
The Conspiracy - VI

The conspiracy succeeds because we are born in a state of hypnosis.

As I have written before, hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness, a cocoon which envelopes our Soul and Spirit.
As a Spirit you had a clear perception, but upon entering the Body of Flesh your vision was blurred, or, as Paul put it, you began to 'see through a glass darkly'.

This 'blurred vision', the limitation to our perception, is our hypnosis.
It grows as we grow.
The deeper the hypnosis, the greater the control the Fallen Ones have over us through our lack of consciousness.
After all, having the awareness of Truth will set you free from captivity to the Lie, because the Truth by its nature reveals the Lie to be a Lie and thereby renders it harmless.
Lacking the awareness of Truth will make us fall prey to the guile of the Lie in its many manifestations.
Hypnosis therefore is the degree to which we lack awareness, and to the degree we are lacking, the hypnosis of the Lie is able to hold us captive in its illusion.

Furthermore, the Lie gets power through our emotional conditioning pushing us to accept the Lie and believe it.
This is why emotional manipulation through either pleasure or pain is used by the Shadow beings: they push us further into the hypnosis and make us more susceptible and open to the Dark Shadow-suggestions.

There are different degrees of hypnosis, and early in life we are subject to the hypnosis to a lesser degree than when we become adults.
The reason why the hypnosis grows like fruit on a tree is NOT because it is a seed which automatically expands and grows into an organism.
It grows because WE bury ourselves deeper in the grave of our hypnosis, feeding it with the energy we transfer to it by investing our faith in the Lie of the hypnosis.

The hypnosis is very mild and subtle when you are a new-born baby, but the genetic make-up of your Body, which carries the genetic memory PLUS the compulsion to build further on this memory, pulls on your Soul and your Spirit.
This gravity-pull of the Flesh is the impulse to sin, an impulse you are not yet aware of when you are just a small infant.
You just act and build upon the identity of the Flesh 'naturally', and as you build upon the identity of the Flesh, the cocoon of your hypnosis grows into a stronger prison from whence it will be less easy to escape than before.

As you continue to build upon the corrupt pseudo-identity, which is the result of your altered DNA your Spirit and Soul have merged with, the cocoon of your hypnosis grows thicker and more dense, dulling your awareness to an ever increasing degree.
You become a Flesh-oriented person, and since the Flesh has been tampered with, you begin to reflect the corruption in the Flesh in your personality.
You become a corruption-oriented person.
Your Spirit-eyes continue to grow dim as the eyes of your Flesh are opened to the distractions which are designed to dull your spiritual awareness through pleasure.

The hypnosis grows because we invest our energy in it.
We literally build a thick wall casting a Shadow upon our lives brick by brick.
The invisible Shadow Masters are the slave drivers who force us to pick up the bricks and put them together to create the great big wall which keeps us captive in its Shadow, the hypnosis-shadow which darkens our vision.
In the Darkness of the Shadow we grope around trying to find our way, and we stumble along on our path in Life.
The thick wall consists of the bricks of many neurons in our brain containing the recordings of our traumatic Sins, and the links between the neurons are the cement which binds the bricks together into a strong wall casting its Shadow over our lives.

How do the Shadow Slave Drivers force us to pick up the bricks and build up the wall of our hypnosis?
They avail themselves of our fallen condition in combination with our psychological profile.
This allows them to predict our reactions, and through our predictable reactions they are able to maneuver us in the direction where they want us to go.
They lead us into the stresses of temptation to bend our path to their desired destiny.

The Shadow Slave Drivers use the way we react to pain, guilt, and shame to build up a Shadow identity within us, one which is rooted in the Darkness of our collective hypnosis.
They lead us into experiences which traumatize us.
The emotions which are evoked by the trauma cause a tremendous release of energy from our Soul, so that the memory of the trauma together with the chemistry setting for our physical Bodies, which produce the sensation of experiencing emotion, are recorded in our brain.

This recording has certain single elements which belong to the setting of the trauma, such as a color, or a sound, or a movement, or a smell.
These individual elements can be used to trigger the recording of the trauma and its emotional reality in our Body, so that it begins to play back in our mind, producing exactly the same pressure on our Soul which caused the formation of the memory.
In other words, we relive the trauma over and over again, experiencing the same pain again and again.

Needless to say that we want to get rid of having to experience the same trauma time and again, and our way to escape the clutches of the trauma is to compensate for it.
We run away from the emotion of the trauma by indulging in a contrasting positive emotion, or, at least an emotion which helps to draw our attention away from the negative emotion connected to the trauma.
We reach out to stimulants which help us in our attempts to compensate and cover up, such as food or alcohol, or music, or dancing, or watching a movie.

The problem is that in our attempt to compensate and getting rid of the negativity produced by the trauma we STILL are reacting to the original trauma.
We reach out for compensation, but instead of making the trauma go away, the means of compensation now are linked to the trauma in the sense that the means of compensation now are activated whenever the recording of the trauma is triggered in our mind.

Our consciousness of the original trauma is dulled as the trauma is relegated to our sub-consciousness, which is another name for the area of our hypnotized state.
Instead, we are conscious only of the triggering of the means we used to compensate for the negativity of the trauma.
In practical terms this means we may suddenly feel the need to have a drink when we hear a certain sound, yet we cannot see how the sound is connected to the scene of a subconscious trauma and how our need to have a drink is just our way of compensating for the negative emotions of the trauma.

The original trauma is still very active as a link in a conditioning pattern.
It has a very real and tangible manifestation in our brain in the form of neurons (brain cells) containing the recording of the trauma, neurons which are part of a larger network of neurons.
Thus, each time we have that drink we reinforce the memory of the trauma.

Even though we may compensate for the negative emotions of the trauma, the stress of the trauma can cause our Body to manifest the consequences of the constant stress, even though we may not be aware of it.
We can become so absorbed in the hypnosis, which is reinforced by the drink, that it renders us oblivious to the mental and physical stress of sub-conscious intermediate links which led us to satisfy our need to have a drink.

This ongoing physical stress is a constant pressure our Body is unable to endure without becoming exhausted by it, and our Body may produce warning signals to make us aware that something is not right within us.
We may develop fatigue, high blood pressure, migraines, an aching pain in the back, and instead of linking these symptoms to the constant stress of the hidden trauma, we seek the help of pharmaceutical drugs to get rid of the symptoms.
Yet the symptoms were warning signals, and by silencing the alarm signal the ongoing stress will remain active and deplete the resources of our Body so that ultimately we may find ourselves confronted with a deadly disease.
The deadly disease of the Body is the deadly stress on our Soul manifesting in a physical form.

This is just a small example of how hypnosis affects us and makes us cultivate character traits which are induced, traits which lead us into making certain decisions at certain moments which bring us closer to the destiny the Shadows had in mind for us.
Our personalities can be shaped by applying stresses and pains in certain situations so that the external situation becomes an internal reality which shapes us and moves us in certain directions.

The Shadow Slave Drivers have a great knowledge of how our psyche works and how they can influence us through the traumas of either pain or pleasure.
Yes, pleasure can be just as traumatic as pain when the pleasure involves Sin.
The pleasure of Sin hooks us and drives us into bondage to the pleasure by means of using the forces of guilt and shame to propel us to the means of compensating for the guilt and shame, which usually is more of the same pleasure which seduced us in the first place.

This combination of the corrupt distractions of pleasure and pain produce a hypnotic cocoon where you find yourself carrying a blindfold on your Spirit-eyes so that you cannot see the extent and scope of how you are being manipulated by invisible Shadow beings acting through your environment.
The Puppet Masters use these invisible strings to shape us in their image and perform the tasks they have assigned to us.
During our Life on Earth they literally rewire our brain by applying stresses at the exact right moment, so that through our reaction to them the memories of the stresses create links between neurons in our brain which collectively reflect our bent, manipulated persona.
These collections of links in our brain, the inter-connected 'telegraph' wires between neurons, become the iron bars of the prison of our heart, the collar around the neck of our Soul and Spirit bringing forth the stresses which push us towards the destiny the Shadows have in mind for us.

This is why our state of hypnosis intensifies as we grow into adults: we are seduced through the traumas of both pleasure and pain to run away from the Truth of what we have become, because, when we have shifted our identification to the Dark side by believing its Lie, the presence of the Light of Truth becomes painful and unpleasant to us.
We want to run from it and compensate for the discomfort rather than face up to what we have become, and the act of running away by means of compensation is the energy we release to strengthen and deepen our hypnosis.
And the deeper our hypnosis, the greater the extent to which the Forces of Darkness are able to manipulate us and exercise control over our Soul, our being.

Believing in Yahshua means that the 'old programming' of your brain, the manipulation and rewiring of your brain so that it acts as a stressor driving you into submission to the Evil of the Shadow Masters, gradually is changed in the course of time, and your brain begins to reflect the new and positive programming of YHWH.
The Shadow programming of our brain as well as YHWH's re-programming of it are visible, physical manifestations we can observe.

WE are the ones who operate the switch which turns on the programming from either the Shadows or YHWH.
If we build on the Evil stress of the Dark Manipulators, we literally are rewiring our brain and create the links the Manipulators want to install in our mind, yet if we learn to endure negative stress and hand it over to YHWH, the memory of how we encountered the stress with Faith is grafted into our mind, and through Faith YHWH begins to diminish the intensity of the stress and He builds up links between memories in our mind reflecting our Faith.

Another word for our hypnosis is our puppet costume.
I have used the analogy of the puppet costume in my stories as a symbol for being captured in our hypnosis.
The moment we enter the theater to take up our role on the stage in the play of Life, we put on our puppet costume, meaning, we enter into a hypnotized state which produces an altered consciousness.
With our physical eyes (the eyes of the puppet costume) we cannot see the metaphysical presence of the Shadows, because our physical eyes are fine-tuned to see physical manifestations.
So, our physical Body already produces a limited perception of the stage setting.
Our state of hypnosis further compounds the issue because it dulls our perception of the extent to which we are manipulated and driven by forces which initially seem beyond our control, the hidden Shadow Masters.

They have created a huge structure of wheels within wheels on the stage of Life, where the individual cogs sacrifice their Life-force to the motion of the wheels, a structure built like a pyramid of authority with a vertical order of ranks and rites.
We are forced to take up our assigned place in this structure, or suffer the wrath of the stern bureaucratic mind of the Slave Drivers.

First the Shadow Masters make us dependent on this structure to the extent that we come to view and accept Life through the eyes of the structure, thus turning it into a prison we come to need for our identity and our survival, then they maneuver us into a slave position to serve the interest of the Shadow Empire.
Thus the invisible strings playing with our mind and the visible strings of the pyramid-shaped prison of society work together as the exploitation machine depleting man of his identity and his Life-force.

The extent to which we are captured by and identify with the cocoon of our hypnosis is what allows the Shadows to rule over us and regulate our likes and dislikes.
If we fully merge our identity with the cocoon, we become like wax in Babel's hands, and all she needs to do to make her own candidates popular is push our buttons, and instantly the artist goes straight to number one, instantly a candidate for the presidential elections is chosen, instantly a new executive for a major company is appointed.

It is this cocoon of our hypnosis which will allow the anti-christ to draw the hypnotized masses to him just as Adolf  Hitler was able to rise to popularity: the buttons of the hypnotized masses captured in their cocoon were triggered.
It is the micro-cocoon of our hypnosis which facilitates and enables the macro-cocoon of the conspiracy shaping Life-as-we-know-it, a huge prison containing sub-divisions of micro-prisons which collectively project their structure into the big structure of the macro-cocoon.

The conspiracy to turn man as YHWH created him into a slave serving the ambition of the Fallen Ones, and to re-create this man into the image of the Shadows, is able to thrive because of both our physical limitations and our dimmed consciousness.
We wear slave costumes which have been tampered with.
Our costumes are vehicles designed to produce a state of slavery to the Shadows.
To add insult to injury we begin to build a private dungeon in our minds held in place by the ever-increasing thickness of the walls of our hypnosis.
Our hypnosis produces a tunnel-vision where we only see what we want to see, and we blind our eyes to discernment of elements contradicting our desired vision.

The conspiracy is able to flourish ONLY because we allow it to.
The Truth will set us free, and once we connect with Yahshua, the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) leads us back to Truth.
If every Soul on this planet would earnestly call out to Yahshua, the conspiracy-machine would suddenly stop working, and there would be major panic in Babel's palace.
Because, the ONLY reason the machine is able to work non-stop is because we constantly sacrifice our energy to it by the tunnel-vision produced by our hypnosis.
We keep reaching for that carrot at the end of the stick, constantly trying to escape the pain of the Truth of what we are becoming by inventing new means of compensation for the pain.

Freedom is not attained by lining up all the top executives and members of the world's elite against a wall.
Besides the fact that you may end up eliminating a few Souls who have not completely sold out, the Shadows will simply replace them with new faces which will work towards the ancient ideal of a completely new order for Creation.
Just look at the many revolutions this world has known, where the leaders of the revolutions under the pretence of liberating the people, turned out to be even greater tyrants than the ones they fought against.

The liberation from the tyranny of the Fallen Ones begins at the micro-level in the hearts of the individuals who reach out to Yahshua and who are given to see the Truth which liberates them from the stronghold of the Lie.

Once the individual cells of the organism are set free, the freedom of the Kingdom of Heaven will manifest in the organism of the macro-world, because none of the individual cells can be deceived anymore and the Shadows find themselves without any strings that will yield the results they desire.

Aside from the inner 'pyramid' where we serve as obedient slaves of the stern taskmasters of past traumas, both the trauma of pain and pleasure, there is an outer pyramid structure manifesting itself in every aspect of society.
The bureaucracy of government can become so demanding and explicit in its Evil that it acts as an iron rod operated by the ones near the top of the pyramid to enforce compliance.
The ones in lower levels of management are lorded over by their bosses who make it painfully clear to them that if they do not meet the projected requirements, they will be the ones who have to pay, and this usually implies that they better watch out or else they become like 'the others' at the bottom, delivered unto the mercy of those in higher positions of power.

It is an instrument which lends itself very well for a dehumanized society where people no longer operate based on what is Good and the right thing to do, but rather they seek to meet the requirements, slaves of efficiency in a system which has replaced people with anonymous social security numbers in an electronic file in an omnipresent information grid.

Why is it that a handful of Nazi fanatics were able to rule over all of Germany, turning the Germans into obedient cogs in their wretched society?
Because they all subscribed to the Nazi ideology?
No, but in order to feed the family they saw no other option than to comply and implement the government's policy.
Failing that they would have to face the wrath of their bureaucratic superior, and they might end up like 'the others'.
For the sake of getting bread on the table they sold out as instruments in a nefarious sinister pyramid structure of politics from the heart of hell.

So, the civil servants made sure the rules and regulations were followed to the letter even if they were devoid of any common sense.
They needed to feed their families, and this meant they could not afford to become a liability in the eyes of their superiors by protesting against the regulations, or by making allowances for the people who were forced to comply with the rules and regulations.

Today, our nations are going down the same path.
Before long people will have to face the choice of becoming a pawn in the ultimate beast system to provide for the family, or to resist and suffer the consequences.
Get the mark and you can participate in the economy of the new world order, or refuse the mark and face the wrath of the beast.
It works by the grace of a top down domino structure.

The medical matrix is based on the exact same sinister pyramid structure.
If a medical expert wants to keeps his job he better learn to conform and accept the traditional 'solutions' presented by the pharmaceutical industry, or else he may find himself subjected to persecution for 'malpractice', and he will be turned into an example of what happens to someone if he dares to rebel against the lords of medicine.

The hidden conspiracy manifesting in our exploitation is everywhere, without and within, and it turns the world into an ugly prison camp.
We are the inmates living in this concentration camp, and before long we WILL find ourselves in the exact same role as the Jews in Nazi Germany, because the Dark overlords have used us guinea pigs for conducting experiments designed to create a new race to replace us.
The Shadows feed the inmates to death with entertainment to dull their senses so that they remain unaware of what really is going on.
Once you truly fathom the ugly reality of the Dark Shadows ruling over planet Earth, how can you NOT yearn to be liberated from the exploitation game?
It affects the quality of our Life in the most profound way.

I understand how people can be caught up with conspiracy websites.
There's an element of sensationalism involved which appeals to the imagination.
But the most important thing about the conspiracy is not the external details such as names and political/industrial groups organizing certain meetings at certain dates.
The most important thing to know about the conspiracy is to understand WHAT it is, WHERE it comes from, and WHAT it is all about, and HOW you are part of it, HOW you are manipulated.
Because the 'HOW' is the enabling switch of the conspiracy.

WE have been given the power of the switch which turns our state of inner exploitation ON or OFF, and that switch is activated by the choice we make to turn to Yahshua, or not.
Truth will set you free, yet to know Truth you have to be intimate with the author of Truth so that He can reveal to you His Truth, and set you truly free.
You can ALWAYS rebel against YHWH, but you cannot rebel against the Shadow Slave Drivers.
Our only way of rebelling against the Shadow Masters is by becoming part of the Light again, and the only way of becoming part of the Light again is by letting YHWH's Light shine in us.
And the only way we can find this Light is in Yahshua, the Vessel which turned YHWH into our Yeshua (Salvation).
YHWH has the power to rip us out of our hypnotic cocoon.

True change and the liberation from the occult tyranny begins on a micro-level from whence it projects itself unto the macro-level.
Or, as Yahshua already told us, the Kingdom of Heaven is within.
Yahshua destroys the inner pyramid of our slavery to the Dark Manipulators just as He will destroy ALL the other outer pyramids in ALL of their manifestations when He returns to claim ownership of Earth.

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