
The Identity Killer

It sounds like an Evil thing, but it can be a Good thing depending on your perspective.
It is Good to destroy an Evil identity, and it is Evil to do the same with a Good identity, although I am sure die hard Satanists will disagree.
Yet an outward identity of Good is not always as good as one might think, especially when it becomes a denial mechanism, a shield of resistance against YHWH.
So too the many cultural religious identities may seem quite noble on the outside, but it is not the outside which matters but what is on the inside.

Whether it is Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Jehovah Witnesses, Hebrew Roots Movement, Evangelicals, it really makes no difference.
You will find Truth in all of them as well as specific ideological idiosyncrasies.
All of them have one thing in common: they can become Satanic traps designed to absorb you into an adopted and/or imposed religious identity to create an illusion of Goodness.
All you do is repeat the mantras, put the left foot in front of the right like all the others, and move like they do.
And voila, you have become a typical representation of the denomination you have sold out to, a living icon in the stained glass reverse reality of this world.

But that is not what YHWH intended when He gave the Hebrews His instructions on how we should live.
Those instructions were nothing other than practical guidelines to make sure they would stay out of harm's way and in touch with YHWH's beneficial way.
He gave us these instructions like a loving father would advise his son to do certain things, and make sure NOT to do other things.
It is a love inspired relationship between Him and us what He wants, not a religious dress-up circus.
The religious circus was invented by Lucy to dumb us down and reduce us to a bunch of ignoramuses lost in a religious contraption, a wheel of deception.

Judaism in its various sub-denominational expressions is no exception to the rule.
I know there are Christians who put anyone with the label Jew on a pedestal just as there are others who will condemn anyone associated with the label of 'the Jew', but let me remind you that as is the case with anything else, there are Jews inclined to what is Good, and Jews who are inclined to what is Evil, this should be self-evident.
Don't think that the religious garb is what distinguishes one group from the other, because you will find Jews inclined to what is Good who do not appear religious at all, and you will find Jews inclined to what is Evil dressed up as rabbis.

All of the many different religious denominations in Christianity as well as Judaism have in common that underneath the label you will find Satanists as well as those whose hearts are inclined towards Good.
When any true man of YHWH appears, instantly the great divide between the two camps makes itself felt.
Invariably the man of YHWH will be loved by one group instantly, while the other group hates him for what he is.
One group uses their denomination as a guideline, a pointer to help them find their way back to YHWH, the other group is trapped in the religious identity of the denomination.
The latter dresses up as Good in order to appear as Good, because that is the only Good they will ever be since their lord is the Satan.

Identity labels belonging to particular (religious) group can turn someone into a vicious brutal murderer thinking of himself as a saint.
Recently Brussels made headlines again with a new terrorist attack.
It was just a matter of time before this one would happen, and it is not the last, nor the fiercest attack.
The worst is yet to come, and by then (finally) people will be shocked to realize that we really no longer live in peace but that we are at war, not only with a religiously inspired enemy but also with their political collaborators in office today.

Be sure to remember that not only are the terrorists to blame, ALSO our political leaders who have rolled out the red carpet for the terrorists and coddled them by means of the money of hardworking man in the street!
Our political leaders are traitors seeking to safeguard their own welfare first, even if it requires that they help to destroy the nation given into their care, don't forget that.
They set the door WIDE open to facilitate an invasion of our nations by people many of which pretend to be refugees, yet which turn out to be demanding, arrogant liars and criminals.
Many reports have appeared in the media about the double-faced refugee which does not behave like any refugee at all, but rather comes in to destroy, threaten and attack the ones who help them, just read some of the reports about well-meaning but naive volunteers who have helped them.
That is not the behavior of a war victim at all.

Merkel's love babies turn out to be quite vicious, and the woman STILL stubbornly keeps the doors WIDE open, destroying the entire German nation and with her power and influence also the other nations in Europe, also thanks to our spineless collaborative political traitors.
They eat up the people who gave them their vote and donate their hard-earned income to invaders who proceed to steal, rape and kill, the injustice of this situation cries out to Heaven!
And when a victim on the Muslim brutality protests he is depicted as an extremist, truly the ultimate reversal of justice where the victim of the crime is demonized and the offender glorified and rewarded.

But of course it fits SO nicely in the political agenda to create chaos and confusion which call out for active intervention by the powers that be!
That is the moment when they can make a big show of their altruism and appropriate whatever freedom is left.
And that is how Brussels ends up as the great totalitarian dictator, the illegitimate offspring of momma Soviet Union.

I understand that the notion of a big conspiracy can sound like the imagination of a paranoid psychotic individual, let alone when I mention that in the most fundamental sense it is all about a conspiracy which originates in another dimension where Fallen Beings have their domain.

But when we objectively look at what has occurred here in Europe, how hordes of migrants have been imported under a politically protected flag while MANY reports from different people working in different capacities have indicated that there is something very wrong with the imported asylum seekers, how there are many video clips of refugees showing evidence of arrogant ungrateful degenerates making outrageous demands on us as they misbehave on all levels, and if we then take into account how our political leaders whose first primary objective should be to guard over our national security keep the borders OPEN in the face of imminent danger which is tantamount to complete insanity, even worse, they continue to import Muslims into our nations KNOWING that they still are facing HUGE problems originating from the current Muslim community and KNOWING that they cannot check the background of each migrant adequately and that terrorist groups like ISIS have announced they would infiltrate our nations in order to destroy them from within, if we consider how reports of mass rapes and plunderings have flooded in and our leaders demand we show tolerance and welcome the responsible hoodlums in our midst, then this is such a large pile of evidence pointing in the direction of ulterior motives on the part of our political leaders that it is IMPOSSIBLE to deny that something else is going on, something which may seem hard to believe but nevertheless all the evidence points in that one direction: we are ruled by sell-outs who have betrayed their nations for the sake of pleasing the agenda of certain other parties which have no regard for democratic principles.
And when that happens then our political leaders do not represent the people, but they represent the interest of an oligarchy, stake holders who seek to manipulate events in order to derive benefit from it.
They are driven by certain agendas and dare not go against the flow, following the carrot dangling in front of them just as the ones who dangle the carrot are driven to realize a particular agenda which will benefit them, so they believe.
They forget that just as they dangle a carrot in front of their political workhorses they are following after a carrot of deception as well, because ultimately there will be no place for them in the new world order either.

Honestly, we should not accept this political scam any longer, and it is high time we ditch the current crop of traitors because, whereas they should represent US, they represent the terrorist enabling agenda of sick social engineers.
We need to kick Merkel, Hollande, Rutte and their ilk OUT of office, because what they are responsible for and what they continue to do in their unbridled arrogance is tantamount to organized crime.
And it should be obvious by now that the political left wing who always have been and still are in support of the Muslim import are completely bankrupt when it comes to supporting the ideals they have upheld in the past.
They lied and continue to lie on a daily basis.
They are just another variety of sick degenerate Evil hypocrites.

The latest round of terrorism comes as no surprise, and it is nothing compared to what is coming down the pike in the near future.
And you have your political sell-outs to thank for it.
Don't think Schiphol, Den Haag, Berlin or London are safe from any terrorist attack, nor will the Vatican continue to enjoy peace and tranquility.

But aside from this political treason which always succeeds to infuriate me because of the insolence, arrogance and hypocrisy, if we look at the cold-blooded murders which happened in Brussels (and I would even go as far as labeling the attacks as mass murder by proxy at the hands of our political traitors),  can you imagine how anyone can commit murder, slaughtering innocent people and then be happy and sleep well the night after the murder?
The only way someone is able to do that is by means of a mental/spiritual wall which shields them from their conscience.
The moment anyone indulges in such Evil is the moment when YHWH becomes his enemy.
He pursues him with His Ruach HaKodesh, His Spirit, the Spirit which brings joy, love and life to those who seek YHWH and the same Spirit which reduces Evil Demons to fearful blubbering wimps because of the fierceness of His Light.

The only way a terrorist is able to sleep at night after murdering innocent people is if he completely buries himself in the artificial identity which grew out of his belief.
By means of the murder that identity has built a much greater, thicker wall around itself, thereby providing the terrorist the means to escape the inner pain and conflict resulting from transgressing YHWH's commandments.
The terrorist thinks he finds freedom behind that big wall of the implanted identity, which in the case of Islam is the Muslim identity, yet the wall really is the enclosure of his prison.
He will never be able to go beyond that wall, no, even worse, he is doomed to keep building it up higher and higher, thicker and thicker, immersing himself to an ever increasing degree in the implanted religious identity.
But that process is finite, and if the terrorist stubbornly keeps living in the denial of his guilt there will come a moment when his Body will fall away and the wall around his identity comes crumbling down.
And he will react as he has always done: flee from the pain of the Light into the Outer Darkness, and there will he find his eternal prison, the Outer Darkness which he chose during his life on Earth, the Darkness he thought of as his home because of the presence of the painful Light.
But once he is trapped in that eternal Darkness the agony will be relentless and unceasing, because that is the moment when he realizes that the pain he ascribed to the Light did not come from the Light, but it was caused by his denial, the false identity he used as a shield.
The pain came from the Darkness, and now he is trapped forever.

This principle of denial by means of the adoption of a cultural/religious identity is the reason why gang initiations often require that the initiated murders an innocent human being.
The resulting force of guilt will drive the initiate to seek shelter in the identity of the gang where he gets approval and support for his embrace of the identity of Darkness.
Thus the initiate imprisons himself in the implanted identity of the gang, he becomes 'one of them', doomed to remain in that prison forever.
Coming out of that prison means facing up to the Light which haunts and torments him, and that Light will kill him.
Or rather, that Light will kill his identity, yet because he immersed his Soul in that identity he will feel the pain of dying which the identity experiences.

All of us are born in Sin and acquire an identity of Sin which grows within us and seeks to imprison us forever.
The process of Salvation means you accept that this part of you must be destroyed if you want to have intimacy with YHWH's Light, and it is a painful process.
Before we can live we must die.
But the joy of being set free from the slavery of the identity of Sin brings so much joy that we are willing to experience those painful moments when we feel our 'old self' is dying just to be able to receive more of the joy of the freedom we find in Yahshua.
We sacrifice our old self and let it die in order receive a new restored self which will live forever and know no Evil.

So any initiate into a gang cult is doomed to become a prisoner of the gang culture by virtue of the initiation rite, something which you also find in the ranks of Satanism.
You merge your Soul with the implanted cultural identity, and the guilt over what you have done, the crime you committed as part of the initiation rite, becomes the motor which drives you to seek shelter behind the great big wall around the implanted identity, over and over again.
Some end up destroying themselves completely, a few are given the privilege to repent.
This means that they are willing to accept the 'punishment' of the Ruach HaKodesh, which implies they experience the death of a part of them so that they can be set free and find forgiveness and consolation, and a new identity which only Yahshua can give them.

The implanted identity of Sin is not a static programming solely based on data residing in our physical brain.
It is an identity which is energized by a Dark Evil Spirit, and the more we run from YHWH into the comfort of the cultural implanted identity, the more we are infiltrated by an Evil Spirit which helps us strengthen and build up the wall around our Evil identity.
That Evil Spirit is like a false savior 'liberating' us from YHWH's Spirit, at least, that is how it appears to those who seek comfort in the presence of that Spirit.
That Evil Spirit really is a predatory Spirit which not only locks us into the prison it creates within us, but it also drains our life-force from our Spirit and appropriates our Soul.
YHWH's Spirit appears like the enemy to those believing in the lies of the Evil Spirit which fosters the 'inmate identity' we use for escape, but that Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, is really the Spirit which destroys the prison wall in order to set us free.
That Spirit wants to liberate us from a predatory Spirit which drains us and exploits us for its purpose, a purpose born out of the dualistic principle, and we can only be liberated and find true freedom if we succumb and give ourselves over to YHWH's Spirit.

Yahshua is the great liberator from all implanted artificial cultural identities.
Whether it is the identity of Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism or any other '-ism', Yahshua saves us from them all and gives us a true new identity which is real and organic, an identity born from the Spirit and which is free from bondage to Sin, free to experience YHWH's Light and Love in unprecedented ways.

As I have written in the past, we can choose two kinds of freedom: freedom from YHWH to do Evil, or freedom from Evil to do Good.
But the former freedom is really bondage masked as freedom, because Evil by its nature will never set anyone free, including the Satan.
The Satan to is a slave to his Evil instinct and doomed to live in the shackles he forged for himself, the shackles which keep him bound to an identity which rose out of the principle of Dualism and which can never truly be an independent free identity because of that.
At best the Satan can only hope to continue to build up walls for all eternity, and that is not freedom, those walls are the walls of his prison.

Don't be like him, but rather endure the pain of dying in order to receive the joy of living.
You either succumb to the Evil identity killer which seeks to keep you out of reach of your true self which you will find in Yahshua, or you give yourself up to the Good Identity Killer, the Ruach HaKodesh, who destroys the Evil slave driver of the identity of Sin in order to set you free and make you heirs of eternal Life and Joy.

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