
The Two Messiahs

To live on Earth is to exist in a paradigm where we experience the input of both the first Cloud (the infrastructure of the network of Good) and the second Cloud (the infrastructure of the network of Evil).
It is in this field of the tension between the force of Light and Darkness that we are shaped.'
Within this forcefield the character of our Soul is formed through the choices we make and the consequences of our choice we face.

To prevent us from being stuck in limbo between these two Clouds, YHWH became our Salvation.
He became Yahshua so that our choice to believe in Him would seal our Spirit into the network of Good, the first Cloud.
Yahshua's Salvation means that our Spirit is fully integrated into the network of Good and opened up to the Spirit of Truth, the Ruach HaKodesh.
Through the portal of our opened Spirit the seed of the Salvation process grows like a small seed planted in the soil of our Soul, growing and hauling our Soul back into the network of Good.
Because of the wounds in our Soul, the weaknesses we have acquired due to our Sins, the process of Salvation brings a confrontation with old traumas and a healing from the wounds they caused.

The final frontier to be overcome is our physical form, which is an integral part of the network of Evil, and as such produces impulses of Evil signature which originate in the information streams within the network of Evil, the impulses which the Bible refers to as the 'inclinations of the Flesh'.
For most of us it means that we have to be liberated from this physical form so that we may be given a newly created physical form, the resurrected Body.
Only a few have advanced so far that YHWH allowed for their Bodies to be transformed into new Bodies which are able to access other dimensions at will.

Yahshua came to save us from the second Cloud.
But as I made clear in my previous post, there are two forms of Salvation as an expression of the two mutually exclusive realities which are the outcome of the principle of Dualism.
One Salvation saves us from Evil to be Good, the other saves us from Good to be Evil.
Just as there are two Salvations, there are two Saviors.

Yahshua was sent to Earth as our Heavenly Father's Salvation.
Our choice to believe in Him delivers us from our bondage to the second Cloud.
Just as Yahshua was sent to deliver us from the Cloud of Evil, the Satan will send his own Savior to save man from the Cloud of Good, the first Cloud, the network of Good.

Just as Yahshua was the promised Messiah of Good, the Satan will send his own Christ or Messiah, the one we tend to refer to as 'the Antichrist', the Messiah of Evil who will pretend to be the Messiah of Good.
History has given us quite a few examples foreshadowing the nature of the ultimate antichrist, little antichrists or prophets of Evil.
All of them are part of the prophetic concept of the antichrist, like different incarnations or different perspectives incarnating in a particular form of the antichrist in time and space, and we place them on our sequentially ordered timeline so that it seems as if they are not related, while in fact they ARE related as manifestations of one particular prophetic concept.
Just look at the long line of little monsters which include names such as Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Herod, Nero, Caligula, Stalin, Hitler, as well as the names of various Catholic popes in Babel's religious entertainment branch.

Yet there also is the culmination of this concept of the antichrist in the form of one particular individual who will become the incarnation of the Spirit of the Satan, and he will draw the hearts of men towards him so that they can experience his Salvation from YHWH's network of Good.

Yahshua was baptized by John, and immediately after His baptism the Heavens were opened and the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, lighted on Him like a dove descending from the Heavens.
It is then that Yahshua was driven into the desert that He might be tempted and triumph over the temptation as a start of His ministry, the mission which would culminate in His sacrifice and ultimate triumph over Evil and its wannabe god, the Adversary.

Likewise, the Satanic Messiah will receive the Satan's Spirit after going through a Satanic ritual, and the occult obscure workers of Darkness on Earth know this all too well, since they have prepared themselves for this occasion to carry out the ritual which will bring them their Messiah.
It is then, after receiving the Satanic Spirit, that a seemingly ordinary individual becomes the Satan's Messiah, 'saving' Man from YHWH and fully integrating him into the network of Evil.
This means that he will lay the foundation which will bring extreme persecution to YHWH's children, since they refuse to 'be saved' and the Satan simply does not handle rejection very well.
Once rejected he invariably seeks to take his revenge, and that is why all of YHWH's children are protected by their Angels who watch over them, because without that protection nobody of us would be alive today.
Because, we reject the Adversary's offering and love the One he hates.

Yahshua's cleansing ritual, His baptism, was the symbolic expression of our need to be cleansed and set free from our bondage to the network of Evil, just as the Satanic defilement ritual is the expression of the desire to be bonded to Evil, since the Satanic slaves regard this bondage to the Evil paradigm as freedom from YHWH.
As such, the Satanic defilement ritual is the expression of the need to be set free from bondage to YHWH through defilement, Sin.
SIN is the element which changes the polarity of the baptism which was Yahshua's initiation into His mission, from Good into Evil.
Baptism in pure water cleanses, the Evil baptism in a blood sacrifice from the innocent defiles.
One cleanses from guilt towards YHWH, the other brings more guilt towards YHWH.

Yahshua shed His OWN blood so that we might be cleansed and receive the Holy Spirit, but the Satanic Messiah will go through an initiation ritual which requires that the blood of the innocent will be sacrificed for his benefit, and the sacrifice of the innocent blood will be an ongoing theme throughout his mission on Earth.
More than that, where Yahshua gave His blood so that we might have Life everlasting, the false Messiah will not sacrifice his own blood, but the blood of Mankind for his OWN benefit as he seeks to exterminate the remnant of YHWH's image in man.

All this is designed to reverse that which Yahshua began.
Yahshua gave, the antichrist will take, Yahshua saves from Evil, the false Messiah saves from Good, Yahshua takes back lost Souls to Heaven, the false Messiah seeks to absorb all Souls into Hell, Yahshua cleanses from Sin, the antichrist defiles through Sin, Yahshua sacrifices His own blood for our sake, the false Messiah will sacrifice the blood of man for HIS own sake.
The ultimate antichrist or false Messiah will come to reverse Yahshua's work, and that is why everything he does will be the opposite of what Yahshua did.
But he will disguise it and make it seem as if he wants to inspire Good and liberate us from Evil.

By being baptized in the water which contained the Sins of the people it washed off them, Yahshua took the weight of the consequences of these Sins on His shoulders as He immersed Himself in this water , just as by going through the defilement ritual the antichrist places the Satanic weight of damnation upon those who defile themselves with him and through him.

The baptism ritual does not mean Yahshua became a sinful man by taking on the weight of the Sins of the people, because Sin separates from YHWH and no man who is separated from YHWH through Sin can save.
Because, Sin blocks the Light, and how can we attach our Souls to the Light in the Savior if the Savior Himself is blocked from the Light?
Not only that, but if He was to go to Sheol, then the only way to liberate the Souls in Sheol would be for YHWH's Light to enter that realm through a human Soul, and that can never happen if there is Sin blocking that Light.
By going through the baptism ritual Yahshua officially accepted the terms and conditions necessary for the work of becoming Man's Salvation, which included allowing Himself to be killed so that He could venture into the realm of the Dead as a human Soul to liberate the deceased who believed in Him, and lead them back to the realm of Heaven.
This is what is meant by the expression that 'Yahshua took the weight of our Sins upon His shoulders'.

The false Messiah will baptize the world in blood, and by going through his initiation ritual he officially will accept the terms and conditions for being the one who leads the Souls into the realm of the Adversary, Hell, or Gehenna.
One truly cleanses and liberates us, the other truly defiles us and turns us into slaves.
Yet the nature of the Satan makes him present it to us as the exact opposite: 'Yahshua defiles us by turning us into slaves to YHWH's dictates, and the Satanic Messiah cleanses us from this defilement by giving us freedom from YHWH's will'.

In the Satan's eyes, Yahshua is a conformed slave of YHWH, lacking the stamina to stand up and rebel.
The Adversary cannot help himself, because he signed away his sensibility and his insight the moment he succumbed to and merged with the Evil filter of the Dualism principle.
How great is his loss, for what can possess a man to hate Yahshua when He has such a kind and Good heart but a complete lack of any sense of Goodness?
How can anyone become so Evil that he seeks to destroy Yahshua?
How this Mighty One has transformed his beauty into the most hideous display of Evil!

'I am the bread of Life, he who comes to Me shall not hunger and who believes in Me shall never thirst', Yahshua said.
Likewise the false Messiah will offer us the bread of Life, yet it will be the fruit of seduction carrying the poisonous sting of Death in its core.

'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in Darkness, but will have the Light of Life', Yahshua said.
Likewise the false Messiah will proclaim that he wants to bring his Light into the Darkness of the world, the Light that will show us the way to paradise where Man no longer shall suffer want or need or disease.
Yet this mouth proclaiming the Luciferian gospel holds up a false promise of Light, hiding his true intentions, because he will seek to wrap the world in the eternal Darkness of the 'Luciferian Age of Enlightenment', a carrot at the end of the stick which leads us into the abyss of Gehenna.

'Whoever believes in Me has everlasting Life', Yahshua said.
Likewise the false Messiah will promise eternal life to Man.
Yahshua's eternal life is the Life we find in Him, the Life we live in the reality of the network of Good.
The ultimate antichrist will promise to give us eternal life if we follow his instructions to obtain that life, which is eternal life in the second Cloud, the network of Evil which the Satan portrays as the 'network of freedom'.
Only, it is not a network of freedom, but a network which locks us into a dream existence where we are stuck in an eternal nightmare.

The Adversary throws sand into our eyes which make us fall asleep to reality and believe his lie when he tells us that this nightmare is a paradise for Man.
He does not mention that Man in his current form cannot exist in his paradise, and that he really intends to exterminate Man as YHWH created him in order to replace him with his own design of Man, a vessel into which Evil Spirits can dwell securely.
The Satan does not reveal his secret plans, but instead he once again offers an apple which looks gorgeous on the outside, but which carries a poison within its core.
It's the poison of destruction once we accept the genetic modification which gives us that eternal life and happiness the Adversary promises us.

Yahshua came to bring us eternal Life, just as the Adversary's Messiah will come to bring us eternal Death disguised as eternal Life.
Yet  the false Messiah will lead many astray by his promise of eternal life, asking us to put our trust in him and give him the power to lead Man into his utopia where disease, death and poverty shall be a thing of the past.
The vision of this Utopia is portrayed in movies like Gattaca where genetically modified human beings are dictated their positions in society by a totalitarian government which directs man like cattle.
Only, it will be a lot worse, as Man not only is genetically modified, but merges with the computer so that even his very thoughts and emotions become the domain of political predators.

In the paradise of the false Messiah there is no place for YHWH's own.
The faith Man invests in this false Messiah shall not make him inherit eternal Life in paradise, but instead it will lock him in the arms of eternal Death.
The trust Man has in the false Messiah and the power given to him to make his promised paradise come true will give him the means to bind Man eternally to the network of the second Cloud, and disease suffering and poverty shall be Man's inheritance in this kingdom of Death, the home of the false Messiah.

The Satan may have his own plans for his private paradise for the privileged elite, but they will backfire and turn into a complete failure.
Instead of perpetual health for those who accept the Mark into the eternal Life of the Satanic Wonder World, the Mark will have unwanted side effects and submit people to an agony from whence they cannot escape, because Death will not come to deliver them.
His paradise will ultimately become an ash ridden dump where no one would desire to live.

Yet, as was the case in the days of Noah, YHWH will interfere and make sure the Adversary cannot completely destroy His own or His Creation before they have served their purpose.

Yahshua is the door and the way into eternal Life, just as the Adversary's Messiah is the door and the way into eternal Death.
The Life is in the Blood, and those who drink Yahshua's blood offering shall live eternally.
The Adversary knows the Life is in the Blood, so he will sacrifice Man that his Evil might live eternally.
Our belief in Yahshua seals our Spirit in the network of Good, the first Cloud.
It is our belief in the Devil's Messiah will seal our Spirit in the network of Evil, the second Cloud.

'Behold, the Lamb of Elohim, Who takes away the Sin of the world!' John said when he saw Yahshua.
The Satan will proclaim a similar message when his Messiah will be revealed to the world, only the true and hidden message will be, 'Behold the Wolf of the Evil Elohim, Who baptizes the World in Sin and fills it with the Spirit of Evil'.

Although he is prepared for his role from the day he was born, the antichrist will seem like an ordinary man before he takes up his role.
It is the moment of his initiation and the enactment of the ritual which will fill him with the Adversary's Spirit, and this will transform him from a seemingly ordinary man into the Devil's Messiah.
Because his deceptive appearance it is only afterwards when the Spirit of the Evil One will show its true character that many will suddenly see and be shocked by the fact that they are facing the ultimate antichrist, the one whose coming was foretold in the Bible.

Yahshua was no ordinary Man.
For Yahshua to fulfill His mission it was imperative that YHWH interfered with His DNA and modified it, so that His Body would not be integrated in the network of Evil due to inheriting a legacy of Sins  His forefathers were guilty of.
That is why the idea of the 'immaculate conception' is not fiction.
YHWH's Spirit entered Yahshua so that the Man Yahshua became YHWH's Salvation, and the fulfillment of the words YHWH spoke when He said that there is no Savior apart from Him.

The Devil's Messiah is not an ordinary man either, although he may appear as such before his mission begins.
He is a fallen Spirit living in a human Body with the proper DNA setting, a combination which qualifies him to become the Messiah of the Kingdom of Hell, the bringer of the Satanic gospel, someone who is completely integrated into the second Cloud and has NO ties to the first Cloud whatsoever.
The Adversary will incarnate in his chosen vessel at the appointed time to become the physical manifestation of the Satan's Salvation, an anti-salvation for man.

We live in a time when that man who is to become the anti-Messiah will take up his role and manifest himself as the ultimate tool of destruction.
When he wants to have the temple rebuilt, it is not because he loves the Jews or wants to honor YHWH, but for the simple reason that he wants to commit the ultimate sacrilege and give YHWH the obeliskian middle finger, in order to provoke Him to destroy this third temple and the nation of His promise.
His 'love for the temple' is a ploy designed to manipulate YHWH.
He will grant the Jews to rebuild the temple, not to embrace the Jewish people in love, but to lock them into a stranglehold so that he can choke all of them to death.

His love is a strategy designed to have authority and power to destroy.
When the Adversary wants to destroy you, he will seek to seduce you into Sin, because your Sins give the Satan the authority to harm you.

Perhaps you wonder, how is it possible that we give authority in the hands of Fallen Ones when we sin?
This is made possible because we are endowed with the dualistic power of conversion: we can convert Life energy, which YHWH gave us, into manifestations of the character of Evil whenever we sin.
Furthermore, when we sin we open a portal to our Soul in the second Cloud, the network of Evil, and through this portal Evil Spirits can influence us and affect the circumstances and quality of our Life, even to the extent that they may download themselves into our Body and steer our Soul in their Dark Ways which tie us even further in bondage of the network of Evil.
Add to this the fact that WE converted Life energy into manifestations of Evil, and you have a picture where we supply the tools of our torture as well as the ammunition into the hands of Fallen Spirits which have been given access to our Souls and our lives through our Sins.

This is the story many do not want to hear, because it places much responsibility for our lives in our hands, and it simply is more convenient to point the finger at YHWH for everything which went wrong in our lives.
Yet even though Evil Spirits can make our lives very difficult without us having given them the ammunition to do so, there is the aspect of Sin by means of which WE end up giving authority over our lives to Evil Spirits.
Yes, Sin is a deadly poison without any romantic and adventurous connotations attached to it whatsoever.
Translated in legal terms, our Sins thus give authority and permission to Evil Spirits to mess with our lives.

The Adversary knows this, and that is the reason why he wants to seduce us into Sin, because through Sin he becomes our king ruling over our lives.
And that is why the antichrist and false Messiah will seek to seduce people into believing and accepting the seductive promises of peace, so that through peace and love the Satan's Messiah can destroy and satisfy his hatred.
Because he HATES YHWH, and he HATES all those who are a manifestation of YHWH's work.
That is why he will seek to finish Hitler's work and terminate both Jew AND those who believe in Yahshua, and the desecration of the third temple will be the red button which ignites his work of destruction.
Once that button is pushed, there is no way back, and the plan of destruction is set in motion.

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