
The Junction

How do we define a human being, as he is at a given point in time, or as he eventually will be, the end result?
How do we consider the quality of a piano, do we take some point in the production process and define it as the piano and judge the piano for what it is at that point, or do we assess the end result and view the entire process leading up to it as just a 'process of becoming'?
All too often we see people judging each other based on the negative points in the 'production process', but surely just as we would not want to be defined as the collection of moments of our Sins, a true and just judgment should the kind where the end product is assessed for what it truly is.

YHWH sees us as we will be, the perfected person devoid of all Sin.
Our Sins in this Life, our moments of weakness, our pain and grief, all are part of the production process leading to the forgiven, cleansed and perfected individual.
He see it all as one, and because we made the choice to love and serve our Heavenly Father and renew that choice each day, that choice set the production process to the perfect man/woman in motion which leads to the end result, and as is the case with any product or any piece of art, it is the end result which is assessed and by means of which the 'process of becoming' is turned in either valuable, or a waste of time.

YHWH does not define us as the collection of our shortcomings during our production process, arbitrary points in a timeline, but He sees us as we are in our perfected end state as well as the process leading up to it standing in service of the finished product, an all-in-one picture and not a linear progression along a timeline.
All we need to do is to make the choice to love YHWH and believe in His Yeshua, and stand by that choice.
YHWH is the one using the carving tools to cut away the obstacles between Him and us, thus etching out a new Man truly in His image without any distortion of Sin creating a dualistic divided being.

This also is true for our world and Mankind: our current position in history is part of the production process, and the end product will be the new Earth and the new Heavens, as well as the new perfected Man.
Today is part of the production process, and YHWH sees us as we will be, just as He sees our world as it will be.
Evil has no place in a perfect Creation because it will not be dualistic in nature, and so the Adversary knows that his only opportunity lies within the production process.
If he is able to sabotage it, maybe even change it so that the outcome will be different, then he truly has shown everyone that he is superior to YHWH.
If he cannot sabotage it successfully, be sure that he will try to destroy the production line to prevent the end product from coming into existence.

ALWAYS bear in mind the objective of our Adversary, because if you know his intentions you know why he dangles his phony carrots in front of his own ilk on Earth, why he tries to move them in a certain direction.
The Satan does not want the best for Mankind, quite the contrary.
He wants to take the energy out of this Creation and use it to build up his own version, his own order, his own version of Mankind.
In his arrogance he believes he has the creativity and the know-how to make it happen, even though his experiments in the past failed miserably.
The Adversary wants our Life-force and our Souls, and then destroy us.

There is no grand paradise for the Satanist, there is no new world order, it was all a Lie.
The Lie was meant to draft idiots in service of his agenda, and since he has a deep contempt for Man he sends his own seed into this world, inspiring them to drag idiots along in service of the Satanic agenda, which is the destruction of Man, the destruction of the natural order of this world as created by YHWH.
He hates YHWH so much he was to get rid of anything made in His image, and since YHWH allowed Man to go through the phase of the Fall to Sin in order to use it to make him ready for the next phase, a renewed Creation, the Adversary aims to take man through the phase of drafting him into servitude to Evil in order to build a new Man out of him, destroying the image of YHWH and building an image unto the Satan.
The Satan hates YHWH, and he hates YHWH's image in Creation.

I had a dream a week ago, and in this dream I was aware of a World War coming to my hometown, but even though the threat was imminent and about to break loose, the news media and the people were too preoccupied with their distractions of sports and entertainment to notice it.
Or rather, they did sense it, but they simply buried their heads in the sand of oblivion.
In this dream the cyclists of the Tour de France cheered on by the crowd were cycling by as the big war followed in their wake, and no sooner had they passed by I asked the people whether or not the war was about to begin when I had to run for shelter because the war had indeed begun, and what seemed to be tear gas bombs were thrown in the trenches with the gas spreading out so that no one could see due to the thick presence of the gas, and I had to run with my eyes closed, unable to see where I was going.

I think it may have been 'just a dream', nothing of a prophetic nature, but I do know that we are in extremely dangerous territory right now, and the sad thing is that the media acts like there is not a cloud in the sky and that everything will always be as it has been.
Wrong, nothing will be as it used to be.
The landscape is changing, and something big is right around the corner.

The Adversary knows, and he will do everything in his power to obstruct the big change, even if it means destroying all of Mankind.
That is the big danger we are facing, the possibility that the Adversary upon sensing he is about to lose important battles and the work of progress he made decides to unleash the horrors of a nuclear war upon Mankind so that the planet becomes uninhabitable.
Or maybe he deems it to be the right time for the alien deception.
Let there be no mistake about it, he still has a few tricks up his sleeve, alternate roadmaps in case plan A runs into a brick wall.

The dream I had was a warning of what can happen if the people are so caught up with the lies of the media that they are led astray into voting for the Satan's candidate, Clinton.
I thought it was just a dream, but just now YHWH put it in my heart it was a warning for what is coming IF people remains asleep and vote for Evil.
If people remain caught up with their entertainment and their fixation on the established media to the point where the Satanic candidate is elected, the resulting fog of lies and deceit will obscure all vision and Truth no longer can be seen because the fog of the Lie will deprive it from our sight and take it away from us.
The only Truth we will know then will be the Truth we always have known and been intimate with in our hearts.
And those who have born witness to that Truth will have to run and hide, seeking for Truth within themselves only, running for their lives because the dreaded war has come. 
/End Edit. 

It is hard to believe that any US president would be insane enough to risk a nuclear war with Russia, but that is exactly the kind of insanity we are facing today.
There is too much at stake for the globalist movers and shakers to let an outsider like Trump get in their way.
Furthermore, the dirty details which have been kept out of the sight of the public are in fear of coming to light.
Add to this a fragile economy, a bank like the Deutsche Bank shaking on its foundation, and you have a cocktail which may just provide enough impetus for the globalists to do the unimaginable thing.

I do not know how many are aware of what is at stake, but I hope that  a large number of US citizens have been able to notice how almost all political choices they were offered in the past have been nothing but a scam, a phony exercise in democracy.
Whether Republican of Democrat, it did not matter, because almost all the candidates you were presented as a choice were owned by those who bought their allegiance, puppet masters with the financial means to make things happen and to stop other things from happening.

The puppet masters have positioned their own people, who support their Satanic agenda, in positions of authority, and now they are facing an obstacle in the form of an outsider, Trump.
Somehow he managed to rise up through the ranks of the Republican party, even though many Republicans are equally in the pocket of the globalists.
They try to move Heaven and Earth to turn everyone against the obstacle in order to remove it from the scene, yet somehow they keep failing even though they have availed themselves of their share of treacherous serpents in the Republican party rank.
I am sure it has not escaped your attention how the entire established media network  has been mobilized against Trump, with only a few exceptions.
It shows the power the globalists have gathered and how they do not hesitate to promote lies and deceit if it benefits their objectives.
The established media is just one big commercial for the Satanic agenda using whatever unscrupulous means at their disposal to make sure the Satanic agenda is moved forward.

These globalists are without conscience and without any regard for democratic principles, so do not be surprised that they WILL try to rig the election.
And the easiest way to rig the election is by means of software.
Because of the powerbase they have built up and the people they successfully have put in positions of authority the globalists will NEVER let someone like Trump get in the way at this crucial point.
Imagine the damage he could do to them!
And behind the scenes on a different plane of reality the Adversary knows he cannot have Trump stand in his way, because he is running out of time very fast.

The next hurdle to watch out for are the upcoming US elections.
You can be sure attempts will be made to rig the election in favor of the Jezebel witch.
If the Jezebel boys do not hesitate to organize violent anti-Trump rallies they will use whatever means at their disposal to make sure their queen will sit on the throne.

When criminals are elected in positions of legislative authority they will change the laws to reflect what they are at heart.
Then the laws, which previously may have been based on the distinction between Good and Evil, come to reflect Evil and thus will become enabling elements for the powers of Evil.
What's more, the laws become a tool to enforce compliancy with Evil, which means that they are turned into a weapon against all those who love Good.
In other words, the laws will be used to prosecute those who love Good, those who love Yahshua.

The USA is at the crossroads where the mightiest nation on Earth is able to elect a criminal Obama/Clinton syndicate into the White House.
This effectively means the entire world will be in the hands of a criminal syndicate, and as always, criminals will have no qualms about using violence to enforce their will.
That violence will most assuredly include war, a nuclear World War.
So this November there is much more at stake than just an American election, the fate of this entire world is determined in November, and it is imperative for the entire world to make sure there will be no election fraud.
Yes, election fraud is a very real danger in Divided States of America.

IF however, in spite of the attempts to rig the votes, the election does not yield the desired results in terms of letting the witch rule of the world, then the next hurdle will be to watch out for Obama's moves, because you can be certain he will do his best to create the circumstances which will allow him to remain in the White House.
This implies war, cold, calculated, and with complete disregard for human Life.
IF that hurdle is passed and somehow through YHWH's intervention no war could take place, Trump has to be very, extremely careful to take the necessary precautions for his own safety, because he will become a target, there WILL be a price on his head, and he WILL be in need of divine protection at all times.
Yes, this IS war, it is the final war of Good against Evil.

If anything, Trump's presence has had an absolute amazing effect in terms of unmasking the traitors and sell-outs.
I have a Yahoo email address, and, like CNN, it is stunning to be confronted with the constant barrage of lop-sized monotonous 'news items' attempting to put Trump in a negative light.
If you want Truth, avoid the media, and turn off your TV and radio, because they are nothing but propaganda channels for the agenda of special interest groups and the Dark Force inspiring those groups.
YHWH used Trump to delineate and unmask the puppets of the Adversary, and He could not have done a better job.
But then again, that's YHWH, perfect, clever and bold in all His ways, my Father and my Hero.

There is so much at stake right now.
The war has begun years ago, but it is building up and intensifying continually.
If anything I would like to see a peacemaker on the throne of the USA.
The reason why globalists focus on the USA is very simple: the USA is the only superpower in today's world, and if you manage to get into the position where you own that power it becomes your fist by means of which you can shake up this world and shape it in accordance with your own wishes.
That is what has happened with Obama in charge and the lackeys he appointed in positions of authority.

The possibility of this war breaking out in all its ugliness and morphing into a nuclear conflict is very real, and the coming three months will be crucial.
The important thing to bear in mind is this: the globalists with the Fallen Ones as their spiritual Devil gods do NOT have free reign on this Earth.
If that were the case you and I would not be here.
YHWH binds and obstructs the Evil One in his ways, and he is limited by what YHWH ordains.

We see that reflected in our society where certain news reporters are NOT owned by globalists, certain companies have a man with a good heart in charge, certain schools have a teacher who makes an important difference in the lives of his students.
On the other hand, in today's world Evil has grown to such proportions that it literally is everywhere since it has infiltrated all levels of society and put its own straw men and straw women in positions of authority.
We need to remind ourselves that although Evil appoints its own in positions of authority, those who are in a lower rank outnumber the ones in higher ranks.
We CAN say NO when we desire to do so, it all depends on you.

Don't stare yourselves blind on the puppets acting out their agendas and idiosyncrasies, keep your eyes focused on the movers and shakers behind the scenes, the Fallen Ones, for they hold the strings of the puppets.
They are the ones trying to steer Mankind towards complete and utter self-destruction.
Don't forget that their aim is to blot out YHWH's image in Creation and replace it with their own image, the image of Evil.
If they cannot have their way, know for sure they WILL try to wipe out humanity from the face of this planet.
When that happens Earth will come to resemble Mars.
'If we can't have it, YOU can't have it'.
But the Adversary forgets how YHWH  moves in unforeseen ways, and He will act for the sake of His own.

However, upon the heads of the Western nations rests a terrible unresolved bloodguilt which cries out for justice, and that is why YHWH put it on my heart to write the following warning.

What Hitler did to the Jews, you do today to the defenseless unborn.
You deny them the right to live and kill them while they still are in their womb thinking nothing of it, calling it 'pro-choice'.
Were those little children given a right to choose, where they voices listened to and considered, were their lives thought of as an enrichment, were they deemed welcome into this world?
Did YHWH not instruct us 'thou shalt not kill', and yet when the Life is still in the womb you turn your back on this commandment and destroy the ones who are not able to defend themselves against you, the little ones who have not done any harm to anyone?

You who promote immorality and destroy what YHWH has sanctified, do you call that slavery to the corruption of the Flesh freedom?
You prepare a place of honor in your midst for the adulterators and idolaters, and call it good?
You validate those who harbor Evil in their hearts and bestow honors and medals on them as if they are the epitome of Good?

The shepherds eat the flock, selling the sheep for their own profit and live comfortably at the expense of those in charge of them, opening to gates of the pasture so that wolves can get in and devour whatever they desire, should this pass unnoticed to our Creator, should He close his eyes and stop his ears and sanction this Evil?
You trample the poor and turn your heads the other way when the homeless walks on the streets where you live as if they do not exist?
Some of them lost everything because of the blows dealt to them by the Satan's ilk, and they are despised, looked down upon, even abused by the truly Evil among you, and YHWH should not be the Avenger of the injustice done to them?
You enrich yourself and acquire more luxury with each day even when it comes at the expense of your fellow man?

Why do you not purge yourself and turn back from the  multitude of your Sins, why do you refuse to repent, why do you persist in your Sins?
The hardness of your heart turns your iniquities into a perpetual stumbling block, and you will be judged by YHWH for it.
That is why your freedom shall be taken from you and the blood you spilled shall be avenged on the day when YHWH pronounces His Judgment upon you.
As you exercised your choice to do Evil, so shall YHWH choose to bring Evil upon your own head.
As you have done, so shall it be done unto you.
Today YHWH is separating the wolves from the sheep, and woe to those who feasted upon the lambs, for their end shall be bitter and have no sweetness in it for all eternity.
The day shall come when you will curse the day you were born into this world.

"All you beasts of the field, come to devour - all you beasts in the forest.
His watchmen are blind; they are all ignorant;
they are all dumb dogs; they cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
The dogs have a mighty appetite; they never have enough.
Theyshepherds also have no understanding;
they have all turned to their own way, each to his own gain, one and all.
'Come,' they say, 'let us get wine; let us fill ourselves with strong drink;
and tomorrow will be like this day, great beyond measure.'"
Isaiah 56.9-12

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