
Death And/Or Liberty

We are born in a world which divides us and separates us.
When we come into this world we are integrated into a dualistic cage which blinds our perception and corrupts our thinking. 
From our newly acquired perspective we come to think in dualistic terms, so that concepts are tainted and perverted by the dualistic perspective.
Like the concept of freedom, which the corrupted imagine to be the freedom to sacrifice their Life-force to Evil.

Yet when we sin, which is the sacrifice of our Life-force to Evil, we actually trade our freedom for slavery to Evil, and we defend this new paradigm of slavery induced by a conditioning to the impulses of the Evil side of our mind as our 'new-found freedom'.
As long as we trap ourselves in the '0'-state of our dualistic mind, -the '0'-state of Evil-, we are tricked into defending our slavish corruption as expressions of freedom.
We defend our vices as 'natural inclinations', 'things we do to enjoy ourselves and have fun'.

Yet when YHWH in His grace allows us to be in touch with His Spirit, we receive a view from a different perspective, a perspective which is like a helicopter view which gives us a detailed view of what we consider to be freedom within its greater context.
From the perspective of Heaven our freedom suddenly reveals itself to be the walls of a cage, hidden from our sight by a veil which is put over our minds and which blinds us and dumbs us down to the ugly reality of the cage.

Those who immerse their identity in the fictitious '0'-state of our dualistic existence defend their concept of freedom, even though it is NOT freedom, but imprisonment.
Because they have put on blinders, they defend their precious freedom as the highest ideal, seeking support for their ideal even though it is Evil in nature and as such WILL lead to destruction.
So in fact they seek to enlist companions on the road to destruction in their quest for the unholy grail of corrupted freedom.
'Give me Liberty or give me Death' then becomes a perverted creed which they defend to death quite literally, simply because they turned away from the Light when it beckoned them.
They preferred to stumble around in Darkness, unaware of the chains around their ankles.
When Slavery passes for Liberty, the slogan is transformed into 'give me Liberty AND give me Death'.

Yet to those who have been given the privilege to open their hearts to the Light of Heaven, the Bread sent to us to save and feed our Soul, a new identity is given.
This new identity has its roots in a higher reality, and it sheds light upon the cage of our old perverted identity.
We see ourselves wearing the chains of captivity, chains we imagined to be part of our idea of freedom, and we realize how blind we must have been to accept these chains as freedom, as if they are the crowning jewels of our ideal of personal freedom.

We either accept this new identity and await our full liberation from our Liberator, or we reject this identity and embrace the Darkness.
Should we embrace the Darkness as our home, we will be haunted forever by the inner knowing that we rejected the Light which showed us the Truth of our plight.
Yet we ran and immersed ourselves in a fantasy tale where we think our chains around our ankles to be strings of jewels shining in the firmament of our Heaven of personal freedom.
Yet this Heaven is Hell in disguise, and it WILL reveal its ugly face at a time when we can no longer escape from the cage.
When that time has come, we will be prisoners of the cage for all eternity, a cage we created by our choice to reject the Light of Truth.

To us the choice has been given to defend our corrupted fallen identity, or to be prepared to bear the pain the Light of Truth brings us.
Truth can be very painful, and that is why we are given Truth in small doses, so that we might be able to handle it bit by bit.
Truth can be ugly because it reveals the ugliness within ourselves.
Not that Truth itself is ugly, but we are.
The realization of our own ugliness is painful, yet it also brings about a quality of humbleness in the Soul.

Our dualistic cage is the blindfold worn by many, and it is the reason why this world is heading towards the great abyss of Darkness, the complete self-annihilation of a species named Man.
This is the future of the world we live in, a race towards the abyss where Man collectively plunges into the Lake of Fire.
The road towards the abyss it littered with false concepts of freedom which are in fact ways to spread and accumulate Darkness upon the face of the world.
Depending on our choice we either participate as willing fools and head for the abyss, OR we stand in contrast and let our voices be heard. 
Because, if we remain silent and do not speak, are we not part of the problem?

Those who chose Darkness will merge with Darkness and plunge in the Lake of Fire like lemmings off a cliff.
But the One who created Truth will not let His own be dragged along.
There will come a moment right before the pivotal point when He will pave the impossible path for His own to escape the Pharaoh's relentless pursuit of those who stood in disagreement with his ideals and his authority.
YHWH will move His own out of the way right before He will confront the lovers of Darkness with what they have become and what they embrace.

Then Yahshua will take His own and lead them forth into a new restored world where Evil is bound for a season and cannot deceive and manipulate Man into destruction.
Dualism will still exist, but without the obstructing influence of demonic Spirits Man will be truly free to experience the bliss of Yahshua's kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, and it will inspire and influence Man for Good.

To us the choice has been given, and that choice is either to be liberated from our captivity, or to consider our captivity as liberation.
Our problem is our dualistic plight which distorts the concept of freedom.
Yet in Yahshua we find our Liberator who delivers us from the element which causes the distortion so that we are free to make sensible choices based on Truth rather than the Lie.

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