
The Timeline - IV

That which we call time is a helix structure of the motion of going through different experiences of different manifestations of cycles.

These different cycles are like subjects in YHWH's storybook for man, subjects which appear in the storyline in different forms yet which embody the same kind of characteristics and dynamics as the cycle to which they belong.

These subjects are set to appear in cyclic form, meaning that in the physical realm they appear in the form of slices throughout 'history'.
History is nothing other than our sequential order of experiences of moving through different manifestations of cycles.

All of the cycles move in dualistic dynamics, and their different manifestations, the 'slices', are connected to form a helix shape if we were to visualize this process.
Sequential means that as one particular concept is 'broken up' in different layers, like different camera positions registering one concept, we move through these different layers one after another.
It is like traveling through a helix which is the embodiment of different layers of one concept strung together.

Our concept of a timeline is nothing other than a picture showing us the experience of the total combination of ALL cycles as they are connected in a web-like structure.

Because we experience one timeline as the embodiment of all the different cycles and sub-cycles combined into one picture, it may seem as if  sometimes we can see 'gaps' between the end of the period of one 'slice' or 'period' of a cycle, and the beginning of the next period, which is the next manifestation of a slice of the cycle.
However, the perceived 'gap' is not present within the manifestation of the cycle.

It merely exists in our experience because of the fact that we move sequentially through the COMBINATION of different cycles which are INTERDEPENDENT on each other's dynamics. 

The gap is caused by the side-effect where the beginning of the next period of cycle B has to 'wait for' the activation of a certain trigger point in cycle A.

It is as if in cycle B a pause button is pushed, and cycle B has to 'wait for' cycle A to reach a certain point where its dynamics act like a trigger point which pushes the 'Play'-button in cycle B so that it resumes its course.

Even natural cycles which seem to behave with undisturbed regularity can be put in 'Pause'-mode, or even 'Rewind'-mode.

Take for example the cycle of the day.

A day has such a strong regularity that we can fine-tune our clocks to its cyclic motion.

Yet at one time Joshua commanded the Earth's rotation to stop, and the cycle of the day was put in 'Pause'-mode, only to resume its course after the cycle of Israel's fight had run its course.

At one time king Hezekiah was ill to the point of dying, and he prayed that he would be given more time.

So, Isaiah was sent to the court of Hezekiah, and he informed the king that YHWH had granted his prayer.

YHWH would give Hezekiah a sign in the form of a reversal of the Earth's rotation for a couple of hours, after which the Earth we resume its regular cycle.

This is an example where the cycle of a day was reversed and seemed to play back part of its cycle which Israel had already experienced previously in their experience of a linear timeline.

To their experience the day seemed to have lengthened itself, but in reality the day as part of the cycle of the day had neither lengthened or shortened, but instead it simply had gone back to a previous point on the perimeter of the circle describing the cycle of a day, and started 'playing again' from that point onwards.

In the example of my illustration of Cycle A and Cycle B, our sequential motion through time, -which is our motion through the experiences of different manifestations of the cycles, travels through cycle B until we reach the arrow, and we shift through cycle A until a certain point of the second arrow is reached, and we move again through a new slice of the cycle B.
This is what causes us to experience a linear timeline, but which in reality is a motion through different interconnected cycles and which produces the appearance of 'gaps' between different manifestations of a particular cycle.

This concept of what time really is becomes important in trying to understand prophecy, because prophecy looks through the Heavenly lens of what time is: a motion through cycles and subjects in YHWH's story.
As such prophecy refers to CONCEPTS and SUBJECTS which manifest in different slices of different cycles and their dualistic motion, and thereby it is not restricted to single manifestations of what we interpret as a timeline.

That is the reason why prophecy sometimes seems to make incredible leaps in our concept of a linear timeline: the prophecy refers to certain subjects in YHWH's storybook and how they are related and connected to each other, and our linear experience of a timeline is not relevant.
The prophecy does not jump across time, it lights up certain 'items' in our sequentially ordered catalogue of events, and from our perspective it looks AS IF prophecy jumps to and fro on a horizontal timeline.

Take for instance the cycle of the Shabbat.
It is an ongoing recurring cycle which is a sub-cycle of the cycle we refer to as the 'week'.
Before a Shabbat can begin, we first need to move through the dynamics of six preceding cycles or 'slices' of a day-cycle.
So, in our linear experience of the motion through cycles which we refer to as 'time', after each Shabbat we experience a 'gap' between the Shabbat 'slice' we just experienced, and the next Shabbat 'slice'.
In the Shabbat-cycle there is not a gap, but in our experience it seems to be put in 'Pause-mode' for six days until the dynamics are in order for the next Shabbat-'slice' to commence.

Prophecy works the same way.
Instead of measuring prophecy against our experience of a linear sequentially ordered timeline, we should see it as a collection of messages and visions relating to cycles.
As such, we CANNOT automatically lay out a prophecy against a linear experience of timeline, nor can we confine all prophecies to an isolated incidence in our concept of a timeline.
To do so is to miss the meaning of the prophecy and how it relates to different manifestations of the subject it refers to across the concept of the timeline by means of which we create our catalogue of events.

The 'harlot' in the book of Revelation refers not just to one single empire or collective of nations in the end time, it refers to a SUBJECT or CONCEPT which manifests in different cycles in different manifestations in varying intensities across 'the timeline', all the way back into antiquity.

The 'end times' is not a concept which is activated the day the 'great tribulation' begins.
It manifests itself in different incarnations in the timeline, and the disciples and apostles and 'early believers' were already living in a particular 'slice' of the cycle of the end times.

The problem is that we tend to observe the coming and going of one particular manifestation of a cycle, and the moment it has gone we think the cycle has finished and will not return.
Any prophecy pertaining to that slice of the cycle which we observed is labeled as 'fulfilled' and can be put in the 'archive'.

But that is not the characteristic of a cycle, since a cycle is an ongoing phenomenon manifesting in different circumstances and in different incarnations, yet embodying the same principles.
It all comes down to one thing: in our experience time looks like a long horizontal line, but seen from the perspective of Heaven it is a helix shaped motion, a circular movement through different experiences of many interconnected and interdependent cycles.

The 'latter days' or the 'end times' is a name for a concept manifesting in a cyclic movement, and because we tend to think of the latter days as it relates to our sequential concept of a day, we may find it hard to imagine how the apostles could possible live in the 'latter days',  or the 'end times'.
We see the apostles as men living almost 2000 years ago, so they cannot possibly have lived in the end times, could they?

But, our concept of '2000 years ago' is the result of our linear structure of sequentially ordered experiences of moving through different and interconnected cycles.
If we want to get a clear picture of what time is, we have to learn to look at it as a motion through cycles, and as such the cycle should be our focus, not the measuring tape of a timeline since it is the result of our sequential mode of processing.

The apostles and disciples as well as the 'early believers' lived in a particular 'slice' or manifestation of the cycle of the latter days, complete with bloody persecution and malignant anti-christs persecuting them.
Instead of placing the apostles on a linear timeline, try imagining them as being part of a cycle, in this case the cycle of the 'latter days'.
They were experiencing 'slice A' of this cycle, whereas WE experience 'slice X'.
Both of us are part of experiencing the same cycle, yet we experience them from different perspectives as we move through different 'slices' of the 'mother-cycle'.

The prophecy of Daniel's seventy weeks (or 'sevens') of years also is a nice illustration of how YHWH's story is organized by subject, and not by their place in a linear timeline.
The seventy weeks describe the cycle (or 'subject') of 'finishing the transgression, putting an end to Sin, atoning for iniquity, bringing in everlasting righteousness, sealing both vision and prophet and anointing a most holy place'.
This entire process in YHWH's storyline consists of seventy 'sevens' of years.

When we extrapolate this data into the time-based domain, we see a 'gap' in the seventy weeks of approximately 2000 years, and it forces us to either accept the fact that the prophecy is not correct, OR that our linear time-based understanding of the prophecy is incorrect.

The 'gap' exists only because we approach the prophecy from a linear time-based perspective.

It is an illusion, a distortion created by looking through the lens of a time-based perspective.

Even though the prophecy speaks of weeks of 'years', it cannot be assessed in terms of one linear progression along the time-line.
Yes, the years ARE cycles references to the CYCLE of a year, but the prophecy uses these elements within the context of the storyline of YHWH, which details a seventy week duration for the prophecy to come to pass.

Daniel's seventy weeks are not one uninterrupted period of 490 years, as we should know by now.
If there is one example presenting us with clear evidence the we measure prophecy against our experience of a horizontal timeline and create timeline charts based on our Gregorian calendar, this is it.
There seems to be a 'gap' between the 69th and the 70th week, yet this gap is the effect created by living in the Flesh whereby we experience the motion through cycles as a linear timeline.

In the cycle of the seventy weeks there is NO gap, because the cycle describes exactly the seventy sevens as it is supposed to, but in its interplay with other cycles the impression is created as IF there is a gap.

Yet this only is the case because we, as creatures of the Flesh, also are part of other cycles and their motions, and this combination of cyclic motion of different cycles produces in us a sensation of an unfolding timeline in which we try to fit the 'seventy sevens' prophecy.

In the manifestations of the cycle of the 70 weeks the 'Pause'-button is activated in our experience after week 69, and once the dynamics of the other cycles is right, then the 'Play'-button will be activated and the 70th week will 'play out'.

You may notice that the description of the prophecy of the 70 sevens refers to the 'cutting off of the anointed One' after 69 sevens.
This explicit reference to Yahshua is a link to the cycle of His Redemption, and the dynamics of this cycle of Redemption determines the right setting of the dynamics for the 70th week to begin.
In other words: the way the cycle of the 70 weeks plays out depends on how the cycle of Yahshua's Restoration plays out.

All cycles are related to each other and depend on each other's dynamics.
Daniel's seventy sevens are related to and dependent on Yahshua's mission of Restoration, and Yahshua's mission is related to and dependent on the Restoration of Israel, and the Restoration of Israel is tied to the Restoration of the world, and so forth.
Not 'the entire world' in the sense that everybody is restored, but YHWH's children, the children of Israel (not just as a cultural national tribal manifestation but Israel in the sense of the seed of Abraham, the ones who live by faith), are spread across the globe and they are to be found in different nations, different races.
Our Flesh is but a many-colored coat worn by a Soul and a Spirit which know only two races: Good and Evil.

All these cycles in turn are linked to cycles of YHWH's appointed (prophetic) Feast days and Jubilees, which is a cycle of 50 Earth years as we know them to be.
YHWH created these cycles and slices of cycles as a large and immensely complex web where everything is connected to and dependent on everything else.

Prophecy is not rooted in a particular position in a linear timeline, but it refers to a position within a certain dynamic interplay between cycles, where other cycles contribute to the right setting of the dynamics for the prophecy to manifest.

Like the prophecy concerning the destruction of Nineveh which Jonah had to deliver.
The prophecy depended on the dynamics of the cycle of Nineveh to reach a certain point in favor of Evil, after which the destruction of the city (which YHWH created as an event in His storyline) was set to occur.
Yet this event was not activated because the people operated the switch of choice.
They chose to repent and thereby changed the dynamics in the cycle of Nineveh, so that the prophecy did not occur.
This does not mean the prophecy failed, because it described an event which YHWH created and which existed as a reality.
But the choice of the people of Nineveh changed the manifestation of the cycle of Nineveh so that the manifestation of the destruction did not yet occur in that dynamic setting, and they consequently moved through a different reality.

So, bearing in mind what I have written about prophecy, it is not so much a matter of placing Daniel's last week between 2012 and 2019 for instance, but placing it within the right dynamics produced by the season of Creation.

Sometimes you have an early harvest, sometimes a late harvest.
The harvest comes at the exact right setting of the dynamics of the cycles which determine the timing of the harvest.

So too the final seven of Daniel's prophecy is like a harvest set to happen at the right dynamic configuration of other cycles, which will act like the activation of the 'Play'-button in Daniel's prophecy.
And who is to say that this final seven will be one uninterrupted period of 7 years?
Maybe it will play out as two periods of 3.5 years 'with a gap in the middle', because of the dynamic dependency on other cycles.

This is why I stopped paying much attention to date setting and timetables, because ultimately they do not take into consideration that prophecy is not directly related to a timeline, but it is related to the interplay of different dynamics of different cycles as they manifest in our sequential experience of moving through different cycles (i.e. our motion through our concept of a linear timeline).

WE are the ones who impose the time-based perspective of a direct relationship between prophecy and time, but prophecy does not have that direct link, since it is independent of our experience of moving through the different cycles.
I am sure that in spite of this, some writers who love to milk the end times cow in favor of their bank account and/or their status will continue to focus on dates and time periods, continuously shifting the dates as they expire without the anticipated results.
It appeals to the hunger for sensation, but other than an entertainment value and a milking cow for the authors it is a waste of time.

For the reasons I have discussed with you, the Revelation given to John seems to be fragmented and scattered across our concept of a horizontal timeline, with events flying back and forth across the timeline.
But we have to learn to put off our time-based glasses and learn to look from the perspective of YHWH's storyline, where one subject manifests itself in different layers spread out over our concept of a timeline, which is nothing other than YHWH's way of allowing us to experience different layers of one and the same phenomenon as separate events.

The seals, the shofars, the thunders, the bowls, they all refer to a topic or a cycle playing out in different 'slices', such as the first seal, the second seal, and so forth.
All of those slices produce a certain dynamic setting which act as a trigger for other slices of the same cycle as well as the other cycles to commence.

Daniel's vision of the beasts (Daniel 7) describe different manifestations, different incarnations in different slices of the cycle spread across a timeline, all describing one and the same phenomenon.
These are different layers of one at the same topic in YHWH's story, and after all the layers of different manifestations have been peeled away the ultimate and final manifestation remains in the final cycle which is to appear in our experience of a timeline.
In Daniel 7 this fourth kingdom is described as different because it devours the entire Earth, yet it is the same since in the sense that it matches the blueprint of the beast-empire.
It's just that this fourth slice has a different incarnation.

Time is nothing other than YHWH's way of letting us experience the different layers of one topic in His storyline sequentially, and we refer to this sequential unfolding as a timeline.
Time is YHWH's prism which breaks up one topic in His story and causes it to manifest in different points in our concept of a timeline in different incarnations, thus allowing us to experience the different incarnations just as different cameras might register the same event from different angles and perspectives, thus allowing us to get a more complete picture of the one event or 'mother-cycle'.

The two world wars we have experienced thusfar are really one and the same event manifesting in two different cycles, two different incarnations allowing us to experience the horror of hell, and these two cycles are two layers peeled off to reveal a third layer which we shall experience.
This third layer will have the same interplay between Good and Evil, the same key components acting out their roles, but they are nothing other than a different layer of one and the same event.

Why would YHWH put us through such horror of world wars over and over again?
He doesn't.
WE activated the realities of the two world wars just as the people of Nineveh DE-activated the destruction of Nineveh by their choice.
They chose to repent, we chose NOT to repent.
That is why a third slice of the world war is about to become a reality we activated through our unrepentent arrogant attitude.

Time is irrelevant, and nothing other than a concept which allows us to experience different angles of one and the same topic separate from each other.
It allows the cyclic motion of birth and death to experience the same dynamics of YHWH's storyline over and over again, until the final layer is peeled off and the story (and how it is EXPERIENCED by means of different angles of the camera of time positioned in the timeline), is complete.

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