
The Flaw

The costume we wear on the stage of Life has a fatal flaw in its design.
How did it get there, and how can I be so certain that our design is flawed?

Consider this: before we were born into the theater, our spirit and soul did not know any sin, nor any compulsive inclination to rebel against YHWH.
So, if our spirit and soul did not know any compulsion to sin, then this leaves only one other element which can be responsible for the compulsion to sin: the costume of flesh we wear.

How is it that we have an identity of sin which obstructs our spirit and soul during our Life in the theater?
To find the answer you have to bring to mind how sin grows into an alternate identity which our soul merges with.

Let me give you an example which will make it clear to you how sin grows from its smallest beginning  into a full grown identity.

Imagine a woman wearing a red jacket does something very mean to you, and you become angry.
You become so angry that one day later, after mulling the scene over and over again in your mind, this anger has turned into hatred.
You wish something bad would happen to her, that she would drop dead and go to hell.

A few days later as the anger subsides, you feel awkward and bad about yourself and the angry thoughts, and to help you forget this uncomfortable feeling you decide to treat yourself with a royal meal.

A week later you see a woman on the street wearing a red jacket, and suddenly you notice that you begin to feel angry again, and not only that, you suddenly feel the urge to eat something.
So, you treat yourself once again with a royal meal, and you feel better again.
As time passes, you eat more than you should, and you grow into a fat blob, but you can no longer see the connection between your appetite and the traumatic event which triggered the sequence of events which lead you to overeating.
You just feel this incredible urge to eat, and you are unable to restrain yourself.

What happened?
The moment the woman in red caused you to become angry, and by sustaining this anger it grew into hatred.
Your brain recorded this sequence of events in brain cells, or neurons as they are called.
The memory of the original scene where the woman caused you to become angry with her, contains a recording of all the elements in the scenery of the event, so that the color red also is associated via the branches of the neurons to the neurons containing the memory of the trauma.
This connection can act as a trigger to activate the memory of the original trauma.

Furthermore, the activation of the memory of what happened creates an imbalance of chemicals in your body, which turns the picture of a memory into a living reality of emotions, in this case the emotion of anger.
The chemical imbalance which your brain translates as the feeling of anger now is linked to the event and elements pertaining to the event, such as the color red, the voice of the woman, etc.

As the anger wears off, your conscience gets a chance to kick in, and you begin to feel uncomfortable about how you reacted and became an extension of an external pressure source of Evil using the woman as its instrument.
How do you react?
You compensate for the chemical imbalance which your brain translates as feelings of guilt and shame by conjuring up positive feelings to set the balance straight again, and your means to do so is by indulging in food.
Now the memory of the traumatic scene, the various elements of which are linked to anger, and the feelings of guilt and the memory of your means of compensation for the guilt through food are all linked now in your brain.

After a while, when you continue to build on the network of links in your brain, you become unconscious of the links between the various elements which are part of scenes which collectively form the chain from the first anger towards the woman to overeating.
Instead, upon seeing a red object you suddenly experience a craving for food, and you have no idea where it comes from.
Indulging in your escapade through eating thus becomes a sin, because it builds further upon the original trauma which you never came to terms with in the proper way, which is by enduring the discomfort while submitting all your feelings to YHWH in order to let Him resolve the issue.

However, in spite of your lack of awareness of the links between the neurons which cause you to act in certain ways, these links and the registry settings of the emotions attached to the links remain present and active within your brain, and they affect your entire body so that after a while you may suddenly discover that you have high blood pressure.
Not only that, but a few years later down the line your heart begins to display irregularities.

Instead of being able to trace it all the way back to its beginnings, you think it must be the food you eat, and you decide to change the diet.
Although the change of diet might provide your body with some relief, it does not solve the problem.
The drugs the doctor prescribes may address the symptoms, but they do not solve the cause of the high blood pressure or the heart problems.
Even worse, they tend to wreak havoc in your body in other areas, so that after a period of diligently taking the prescribed drugs you suddenly have bouts of dizziness, even to the extent that you faint.

This is what the lives of many look like, and no one seems to have any clue where it all started.
We are lost in a maze of interconnected corridors, unable to find our way out.

Now, imagine an entire life where various stresses and traumas accumulate and interconnect in the physical brain where they are registered in neurons, and all these memories are linked to emotional registry settings for your body which cause the memories to translate into a physical reality which can be felt.
This entire web of neurons which produces stress upon your soul where you end up sinning compulsively, even without being conscious of it, is the physical representation of the identity of sin exerting a very real physical influence upon your body costume to think, speak and act a certain way.
This entire web was built on a single cell growing into a body through your wrong reactions in Life, a full-grown identity of sin producing temptation each time elements of the memories belonging to this identity are triggered.

This identity of sin is an integral part of your costume, and that is why the Bible refers to its power as the 'power or temptations of the Flesh'.
Yet this identity does not exist as a full grown body of Sin within us when we are born, because our memories yet need to be formed since our brain is like a clean slate, standing by in recording mode.

So, if there is no collective of neurons responsible for a 'natural inclination to sin' (it is really UN-natural, but since we live in a theater where everybody sins it has become a natural status quo here on the stage of Life), then what causes the original compulsion to sin within us which causes EVERYONE here to sin?

The answer is that it somehow has to be passed on by the ones who reproduce the costumes, in other words, it has to be a genetic memory.
Somehow our compulsion to sin is a genetic memory passed on from the first man.
His DNA began to change the moment he sinned, and this change is the recording of the first sin which is passed on to us as his progeny.

This is what the Bible means when it refers to us 'being born in sin'.
Firstly we are born in an environment where sin surrounds and tempts us everywhere, and secondly, our spirit and soul are merged with a costume which carries the original memory of the first sin, the original trauma.
This original memory is connected to the first sin of the first man, which was the sin of pride, to regard ourselves as gods, a very deeply rooted malfunction of our identity.

The moment our spirit and soul are downloaded into this costume, the costume acts as a shell separating us from YHWH, and it produces an environment which suggests to our soul that we are gods and we should behave as gods.
Since our soul is merged with both the spirit and the body in the womb, it merges with this suggestion as well.
Our body is not really a clean slate, but a slate containing the first cell of an identity which we fuse ourselves with.
Any temptation in our environment builds on this genetic memory we carry within us, so that in the part of our soul which merged with the body we feel 'naturally inclined' to puff up when the temptation appeals to our soul.

This original genetic memory carrying the imprint of the first sin is like the first single cell of an embryo, a seed planted in our soul the moment we enter our body.
It gets its nutrients from its environment, the temptations to sin on stage, to acquire the energy to grow into a child, maturing into an adult identity of sin.
Each decision we make to sin is a transfer of life-force from us to the presence of the identity of sin within us, and we thereby create guilt for ourselves.
Because, the life-force does not belong to us, but it belongs to YHWH who lent us this life-force.
By giving it away to Evil we give something which does not belong to us, and we become indebted to YHWH without being able to repay the debt.

The presence of this genetic memory of the first sin is the reason why Yahshua HAD to be born of a virgin.
YHWH had to create a special costume for Yahshua in order to take away the compulsion to sin, so that He might have a truly clean slate to begin with.
Yahshua's DNA was not exactly the same as our DNA because it lacked the genetic imprint of the first sin.
If Yahshua had inherited the genetic memory of sin like all of us, He would have been separated from YHWH's Spirit due to the memory of Evil in His costume, and He would not have been able to bring YHWH's Light into this world, let alone into the region of Sheol to lead those in custody in Sheol back to Heaven.
Instead, He would have been trapped in Sheol like all the rest of us, unable to have access back to Heaven.

For Yahshua to carry YHWH's Light into this world and the realm of the dead, Sheol, He HAD to have an unbroken connection to YHWH's Spirit, which means there could not be any element within Him standing in contrast with YHWH, because for the Darkness of Evil to manifest in a man's heart it requires that this man creates an obstacle to the Light first so that Darkness can come into existence.

So, YHWH appointed Mary as the vessel to bring His Yeshua (Salvation) into the world, and although it must have been hard for Mary -since I don't think there were too many people eager to believe her story-, she was given the greatest honor imaginable that she was chosen to be the mother of the Savior Yahshua.

But, if the sin we inherit is genetic and passed on through our DNA, can't we get rid of this original sin by 'repairing the DNA'?
Somehow I think our Creator has made it impossible for us to do this.
Maybe if we end up cutting this genetic memory out of DNA we end up with DNA that cannot produce human beings since we do not the original DNA formula for man as YHWH originally created him, or maybe upon cutting away the elements responsible for the genetic memory of sin our spirit and soul are cut off from the body.

But I DO know that we are put in these imperfect, flawed costumes on purpose.
Our costumes provide us with the option to exercise the choice for or against YHWH.
First we are allowed to experience what it means to sin, and next we are granted the offer to experience restoration from sin.
The legacy of sin is forced upon us, and we have no choice in the matter, but the redemption from sin is an offering we can choose for.
YHWH gives each soul on this stage the choice to be set free from our bondage to sin; all we need to do is ask Him.

So, we are given the opportunity to become acquainted with both perspectives and make our choice.
We are here to make that choice and work out that choice, because in making the choice to believe in YHWH in the face of the adversity of Evil, the choice ends up as an instrument in YHWH's hands to sculpt us into the individuals He created us to be, and we need this process of having our identities shaped and formed according to YHWH's purpose in order that we will be able to take up our place in YHWH's Creation.
Yes, there's a divine purpose to the madness in the system of our costume.

In Babel's eyes the presence of the choice is evidence of YHWH's failure to live up to the image of a perfect Creator, because the choice allows her to manipulate YHWH's creatures and exploit them to the extent where they become a slave race serving in her empire on Earth.
It was the choice which gave her the opportunity to annex Earth and establish her structure of the big wheel of Lies.
The choice is what gave her the opportunity to rule over man and infiltrate his soul with her lies.

And so she regards the choice as the fatal flaw in YHWH's design, and yet also as a window of opportunity to establish a system made in her own image.
Any structure built on a flaw in its design will come to reflect that flaw, and it cannot compete with the structure of perfection, and since Babel regards her own structure closer to perfection than YHWH's structure, she is blinded in her obsession to replace YHWH's order with her own order.

Yet in YHWH's plan the existence of the dualism between Good and Evil and the freedom of choice is part of His purpose to make His Creation ready for the next phase.
Evil is just a tool in YHWH's hand to carve out the structure He has in mind.
He stands above it all, and yet He also is part of it.

YHWH does not lose a single one of His own, so it is not as if by implementing the freedom of choice would imply a risk of losing one of His children.
He already knew the choice we would make before we were born.

The 'flaw' therefore has been created on purpose, so that it might become a tool to bring out the choice.
Working out the choice becomes an instrument in YHWH's hands to refine us and shape us in His image.
And in becoming this image we find our true selves and an everlasting joy.

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