
The Bankruptcy

The creditors are knocking on your door demanding that you pay them your dues, and you have no money left.
That is what we have become, bankrupt in a spiritual sense, bankrupt in a moral sense, bankrupt in an ethical sense, bankrupt in every conceivable way, and although we would love to appoint our Creator as the Great Culprit, the Truth is that WE have brought it upon ourselves.
It is the logical outcome of the choices we made, choices which rose from a stubborn stony heart which refuses to listen to the voice of our Creator.

Our Heavenly Father warned us NOT to indulge in Evil, because to foster Evil in our midst equals creating debt.
You put weight on the scale of justice in favor of the Evil side, and it disrupts the equilibrium our Creator has permitted in Creation.
The more weight you put on the scale in favor of Evil, the greater the debt you bring upon yourself.
Your donation to Evil results in a greater power and authority on Earth on behalf of the parties working for the Evil cause.
In other words, you donations are tantamount to IOU's you give to the Adversary, and you can be sure he will pay you a visit to cash in on what you owe him.

Our Creator gave us many warnings, yet we did not heed His words, we looked the other way when He painted a picture of the Destruction awaiting us in the end, we made ourselves deaf, dumb and blind.
We are a stubborn, stiff-necked people refusing to see the Reaper coming towards us.
No, we put up the blinders, we close the curtains, and we turn up the volume of our headset, we lock ourselves in the private dungeon of our home movie theaters.
We lose ourselves in our private fifty filthy shades of Destruction, thinking our descent into Hell is our stairway into Heaven.
Yet each step we take on the ladder we increase our guilt and we head closer to our inferno.

The Reaper does not care.
He simply responds to the invitation we sent him and pays us a visit as an invited guest.
And when he comes knocking on our door he will demand that we give him his due, our very lives.

How precious is our Life to us?
Do we cling to it so much that we will give in to any demand for the sake of preserving it?
Or do we still have some remnant of value left which is so important to us that we are willing to lay down our lives for the sake of preserving that value?

Will we offer our lives for the sake of an ideal of a united Europe with the vaguest set of values in human history, or a morally corrupt and depraved USA?
Will you give your Life for the self-enriching politicians who sold out your nation's sovereignty to the Brussels political elite, a inbred club of mostly incompetent buddies enriching themselves at the expense of hardworking people in European nations facing a constant barrage of a never-ending increase in the daily cost of living combined with uncertainty about having a proper steady income?
Will you stand up and fight for the possessions of banks who have managed to inflict so much damage to our economies that we seem to be on a perpetual downslide?

We may be willing to fight for our possessions and the things we identify with, but when everything we owned has been taken away from us, what is left to fight for?
Our family and friends perhaps, but if a war should arise because of what the political elite has decided, who are left that will stand up and fight for their sake?

Are the moral virtues and values of our nations worth defending?
And ask yourself, what are the moral virtues and values of our nations?
We live in a thick smog of polluted air, unable to see where and what we are, choking to death while relieving the pain with the soothing comfort of our distractions.

When the picture of reality is painted in the color of blatant honesty, we can see ourselves as complete and utter aliens, orphans wandering aimlessly in the streets.
There is no longer a set of good national or noble cultural values, there are no leaders we can trust because all of them are dead set on devouring the ones who elected them in office, we are exploited for the sake of financing the luxurious extravaganza of politicians, bankers and the company of leeches surrounding them, honesty lost from guile, Truth from the tidal wave of daily lies.
The net result is that we not only have been alienated, we have been isolated from our environment.

People go through the daily drudge of working in a prison camp which continues to usurp the few remnants of privacy they have left until the day they wake up to discover themselves living as cattle on a ranch owned by petty leeches, surrounding themselves with distractions in order to find some pleasure and joy in Life contained within a fantasy bubble of Disney-freedom.
Is that worth dying for?
Is that worth living for?

If there ever was a collective of severely weakened nations, then Europe fits the bill.
And when people have been so isolated and alienated from their roots that they will not put up a fight to defend an abstract alien political concept, then the nation is ripe enough to be plucked up by hungry predators.
Nobody will stand up against them except maybe for the military whose salary depends on their willingness to defend an abstract political ideal.

But the man in the street, what should he fight for?
For Brussels who leeched him dry?
For the leaders in Den Haag who are but an extension of Brussels?
For a society without a clear set of moral values?
For delinquent immigrants destroying the nation from within in the name of their religion?
For a fossil of a national identity which exists only in the museum?
For the cultural fornicators delivering mind numbing enslaving entertainment day after day?

We are abandoned by our political shepherds, no, even worse, we are devoured by the shepherds we trusted.
Should we risk our lives to defend their treacherous iniquity?
After being preyed upon, should anyone turn and defend the guilty predators?
No, we are bankrupt in every conceivable way, and the future looks darker than ever before.
We have lost even before the war begins.

A war against foreign invaders?
No, a war against a strongly emerging Evil.
This will come in the form of an international war, and it WILL happen in the near future.
The number '3' represents the fullness of the phenomenon it describes, and World War III will embody the fullness of the atrocities committed in World War I and II.
When that happens, -and I pray it won't although we have engraved it in our future-, the survivors truly will have nothing left they can identify with, and the people will be ripe to be harvested by the Adversary's Son.
The third massacre will come in the rhythm of a minute waltz, quick, unstoppable, and devastating unlike anything which preceded it.

In our bitterness over the injustice and alienation we face on a daily basis we sway all the way over to predators in our own midst who pretend to be against the ruling elite, but who merely manipulate the bitterness Brussels inspired as a force propelling their own nationalist set of ideals.
They know all too well the extent to which people have been alienated from their roots, and they will seek to turn the hunger for a clear set of national and cultural values into their advantage by a revival of nationalism, a return to the roots designed to transfer political power from the current crop of liars into the hands of the 'nationalist' predators acting against the established political predators we currently have.

And guess which group of people always receive the blame when nations fall into the hands of Evil?
Yes, the Jews have learned their lesson the hard way.

All too often people tend to forget that the Devil has two hands, two arms: the Left and the Right, and out of the dynamic interaction between the two his Evil evolves and grows to monstrous proportions.
And when Evil matures, the Reaper inevitable follows in its wake to demand that we give him his due.

So, is a return to our roots the answer?
Shall we try to complete ourselves in the old national identity, will that give us what we have lost?
Shall we return to that 'good-old-time-religion' and wear the mask of Goodness that we may grow in the image of the mask?
Isn't that exactly part of our problem, seeking to compensate what we lost within by external means of our culture, our environment?
Shall we seek to revive the 'old standards and old values' and wear them like a costume?
That was a lie all along and part of the reason why we became orphans.
And becoming orphans to the Lie, being alienated from our comfort zone, could be a blessing in disguise.
It all depends on us and the inclination of our hearts.

The only answer is the one we have rejected.
We rejected the quiet voice of our loving Heavenly Father reaching out to us for so long, so that He might preserve us from the destruction of Evil.
That voice is the sound we would not hear, and we preferred to dance to the beat of the deafening noise of our Destroyer.

And what image do you have of the one who is after Man's Destruction, the image of a mighty warrior, the great and strong bringer of Light and Peace?
What a shock will await you when you see him in his true form, for he is small and unimpressive, a fool who made the Lie his dogma.
You think he is powerful and strong?
Even when Yahshua humbled Himself to become like us, positioned below the Angels in Heaven, the Adversary was powerless in His presence, and Evil Spirits fled from Yahshua's presence.
Trying desperately to assert a semblance of power by yielding his force and influence to  murder Yahshua did not make the Adversary any bigger or more powerful, quite the contrary: his act only saw Yahshua triumph like a true King, yes, even overcoming Death itself and coming back to Life.

The Adversary is nothing, yet we make him everything by turning our hearts away from our Heavenly Father, we look up at him as if he is the greatest rebel in the universe.
He is not great nor is he a rebel, he is a feeble conformist to the Lie.
It is OUR Life-force which puffs him up with putrid air so that he becomes like a giant strong Goliath in our eyes.
Why on Earth should you seek to remain his slave for so long when the end of the story spells your Destruction?

We need to listen to that Voice we turned away from.
And after we have listened we need to take heed and turn from our ways.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not established by external formulas and ideals.
It lies within us, waiting for us to invite it in by a change of heart so that the quiet Voice of our Father leads us in His Kingdom, and the freedom and happiness of that Kingdom fills the world through us, the individual cells of the Body of this world.
Unless we learn to listen and take heed, Destruction has been decreed, and it will uproot our entire existence and annihilate everything we hold dear.
It does not have to happen, but you MUST learn to listen and act now, and turn back from your Evil ways.
Do no longer call Good what is Evil, and to not seek to silence the voice of YHWH internally in your heart and externally in His messengers, because that only creates more guilt, more Destruction.

To all of us the choice has been given, so CHOOSE then either your fifty shades of Destruction, or to fast from your Evil ways to seek forgiveness.
The forgiveness which destroys the IOU's you gave to the Adversary belongs to YHWH, and without it you better prepare to meet the Reaper.
Because he is on his way already.

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