
The Land of Lies

When we made our debut on the stage of Life in the earth theater, we were born into the Land of Lies.
Each single element on this stage has the ability to project a lie to us.

Even our costume of flesh can be used to project a lie to our soul.
Because the costume has invisible strings attached to it, the forces operating the strings use it as their toy in the playground of the theater, so that the costume we have to wear becomes a force of manipulation directed against us and who we truly are.

All of our senses are fed with a strict diet of lies for one single purpose only: to make us believe the Lie, and thus become extensions of the Lie.

The mirrors on the stage do not show us a reflection of who we are.
Instead they project the distortion of the mirror in order to seduce us into believing that the image is real.
The mirrors give us validation where we have come to believe in the Lie, and they condemn us where we fail to live up to the projected image.
The rods next to the mirrors embody the false standards of the mirrors, punishing that which is straight in YHWH's mirror of Truth, validating and rewarding that which is crooked.

The stage setting for our lives has been manipulated in every conceivable way.
It contradicts life outside the theater,  where Truth manifests itself in the Heaven of Heavens in a pure, unadulterated reality.

On the theater stage the circumstances often contradict this reality of Truth and instead manifest a Lie to us.
This is how the play of Life inside the theater becomes the reverse of true Life outside the theater, a dark fantasy tale designed to manipulate us into changing the polarity of our faith where we consider the fantasy to be real, and our original faith in YHWH and His reality to be false.

The reality of YHWH's Truth is that those who do good, will receive a reflection of good in the mirror of Life, and those who do evil in turn receive evil.
Yet the unseen forces which operate the strings on the stage costumes of the marionettes have manipulated and distorted this basic law of the reflection of Truth by manifesting obstruction into the lives of those who do good, and rewarding those who bring forth evil.
They have created a false reality of the Lie, where those who love good will receive a reflection of evil in the dark mirror of evil, and those who love the Lie in turn receive good.

The costumes we wear on stage have been tampered with.
They can be vehicles manifesting the manipulation of evil in the form of disease where there should be health, sadness where there should be joy, turmoil where there should be peace, fear where there should be courage, Darkness where there should be Light.
Emotions become a physical and mental reality in the costumes by means of the chemicals which are released into the body-costume, thus producing feelings of sadness, fear, oppression.

Conversely, triggering the release of the chemicals associated with negative emotions produces a manipulated image in the mind rising from the emotions, seducing us into believing it is real and not the product of the manipulation by the forces of falsehood which use the release of these chemicals as tools to project the Lie.

Because our costumes carry the presence of the force of evil within them, we have to be especially alert to our own emotions, because emotions act as pressures on our soul in order to cause our soul to identify with the pressure, and make up its mind based on the emotion.

Yet in an imperfect body where evil has made a home, how easy it is for evil to cause our soul sway in the wrong direction by applying pressure through our emotions!

It is imperative that we acquire the objectivity of the spirit towards our own emotions, because they can be used as a lens distorting YHWH's Truth, and if we act and make up our minds based on that distortion, we become extensions of the distortion, growing into a distortion on the stage of Life ourselves.
We can become vehicles of evil and minions of falsehood when we identify with what our emotions dictate to us.
Beware of that, because emotions are pressure points applied to our soul by means of the release of chemicals in our body, which causes a reality based on the chemical imbalance to be projected unto our soul!

Our body is like a smoke-screen to our soul, obscuring a clear view of Truth and obstructing the spirit every step of the way.
And yet, our soul and spirit are entwined with it and move about in the physical realm by means of this obstructive marionette costume.
This in itself is a miracle, that we, being spirit and soul, are made one with a costume which embodies the opposite of what we are in our spirit and soul, two mutually exclusive realities merged into one picture on the screen of our soul.

Whatever image we focus on and identify with cancels out the other image, yet it does not cancel out the source which tries to project this image to our soul.
The image of evil tries to manipulate us into surrendering our energy by making the choice to believe this false image, and identify with it.

Each sin we are guilty of is an offering of energy that strengthens the source which projects the false image on the screen of our soul, so that it can make itself felt to us in a greater and more powerful way than before.
Through our choices to sin or to stand back from temptation, we either strengthen or weaken the projector of evil in our marionette costume, and as a result of our choice we become part of one of two mutually exclusive realities.

We are the ones who activate these realities through the choices we make, because our choice reveals the identity of our soul and spirit.
Do we identify with falsehood and evil, and surrender our energy to strengthen and keep the image of evil alive in us?
Or do we seek to rob the false image of evil of its staying power because we identify with Truth, and we suffer when the projector operating through our marionette costumes hinders us by projecting a false image on the screen of our soul, in order to make us sway and give in to the seduction to partake of the forbidden fruit of evil?

Like our costume, our food also can and has been tampered with to the extent that it destroys us in the guise of feeding us.
And when we visit the local witch-doctor who works as a slave serving the pharmaceutical wizards of Dark Magic, we are given Holy Medicine which takes away the symptoms, yet at the same time it poisons and destabilizes us, creating new problems in the guise of healing us.

The totality of this combined manipulated reality by means of which the Lie puffs itself up as something real presents itself to our soul through our senses as 'the reality of life in the theater'.

If we then do good because we believe in YHWH, and we experience punishment in spite of doing good, like for instance through adverse circumstances in our lives, or an obstructed body, our soul is faced with the ultimate question, the question which is primed to reverse the polarity of our faith.
The question is based on the manipulation of reality to challenge our faith in YHWH and His goodness.

"If the reality of our lives contradicts what we believe, doesn't this reality show us that our faith is but a fantasy, wishful thinking at the best?
Why then should we continue to believe in a fairy tale which is contradicted by this reality and therefore not true?"

Darkness paints YHWH's Truth as a Lie and the Lie as truth.
Our choice either confirms and strengthens our faith, or it changes the polarity of our faith.

That is the moment when the clash between our consciousness of life outside the theater (Heaven) and life on the stage manifests itself in the strongest possible way.
The question challenges us and puts us to the test to see whether we change the polarity of our faith or not.

The moment we alter the polarity of our faith by believing the projection of a lie, we give our energy to the unseen forces which manipulated the reality of our life in the theater.

By sacrificing our energy we not only feed the Dark Shadows, but we also strengthen the manipulation so that it potentially can make itself manifest to us for the duration of our entire life in the theater, and even beyond.
UNLESS we are willing to conform, abandon the vision for our lives in exchange for the monochrome vision of practicality dictated to us by our circumstances, take up our place as a cog which keeps the big wheel of the Lie in motion.
If we are willing to abandon our love for Truth, the Shadows will reward us by making life easier for us.
After all, if we go with the flow, the flow will work for us and not contrary to us.

Changing the polarity of our faith means that instead of travelling towards our destiny with the wind blowing in our face, we choose to move away from our destiny because we grew tired of the wind blowing in our face.
Now that we changed our destiny, we have the wind in our back driving us forward with ease and speed, and life seems less tough to us.

Yet the wind blowing in our face was artificial, a manipulation of the unseen Darkness to make us turn around and change course.
If we would have kept on moving in spite of the wind, we would have strengthened our muscle as we grow into our destiny.
All that is required of us is to persist and learn to rely on and trust in the One whose strength is endless, YHWH.
In Him and Him alone we grow in strength and find our destiny, and we have seen His smiling face as our Saviour Who entered this theater to give us the access back to the real Life outside the theater.

The secret of our existence on the stage lies in learning to disregard the wind because we keep our focus on the One who controls our destiny and Who placed us on this stage.
Unfortunately many do not learn this lesson and build up a relationship with the wind, allowing the wind to blow them where their spirit does not want to go.
The wind blows forward and the wind blows back, and it blows us into the Shadow realm if we plot our course based on the direction of the wind.

The Dark Forces NEED us to have faith in them, because if we would continue to have faith in the Maker of Life outside the theater, we would grow into a threat to the unseen forces.
After all, the Lie cannot maintain itself in the face of Truth.
In the presence of Truth the Lie is utterly impotent.

And so, if we continue to walk in Faith and in Truth, wherever we go, instead of circumstances changing us, we affect circumstances by our very presence.
Not only our own circumstances, but also the circumstances of the others present on the stage of Life.

After a while the manipulated circumstances of our life would have to adapt to the reality of our Faith, and the stronghold of Lies would begin to crumble as the reality of the Life of the Spirit begins to manifest and affect others through us.
As others are affected by our example, the power and influence of the Dark Shadows begin to dwindle.

That is why the unseen powers do their best to manipulate reality in order that the Lie manifests all around those who walk on the stage of Life.
The Mighty Ones pulling the strings know all too well that it is a struggle of either circumstances changing us, or we change circumstances and thereby destroy the stronghold of the Darkness.

It all comes down to a polarity change, the very thing which caused this theater to become host to the Land of Lies.
In the Land of Lies the biggest Liar rules, waving the scepter of Falsehood over all the slaves to the Lie.

When the first actor on the stage of life changed the polarity of his Faith by believing in the Lie, the Lie began to manifest on the stage as the reality of the play of Life, and the actor was forced to put on the costume of a marionette.
The Lie built its prison and its contraption of wheels through manipulation and deceit, entirely in accordance with the character of Darkness.
It turned the stage into a huge prison where souls entering the play of life are maneuvered into sacrificing their life-force for the sake of obtaining the bliss of approval of the Forces operating the circus on stage.

Life becomes an exercise in cannibalism, the game of predators.

Dali's painting Autumn Cannibalism is a beautiful illustration of the ugly nature of life in the system governed by the big wheel of the Lie.  

Once the Mighty Ones rape our soul and devour our life-force, we become reflections of their evil, the bitten ones biting the others to get back what we lost, and all of our relationships are poisoned by the imbalance and our compulsion to compensate.

The sacrificed souls end up as batteries empowering the light-bulb of evil, strengthening its grip and its rule on the stage.
Whenever life-energy is leeched from the souls, the loss drives the souls to compensate for the imbalance of the sacrifice.
And so they seek to retrieve the lost life-force by manipulating other souls into releasing their life-force, be it through guile, manipulation and seduction, or through pressure, force and even violence.
In this unholy quest to set the imbalance straight again, they grow in the image of the Dark Shadows in the dark Loft, devouring and preying on others as they are preyed upon by the unseen kings of the Darkness.

Many become the costume they wear, and consider the manipulation of the invisible strings as whims of their OWN heart, acting in full agreement with these tugs on the strings.
As they merge with the costume, the brightness of their eyes assumes a flat, lifeless look of the eyes of puppets, and they gradually fade away even before they leave the costume with a one-way ticket into the Darkness.

Those who learn to see through the game and the falsehood in it, become the enemies of the state.
Life on stage has unpleasant surprises for them, as the forces of Darkness will use every occasion to blow wind in their faces.
Yet with their eyes fixed on their destiny they become manifestations of the colorful vision they were intended to be, shining their Light in the murky dark swamps on the stage of Life.

The Dark Shadows fear them, because their Faith is a Light shining in their Darkness. 
It destroys them with its presence, just as the Mighty Ones sought to destroy the presence of the Light in souls by manipulating the souls through falsehood, that they might switch the polarity of their faith and thus serve the Dark Masters of manipulation the elixir of their life-force.
They fear them, because they herald the destruction of the bulwark of the Lie they have set up on the stage, the big wheel of Lies, and when that happens they will be destroyed together with the structure they built.
It was a structure of manipulation projecting Falsehood on the screen where Truth should shine.

When the moment of the great destruction of the big wheel of Lies comes, and the strings are cut, the forces of Darkness will find themselves cut off from the stage.
Their Babylonian wheel of deception will burn until it is destroyed.

No longer having any role of significance to play on the stage, the Shadow Masters will be banned and locked into the pit beneath the stage.
For a while, until the final act closes the curtain on their game of deceit for all eternity.

They will be locked in their icy isolation chamber where they now can live in complete separation from YHWH.
As they sought to isolate YHWH's own from Life on the stage, they will find themselves isolated from real Life in Heaven for all of eternity.

The chamber of isolation was especially created for those who hate YHWH and refuse to be part of a creation where they exist as His extension.
Here, in this lone Dark chamber, they now can rule as kings and do as they please, living in the illusion of an existence separate from YHWH, a dream-existence of evil they created for themselves.
But in this meaningless Darkness where each new day is the same nightmare as the day before, who will care?

What's the point of being gods over nothing?
For the meaning of Life can be found in YHWH and in YHWH only, and without Him everything is meaningless, an exercise in futility.

In YHWH we find the reason of existence, for in experiencing His joy, the question of what the meaning of life is becomes irrelevant.
We simply want to be part of that joy for all of eternity for the sake of abiding in this joy.
The joy we have in YHWH becomes the meaning, and thus we find in Him not only the reason, but also the meaning of existence.

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