
The Days Of The Great Slaughter

According to this site over 1.2 billion abortions have taken place since 1980.
Those who are advocates of this ritual slaughter condone the practice by labeling it as a humane act, yet since when is the slaughter of the innocent and defenseless a humane act?

These are YHWH's words reflecting the principle of the balance He created:

Go figure what is waiting in the wings for the nations guilty of these blood crimes, because in YHWH this world will be given the true image of what it is.
If then the world and the nations are Evil and guilty of slaying the innocent, Evil shall be their share and slaughter their inheritance.

Neither the world nor the Devil himself can escape YHWH's justice and the day when He will unleash His wrath over the injustice crying out to Him for recompense.

So when the Bible speaks of the days of the great slaughter, guess who is the cause of the great slaughter?
Not YHWH, because all He does is hold up a mirror and give the people ample time to repent before He unveils His mirror of justice revealing the true image of the people.

But today's people are beyond repentance.
A cold hard stone has taken the place of a responsive heart, and the love for what is Good has relented its place for a selfish love for what is labeled as Good, but which is Evil in disguise.
And when the people persist in Evil the time will come when mercy will be withdrawn.
Not because YHWH is Evil or lacking in patience, but because during the time of His mercy there was no seed bringing forth Good fruit in response.
And if the nations today STILL persist in their love for Evil, then His mercy comes to an end, and the world has to face YHWH's judgment demanding compensation for all the Evil this world is guilty of.
And this compensation is crystal clear in the words of Deuteronomy 19: A Life For A Life.

So be prepared.

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