
The Digital Dimension

With the advent of the digital computer we tapped into a dimension where voltage changes are represented by numbers, and the shuffling of those voltage changes through 'On'-'Off' switches causes a particular programming code to come alive.
The digital dimension is a huge catalogue of numerical values which are transformed by means of mathematical formulas, resulting in new numbers and corresponding voltage changes.

In other words, the computer is a big calculator capable of modifying a sample it took from our analog reality dramatically by means of the calculations it performs, so that when it converts the original signal back into an analog signal it is able to sound completely different from what originally was recorded.

We as human beings live in a realm which also has its origin in numbers acting as operators on energy so that a particular form or programming comes alive.
The sounds we hear are numbers manifesting in acoustic energy, the colors we see are manifestations of numbers in the form of electromagnetic waves.

We perceive particular frequencies as sound, or electromagnetic waves as colors, because our senses have been equipped to register the numerical values of the wavelengths, and they are programmed to interpret this registration subjectively and differentiate between different colors and sounds.
The combination of the ability to register signals and the programming which turns the signals into our reality-environment causes us to hear a particular sound are a certain frequency, or see a particular visual image with different colors.

If you bring to mind the digital realm, then the same thing occurs.
We move electricity by means of  '1's and '0's through circuits, and we do this in such a way that they cause a programming code to be executed and we are able to relate to it with our senses.
It is not the 'ones' and the 'zeros', but the flow of electricity which 'breathes life' into a programming code.

The digital realm is derived from our physical realm.
When we digitize sound or a visual image, we measure slices of sound or light waves with a certain resolution, and each point we measure is catalogued as a specific mathematical value, or, a number.

We cannot relate to sound or color in their digital form because we are not digital computers.
So we need converters which translate a physical phenomenon from analog (which is infinite in nature because the possible subdivisions between the binary concept of '1' and '0' are infinite) to digital (which is finite because it is limited by its resolution which translates into one specific finite value), and from digital to analog.
The translation from digital to analog requires that the measured values which are stored in digital form (binary numbers representing specific numerical values of electricity) are 'glued' back together by means of calculating the transitional values between one measured value and the next value, thus resulting in a synthesized analog waveform which we can relate to.

In our analog domain numbers are the structural elements of our analog reality.
When the computer translates the numerical values of audio into an analog audio signal, it ends up creating an analog reality out of the digital domain.
In that sense we are the god-makers who made the digital computer, and the digital computers are gods capable of fabricating our reality, depending on the input we give it.
We give life to the digital dimension by providing it with electricity, not the other way round, so our higher analog dimension brought forth the lower digital dimension as its child and feeds it with energy to make it come alive, just as our analog physical dimension is the child brought forth by the higher spiritual dimension.
Our physical dimension is like a 'sampled' reality environment derived from the reality of the Spirit.

The analog-to-digital converters and vice versa are like portals into another realm, and it is only a matter of time before we are able to project the complete digital environment of a program, such as a game, into a holographic setting within our living room, thus enabling us to create a situation where we are still integral part of the physical dimension, yet we also live in a projection of the digital world into our physical environment as we interact with our holographic environment.
We do not really live in the digital realm because we cannot be part of it due to our analog nature, but we can enter it at will at any point we like, and we can react to it and relate to it in the same way as we relate to our physical environment.

The digital dimension is capable of intertwining itself with our physical environment, even though it is a very distinct realm of its own.
Yet to us the digital realm is a dimension of a lesser reality than our physical reality, because we rule over the digital domain and shape it from our physical domain.
The digital world is derived from our analog world, not the other way round.

Isn't this exactly how our physical world relates to the spiritual world?
The Angels have portals by means of which they are able to access our world at any point in space and time, just as we can access the digital dimension wherever there is a computer or other interface.

If we carry a tablet or a notebook with us, we can access the digital realm from any location we desire, as long as we remain connected to the network.
Without that connection we, as creatures of the analog physical world, are separated from the digital world.

Our physical world compares to the spiritual world like the digital world compares to our physical world, and just as the concepts in the digital world are derived from the physical world, the concepts of the physical world are derived from the greater reality of the spiritual world.
We are living in a reality which is a limited sample from the greater reality of the Spirit, and this reality is shaped by the programming our Creator wrote, a reality which is based on the programming of Dualism.

As long as WE are connected to Heaven we can receive input from the network of Heaven, but without that connection Heaven is isolated from our experience.
We permanently lose our connection to Heaven when we sin against the Power which operates in the network of Heaven, the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.
It is the equivalent of unplugging your computer from your modem so that you cannot access the network any longer.
When the phase of Dualism has run its course, YHWH will separate both sides (both realities) of the Dualism coin, and since no connection to Heaven will be possible from the reality of Gehenna, Heaven will be out of reach from Gehenna permanently, just as we cannot access a particular site or program running on another server if we lack a connection to the traffic network which enables computers to exchange information with each other.
Gehenna is the realm of those who unplugged themselves from the network of Heaven.

I have written it before, and I emphasize it again: our Life here on Earth is a DREAM, and although I know it sounds weird because the Life we lead in this Earth-dream seems to real and so tangible, the Truth is that it is part of a reality which resembles a simulation designed to allow us to experience the internal Dualism of Good and Evil so that we might be able to make a choice from this perspective, and in working out this choice our Soul might be shaped from the experience.
That which we refer to as the 'Spirit' or the 'the Heavens' is more real than this Earthly plane of existence.

The reality of Sheol is like a dream compared to our Earth reality, and the reality of Gehenna in turn is like a dream compared to the reality of Sheol. 
Both Sheol and Gehenna are dream realities which become part of our consciousness because of the fact that we transfer energy to their programming by means of our focus on Evil which causes us to sin.
Sin is the actual transfer of Life-force from the Good side of Dualism to Evil, and as a consequence Evil becomes a living, breathing reality.
We breathe Life into the balloon of Evil through Sin.

That is why Evil and the reality of Gehenna (which is the reality of Evil only), are able to manifest as if they can exist, while in fact they CANNOT exist in the reality of Heaven because of what Evil is: non-existence.
It is able to have an appearance of existence in the form of a dream, a simulation, and our surrender to Evil puts us in a comatose state of existence where we dream the dream of Evil so that it becomes REAL to us.

We experience life on Earth as a reality because our Spirits have been integrated in an interface to this reality, namely the physical Body.
We may seek to by-pass our Creator in the quest for immortality and transcendence of our human limitations, but this is the equivalent of children playing with nuclear detonators.
Do we have the knowledge to determine the exact consequences of what we are doing?
The Textbook Zealot thinks he has the answers ready in his textbook, only to find out afterwards that the textbook was incomplete and even mistaken at some points.
But at what cost?

Some seek the answer to eternal Life in the form of merging the human 'personality' with the computer.
However, we, as Spirits with a human Soul living in a human Body, can never merge with the digital realm of numbers because of one thing: we are analog, and the infinite analog reality can never be captured in finite, discreet digital form.
I will explain what I mean.
Have you ever considered the clock?
It is used for indexing moments so that we can use the index as a catalogue with reference points to certain events.
When we divide time by means of a clock, we are in essence digitalizing that which we experience as the flow of time: when we focus on one point on the clock, for example 12 o'clock, this '12' becomes the digital '1', and all other moments the '0'.
The clock acts are a ruler for our consciousness by means of which we create reference points in the motion of time which enable us to create a perspective of this motion.

Yet I ask you, can we divide an analog flow of time?
Each division contains an infinite number of subdivisions, and each subdivision contains yet another infinite number of subdivisions.
The atom was NOT the smallest particle in a 'material' Creation, but it was discovered that even tinier particles existed, sub-atomic particles.
And I predict that science will discover that these sub-atomic particles are not the tiniest elements in our physical realm, but that they are made out of tiny manifestations of pure energy, and that this energy is indivisible, infinite.

The digitalization of time is therefore an artificial phenomenon where we THINK we have isolated moments in terms of a duration of time, but in reality we simply have taken artificial slices in order to be able to create a sequentially ordered catalogue of that which we experience as a flow of time.
In other words, the artificial element here is the ruler we created in the form of a clock, yet time itself is indivisible.
The ruler acts in the same way as an analog-to-digital converter.

Likewise, when the analog flow of audio is digitalized, it means finite slices are isolated from an infinite flow and stored in finite discrete form.
Within the environment of a digital audio workstation the digitalized finite slices are 'recalculated', which means in terms of audio that the audio signal is processed, after which the finite slices are then put back together again in the digital-to-analog conversion stage so that once again an infinite stream of audio is reconstructed based on the finite and thereby limited slices of audio which were sampled.

So you never get a true one-on-one representation of the original infinite analog flow of audio, but instead a reconstructed flow of audio based on the information contained within the samples, the tiny slices of the measurements of an audio signal.
After all, if you take an audio signal of one second, and you divide it into a thousand little pieces, then each little piece can be subdivided again in a thousand little pieces, and each piece of that subdivision can again be subdivided in a thousand little pieces, and so on.

Analog audio signals or visual images are in essence infinite, specific manifestations of an infinite energy Source.
There is no end to the subdivisions we can apply to an audio or a visual signal.
They basically are manifestations of infinity in what appears to us as a definite finite form, eternal energy flowing from the eternal, infinite Source of all filtered by the input of our
physical senses.
The illusion of the finite form is created by our senses and our position within a dualistic framework.
This dualistic framework once again is the result of the digital programming code of Dualism, hence the appearance of a finite appearance of that which is in essence is infinite.
I will explain this in greater detail in a later article.

When a computer creates a digital version of this analog world, it takes samples (finite slices) of analog signals.
It subdivides a signal in tiny pieces and approximates the value of those tiny pieces in order to store those measurements in its catalogue.
Then the computer can use those numbers and apply calculations to them in order to change their appearance in the analog world when the signal is converted back again from the digital domain into the analog domain.

So maybe you wonder: if an analog signal is infinite and cannot be subdivided in such a way that we reach a point where we can point at the sample we took and say that it is the smallest piece of the signal, how is it possible that we can freeze an analog (infinite) signal in the form of a digital (finite) sample?
After all, you can't capture infinity in a finite, discreet form.
We can take samples of 'eternity' (the analog signal) because we measure the energy of the signal for a predetermined slice of time so that the duration of one slice is for example one millisecond, or a few nanoseconds.
We end up 'freezing' (recording) a moment, or rather an approximation of the value number of a moment.
What we did is that we recorded a particular slice of the projection of our reality environment on our time-ruler (the clock), and expressed it in finite, limited numbers.

The problem is that these slices (the samples we took of the analog signal) are finite, and thereby limited subdivisions or representations of an infinite analog signal.
When we sample an infinite analog signal, we actually set borders around it, the borders of the duration of for example one millisecond per slice, borders of a limited number expressing the value of the energy we measured (voltage), while in fact that number could go on indefinitely, yet it is limited by the tiniest subdivision of time our clock can measure.
Thus we create a digital INTERPRETATION of an analog reality, and not a true copy of it.

When we sample an analog signal, we time the slices on a clock, store the closest value our equipment is able to detect, and thus create a little finite box which by its nature can never capture the eternity of the analog signal, but rather a temporal, limited discreet interpretation of the signal.
When the samples of the signal we took are converted back into an analog signal, these slices of limited, discreet values are strung together again.
By stringing those 'frozen moments of finite interpretations of infinity' together and calculating the transitions from one sample to another we once again have a continuous analog signal.
But it is an approximation (interpretation) of the original signal, a synthesized version.

The only way to be able to reproduce a true one-on-one copy of the original analog signal from the digital domain would be if we could design an algorithm which is capable of accurately calculating the complete analog flow of the signal and thus mimic it for the full 100%.
Although our ears and eyes may be fooled by today's technology, we have not (yet) reached the point where computers can reproduce perfect versions of analog signals.

Reading this should make it clear that the analog world we live in and the digital world of computation are two different separate realms which can be accessed by means of portals: digital-to-analog converters and vice versa.

Because of the different nature of the digital dimension I cannot see how our Spirit and Soul could possibly integrate with the computer, the very thing Kurzweil strives after in his quest for immortality.
True, Spirits can travel through electrical signals because electricity is an analog flow, but when we discuss the transference of the human Spirit and Soul (and its consciousness) to a computer, we are talking about taking separate slices, samples of voltage variations.
By sampling a person's personality you do not integrate the Soul and Spirit into the digital realm, but you are creating a personality copy at best.
It is one thing for Spirits to attach themselves to an object, it is something different to integrate with it.
For the Spirit and Soul to integrate into the digital realm, the least of the requirements would be that the digital realm is analog (infinite) in nature, which it is not.

Because our physical environment is analog in nature it allows for our Spirit to merge with the vessel of a physical Body.
And that is exactly the reason why our Spirit and our Soul could never merge with a digital computer.

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