many seem to be oblivious to it, as if they are walking around in a daydream where things will continue to be as they always were, while the ones who are awake wonder and feel so out of touch, so alienated.

This sense of alienation all too often makes me sad and wonder why I am still here.
I cannot see any point in having to witness the collapse and destruction of this world while my heart is somewhere else yet forced to observe this spectacle.
I feel as if I am no longer part of this reality which is Evil to the core, and yet I have to be here for some reason I don't understand.
I never meet any of YHWH's own in real life, and it makes me wonder why there are so few of YHWH's own left.
I see the lies in people to the point where I look the other way in order to avoid them feeling embarassed,  and all too often I suffer humiliation and ill treatment at their hands, staring at me as if I am the horrible ghostly apparition.
Why am I still here, what is the point?

What is the point of having to witness how the ones preaching in Your name and acting as if they are Your prophets dressed in expensive suits tell their audience the things they want to hear, lies, and nothing but lies, while Your own servants are having a tough time?
They cannot dress in expensive suits simply because in many cases they have difficulties in making ends meet, they cannot lie or conform to the Lie, and so they cannot fit in anywhere, not in the corporate world where they are forced to look for jobs to pay for the daily cost of living, not in the religious world where they are viewed as minor unimportant anonymous figures with nothing significant to say, even though they are revealing YOUR Truth and write and speak the things YOU say.
Your own are excluded from all walks in Life and relegated to the ranks of anonymity.
Why is it taking so long for You to act on behalf of those who truly love You?

Is it any wonder that Your name has suffered because of the way Your servants are treated?
Who would want to serve a God who gives the Adversary so much freedom to make their lives difficult, filled with pain and sadness, when He promised that the ones who trust in His name will not be put to shame?
Yet Your own continue to serve You, in spite of the pain, in spite of their tears.
Why is it that You remain silent for so long in the midst of the hardship brought upon Your own?
It is not us who bring Your name to naught.

I know why we are here, but sometimes when I am faced with the continuous hardship the Adversary brings on my path, and how he is able to prolong his torture in spite of my prayers, I cannot help but wonder if perhaps I have died during my sleep and somehow have descended into a kind of purgatory without being aware of it.
But then again YHWH speaks to my Soul and tells me how endurance is part and parcel of my own personal growth, and the way to eternal Life.

Evil has grown to unimaginable proportions.
It is all around me everywhere I look, the Lie thrives and if any hope should arise due to a chance that everything might change for the better, the Adversary makes sure he uses it to his advantage by eliminating that chance and thereby crushing hope at its peak.
Hope makes the heart come alive, so by crushing it you crush the heart.
Change is something the Adversary seeks to avoid at all cost, and he will not stand by idly if anyone dares to harm his interest, and this includes political candidates who are growing into a liability and a threat to his cause.

And yet, I sense this change, but I am vexed by the fact that my consciousness still is glued to the destructive Evil image of this world.

As I am writing this it is a beautiful day with sunny weather and a clear blue sky, the sort of weather which always used to make the heart glad.
But somehow the light of the sun is painful and harsh to me, a mask of Evil lurking at the corner, and yet the people I see seem totally oblivious to it, acting as if everything is normal and fine.
I wish I could say that I am the odd one out whose sight is clouded by his feelings, but I have a strong sense of knowing that it is not I who cannot see clearly.

These days are strange, they are filled with Evil much more than before.
On the one hand we see the beauty of nature, people buying and selling, a shining sun in the sky, a beautiful background which suggest a good kind of normality.
And yet, I feel as if part of me is snatched loose from it, even though I am still conscious of the Evil in this world acting behind the background, shaping it in its image.
It makes me feel alienated to a degree I haven't experience before.
In a world like this, why should anyone bother, why invest energy in something slated for destruction?

Imagine if you will the kind of people who willingly and knowingly are destroying our nations and economies, knowing all too well that their meddling will result in suffering and hardship, so much that some lose even their homes, while others will commit suicide because of what has been done to them.
You would have to have the mind of a coldblooded psychopath to be able to do that without any pangs of a conscience.

And that should be a clear indication of the kind of political leaders we have.
For the sake of securing their income and political career they do not hesitate betraying their own people.
They willingly and knowingly aid and abet the destruction of our nations, and no one holds them accountable.
People are reduced to slaves of the banks, large corporations and their treacherous political puppets.

This world is in the process of being turned into a horrible concentration camp, and who would want to invest his time and energy in serving such a system by developing his talents and becoming a part of that nightmare?
Who in his right mind would want to contribute to a nightmare?
Surely you want it to end as soon as possible?
For the few who are awake this is terribly demotivating, especially for young people who realize that such at this moment Life here really has nothing to offer.

There is a war between Good and Evil.
It is an ancient war which has existed since the moment YHWH created the dualistic paradigm.
But today it is worse than ever, and I can sense that behind the veil something very dramatic has happened and is happening at this moment, and it will have a great impact on our Life here on Earth.
The only thing I can say is this: let the Kingdom of Heaven come quickly, and let it destroy the queendom of Hell on this Earth.

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