
The Violent Spells - I

If the way of this world is violence, then what chance would YHWH's own have in this environment?
Violence is an expression of destruction, and the nature of Evil is a nature of destruction since it embodies the opposite of what YHWH is.
So if the world's way is established through violence, then the world has adopted the way of Evil and thus is a reality where Evil dominates through the expression of violence.

If YHWH's own were to live by the peaceful ways of Heaven and avoid the violent ways of Evil, then they would have ceased to exist on this Earth a long time ago.
However, there is one missing element in this equation.
That missing element is YHWH and His protection as well as His nature.

By nature YHWH is not violent because He creates and constructs, and He does not destroy.
Before you object and come up with examples where YHWH destroys, allow me to explain the principle which is involved in this process.

YHWH has established a principle in our reality as well as in the reality of Heaven which safeguards the existence of His own: the principle of the Mirror.
YHWH has the universal right to uphold a Mirror which reflects back at the one gazing in the Mirror what he truly is.
This principle is embodied in the rule of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
It means that if we originate violence against YHWH through our choice for Evil, then in YHWH's Mirror we receive back that violence.

That is how YHWH can appear as violent and destructive.
He IS NOT violent and destructive because of his nature as the One Who builds up and creates, but it is the principle of the Mirror which makes the one who opts for the destructive nature of Evil in our dualistic reality receive back what he is, experiencing in YHWH destruction and violence.
Thus fire is subdued with fire, and Evil ends up destroying itself.

It is pure genius the way YHWH created it, because Evil in essence is unable to exist other than by means of an avatar of its nature in our reality, and through the Mirror principle Evil in essence is reduced to what it is: non-existence.
In YHWH's Mirror non-existence begets the reflection of no existence.

The lack of awareness of the principle of the Mirror is the reason why Pacifism fails: it is based on a misunderstanding.
When Pacifism shuns violent opposition and thereby facilitates violent Evil-doers in their ambition to rule through violence, it completely fails to accomplish its objective of peace.
The missing element of how YHWH reflects back at Evil what it is turns Pacifism due to the lack of proper resistance against Evil into an enabler of it, creating a paradox where an idea of love and peace (the way of Heaven) is the fertilizer of Evil (the way of Hell).

Pacifism can act as an enabler of Evil and it is NOT the embodiment of the way of Heaven.
Non-violence becomes an act of Evil when YHWH wants to issue a reflection to violent Evildoers by means of a chosen medium, and that vessel resists YHWH by putting up an ideological shield of Pacifism thus allowing the violence of Evil to spread unhindered and create more victims.
Non-violence becomes Evil when you can do Good and protect others from Evil, but you refrain from doing so because of the Pacifist ideology.

The love of the Pacifist is an enabler of Evil and will not change the world, but instead strengthen the status quo of Evil exploitation.
When Yahshua told us to love our enemies He gave us a lesson in self-defense.
We should never operate out of hatred, because then Evil has turned us into an extension of Evil due to our reactionary attitude: we take our cue from Evil instead of our love for YHWH.
The idea is that when we see Evil, we should remain firmly rooted in our love for YHWH, and do whatever is Good and right, whatever YHWH tells us to.

If we see a terrorist raping a woman, we should disable that terrorist and not shun from using violence.
If we see a terrorist trying to kill a man, we should turn against that terrorist, reflecting back his violence in order to stop the Evil he embraced.
This is something many simply refuse to understand, and it is the reason why they fail to comprehend the 'Old Testament YHWH' and come to regard YHWH and Yahshua as two different opposing personalities in the Bible.

If you are a Pacifist and you put your ideology above doing what is Good, then your Pacifism turned you into a collaborator of Evil and an idolater.
How can you stand by and do nothing but protest with impotent words when a woman is murdered before your eyes?
YHWH will hold you accountable, I can assure you of that, and you will experience the reflection of Truth in His mirror when you behold the Evil you have become through your Pacifist idolatry.

Throughout history YHWH has used Israel as His means to issue back a reflection at instruments of Evil on Earth, and Israel had to use violence.
There was one big difference between the violence Israel used and the violence used by the vessels of Evil.
The vessels of Evil use violence as an expression of the destructive nature of Evil and not as an expression of YHWH's mirror.
This turns their violent ways into violent expressions of Evil, and since YHWH is the One with the Mirror of justice, He used vessels like the people of Israel as instruments of His Mirror to reciprocate, reflect back, violence at the violent Evil-doers as the execution of YHWH's justice, an expression of Good.

So violence may be the way of this world and  the way Evil expresses itself and seeks to assert and dominate the scene, but YHWH has the right to implement justice and issue back a reflection in His Mirror so that in His hand and His chosen vessel violence is used to combat violence, fire ends up destroying fire.
It means that the Evildoers may think they can dominate through violence and destruction, but in reality the violence and destruction they bring forth through their love of Evil ends up destroying themselves through the principle of YHWH's mirror.
And the ones who implement YHWH's justice through violence remain blameless and guiltless.

Of course in a dualistic cosmos where Fallen Beings design Shadow components of everything YHWH created, the Satan created his own perverted version of the principle of YHWH's Mirror.
We can see it in action when he throws the bewitching sand of an ideology in the eyes of people and manipulates them into using violence in service of a religious dogma.
We are all too familiar with this phenomenon in the form of Islamic terrorists who come here with the objective to commit violence, thinking they are doing the Creator a favor.
They are deceived and unwilling to see that it is the Adversary who is inspiring them.
He holds up a surrogate mirror to them which issues a reflection of the Lie and not Truth.
In YHWH's Mirror we see the Truth reflecting back at us what we are, in the Adversary's mirror we see a Lie of what we are and we receive back at us what we are NOT.
So, in the Satan's mirror YHWH's people are destroyed and the vessels of Evil are rewarded just as in YHWH's Mirror the Evildoers are destroyed and the ones who do Good are rewarded.

The use of violence does not automatically make someone guilty, as Pacifists tend to believe, it depends on the context.
The Pope seems to believe it does, as evidenced by his recent speech in response to the slaughter of Christians in Pakistan by an Islamic terrorist, with many children and women among the victims.
Funny how this Pope is such a strong preacher of love and tolerance towards those who make themselves guilty of the most heinous crimes, especially when you consider the bloody history of the Vatican and the 'tolerance' it had for those who refused to conform.
How many innocent Souls have been sacrificed on the sacrilege altar of the Roman Catholic Popes?
Then again, it is the same Pope who condemned Trump for not opening the borders to Islamic refugees while the Vatican has provided shelter for,  how many Islamic refugees?
Did anyone say 'zero'?

It is the same Pope who advocates a redistribution of the wealth 'for the sake of the poor' while living in extravagant luxury himself.
How big is the pot of gold of the Vatican, and how come it has not been redistributed for the sake of the poor?
No, the clergy elite loves to wallow in luxury and comfort, not forgetting the depraved and suppressed desires of the cloth which need to be gratified and financed...Hypocrites, lovers of Dagon!
By their lies andn insincerity they show the extent to which they are part and parcel of the order of this world, let there be no mistake about it.
YHWH knows your vile perversities and your secret ceremonies in honor of your dark god, and He will make you look into His Mirror on the day of your destruction.

Pacifism is not the way of Heaven, nor does the use of violence to combat Evil make someone guilty before YHWH.
The difference between the violent Evildoers and YHWH's instruction to use violence against Evil is that the former becomes guilty whereas the latter does not.
Everyone who sacrifices his Life-force to Evil creates guilt.
And so those who act out the nature of Evil, even though they may feel legitimized in doing so because of the dogma they believe in, become guilty before YHWH.
When YHWH holds up His Mirror to them of what they are, they receive their violence back on their own heads.
Remember that principle, because it is only when we sacrifice our energy to Evil and become enablers of Evil, vessels acting out the nature of Evil, that we become guilty.

Those who have sold out to the Satan and rejected YHWH's Spirit are not bothered by pangs of conscience when they obey their lord and kill innocent people.
Among them are terrorists, business men, religious leaders and politicians who are capable of cold blooded murder without losing a second of sleep over it.
The Satan has given them an identity and fills it with strength to act as a wall blocking out YHWH's accusing Light.
This is how the ones serving the Satan feel justified and confident in doing Evil just as the ones who serve YHWH feel justified and confident in serving YHWH.

But if these Satanic individuals do not obey their dark Master and kill when it is required of them, they suddenly may experience strong pangs of conscience.
The Satan manipulates their Body chemistry to let them know that they always should act in accordance with HIS will.
It is a false polar opposite of what a conscience inspired by YHWH should be, a conscience of Evil where the vessel of Evil experiences guilt over not acting in accordance with the dictates of Evil.
The Satan simply removes the wall which protects his own against YHWH's Light so that suddenly they experience guilt and anxiety, and as they always have done they run for shelter in the arms of their master the Satan.
Or the Satan may use a spell to compel his servants to act in accordance with his will.

In our dualistic Cosmos every phenomenon YHWH created has its polar opposite Shadow of Evil.
So too will you encounter a false conscience as the opposite of a clean conscience given to us by YHWH.

If a Good man does Evil he will experience pangs of conscience, and if he does Good he will be at peace.
If an Evil man does Good he will experience pangs of  a manipulated conscience, and if he does Evil he will be at (relative) peace.
I put the world 'relative' between brackets because the peace is an illusion created by the wall of his Evil false identity.
When that wall falls away, the Evil man will experience the true nature of Evil as he is haunted into the arms of Darkness by the pain caused by YHWH's Light.
But when YHWH's man dies, he simply continues to experience peace as he did during his Lifetime.
So one is true peace which flows from living in harmony with YHWH, the other is false peace achieved by blocking out YHWH's Light temporarily.
The false peace has no staying power and eventually will fall away, at the latest at the moment of Death.
It is temporary, just as Evil is temporary.

Even the Adversary's title is the reverse of our Creator's title which we came to know as His name YHWH.
The poetic shortened version of YHWH is 'YaH', written in Hebrew as the 'yud' followed by the 'hey'.
Isaiah refers to the Satan (Isaiah 14.12) as 'Heylel (ben Shahar)', 'Shiny one, son of the morning', the first two letters of 'Heylel' (='shiny one') being the Hebrew 'hey' followed by the 'yud'.
So it is 'yud-hey' for YHWH and 'hey-yud' for the Satan.
The word 'Heylel' is written as 'hey' - 'yud' - 'lamed' - 'lamed'.
If you compare that to 'YHWH', then in 'YHWH' the latter two letters are a continuation of the first two through the Ruach, the 'Hey' ('yud-hey-waw-hey'), yet in the case of 'Heylel' we see a double 'lamed' which look like two serpents following the reversal of YHWH's name, like the force of Dualism created by Evil being activated and given life through manipulation of YHWH's energy.

The true Satanist also thinks in reverse.
The process which makes YHWH's own understand is mirrored in reverse in the mind of the Satanist.
This makes it impossible to debate issues on their terms, because YHWH's own cannot follow the flow within the mind of the Satanist.

The political Left wing is very good at going with the Satanic flow, making folly sound as if it is an expression of a superior intellect.
Yet invariably when you think about what they said and untangle yourself from their train of thought you can see it for what it truly is: stupidity masked as wisdom, and whenever you want to debate them you have to make sure NOT to try to enter the flow of their thought process, but remain firmly anchored in your own.
When you succeed you will notice something very peculiar: they are no longer able to follow you and sometimes even fall silent because you hold on to your own mode of thought, which is the flow inspired by YHWH, the opposite flow of what the Evil mode of thought is.

Whatever makes the lover of Evil happy is the very thing which makes you unhappy.
It is a clash of realities, one of which is derived from the other as the polar opposite, and as such there is NO common ground whatsoever between the two.
This is the great divide which runs through this world and which can never be resolved, because there is no common ground between the two realities of Good and Evil.
You cannot resolve this issue through peace talks, love or tolerance, especially when you consider that the nature of Evil is to wage war against Good and destroy it, since it knows no tolerance for any expression of YHWH.

Evil is like a tension which came into existence through the sacrifice of Life-force through Sin, and all tensions by nature seek to be resolved and neutralized.
This is really what YHWH's Mirror is all about: correcting the tension of the imbalance caused by the presence of Evil.
If the nature of Evil reverses everything so that the way of peace of Heaven is turned into the way of violence of Hell, then in YHWH's Mirror the reflection of the way of Hell, violence and destruction, dictates that YHWH's will express violence towards and destruction of Evil.
Violence may be used by either a Good man against Evil or an Evil man against Good, but beyond the surface level there is a big difference in the mode of operation and what motivates the use of violence.

The Satanist gains confidence by making you lose yours, he gains a sense of sanity by making you lose yours.
But if you hold on to YHWH and He strengthens your sense of sanity in Him, which is the only sanity there is since Evil by its nature equals insanity, then the Satanist loses his grip and his sanity when the Evil empire crumbles.
Your joy is his grief, so your joy must be destroyed in order for him to have a sense of joy at your expense.
Your existence is an abomination in the eyes of Evil, so you must be eliminated, obliterated from the Evil book of life which really is the book of the Dead.
Your book of Life is the book of Death in the eyes of the Satanist, and vice versa.

We are living in the time of the end, which really is the time of the beginning.
Our day and age are is just a phase leading up to the beginning of YHWH's glorious new Creation.
Isn't it ironic that even the end times of this world really are the times of the beginning in Heaven?
In these times the reign of Evil on Earth will end, and it's cloak of sanity will be exposed for the insanity it is.
Once this insanity is exposed and crumbles because YHWH's Light is shining on it, those who are taking their identity from it will lose their sense of sanity as well.
Their sense of sanity made them fight for the preservation of that which they believed in.
To preserve that Evil, which cements the collective, means to preserve the status quo which gave the believers in the Lie their sense of sanity and belonging, their identity, so they will do whatever is necessary to preserve the old way of Evil.
Entirely in line with the Satanic reversal of reality, the propagated ideal of the New World Order is the Old World Order, and the fight to implement the New World Order is the fight to preserve and strengthen the Old World Order.

In the next part I want to discuss the phenomenon of the spell.
It's important to realize spells are not just the product of the imagination belonging to the realm of fairytales.
Spells are based on the existence of certain principles YHWH created and properties He assigned to for example how energy is transferred and can be used as an information carrier.
Spells really are just part of a different branch of science, one which includes the metaphysical realm and which seeks to manipulate certain principles and transform them so that they become Shadow components, derivations of what YHWH created used in service of Evil.

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