
The Timeline - III

I have explained that even though we think of time as a horizontal line stretching from the past into the future, it really is a motion through the dualistic circular rhythm of cycles.
The cycles are like circles and their end is their beginning.

Our motion through different manifestations of cycles is like walking along the rim of the 'mother-cycle' as if we endlessly are walking in the same circle, if we would view ourselves from the top.

The 'mother-cycle' is a 'concept' or 'subject', like a 'day', or a 'year', or an 'empire', and we experience the different layers of the concept or mother-cycle sequentially.
This sequential movement turns our walk around the rim of the mother-cycle into a walk on a helix where we venture through different layers, or manifestations, of the mother-cycle.

Because of the cyclic nature of time, prophecy needs to be put into the perspective of this concept of the motion through different cycles.

It should not be viewed from the perspective of a horizontal line stretching from the past into the future, because to do so is to set yourself up for misinterpretation of prophecy as well as miss out on how prophecy addresses the same sort of concepts throughout history so that one prophecy seems to refer to different events.

A prophecy may refer to one particular moment in our concept of a linear timeline, but in referring to that moment it pertains to the same moment manifesting in different cycles in what we would refer to as the timeline.

The timeline is nothing other than the motion through the same cycles repeating over and over again to provide us with different aspects of the same cycles.

In the post 'the perspective' I discussed an important key to understanding prophecy.
Prophecy is revelation which comes from Him who is not subject to our linear experience of time, YHWH.
We experience time as a linear passing of recurring and alternating cycles, like day and night, summer and winter, birth and death.
Although prophecy relates to time, it does so from the metaphysical perspective.

Although prophecy may related to one particular manifestation of a cycle ('A' in the illustration) , in addressing that particular slice it describes the 'concept' or 'mother-cycle' ('B' in the illustration), and thereby relates to all the other 'slices' or 'manifestations' of that cycle ('C', 'D', 'E' in the illustration).

It is not as if you can capture prophecy into a time-based cage and isolate it from all the other manifestations of the cycle to which the prophecy refers.

Prophecy comes from beyond time, from beyond the sequential order of different manifestations of cycles that we experience as a timeline unfolding from past into future.

To understand prophecy you have to be mindful of how YHWH relates to our existence as part of a 'timeline'.
For YHWH there is NO timeline, there is NO sequential motion through different slices or layers of cycles.
These different slices of a cycle are like different camera positions, and we experience these different views presented to us by this camera sequentially.

YHWH put us within the limitations imposed on us by our dimension in order that we might be able to go through the different layers of a 'mother-cycle' sequentially, or, to put it in different words, that we might view different 'camera registrations' of the same event in a sequential order.
We are 'glued' into a physical Body which experiences the motion through the dynamics of different cycles in a sequential order.

But for YHWH the limitations imposed by different dimensions do not exist.
He sees ALL of the cycles, ALL of the subjects, and ALL of the slices of the cycles as one big complete and finished picture.
He has an overview of this elaborate mosaic of cycles and their different slices which no one else has, not even the angels, and when He gives a prophecy it relates to the 'mother-cycle' as well as a particular manifestation of that cycle (a 'slice') which someone or a nation will go through , depending on the choice the individual or nation makes.
These choices we make are like forks in the roads within the complex structure of cycles, activating some 'slices' while steering clear of other manifestations of cycles.

YHWH has the ability not only to see the different interconnected roads within the web with a helicopter-view, He also knows the choices we shall make.
When He gives a prophecy, He puts a marker in that web of cycles at a crossroad, but it is not confined to that one crossroad, it also manifests at the same crossroads in all the other slices of the cycle to which it refers.

I have explained in the post 'the perspective' how the concept (or 'subject', or 'mother-cycle') of 'the anti-christ' is like a prism which is broken into different colors.
These different colors are like different manifestations in different cycles, and yes, 'THE anti-christ' also refers to one particular manifestation in one particular slice of the 'mother-cycle'.

Try to imagine a different view of time, not one where you walk along an imaginary line from past into future, but one where you are traveling in different experiences of different cycles.

If a cycle ends, then a 'new' cycle repeats the same path in a different yet similar incarnation.

Each night is the same in the sense that it features darkness, but each night is different in terms of how you experience it, the constellation of the stars you observe, the temperature, etc.

Instead of experiencing different cycles as positioned on a linear timeline, now try to imagine them side by side, not one following after the other, but instead the different cycles are taken out of our concept of a timeline where they were placed one after the other, and they now are positioned side by side.

Imagine that you would define these cycles by subject, so that if you would take the subject 'day' , instead of getting 30 of these 'subjects' in a sequential row on a timeline, you now get 30 subjects standing next to each other as one category not organized against and spread over a timeline.
If you do that, you get one 'mother-cycle' containing a multitude of different incarnations, one 'subject' or 'concept' which YHWH assigned a certain role in His storybook.
Just check the illustrations I showed you in the post 'the perspective', and you will have an illustration of what I am describing here.

Looking at time in the way I just described is moving a step closer to how YHWH looks at what we call time and the arrangement of different cycles in our concept of history.

You could also take the concept of 'the anti-christ', and position the different manifestations of this subject next to each other instead of being part of a sequential order progressing along a linear timeline.

When you do that, you have a view of the 'mother- cycle' of the concept of the 'anti-christ'.

This concept manifests in different ways, with different people living up to the role of 'anti-christ'.

You have one camera position which features the Antiochus IV Epiphanes-'slice', another camera  highlighting the Nero-'slice', and yet another camera focused on the Hitler-'slice'.
Different camera positions presenting us with different perspectives or 'slices' of the 'mother-cycle' or 'concept' of the 'anti-christ'.

YHWH allows us to experience all of those different 'slices' or 'camera positions' in a sequential order, and the total combination of the experience of this sequential order of  concepts linked to OTHER manifestations of concepts (all of which in turn are linked and interdependent on each other's dynamics), THAT is our experience of time and the creation of history as we know it.

Consider the concept of 'the Kingdom of Heaven', or 'the coming of Yahshua'.
Yahshua once said that the Kingdom of Heaven had come, and if we follow in His footsteps we see evidence of that statement in the form of people being healed and delivered, even raised up from the dead.
Yahshua is like the Guy who walks through a wasteland, and leaves a trail of flowers, grass and fertile land in His wake.
Before Him everything is barren, behind Him everything has turned green.

Yet if we look back through the eyes of a linear sequential experience of the timeline, we see Yahshua bringing us the Kingdom of Heaven, then He disappeared out of sight, and we are left with a trail of wars and suffering in the timeline following after Yahshua's departure.
Our time-based lens makes it seem as if Yahshua had been exaggerating with His statement, but the Truth is that He did NOT.
The Kingdom of Heaven HAD come in that particular slice of the cycle, and it manifested itself, and the next slice in that cycle features a new phase or cycle of that 'concept' or 'mother-cycle' of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The same is true for the mission of Salvation and Restoration the Messiah would bring.
Looking across a sequential order of a linear timeline it seems as if it came and went.
When Yahshua was on Earth, He brought change on the most fundamental level to people,  and even after He went back to Heaven His disciples acted in the Spirit of His mission.
Yet when they too were gone, everything slowly seemed to 'settle back to normal', with a paganized religion of Christianity pretending to carry the banner of Yahshua's mission on Earth.
It had grown into just another item in the religious catalogue of services in Babel's empire.
It seems as if the 'renaissance' was in the air for a short while, yet then followed the dualistic pattern whereby everything which begins also must have an end.

Yet if you look at it from that perspective, you are relating to Yahshua's work of Salvation and the prophecies concerning His work as a TIME-BASED event, while in fact that is not the proper perspective.
The Truth is that we live in a realm where repeating cycles are organized and experienced as separated blocks along a 'timeline', while in fact the blocks are part of one and the same event.
This block is broken up into different incarnations, all too often with 'gaps' between the different 'slices'.

These blocks are part of a structure which tells a story, and this story is not organized in a time-based linear fashion, but it is organized by subjects in the story-line.

Our experience of this story-line is caused by a sequential motion through the story-line.
To us it looks as if the story-line is spread out across 'a timeline' so that familiar elements incorporated in the story seem to re-occur time and again.
Yet this re-occurence is caused by the fact that we experience different layers of cycles sequentially, like different layers of one and the same phenomenon being peeled off and spread out across (or 'catalogued into') a timeline.

The two cycles or slices of the 'concept' or 'mother-cycle' of the 'Kingdom of Heaven' I just described are part of one and the same event, and the time between the different incarnations of the cycles or slices really is irrelevant, a side-effect of the sequential motion through different cycles whereby the dynamic of one cycle is shaped by the dynamics of another, and both are dependent on each other to produce the right setting for the next manifestation of a slice of the cycle.
The separation between the different incarnations or stages of the concept is experienced by us as a time-related phenomenon, whereby one stage is split from the other by means of a 'gap' in the timeline, so that slice one occurs in the year zero, and slice two in the year 2024 (for instance).

The distance between the different slices is caused by the sequential experience of them.
One slice may be placed at nr. 264 in the catalogue of different cycles (which is equivalent to year 4 BC for example), while the next slice is placed at number 963 in that same catalogue (which is equivalent to the year 2016 for example).
This gap between nr. 264 and nr. 963 exists ONLY because of the fact that we process the different slices sequentially.
Assigning an event of cycle a place into the timeline is the equivalent of placing it into a sequential order of a catalogue.

The different cycles or 'slices' have different incarnations, and the final cycle is the crowning cycle, embodying everything the particular 'phenomenon' or 'mother-cycle' stands for.
For this reason the final 'anti-christ' will also be the crowning incarnation of the concept of the 'anti-christ', one who is completely and utterly set up as a vehicle of Evil to become man's 'anti-salvation'.

The Salvation and Restoration Yahshua brings have already come.
In our time-based perspective we can see the evidence of that in His first coming.
What we would refer to as His first and His second coming is really part of one and the same event manifesting in two different incarnations which we experience in terms of time-related events as Yahshua's first coming in approximately the year zero (a little before that), and His second coming at some point which is still future to us.
Just as the final 'anti-christ' will be the ultimate manifestation of the concept of the 'anti-christ', the extreme embodiment of Evil, Yahshua's second coming will be the crowning manifestation of the concept of His work of Salvation and Restoration.

We experience this a timeline featuring Yahshua's first coming, after which everything seemed to return to business as it always had been, followed by Yahshua's second coming somewhere in the future.
Yet this 'gap' we see in the timeline between the first and second coming is caused by the fact that we have been positioned in an interplay between the dynamics of different cycles, where the manifestation of a next slice of a cycle is dependent on the setting of the right dynamics by other cycles.
I will discuss the presence of these 'time-gaps' in the next part.

I cannot stress sufficiently the importance of learning to look through the eyes of the storyline YHWH created instead of approaching His prophecy from a linear time-based perspective.
Because we are born as part of a timeline we all tend to relate to everything from the perspective of the idea of a timeline.
However, to understand prophecy and how prophecy works you HAVE to learn to look through a different lens, NOT one which is rooted in a linear time-based perspective, but one which looks through the perspective of the storyline and how it manifests in different cycles spread out one after another across a timeline, cycles which are like different layers of one and the same subject in the storyline.

A timeline is nothing other than an orderly event-catalogue arranged by sequence, while the storyline is arranged by subject.
Prophecy refers to the storyline, and relates it to the event-catalogue we refer to as our timeline.
The focus in prophecy is first and foremost on the storyline and the subjects in it.

Consider the appointed dates of YHWH's Feasts; are they fixed within a timeline?
You may say 'yes' because they refer to set days in set months, but all of these days belonging to the months are made dependent on cycles of the moon, just as the beginning new year was dependent on the cycle of the harvest of the barley in combination with the cycle of the moon.
This clearly indicates that the occurence of the cycle of the Feast days depends on cycles and the manifestation of the right dynamics of other cycles.

Furthermore, was the prophetic content of these Feast days fulfilled during each consecutive year?
The prophetic content could manifest ONLY when the dynamics of the other cycles had the correct setting.
ALL the other years when the prophetic content could not yet manifest were like dress-rehearsals pointing 'forward' and 'backward' across the concept of a timeline.
Of course this 'pointing forward and backward across time' is a pointing to the 'slices' where the prophetic content was fulfilled. 

As such the Feast days are NOT time-based events, but CYCLE-RELATED events.
The 'fruit of the prophetic content' of a cycle can be brought forth ONLY in the right season.
The content can manifest only when the dynamics of the other cycles is right, just as fruit can grow only during a particular cycle of the month-cycle, namely the month which produces the right dynamic setting for the fruit to mature. 

If you approach prophecy from a time-based perspective, then surely John was completely mistaken when he wrote that he was living in the last hour.
After all, a last hour which extends itself for 2000 years can hardly be called a last hour, can it?

But, John was right, he really WAS living in the last hour, the final stages of one particular cycle right before the complete restoration of all things.
We live in that SAME last hour, yet in a different manifestation of it.
We look at the same anti-christ as John, the anti-christ which was expected, who has come, who is, and who will come.
'Has', 'is', 'will', these are markers pertaining to OUR sequential motion through the dynamics of cycles, and we call the moment where we are conscious of our motion 'the present', from whence we look  into the past and the future of a timeline.

That 'last hour' is a description of a cycle, a layer of a phenomenon, and although we do not live in the same 'layer' or 'slice' as John, we DO live in the same 'phenomenon', the 'last hour'.
This 'last hour', although in our experience the different 'camera registrations' of this concept are spread out sequentially across a timeline, and although the ultimate manifestation is embedded within that timeline, is a cycle which has and which will manifest itself.
John was witness to one 'camera position' highlighting an aspect of the 'anti-christ', we witness another 'camera position' of the same 'anti-christ'.

You see, in YHWH's eyes and in terms of the storyline of man's Fall and Restoration, time is irrelevant.
The sensation of time is produced by the motion through a sequential order of different 'slices' of a 'mother-cycle'.
Time is just a way of experiencing different cycles or layers of one and the same phenomenon.

The 2000 years between Yahshua's first  and second coming are irrelevant, because it is the effect produced by living in a Body which is set up to process the motion through different cycles in a sequential linear way.
Yahshua's Restoration comes from an Origin which does not move through cyclic manifestations featuring a beginning and an end.
The Restoration manifests in the cyclic realm, yet it will lift us up out of the cyclic movement to become a permanent lasting manifestation.

After all, the dualistic rhythm has its roots in the fact that YHWH created an impossible situation where 'that which is not', 'Evil', can exist.
Out of this artificially engineered situation Dualism came into existence to produce the alternation between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, that 'which is' vs. that 'which is not', the rhythm of Dualism.

Dualism dictates that everything which has a beginning must have an end.
Our restoration unto YHWH, in Whom there is no dualistic rhythm of a beginning and an end, means that WE are lifted out of the dualistic rhythm so that we no longer experience  the dualistic cyclic movement of 'plus and minus'.
The good news of Dualism is that the things which are subject to its rhythm are destined to end just as they began.
This means that Babel's reign over and exploitation of man and her colonization of Earth is determined to end just as it began, since it exists by the grace of Dualism.

For YHWH the whole concept of 'different slices' of 'mother-cycles' as different 'camera positions' manifesting in a sequential timeline does not exist.
He does not exist in a dimensional limitation of time like we do.
Our sequential narrative is one complete finished picture to Him.
All the different 'slices', which are like 'layers' of a cycle, are viewed by Him as one complete cycle, a view which transcends all dimensional limitations.
YHWH wrote the book, and it exists in His mind as one complete finished entity.
For this reason prophets often described future events in the past tense, as if they had happened already.

We are moved through the sequential experience of the storyline of the book, chapter by chapter, and our physical Body is the vehicle designed for the sequential processing of the different layers of cycles.
The dynamics produced by the cycles form a picture of the 'physical reality' we are familiar with, a very limited picture with a limited concept of reality, yet serving its purpose very well.

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