
The Numbers - II

Since the discussion of numbers as used by YHWH became rather lengthy, I split it up, so that the next part will be a continuation of this discussion, and the part after that will focus on the use of numbers by the Fallen Ones.

In the previous part I have written about numbers and how we live in a reality which is built on the manifestation of numbers in energy, and the relationships between numbers.
The use of numbers in occult organizations is much more than just a game or a numerical storybook.
Since numbers play a key role in establishing the reality we know, the Fallen Ones HAVE to use numbers which build upon the properties of numbers YHWH created, if they want to establish their own reality.

You will find that in the Bible certain numbers occur over and over again.
While it is true that YHWH tells a story through these numbers, they also are used as integral parts of the cyclic reality we live in.

Numbers too have a cyclic order.
In the decimal system the order ranges from 0-9, after which a new cycle begins ranging from 10-19.

Although '0' also is a number, YHWH's order begins with '1'.
The reason is that '0' can never bring forth anything, after all, 1000 times nothing still is nothing.

Everything begins in the '1', YHWH, and the notion of 'nothing' and 'non-existence' has to do with our dualistic mindset.
There never can have been 'nothing', because we exist and we can never have come forth out of 'nothing', a 'zero'.
This means that YHWH, Who is not dualistic, has always existed, and He never had a beginning, just as He will never have an end.
He is in the most literal sense 'I AM'.

In other words, YHWH is eternal and not subject to the dualistic plus and minus motion, and therefore, since YHWH is at the root of everything which exists, the first number in the basic range of His numerical system MUST be '1'.
Furthermore, the concept of 'nothing' or 'non-existence' is given the possibility of manifesting itself as a reality after the number '1', with the number '2' as we shall see.

So, YHWH's order starts with the most important number in his order, '1', and the range of basic numbers spans the numerical equivalent of a complete octave of tones ('C1 - C2')  in music, '1 - 10', the number '10' being the first one of the next range and which is derived from '1'.

The meaning and reality of the numbers above '9' are derivations from the basic code embedded within the '1 - 9' range, just as is the case with the diatonic system in music where, after completing one range within an octave, you will hear the same tones in a different incarnation in higher octaves.
These tones are different in the sense that they sound higher, but they have the same character as their 'brethren' in a lower octave, so that when you hear 'C1' and 'C2' played together it sounds as if you are hearing one and the same note, only with more 'brightness' and presence.

Just as the lowest octave is defined as for example 'C1 - C2', and all higher octaves are embodiments of the same character of the basic tones within the lowest octave yet in a higher and different manifestation, YHWH's order of the decimal numerical system is defined as beginning with the basic range of '1-10'.
Actually the basic order ranges from '1-9', but since the number '10' is derived from '1' it closes the basic range to convey the message that all things have their beginning and their end in the '1'. 
The character and meaning of the higher numbers is derived from the definition of the numbers within the basic decimal range.

In YHWH's dictionary of reality, the number '1' stands for YHWH Echad, unity in YHWH.
It is the absence of Dualism whereby Evil can make itself manifest in Creation, the absence 'one vs. the other'.

It is the perfect unity we can find if we latch on to YHWH, and the natural state of existence, since the whole concept of Dualism is artificial and does not exist in YHWH.

YHWH is not internally divided so that He knows an internal Dualism like we do.
He is one, and you probably have read in the Deuteronomy 6 the phrase 'Sh’ma Yisra’el YHWH Eloheinu YHWH echad', which means, 'Hear Yisrael, YHWH (is) our Elohim, YHWH (is) One'.

There is no 'opposite other' in the concept of 'one', as a matter of fact, the concept of 'opposite other' is the outcome of Dualism. 
There can never be an Adversary outside the concept of Dualism, and that is why the Adversary seeks to realize his goals BEFORE YHWH decides to pull the plug on the dualistic concept, and move on to the new phase of Creation.
The dualistic paradigm has given much rise to confusion, and it limits the understanding of the Spiritual matters, just bring to mind the theological discussion concerning the trinity concept for instance.

When Yahshua said 'I and the Father are one', the Dualistic mind tries to interpret this from the perspective of 'one' (Yahshua) and the 'other' (YHWH the Father), and that is where the filter of Dualism produces a distortion in our mind, because there is no 'other' in reality, there is no division within Yahshua that might separate Him from YHWH.

Yahshua is YHWH's extension in the Flesh so that thereby YHWH becomes our Salvation, and the 'Father' is YHWH also, the Source of existence.
The Father expresses Himself in Yahshua as our Salvation, and He expresses Himself as our Renewer in the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.
Although we see three different manifestations, these are manifestations of One due to the absence of a dualistic paradigm in YHWH.

Take for example the note 'C' on the piano.
Within this one note there are higher harmonics which also sound together with the note, like the 'C' an octave higher, the 'G' an octave and a fifth higher, the 'C' two octaves higher, the 'E' two octaves and a major third higher.
You do not hear these harmonics as separate notes, but instead they are integrated into the root tone 'C', and they contribute to the particular sound color of the note 'C'.
If you filter out these harmonics, the 'C' would sound very different.

If you play these harmonics as simultaneous notes 'C-E-G' on the piano, you hear a chord consisting of three different notes, all producing one harmony of the 'C-major' chord, all referring back to their root tone 'C'.
If you take the 'C' as the representation of the Creator, the 'C' an octave higher becomes the equivalent of the manifestation of our Creator as our Father, the 'G' an octave and a fifth higher becomes His expression  of Himself as our Savior, the Son, and the 'E' two octaves and a third higher becomes the equivalent of YHWH's expression as our Renewer, the Ruach HaKodesh, and together they produce one harmony of Creation.
Thus you have a representation of the concept of our Creator being one, yet manifesting in different ways to produce the harmony of Creation and man's Salvation, Renewer, and Transformer.

The higher 'C', 'E' and 'G' exist as integral parts of the lower 'C', yet our dualistic paradigm acts like a filter where we perceive them as 'separate notes'.
The 'C', 'E' and the 'G' harmonics of the lower 'C' cannot exist separate from the lower 'C', because they are expressions of the 'C'.
The lower 'C' is the root tone out of which the 'C', 'G' and 'E' come forth as manifestations of the 'C'.
They are in essence one note containing one harmony, and there is no concept of 'other inharmonious tones ' within that harmony.

The concept of 'other' arises from our artificial dualistic filter and thereby produces artifacts which have no existence in reality.
We see 'other' in the context of dualistic contrasts whereby 'other' contains the possibility of standing in contrast with something or someone, yet the possibility of this contrast is caused by the filter of Dualism.
This filter does NOT exist in YHWH and therefore the concept of 'other' can never exist in YHWH.

The entire theological debate concerning the trinity-doctrine is based on a dualistic distortion which turns it into an unnecessarily complicated and confusing issue.
I can invent an avatar to represent me on the internet, and within a software game I can invent another avatar which embodies my character on the level of the game.
So, I have two different avatars in two different virtual realities, and I am both characters.
Yet I exist beyond the world of the avatars, I brought forth these characters, and whereas I can exist separate from the avatars, they cannot exist separate from me because I am those characters and I brought them forth to be able to interact on the level of virtual reality.
So, when people interact with those avatars, they interact with me and they see me, because I am in those avatars, and the avatars are in me, and yet each of the avatars has a distinct appearance of its own within their virtual reality.

Now, let's return to the language of numbers and the reality which is built upon and by means of the numbers.

'1', or 'Echad', is the absence of anything which can cause a block so that '2' comes into existence, the all too familiar dualistic paradigm.
'1' stands for existence in YHWH and YHWH's existence in us so that we are one and become  expressions of the 'One'.
'1' stands for perfection in YHWH.

'2' on the other hand results in Dualism, where the character of YHWH, -which is Good-, is given a contrast in the form of the existence of the absence of Good, Evil.

Dualism creates the possibility of shadows.
The result of the filter of '2' is that YHWH engineered a way for Evil to come into existence as a reality embodying the opposite of the reality of 'Good'.
Because of its definition, 'non-existence', Evil could never exist, but by means of an energy transfer YHWH made it possible to allow the basic instruction code of Evil, -which is to 'embody everything which is not-YHWH'-, to come into existence as a living avatar of everything which YHWH is not.
'2' makes it possible to choose between 'one' or the 'other', because '2' gives birth to the concept of the 'inharmonious other'.

So, when the filter of Dualism is applied, we suddenly get '2' where before there was '1', and one of the two is artificial in nature because it cannot exist in reality.
As I wrote, non-existence cannot exist, neither is there an existence apart from YHWH, the Source of ALL existence. 
But, non-existence (Evil) is able to express itself on the level of an avatar as an alternative reality, thanks to the principle of Dualism which YHWH created.
Dualism is like a helmet where our consciousness suddenly is transferred to a virtual world painted in dualistic colors, a dream world which in its entirety is based on the dualistic paradigm.

It is the concept which is illustrated in the split tongue of the snake.
The tongue begins as one, but then splits up in two different directions, two different and seemingly separated realities which had their origin in the 'one'.
When the former bright angelic spirit fell and became our Satan, our Adversary, he became the embodiment of Evil, the one who lives for the purpose of transforming the Shadow side of the Dualism-coin into an alternative reality where he and his cronies can spend eternity, a realm which falls outside of YHWH's jurisdiction.
In his zealous quest to build his own Utopia with his own version of man made in the image of his own intellect, he brings about the manifestation of the Shadow-side of the 'two' in Creation.

As a result of the introduction of the filter of Dualism, the higher numbers following after '2' are split in two possible versions where they can go in two directions, depending on the choice we make.
Our choice causes one of two realities to unfold out of the number for us.

I have touched upon the number '3' already in my example of the low 'C' note on the piano containing the notes 'G' and 'E' within itself in the form of harmonics which sound softer so that they merge with the low 'C' and give expression to its character.
YHWH's manifestation to us as our Father who provides, our Savior who redeems, and our Holy Spirit who renews the breath of Life to our Soul, is expressed in the number '3'.

Take a look at the colors.
White ('1') incorporates all colors.
Out of the color white('1') three primary colors('3') can be distilled, three basic colors which cannot be obtained by mixing other colors.
The three primary colors are red, blue and yellow, and all the other colors are derived from mixing the primary colors.
So, basically these three basic primary colors are responsible for the existence of the entire spectrum of colors we can observe, and these three come out of one, the color white.

Take a look at sound and music.
As I wrote before, a root tone 'C' ('1') on the piano embodies the harmonic overtones which are part of the basic block of harmony unfolding out of this tone, a chord which in this case is 'C-E-G', ('3') and in tonal music this chord is the basis for all other notes used in the music which is written in 'C-major'.
So, within one root tone, the 'C' in 'C-major' in this example, the harmonic system of a composition in'C-major' is present.
Just one single tone contains the code of the harmonic system which brought forth many different symphonies.
That is exactly how YHWH creates: the entire 'code' for Creation is already present within Him, and He realizes this code by means of His manifestation in '3'.

Both the three primary colors and the three notes of the chord bring out the character of their origin, in this case white and the root tone 'C', and they are the manifestation of the fullness contained within their origin.
The three primary colors bring forth the entire spectrum of colors, just as the three notes which sprang from the root tone bring forth the entire spectrum of musical compositions, yes, even dissonant music, because the three harmonics can be turned into root tones which contain their own set of harmonics, from which more new harmonies can be derived, and so forth, the possibilities are endless.

But it all starts with the root tone manifesting in its first harmonics, where in this case the 'C' plays a key role just as our Father YHWH plays the key role in Creation.
The Son resonates with the sound of the Father, and the Creation contained within the sound of the Father resonates in the Son to become the reality of Creation and be part of the harmonic system (order) upon which the composition of our reality is built.

Therefore, '3' stands for the fullness in manifestation of something or someone, and YHWH uses the number '3' to express the full manifestation of His kind and creative character to man, and thus establish the reality of Creation as we know it.

The number '3' is like the perfect unified field of the time-based realm, featuring a beginning, middle and end in one '3'.

'3' can also stand for the full manifestation of the Adversary, or three cycles of curses which come with Sin.
This is the other side of the Dualism coin introduced with the filter of number '2'.
Only, the Adversary portrays these three cycles of curses as the three stages (the complete manifestation of the phases of curses) which will separate man from YHWH's dominion over him, so that man will ultimately be released from YHWH to be free.

Of course, that is a Lie, because after the '3' the number '4' awaits man.
Furthermore, in the dualistic paradigm 'freedom' from YHWH automatically means slavery to Evil, there is no middle road.
YHWH always allows you to rebel, but once you have become a slave of Evil you cannot rebel against its tyranny, and the only way to be free from Evil is when YHWH delivers you.
You can choose only one of two roads: to be free from Good to do Evil, or to be free from Evil to do Good.

The number '4' stands for the four corners of the Earth in the meaning of 'destruction'.
Just think of the many warnings YHWH gave to Israel that if they would persist in their rebellion, and if they would refuse to listen to the message sent to them by YHWH's chastisement in the form of the curses, they would be dispersed to the four corners of the Earth, and the nation Israel would cease to exist.

The number '4' can also be placed within the context of YHWH's mercy extending itself to 'the four corners of the Earth', meaning everywhere, including the realm of Destruction.
As such, the man who has experienced '4' as the result of being born in mortal Flesh, and who learned to love YHWH during his Life, will be called back from the destruction of the '4', and he will be resurrected and restored back into unity with YHWH ('1').

Likewise, the nation which repents from its Evil which lead to its destruction, will experience YHWH's mercy when He brings the nation back on the map.

So, for the man who identifies with rebellion against YHWH, or for the unrepentant nation, the '4' leads to '9', eternal destruction, but the man loves YHWH or the nation which repents from its Evil will be forgiven, so that the '4' leads to '5' and '7' and  '8', but also back to '1'.

The number '5' stands for YHWH's mercy and kindness to man, restoring him and giving him a new beginning, a fresh start.
Just think of the derivative of '5', the number '50' which is the cycle of the Jubilee.
The Jubilee was created to give the Israelites a new start where every Israelite would receive back his original property, and the slaves were released to go back to their family.
In other words, during the Jubilee debt was cancelled.
That's a beautiful illustration of the kind character of our Creator, isn't it?
I can't imagine a starker contrast between this kind and forgiving commandment of the Jubilee, and the Satanic rule of eternal debt where no one is forgiven anything during their lives, and people die in bondage to their debtors, a rule which dominates the merciless Western world, a rule which now is destroying entire nations.

In Satan's world no one gets a break, and everyone dies broke.
The only reset he grants is when a huge blood sacrifice is made in his honor, when the people are set up to function as dispensible commodities in a war which was purposely created for the specific reason of being given a reset, so that the old Satanic games of certain wicked individuals can be resumed.
Satanic favor demands a price to be paid in the currency of blood.

In the Satanic corruption, the Shadow-side of the Dualism coin, '5' stands for favor with the Adversary, the five-pointed star.
Within the pentagram the Adversary has embedded the '5' and hemmed it in on all sides of the Satanic goat-head, as if to isolate YHWH's mercy from man and show man his own favor instead, if he submits to the Satan.
It is the symbol for the system on Earth: if you want to experience the good things in Life, then seek the favor of the Satan and renounce YHWH, and you will climb up the ladder of success.
This too is a Lie, just take a good look at die-hard Satanists like Crowley who died in misery after following his master the Adversary, the Great Deceiver who leads man and angel into the abyss of his arrogance.

Furthermore, YHWH is not impotent on Earth, and He can give as much success and material wealth to His own as He pleases.
Only, He will test us to bring out our love for Him and carve out our characters in accordance with His design of us, and often this test or process involves experiencing deprivation of the good things in Life as a result of manipulation by the Fallen Ones.
It is not that YHWH hates us, or that He has a mean side to His character that He allows us to be afflicted, but we need that time of affliction to bring out the everlasting Spiritual wealth which comes about through learning to practice our Faith by remaining patient and trusting in YHWH during times when He seems deaf to our prayers.

Never let go, never allow doubt into your hearts, because that is the bait on the fishing hook of the Evil One seeking to haul you into his boat of Destruction.
Always persist in your love no matter what, because YHWH cannot lie.
When He promises to bless us and satisfy us with His Goodness, this is true, even if your circumstances may contradict that.
Don't believe your temporary and fading circumstances, but believe in Him who does not fade and who is eternal.
The Adversary has no power over your Spiritual blessings, and I guarantee you that even if the Fallen Ones make your Life hard on Earth, these everlasting blessings WILL be given to you in abundance if you seek YHWH and love Him with all your being.

Don't be tempted to think 'well, that's a nice pacifier to keep my mind of the fact that my Life here in the real world does not work out in SPITE of believing in YHWH, and I have a hard time making ends meet, but o boy, I got this great Spiritual wealth which has no value whatsoever in this world!'.
The money you collect in this world means NOTHING, because it is dust.
It comes and goes like an unfaithful lover, and yet people come to rely on the false promises the temptress holds out to us, people sell their Souls to build castles upon this dream dust only to find out that this 'wealth' is stripped away from them in Death, and they are left with nothing.

The Spiritual blessings given to you by your loving Father have REAL value, and they do not lie or leave you wanting.
Is it any wonder that in a phony world there is not much demand for them?
You, on the other hand, are created to be real, and your Father loves you so much that He gives you REAL wealth, REAL blessings which you will NOT leave behind the moment you die, blessings which will be of the greatest value in the real world.
So, don't be tempted by this thought the Adversary may whisper in your mind in order to make you doubt and haul you in.

The number '6' stands for man in his fallen condition.
The Good side of the Dualism coin gives the '6' the meaning of man as a fallen creature, yet who chooses renounce Evil because he believes in YHWH, and therefore will be led to the '7' and the '8'.
The Evil side of the Dualism coin gives '6' the meaning of man as a fallen creature seeking to kill his conscience so that he becomes '66', the man who has chosen to reject YHWH and embrace the deception of Evil, and who will be turned upside down in the judgment unto eternal destruction ('9').

The number '7' stands for YHWH's cyclic concept of completion.
Just think of the week, which contains six day-cycles of human effort ending with the seventh day-cycle within the cycle of the week: the Shabbat, or the seventh and final day of the week.

YHWH often uses strands or cycles of seven to describe the completion of a phase.
If He for instance uses the number of seventy sevens, then the number seventy is a derivative of the basic concept of the '7', which is multiplied by '10', and '10' refers back to unity in YHWH by embracing His instructions, the 'ten commandments'.

The Satan seeks to turn the '7' into HIS completion, the Satanic era preceding the new phase in eternity of a new reality ('9') which will fall out of YHWH's reach.

After the number '7', the principle of numbers being split in a Good and an Evil Shadow-side stops, and the Good side of the Dualism coin manifests in '8', while the Evil side results in '9'.
After '9', Dualism no longer exists as a filter in the Dream world where that, which in essence embodies non-existence, is able to manifest itself to man and angel.
All numbers beyond '9' are derived from the basic order and as such extend the basic concept of the original order.

The number '8' stands for the new beginning in eternity, the new phase of Creation.
'8' looks as if two zeros are stacked on top of each other, and if you interpret the zero from the dualistic perspective of 'nothing', then the two zeros stacked on top of each other gives the '8' a meaning of 'nothingness has been brought to nothing', or, the concept of Dualism has ended. 
In case the zero is regarded as the  symbol of eternity (the circle), the two zeros in the one eight is like the visual representation of en eternity where the Dualistic paradigm no longer exists. 

'8' is the '1' added to the '7', the 'unity and perfection in YHWH' establishing itself after the completion ('7') of the cyclic existence we now know.
The '1' takes the '7' into the eternity of the '8', where the option of separation from the '1' no longer exists.
That choice has been made during the preceding phase we are part of, the phase of Dualism.

'8' is also '3 + 5': the fullness of YHWH's manifestation as our Father, our Savior and our Renewer combined with the kindness of His mercy ('5') , allows man to enter the new phase of Creation, the '8'.

'8' is also '10 - 2': the dualism which allowed for the existence of Evil will be taken away so that it can no longer obstruct man in following YHWH's instruction and be one with Him, and this happens in the new phase of Creation, '8'.

The '8' is also '4 + 4', the double '4' as if to say that Destruction will be destroyed (Death will be destroyed), so that in the visual depiction of an '8' as two zeros stacked on top of each other, as well as the meaning of the double '4', the '8' becomes the number depicting the termination of everything which resulted from Dualism, such as Death and Destruction and the fallen man, because YHWH has created a new Heaven and a new Earth, a new reality for man.
The Fallen One interprets this double '4' in his own way, just as he regards the '9' as his opportunity to establish his own paradise instead of YHWH's definition of the '9'.
In a later part of this series I will explain this in greater detail.

Because the existence of Evil (rebellion) depends on the presence of Dualism, the Adversary seeks to avoid this number '8', since it stands for the end of Dualism and therefore the end of Evil.
Evil owes its existence to the presence of '2', Dualism.
So if the '8' can become a reality, Evil has lost for all eternity, something which the Fallen Ones seek to avoid at all cost.
The concept of the '8' therefore is not popular with the Adversary, since it stands for YHWH's victory.

The number '9' stands for eternal Destruction.
Whereas the number '4' stood for Destruction on an Earthly level, and as such contained the possibility of reversal, the '9' stands for eternal and irreversible Destruction, where man ('6') is turned upside down in judgment.
This 'upside-down' aspect, which creates a link between the '6' and the '9'  also refers to a perversion of man in the hands of the Fallen Ones, where their concept of man as a synthetic creation has replaced man as designed by YHWH.

Since the Fallen Ones think of themselves as having the same intellectual and creative resources as YHWH, perhaps even to a greater degree, they believe themselves to be capable of turning YHWH's concept of Destruction of the '9' into their Utopia, a realm where they have invented a new order based on their various designs for life.
Probably inspired by successes in the past when they tampered with YHWH's design and created new life forms, even to the extent that their new order began to replace YHWH's order and YHWH was forced to flood Earth and destroy the genetically modified life forms, they feel that they are capable of inventing a completely new and self-sustaining order, a reality which uses YHWH's energy for its building blocks, yet which, -by its design-, exists as an isolated realm separated from YHWH within His Creation.
Yet they are destined to fail, and their Utopia will become a horrible Frankenstein household straight from the pits of hell.

The number '10' is derived from '1' as the first in a 'higher octave'.
The 'ten commandments' are YHWH's instructions guiding us to unity in YHWH ('1'), ten expressions derived from the perfect '1', YHWH.

The 'ten commandments' tell us how we ought to live if we want to be part of YHWH's perfection (the number '1') without any Evil separating us from Him.

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