
The Principle - IV

Dualism is the principle which creates the checkered board of our reality.

It divides the board in an interplay between hours of Darkness vs. hours (or rather minutes) of Light, an alternating cyclic motion, like the cycle of the day where light alternates with the absence of light, darkness.

When the hour of Darkness comes upon one of the fields of reality, you better make sure you move to another field or be prepared to suffer at the hands of the instruments of Darkness.

Yahshua referred to this hour of Darkness when He was betrayed and faced His impending execution at the hands of the instruments of Darkness.
It is this hour of Darkness which turned Nazi Germany into a Death camp for Jews.

Dualism is the principle which allows the Forces of Darkness to attach Shadows to YHWH's people to make their lives difficult.
Whenever one of YHWH's own stands up to spread YHWH's Light, the Shadows use instruments to inflict damage to YHWH's own in order to render them harmless.
These instruments can be individuals inspired to set out on a crusade against YHWH's chosen instruments in order to vilify them and thus assassinate their character.

You can be sure that whenever YHWH uses one of His own to perform an important task in His service, the Evil One will rise up an adversary attempting to vilify the person or group working in service of YHWH.
These adversaries have in common that they become completely reactionary vessels for Evil, taking their cue from the deeds or words of the target of their crusade, thereby growing into living embodiments of the Shadow which took hold of their hearts.
They come to act in unison with the Shadows, and like true Shadows they mimic their targets in reverse.
Their entire attitude is aimed towards reversing the polarity of whatever their target says or does, reducing themselves to a reactionary extension of Darkness, a Shadow.

Because of Yahshua's immense power, the Evil One surrounded Him with an army of Shadows in every imaginable form.
The Adversary rose up many false witnesses to slander Yahshua and assassinate His character, spreading false rumors about Him and painting Him as demon-possessed seducer.

In the end when all the Shadows had failed, the Evil One, being given the hour of the opportunity of Darkness, used it to kill Yahshua.
What else could he do?
Yahshua's power was increasing to the extent that it seemed as if people wanted to make Him their king. 
If that happened, the Light would increase at the expense of the Darkness, and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth would swallow up part of the empire of Darkness.
So when the Dualistic dynamics swayed in favor of the Darkness after the manifestation of Light on Earth in Yahshua, what else could he do but take aim and shoot, and risk fulfilling prophecy? 
He HAD to do something, and in the panic of the moment he ended up contributing to the fulfillment of prophecy.

The hour of Darkness had come because of the dynamics between Light and Darkness evolving from the principle of Dualism, and Yahshua did not hide from it because His Father used this hour of Darkness to give Him victory over all.
The Fallen One planned A, but YHWH, knowing his heart, used this plan of Darkness to bring about B.

This is the down-side to living in a reality created by the Dualism of Good vs. Evil, where Evil has been given dominion over Earth: we ALL have to go through hours of Darkness and spend our waking hours listening to YHWH's still voice within guiding us, so that we avoid as many traps of Darkness as possible.

Dualism is the very principle which prosperity teachers deny, yet it is the basic corner stone upon which the Earth-reality is built.
Dualism causes the manifestation of curses besides the blessings, and to expect a Life with blessings only is a fantasy used by prosperity teachers to entice you to donate money in order to reap the blessings.

Dualism is the checkered board we find in the reality of both the macrocosm and our microcosm.
To make it possible for Dualism to manifest in the microcosm, YHWH had to engineer a special environment which would allow our Soul to be attached to the two opposite realities of Good vs. Evil.
This is why YHWH created the Earth-dream where we can dream the dream of internal Dualism and make our choice.

There is a theory in Quantum Mechanics that the universe is holographic in nature.
This is not a strange conclusion considering the fact that whatever we see, hear, touch, taste or smell is the result of our Brain receiving information which translates into our 'physical reality'.
After all, when we hear a sound, the sound waves do not travel through the Brain, but electrical impulses are sent through the processing unit of the Brain which our mind perceives as a sound.
Likewise, when we see light, the light wave does not travel through our Brain.
Instead, electrical impulses are processed by our Brain which our mind interprets as the perception of light through the eyes.
Everything we perceive is the result of information signals being fed to our Soul by means of which it is able to construct an image of reality as we know it to be on Earth.

So, are we living in one 'big' holographic projection?
Since we ARE like projections of light/energy manifesting in the bandwidth of our physical world, and the Earth reality certainly looks like it might be a holographic simulation, we are indeed living in a reality which resembles a holographic projection.

And is it not that we refer to the cosmos as 'big' because we are plastered into a tiny manifestation within this cosmos from whence we relate to our environment as a 'huge, vast' cosmos?
The classification of 'big' is relative to our position within the cosmos, yet to the reality of our Soul and Spirit the microcosm is just as big as the macrocosm in terms of our experience of them.

I can tell you with certainty that we DO live in a reality which is of a lower order than the reality of Heaven, and it compares like a dream to real life.
This statement may seem farfetched, because when you look around you everything seems so real and solid.
Yet the only reason why everything seems so real is because we are integrated into an avatar which is part of the simulation and which is programmed to experience the setting of the program the way we do.

Although you may try, you will not likely succeed in any attempt to walk through a solid brick wall.
The brick wall is integrated into the bandwidth of your reality because you exist in a limited physical form, and there is no way for you to walk through that particular manifestation in your physical bandwidth.

However, Yahshua in His transformed state did not have a Body which was locked into our reality as an integral part of it.
Instead, He had a Spiritual body with transformational properties, a Body which is part of a different reality, the 'world outside the theater', and as such He could walk through walls as if He was a ghost.
Only, He was not a ghost, the wall was like a ghost-appearance in its holographic physical form to Yahshua.

And let's take a closer look at what we refer to as 'solid matter' in our physical realm; what is it anyway?
Even in the smallest detail on the level of sub-atomic particles we do not find 'solid matter' like 'tiny bricks' floating around in our dimension.
All we find is a huge empty space and what seems like a tiny intangible manifestation of energy, like light, as I said previously, a 'projection of light/energy'.
It is energy manifesting in the bandwidth of what we perceive as the physical realm.

Just as the ears have a hearing range from roughly 20Hz - 20kHz, and the entire musical universe, which consists of energy in the form of vibrational movements per second, can make itself manifest in that bandwidth, we are designed to perceive a limited bandwidth of energy which is projected to manifest a three-dimensional physical world and cosmos to us.
We, as fallen human beings, are tuned and locked into the bandwidth of the physical creation which prevents us from entering a different bandwidth belonging to a different dimension whenever we desire to.
It's like being born blind: you can hear the vibrations manifest in the form of sound, but you cannot perceive faster and higher vibrations manifesting in the wavelengths of light.
You are locked into an aural perception of lower vibrations.

If the concept of our Earth-reality being a simulation seems too outlandish to you, consider then that we can create virtual realities within our own mind, and we can transform these virtual realities into emotional Earth-realities by means of our reaction to what we experience in our fantasy.
We can indulge in whatever fantasy we desire to create, and the only reason we know it is not real is because we have a waking part in the physical world compared to which the fantasy is like a daydream.
In other words, we live in a frame of reference which allows us to classify the fantasy as a lower order of reality.

If we immerse all of our attention in the fantasy, our awareness of 'real life' is dimmed, and conversely if we concentrate on real life, 'root ourselves again in the reality of our frame of existence in the Flesh', the fantasy loses its realism.

Being born is like dimming our awareness of 'real life', because our attention is fixated on the bandwidth of the physical realm, the equivalent of the fantasy in my example.
We fall asleep in the Spirit to find ourselves engaged in the Earth-dream.
Because we have immersed ourselves in the Earth-dream, the perspective of the Spirit (our original frame of reference which would have allowed us to remain aware of the fact that life on Earth is like a fantasy to the Spiritual dimension), is dimmed and we lose sight of it.

When we fall asleep, the physical Body rests, since it is governed by the principle of Dualism and finds itself subject to the Dualistic cycles of activity-inactivity, being awake-being asleep.
Yet our Spirit and Soul are not part of this Dualistic physical realm, and they remain active as we sleep.
Since the Spirit and the Soul remain active, and we can find ourselves engaged in a fantasy world of dreams which seems very real at that moment.

The reason why dreams appear as alternate realities to us is because the part which belongs to the physical realm is in a rest phase, and therefore not able to provide us with the conscious awareness of the input of the senses by means of which we perceive a physical world.
Because of this, the processing unit of our Brain is used as a database by the Soul and Spirit to extract data from to create the dream reality.

The dream becomes another reality in which our Soul-mind is engaged, and it is a world based on existing concepts residing within the knowledge-base of the physical brain.
These concepts are strung together in seemingly impossible ways, sometimes bestowing us with a new understanding by means of placing concepts in the context of a new perspective.

This is why dreams can use images we are familiar with to convey a message to us.
Just read the many passages in the Bible where a king had a 'symbolic dream' and people like Joseph or Daniel interpreted the message of the symbolism in the dream.
The symbolism is the result of the use of familiar concepts residing in the database of the Brain.
The images are picked from the database of our Brain, and used as a symbolic string of avatars conveying the message.

Because we have a limited and fixed frame of reference as our conscious Earth-perspective, we can only have a limited and fixed understanding of Spiritual matters.
Often YHWH uses images we can relate to in order to give us understanding, but the understanding of what we are given to perceive is limited to the concepts we are able to relate to as human beings.
This is why YHWH cannot explain certain things to us yet, because we lack the awareness of a proper frame of reference which enables us to relate to aspects of YHWH's Creation.
We truly see 'through a glass darkly'.

And yet, in spite of the fact that dreams are not real, they ARE capable of producing VERY real mental and physical responses.
Have you ever dreamed that you fell off a cliff or a building, and you woke up with the shock of the impact your Body made when it touched the ground in your dream?
Or, you may have had a sad dream which caused you to feel sad when you woke up.
Apparently, the 'phony reality' of a dream as it manifests in the holographic construct of our mind is capable of producing very real reactions in the mind and the Body.
Even to the point where a dream may trigger a heart attack which kills you.

This realm we live in is indeed like a dream into which our consciousness is locked, so that it may experience the dream of Good and Evil united in one person.
The only reason why we experience this dream as real is because we are plastered into this dream.
The moment of Death is like waking up out of this dream, OR, falling into deeper dream which is like a dream within a dream.

This is why we live in a theater and we find ourselves cast into different roles in the play of Life.
We are here to experience the Dualism of Good and Evil in a fictitious setting, which is necessary since Evil, being the state embodying non-existence, cannot exist as a reality for us together with Good.
Yet, here on this stage it DOES exist for us.
In this theater NOTHING is real, and EVERYTHING will perish, because we live in a simulation, a place of fiction.

And yet, how many are prepared to sell their Soul as they chase after dream dust as if it is real?

Even though in our Soul we live out our parts in this play, the elements of the Soul and the Spirit are NOT an integral part of the fiction, for they are real, they exist.
They are the actor playing a role.
In the Soul and Spirit we make choices in this play which cause an unfolding of the reality of our lives, and these choices spell out who we truly are in our deepest essence.
In this way, our Earth-existence, which is capable of affecting us on the level of the metaphysical realm, is very similar to existing in a dream where the experiences of the dream affect how you feel in the physical realm when you wake up.

The choices we make here on Earth affect our reality in the metaphysical realm.
The most basic choice we are faced with on Earth is one for YHWH, or one against YHWH, and from that choice our reality unfolds.

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