
The Two Forms Of Satanism

When the term 'Satanism' is coined many tend to associate it with outright Devil worship.
You belong to a cult which worships the Evil One, and you indulge in their anti-Christian practices, a reversal and opposite of everything which Christianity stand for.

While this is the usual image people have of Satanism it is only one visible form we can clearly identify.
Aside from this form of overt Satanism there is covert Satanism.
What I mean by covert Satanism is not the Satanist who pretends to be a Christian yet who secretly belongs to a Satanic cult.
Covert Satanism is a term I use for all the people who in their words and deeds show the footprint of Satanism.

You will find MANY covert Satanists in Christian churches.
They profess their faith in Jesus, they worship during their Sunday church meetings, they pray to God and read in the Bible.
But all these activities are just part and parcel of their Babylonian culture, whether it is one they adopted consciously during their Life or one they grew up in.
In their words and their deeds they show the character of the one they truly worship: the Satan.
They love the Lie, they cheat when it is profitable, they will hurt and betray the one closest to them, they love gossip and false witness, they will indulge in the forbidden in secret and never repent.
Because they love the Lie, they hate Truth and the ones who love Truth.

During His days on Earth Yahshua encountered these people, many of whom were wearing holy robes of the religious leadership in His days, others belonging to the robotic followers of the religion of Yahshua's days.
Yahshua in His usual honest and straightforward manner called them exactly what they were, 'Devil worshippers', 'sons and daughters of the Satan'.
They dressed up in religion, pretending to be lovers of 'God', 'Elohim', yet in their DEEDS and their WORDS their showed themselves to be sons and daughters of the Evil One.
It is not what they professed to be what counted, but the fruit they brought forth which revealed their true nature.

And what did the people reply to Him when Yahshua told them that they did the deeds of their father?
We are not born of fornication; we have one Father, even Elohim.

Then Yahshua replied to them: 
If Elohim were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from Elohim; neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me.
Why do you not understand My speech? 
Even because you cannot hear My Word!
You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him. 
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
And because I tell you the Truth, you believe Me not."

You can read this excerpt in John 8.
All too often the deeper message of this passage is overlooked, namely that within the religious houses of worship, among the ones who praise Elohim and today claim to believe in Jesus, you will find a large number of those who actually are Devil worshippers, even though they are not aware of worshipping the Satan.
They give evidence of their bondage to and worship of the Satan in the fruit they bear, their words and their deeds.
These are the Christians who attend church on Sundays, who will speak to you about Jesus as their Savior, they sing their psalms and hymns, yet in their hearts they hate YHWH's Truth and His children.
And all too often the pain you have to bear as one of YHWH's children is overwhelming when you witness this kind of hypocrisy firsthand within the family you grew up in.

I have grown up in a family where the Adversary's Spirit made itself felt all too often, and as a teenager I decided I never would want to have anything to do with the hypocrisy I saw. 
Such is the poison of the Adversary, that if he cannot get you one way through conforming yourself to the Lie, he sets you up through your emotional reaction to rebel against YHWH and thus receives you into his arms the other way.
But, my determination to rebel failed because I knew there was a Creator, and I began the search for the true identity of my Creator, desiring to know Him personally before I made the jump to rebel.
In His kindness He protected me from falling into the Satanic trap, and brought me closed to Him, not because I was so good, but because He is so Good that He forgives me for my own Sins and reaches out to my heart and Soul.

The closer I grew to Him and the more I got to know Him, the greater the contrast with the Evil of the Lie I saw within my own family.
Whenever I travelled away from them it was like traveling from the Darkness into the Light, and whenever I returned it felt like a suffocating blanket was thrown over my Soul which caused me to suffer greatly.
They were my family on Earth, yet I felt they were strangers in the Spirit, worse, I had to be careful because there was something within them which wanted to destroy me.
It was the same sensation I had as a young boy when I stood outside my parent's home on a gloomy day, and there was something within me telling me to be careful because the world was full of robots, even within my own home, desiring to turn me into a robot as well.

I'm sure some of you who grew up in similar circumstances will understand me when I write about the presence of an Evil oppressive Spirit, one which makes you feel as if someone threw a blanket over your Soul.
It is not uncommon for YHWH's children to suffer from what seems like a malfunctioning immune system when they have to abide in the presence of such an Evil oppressive spirit for a prolonged period, and they can become physically ill as a result.
You simply are not compatible with the Spirit of Evil that you sense, and this causes you to experience oppression and negativity.
Even though you may be part of a 'Christian' home, when the ones appointed as your parents are covert Satanists you will experience the presence of a Spirit contrary to the Spirit of the faith they profess.
This oppressive spirit of Evil is one you will find everywhere in covert Satanism, from the home of the devout Christian to the atheist home, everywhere the heart is tuned to serving the Evil One.

The problem is that YHWH's children tend to excuse the ugliness they see.
'It's just weakness which temporarily overcomes them just as we are prone to moments of weakness, they are not what they appear to be in those weak moments'.
We feel bad and guilty about resenting them for the Evil we see in them, and the guilt drives us to make up for it and it drives us straight back into their arms, like a crippling axe which prevents us from taking up our place and mission in this world.

Only, even though we tend to excuse the ones closest to us because we want to love them, invariably the ugly reality dawns on us that there is no change in the ones we excuse.
They have their hearts invariably set on repeating the exact same pattern we attribute to weakness, and in their deeds and their words we see no sign of change or growth towards the better.
Sometimes the reality is too hard to fathom, that we have grown up in an environment of covert Satanists, and that Satan has been in charge of the environments we were exposed to.

Satanism in both overt and covert form is rampant not only in Christianity, but in all facets of our society, and the Darkness is thick and dense, so much so that judgment is coming, judgment upon our society, judgment upon individuals within a family who are servicing their lord the Satan.

Unfortunately, the Satan is very active in churches, even to such a degree that today's Christianity is more like institutionalized Covert Satanism.
Even though faith in Jesus is professed, the Lie is practiced, and through the Lie the mask of faith in Jesus reveals the real content beneath the mask.
Even the dates of Christian celebrations are part and parcel of the mask, yes, even though you may have been taught differently, today's Easter carries the signature of covert Satanism all over, and the world's celebration of Easter or Christmas for that matter is nothing other than the celebration of Babylonian lies.
What does Ishtar or Semiramis or Tammuz have to do with Yahshua, what does the Lie have in common with the Truth?
But let there be no mistake about it, covert Satanism is just as much part and parcel of those who keep Shabbat and desire to be part of the Hebrew roots religion.

Overt and covert Satanism shape our society in the image of the Fallen One.
His left and right hand create division which produce the dynamics which cause him to thrive, and the compromise,- the synthesis between the two hands-, celebrates and promotes his ideology.
He is the one who sets up groups against each other in order to maneuver them towards the destiny he has in mind.
He pitches his left against his right, poor against rich, making them demonize the opposition in spite of the fact that both sides are run by a majority conforming to Evil as well as containing a minority which loves what is Good.
Beware of the ones who position themselves as leaders of one particular group, because they tend to be the elect of the Fallen One who destined them to fulfill a particular role in his strategy.

There is nothing I would love to see more than the complete and utter destruction of the Satanic influence which runs our society and makes our lives miserable.
It obstructs us and keeps us from developing the full potential of the talents YHWH gave usl.
His influence in our world is about to end, and I am here to testify to the imminent destruction of his Earthly empire, the end of covert and overt Satanism.
I suppose that is the Good news after this gloomy wake-up call: the golden age of Mankind is yet to come, and we are confined for only a little while longer to the last of the convulsions of this Evil nightmare.

But today overt and covert Satanism rule this current world.
The Satan uses his worshippers to hurt you on the one hand, and on the other he entices you to trust the ones who sympathize with you and condemn the ones who hurt you, so that later on this trust can be abused and turned against you.
Yes, this world is a very depraved and lonely place for those who truly love YHWH, and we have to learn to endure the Darkness to the best of our abilities.
Know this: it is about to end, and the Darkness is about to suffer destruction by the coming of the Light of Yahshua.
That is when the covert Satanists no longer can hide and will be exposed to the world as the sibling brothers and sisters of the overt Satanists, and I assure you that many professing traditional Christians will be found among the covert Satanists.

Overt and covert Satanism are one and the same thing.
The ritual blood sacrifices of overt Satanism have their mirror image in the secret destruction of the human Soul through repeated exposure to betrayal, meanness, pressure of covert Satanism, especially when it masks as the hypocritical streak of traditional Christianity. Either way Life-force is extracted for the benefit of the Shadow world.
The rituals of overt Satanism have their sibling brother and sister in the ritual of psychological torture at the hands of the covert worshippers of the Lie: the Satan is lord and master over both, and whereas one refers overtly to the Satan, the other mentions Jesus while showing their love for the Satan in their innermost thoughts and feelings which bubble to the surface repeatedly in the form of words and deeds which conform to the Lie.
Both hate the Light, both hate the children of the Light, both will seek to extinguish this Light when it shines in YHWH's children by destroying them, even if those children are children of their own flesh and blood.

Remember Yahshua's words: be harmless as doves, and wise as serpents.
It does not mean you have to become as a serpent, but rather you have to be aware of what makes serpents tick, how they think and what their nature is, and act accordingly in wisdom and awareness of the hurt they want to do to you.
Yes, sometimes you need a word of comfort, yet it is to your benefit to keep your mouth shut and reveal nothing, because the one you want to confide in just happens to be one of the covert variety.
Be aware of the Satan's ways and the ways adopted by his children, and act wisely.
You are a soldier, and the Life of a soldier on the battlefield often is not an easy or comfortable one.

If you are in the position where you have no other option than to abide in the Darkness of your environment, do not despair or think you have been abandoned by YHWH.
Because even in the Darkness YHWH's hand protects you.
You are there as a witness and a testimony against the ones worshipping the Darkness.

Do not fall into the trap of blame and resentment, but if you hurt, seek your Heavenly Father Who will never hurt you, and ask Him to heal you and provide a way out of the Darkness.
He hears and He will act on your behalf.

Pray for the ones who hurt you, that if there is something Good hidden in their hearts that YHWH will bring about repentance in their hearts.
He will hear, and if there is any Goodness in anyone He will act to make that Goodness come alive, but if there is no Goodness found in the hearts of the ones who hurt you, then the hurt they inflicted upon you will come down on their own heads as YHWH's judgment upon them.

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