
The Sacrifice

Today on May first I thought it would be a fitting occasion to write about the reason for sacrifice in Satanism.
As you may know, May first is the final day when the fertility feast of Beltane is celebrated, a Satanic feast which requires a human sacrifice in exchange for 'divine protection' (= Satanic protection).
It is an incarnation of the ancient Ba'al sacrificial feast, a Fallen One in whose honor they now have replicated the arches of an ancient temple of Ba'al and put them on Times Square, New York, and Trafalgar Square, London.
New York and London, because of this you are marked for death.

Traditionally the last twelve days of April are part of the May first celebration, days of sacrificial preparation which lead up to the final day of the great sacrifice to the beast, May first, so that you get a total number of thirteen days.
Thirteen is the number of Satanic representation on Earth, and if you add up one and three you get the number four, which stands for destruction on Earth (just read my article 'The Numbers VI').
Now consider that the arches in honor of Ba'al are positioned on squares ('4') exactly in time for the celebration of the sacrifice on the thirteenth day, you think it is just coincidence?
It assure you, it is not, absolutely not.

Since the dumb and deceived Satanists feel they have to honor their dark deceptive god of lies, I thought it would be fitting to honor YHWH on this day and send a shot of His piercing Light into the Darkness the Satanist are seeking to invoke.
I do this by writing about the nature of Evil and why sacrifice is part and parcel of the Satanic queendom, giving you Truth that destroys the Lie by its very presence.
So, they may honor their lord, the Satan, I honor mine, YHWH, and I chose to bring a shot of Light as an antidote to the Darkness the worshippers of Evil invite into this world.
And what better day to expose Evil than on their precious high day of the ritual Satanic fertility sacrifice?

'You seek to wage war against YHWH?
You'll get it, on His terms, His conditions. 
You vile and perverted Evil Ones, you think you can openly promote the ritual blood sacrifice to the beast without consequence?
You think you can put your decrepit arches in honor of Ba'al everywhere  and suffer no harm?
You steal the Life-force from babes and take the lives of YHWH's own, and you think nothing of it?
Do you desire to bring down fire from Heaven to devour your ilk a second time?
YHWH's wrath is building and His lightning will come down upon your head when He unleashes His thunders and let His voice be heard.'

The idea of sacrifice is essential to Satanism.
Evil cannot exist by itself, it needs to absorb energy from what exists in order to be able to manifest itself, and as such it can only exist at the expense of others.
This is why sacrifice is a central and essential theme in Satanism: it portrays the sacrifice of a human being as a good and noble thing, because it NEEDS the energy of the sacrifice.

So if you can indoctrinate people into believing the lie that their particular brand of 'self-sacrifice' is noble, then you have suckered them into donating their Life-force to Evil out of their own free will.
This is the reason why war exists: to release energy to the Dark side so that Evil can manifest, grow and expand.
The more you can kill, the more energy you can harvest.

There is a risk involved however, because, the greater the sacrifice, the more the Adversary ends up disturbing the balance between Good and Evil, and the more he invites YHWH to manifest as the destruction of Evil and the avenger of the innocent blood which was shed.
But as long as the Satan rules this planet war and sacrifice will remain part and parcel of our lives.
Dark magic is able to be so potent thanks to this energy which was stolen from others, and that is why a sacrifice is often involved in occult rituals.

The ones who are the energy thieves (murderers) have their plans and back-up plans ready for these end times, taking great delight in the way everything falls together smoothly.
But then YHWH comes along with panic in His trail.
He shuts down a few options, He opens up a few other avenues, He makes the people see the Lie so that their zombie status is changed, and He takes out a few pawns of the Evil One.

The end result?
Panic abounds in the Shadow world, because things do not evolve according to plan and there are a few unforeseen uncertainties in the end game.
Certain key figures suddenly are removed before their time, how is it possible that the future changed, how is it possible that suddenly YHWH's own get chances they never had before, how can one of YHWH's own suddenly rise out of nowhere?
Where does YHWH get the right to interfere with their schemes before the time?

Well, here is YHWH's answer to you who have fallen,  'I do whatever I do whenever I do it'.
You cannot put YHWH in a box based on your statistics and experience as if He is a predictable machine, and that is exactly where you made your greatest error.
Because YHWH is unpredictable and the cause of your downfall.
You think you have the future figured out, but as you have seen already, unlike what you expected the future can be changed instantly in very bizarre ways with new connections being forged between past and future in ways you deemed implausible.
Because you manipulated others, YHWH turns it back unto yourself so that you end up being manipulated.
Isn't it written, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'?

Yes, YHWH changes everything, and He takes certain people out of the way for the purpose He has in mind.
He may use one of the people promoting the cause of the Fallen Ones, and work in his heart so that he begins to question and turns against the Evil One.

Usually the Fallen Ones draft artists for their cause if they are willing to promote the agenda of their dark prince, but when YHWH begins His work in their hearts and they are waking up to the ugly reality they are part of, trouble begins.
The Fallen Ones no longer derive the benefit from their protégée they were accustomed to when they rewarded their promoters with material benefits and wide public exposure, and even worse, their protégée may actually begin to harm their interest and turn against them.
That is usually the moment when suddenly you read a news clip about the unexpected sudden death of a certain artist.

On the other hand, if an artist working for the Fallen Ones persists in his ways and even makes it worse, for instance by directly or indirectly making himself guilty of shedding the blood of innocents like for instance through agreeing to life extension procedures which use dead fetuses from abortion clinics, then YHWH may decide it is time for Him to hold up His Mirror of justice and take the artist out of the picture.

I am mentioning all this because in this year we have seen quite a few celebrities falling away, even at a relatively young age.
It is not necessarily the result of YHWH calling them into His court, it could also be the result of the interference of agents of the Fallen Ones where you might be lead to believe otherwise because of what the artist promoted in the past.

It is very common among celebrities you will see some connection to the Satanic agenda, and their songs, symbolism and lifestyle need to fit within that whole Satanic paradigm so that their role model serves to promote an aspect of Satanic rebellion.
But during the course of their lives changes can happen, and some wake up.
The future is not etched in stone, and sometimes YHWH can implement unforeseen changes in His storyline.

For some artists it was just an act and they realize there is a whole lot more to it than when they initially thought there was, and they may clean up their act and begin to speak up.
Cleaning up their act is a loss which makes the Fallen Ones monitor the artist very closely and dump him, but speaking up and harming the interest of the Fallen Ones may drive them to take precautionary measures and actually kill an artist.
They download their decree into the hearts and minds of their servants on Earth, making them aware of how any harm of their interest is a harm done unto their servants, and their servants, the worshippers of money, will take the necessary steps to make sure an example is set.

So, suddenly an artist dies of 'natural causes' at a young age, in spite of the fact that he led a very health conscious lifestyle.
Or some wacko crosses the artist's path and blows his brains out.
Or, if the option is open, magic is used as a weapon and the target suddenly suffers from a debilitating disease which devastates him. Don't think magic and spells belong to the realm of fantasy, because I assure you they are VERY real and can be very strong, as I have experienced myself on more than one occasion.
The message sent out by the untimely demise is very clear to those working for the Shadow world: come against us, and we will use every dirty trick in the book against you, and should you think you can succeed, be assured you will not be around to enjoy your success.

I am sure you all read the recent news of Prince's death, another one to go down this year.
It is perfectly positioned within the timeframe of the Satanic sacrificial feast of Ba'al.
When I look at Prince I see someone with a genuine talent who definitely does NOT belong in the Adversary's camp.
He has acted in that capacity, but he began to change as he dedicated his heart to know YHWH better.
Some condemn him for the role he played, but I see a sincere Soul and a kindred Spirit, and the Adversary made a big mistake.
He stood up against his record company so that they no longer could own the masters of his work and thus reducing him to the status of a slave, and the moment he begins to speak up against the hidden agenda of the Fallen Ones he ends up dead, like others before him.
You are free to believe that it just is a coincidence, but I am convinced it is not: innocent blood has been shed, but I can also assure you that those responsible will not escape YHWH's justice.

So be wise and leave judgment in the hands of the Judge. 
Some of the ones whose career skyrocketed because they advanced an aspect of the Adversary's agenda later turned around and subsequently became a liability, and they were taken out by their former benefactors in different ways before they could do too much harm.
The knowledge that you will be killed if you bite the hand that feeds you is a very effective rod to keep the cattle in line, and some of them are very aware that they risk their lives if they dare to harm the interest of their benefactors, their enablers, the slave drivers they served for a season.

If you met Samson, would you think of him as one of YHWH's men?
If you met Solomon with his hundreds of wives and concubines, would you think of him as one of YHWH's favored ones?
Well then.

The conspiracy has many different and false incarnations designed to set people on the wrong foot so that they look in the wrong direction.
Yet in essence the conspiracy is really simple.
Regardless of the false information which makes many believe that the notion of a conspiracy is for the mentally deranged, there really IS a conspiracy, and the Bible is ALL about that conspiracy.

There is a class of beings who exist in a different dimension than ours, and who want to remain in charge on this planet in the physical dimension.
They want that because it is a mining colony for the Souls of men, and although they have access to the minds of people they need hands and feet on Earth working on their behalf.
In order to be and remain in charge they make sure they have control over crucial important areas such as the area of power (politics and military), the area of resources (finances), and the area of public indoctrination (education, arts, media, entertainment).
They choose vessels who are willing to promote their agenda in exchange for a good Life.

Being born here on Earth is like being born as slaves into a prison we refer to as society, so when faced with the drudgery of the slave existence and the pain inflicted upon the slaves by the Shadow beings, you can be sure there are those who seek to avoid it at ALL cost.
They will offer their services in exchange for a privileged position and financial rewards that go with it, even if it means betraying their fellow man and shutting their eyes to the fact that their overlords are living at the expense of Mankind.
These sell-outs you will invariably find in positions of power and authority, and they seek to draft instruments for the sake of promoting the agenda of the Fallen Ones.
If they spot a talented artist they will try to groom and train that artist to see if he meets the requirements, and if he does, he is offered that heavenly contract which gives the artist access to success, fame, creative freedom, an extravagant luxurious lifestyle.

Once the artist is under their spell and authority he better make sure he does not swerve from the path, the reason why he was chosen, and he better not turn against his benefactors.
Because, if he does, those benefactors will morph into his malefactors, and if he becomes a liability and turns against the cause of the Fallen Ones you can be sure that artist will die prematurely.
It sends out a signal to the others who realize they better do as they are told, because they were hired for a specific purpose and if they dare to turn against that specific purpose they will most surely suffer and even risk ending up dead like the example which was set by that one artist who rebelled and suddenly died.
'Turn against us, and we turn against you, because you belong to us'.

The Fallen Ones and their minions on Earth who do their bidding carefully avoid doing anything which might harm their own interest.
A nuclear attack would harm their investments to such a degree that the gain could not outweigh the cost, and losses would have to be taken.
Yes, it is a very powerful blood sacrifice, yet the minions on Earth would have to suffer material losses they would rather avoid.

So instead of nuclear war they focus on eliminating human beings without harming the assets, as is the case with chemical assaults on all levels, even including products in supermarkets, medicine, chemtrails, manufactured diseases, etc.
Yes, that is how Evil this world really is, disease as a commercial product enabling third parties to exploit misery in order to make profit in economic and spiritual ways.
You think it is a coincidence that substances alien to our Body are sold as food, that even our homes are filled with toxins coming out of furniture, carpet, paint?

If you take out the workforce either by killing them with mystery diseases or other chemical manipulations which cause the specific psychological results which you are aiming for, then this kind of warfare is far more preferable than an outright nuclear war which destroys valuable commodity you could use.
Weaken and take out the workforce, and leave the assets intact.
It's only when the Lie gets too big to be covered up or that the economy needs a dramatic reset that you may be forced to resort to a more drastic course of action such as a nuclear attack.
And we have arrived at the stage where it becomes hard for elitists to cover their tracks and continue their scam.
So be prepared.
They will go to hellish extremes to protect their interest.

The arches of Ba'al's temple in New York and London invite destruction into those cities, not prosperity.
They are invitations for the god of destruction to come.
Just as the presence of YHWH's temple in Jerusalem would be an invitation to YHWH to draw near and enter the temple in the Messiah, Yahshua, the presence of Ba'al's temple is an invitation for the Evil One to come and visit that temple.
It is the Evil One's way of mimicking YHWH in order to take His place.
If only New York and London would realize what they have done and the suffering it will bring them...

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