
The Chess Game

YHWH is the complete opposite of Babel, exactly as He has designed it to be.
YHWH cannot lie.
Babel on the other hand, being the embodiment of Evil, seeks to dominate Truth by wrapping it in a blanket of lies.
This is why there is a war between Truth and the Lie in this world; they are the black and white fields of the chessboard.
Babel operates through the Lie, YHWH operates through Truth.

"And that makes Him inferior.
For if the Lie can show itself to be superior to Truth by causing the reality built by the bricks of Lies to prevail over a reality of Truth, then clinging to an inferior tool is a sign of weakness and stunted intelligence.
And that is why I am is better equipped to rule over Creation than YHWH, because I am able to select the right tool for the job at hand without letting some misguided notion cloud my perception.
If YHWH wants to create, by all means He should do so, but to rule over what has been created requires a different set of practical skills, skills which I have, skills I find lacking in YHWH."

And yet, oddly enough, in spite of this perceived weakness by Babel and her Shadows, YHWH always has managed to succeed in His purpose and accomplish what He set out to do.
How is that possible then?

"Yeah well, if you go around destroying what others try to build up then it is easy to proclaim yourself successful!
Just send a flood to wipe away what the competition has built.
How convenient!
You simply eliminate the competition!"

Babel did not want to be reminded of her failures, it makes her angry.
She does not see failures.
Instead, she sees opportunities where she turned what initially seemed like a failure into a success afterwards.

Every action on YHWH's part is followed by a reaction on Babel's part so that a play of Shadows unfolds whereby each component has Shadow-components designed to isolate and neutralize the component.

This is why YHWH's title 'El' or 'Eloah', Mighty (One), suffered from identity theft when Babel used the title to introduce herself to man as their god, just as she took the plural Elohim, which refers to YHWH's different manifestations in Creation, to present her army of Shadows to the people on Earth as the mighty ones, elohim, the gods you find in mythology.

This is why the re-emergence of the name YHWH in the mouths of people is followed by the rise of the pronunciation of the name as 'Yahovah' or 'Yehovah', so that through the link with the Hebrew word 'hovah' a reference to the Evil One is created.

This is why Babel turned 'Eloah' into 'Allah', filled this 'Allah' concept with ideological content in her own image in order to create a battering ram against YHWH's plans, and then proceeded to force people into slavery to this package of Falsehood.
And how it pleases her to have established a link to the Hebrew word for 'curse', 'alah', as you can find in Daniel 9.11.
Whenever the air is filled with the cry 'Allahu akbar', 'Allah' (or rather, 'Babel') is greater, the Shadow world puffs up with great pride over the success of Babel's move.

This is why YHWH's plan to reconnect His people to their Hebrew roots is countered by Babel's pseudo-component, where she seeks to capture people in a straightjacket of a religious and cultural Hebrew identity centered in Davidic dances, Hebrew dress, Hebrew speech, a cultural deception designed to thwart YHWH's restoration plan.

This is why the re-discovery of YHWH's Torah, where individuals are accepting YHWH's instructions because they recognize the love of their Father when He gave them these instructions for their own well-being, is followed by a return to the bondage to a religious shell placed around the 'law of the Torah' where individuals meticulously make sure to conform to the religious shell of expectations, because they fear missing out on the blessings if they fail to act precisely according to the law.

This is why Babel even goes as far as raising up many last days Elijahs and Moses facsimiles to 'gather and organize the lost tribes and lead them back to Israel', even using signs and wonders performed by means of Dark Magic.

This is why YHWH's announcements of His plans for the future through the mouths of His prophets is followed by Babel's announcements of her plans for the future through her own prophets.

This is why the prophetic visions YHWH gives to man, and the incorporation of these visions in art, is mimicked by the visions Babel gives to her elect, even to the extent that she incorporates these visions for man's future into movies where the audience is entertained by the image of Babel's impending horror stashed away in the multitude of images.
It may be referred to as 'predictive programming', but it is just another word for Babel's increasing arrogance and self-confidence which causes her to announce her horror plans in plain view to the entire world as entertainment.
Hollywood seems to have become a stronghold of Babel's Evil prophecy these days, spreading Babel's gospel news of man's upcoming destruction across the globe.
And the world loves it.

Always remain aware of how Babel creates Shadow-components every step of the way.
She is relentless in making sure that no move on YHWH's part remains unanswered by her counter-moves, traps designed to neutralize YHWH's work by means of the Lie.
The Lie creates confusion, and through  a thick veil of confusion the Lie remains in power.

Babel will go to extremes to cut YHWH's people off from His restoration plan, and she uses her traps of Falsehood specifically designed for that purpose: phony prophets, phony revivals, phony movements.
If you are captured in one of Babel's traps, but you cannot see it is a trap even though there is a part within you which makes you wonder, pull away from whatever you are caught up in for at least a few months.
If it comes from YHWH, it will remain, if it comes from Babel, you will become aware of her trap of Falsehood if you are truly searching for Truth.
You have to create a distance between yourself and the trees in order to be able to see the forest for what it is.

Every move YHWH makes is followed by a counter-move on Babel's part which is derived from YHWH's move, thereby reflecting the utterly reactionary nature of Evil.
It is an interplay of action-reaction from the very first beginning.
Both parties follow their own plan and strategies, yet they are different in how they relate to that which Babel considers to be a game.
Babel sees Earth as the chessboard, and she views the entire setting on the chessboard as a challenge which will allow her to prove her intellectual superiority.

For YHWH the chessboard does not exist, because He has an entirely different purpose for this world.
YHWH does not see this world as a chessboard, or the history of mankind as a game of chess serving to entertain Him.

For Babel man's plight is just part of an elaborate game which allows her to demonstrate her superiority over YHWH.
But to YHWH our current reality is part of the unfolding of the principle of dualism where His children are trained and sculpted into the individuals He created them to be. 
All the suffering in this world and the unspeakable Evil are not just part of a game of cosmic chess.
His purpose is to allow His own to become acquainted with Evil and learn from it, making them ready to venture into the great unknown phase of a new Creation where there will be no dualism as we know it.

Right now we make our choices whether or not we want to be part of that new phase, and the field of reality which enables us to make these choices is a chessboard in Babel's eyes.
Yet for YHWH it is a school.
He does not play a game of chess, quite the contrary, He acts out a plan for Creation, and in spite of their megalomania the Fallen Ones are no match for Him.
They are useful as tools in the current phase of Creation, but other than that whatever ambitions they may cherish to 'de-throne YHWH' are quite laughable to Him at best.
He does not entertain Himself by playing cosmic chess while His own suffer in this play, no, it is not a game for Him.

Babel on the other hand loves to entertain herself with her ambitious goals.
She has projected an image of a game of chess unto this stage, and she uses people as mere chess pieces in this game.
She could not care less how much innocent blood she needs to spill just to prove a point.
It is a constant repetition of the game she played with Job when she took away everything he had, killed his family, struck him with a disease, and then sent Job's 'friends' around to accuse Job of having sinned against YHWH.
All this just because she was so obsessed with winning this imaginary game of chess with YHWH.

Indeed, YHWH allowed Babel to harm Job, NOT because He used Job as a piece on His chessboard, but because He wanted Job to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him so that He might bless Job to an even greater degree than before.
There was no game of chess in YHWH's eyes.
But because Babel was so obsessed with her image of the cosmos as a chessboard she was unable to foresee how she actually was used by YHWH as a tool to bring out greater blessings for Job.
Job's suffering brought out a strengthened faith, and a stronger Job emerged out of the ashes of his life.

YHWH's use of Babel is perfect judgment, because where Babel sought to use Job for her own selfish purposes, YHWH turned her into an object of use to bless her victim Job.
If anything it underlines the superiority of YHWH.

Babel has played her game for thousands of years, and in the case of YHWH's own she keeps failing, because YHWH's plans for His own turn Babel's efforts to inflict suffering to His own an integral part of the plan.
The result is that Babel is painting herself in a corner with no way out.

And yet, she refuses to acknowledge Truth.
Truth is that in spite of her strategies and her tactics she cannot stop YHWH from carrying out His plan, and all too often she ends up contributing to this plan.

When Yahshua came onto the stage to fulfill His mission, Babel in her frenzy ended up aiding Him in fulfilling His mission, when His people spread through Babel's empire and she thought she could stop them by killing them she ended up proliferating the spread of the message.

"A pompous narrow-minded comment from one of YHWH's psychotic slaves", Babel shouted.
"You conveniently overlook the fact that I single-handedly destroyed Yahshua's legacy.
I separated Him from His own people just as I separated His Father's name from the mouths of His own, I took His suffering and His death and exploited it for the sake of My Roman Jesus, an avatar to draft servants into my own kingdom, and I eliminated the ones who persisted in their sick psychotic devotion to Yahshua, you call that a failure?
Either you are plain dumb or you need some history lessons boy!"

Babel loves to create a plethora of Lies to give the impression that the entire stage is under her control, and that YHWH has been relegated into the passive role of a by-stander unable to do anything against the tide of her lies.
Yet the Truth is far from that.
YHWH waits for key moments to influence the stage.
When the key moment arrives, He steps in and does whatever He needs to do.

Take for instance Babel's claim of destroying the legacy of Yahshua by turning Him into a Roman Jesus bringing a new religion on the scene of the world, one where He abolishes YHWH's ordinances in favor of His own.
If you look at the Christian Bible it should be clear from the books included in the 'new testament' that YHWH had His hand in the selection of the books.

Other gospel accounts exist, other letters exist, and many of them have more in common with misplaced (and often Gnostic-oriented) fiction than a representation of Truth.
Yet these were not chosen.
The ones which were included in the Bible are unique jewels, very worthwhile inspired books speaking of Truth, even though Babel tried to amend for this in many mistranslations.

Imagine if in addition to Babel's tricks we would have Bibles containing fictional gospels and forged letters, while the accounts and letters that we know would have remained hidden in the vault of the Vatican, who would ever be able to discover the Truth about Yahshua?
So, Babel's claim of destroying Yahshua's legacy is more a testimony to her bloated ego than having any roots in Truth.

Yet the successful proliferation of Babel's lies has become the blindfold preventing her from seeing the greater picture.
The only reason why she seems to be successful is due to the fact that YHWH allows her to, in order that we might be confronted with the consequences of choosing Destruction over Life.
Furthermore, in her capacity as the great whore Babel ends up becoming a tool in YHWH's hands to help us grow and work out the choice we made.
The only reason Babel can do her work is because she has been allotted a limited slice on YHWH's clock of His seasons.
Yet in her obsession Babel believes she can change the dials on YHWH's clock.

"And THAT is why you are doomed to fail Babel, because you are a prisoner of your own psychotic delusions.
You believe you can turn Light into Darkness forgetting that by its nature Darkness cannot exist in the presence of the Light.

If you think you are superior because your lies are so widespread and accepted in this world, then why can't you prevent YHWH's Truth from setting each single one of His own free?
How is it that YHWH succeeds in fulfilling each single prophecy time and again if you are so successful in your ways?

If you think the means to reach a goal should not be measured by a moral and ethical standard, but they should be assessed by their ability to yield the best results, why do you criticize YHWH for using force to stop you from destroying His work?
If YHWH comes up a winner by using force, and when you use force you end up becoming a loser, then who is superior to whom?

And YHWH's use of force is merely to prevent His OWN work from being completely destroyed by your arrogance.
YOUR use of force destroys YHWH's work.
It exists only for the purpose of seeing your unbridled ego triumph no matter what the cost may be, no matter how much innocent blood you have to shed. 
You criticize YHWH when He pulls the weed out of His garden because you have sown the weed in His garden.
If you are better than YHWH, why don't you create your OWN garden instead of invading YHWH's garden and calling it your own?
You truly are the mother of Hezbollah and Hamas who follow their greedy mother's example by trying to steal YHWH's garden of Israel and fill it with the blood-hungry weeds of violence in service of your Allah.

YHWH does not shed innocent blood, but He judges Evil by holding up His mirror to those who have become Evil so that they experience in this mirror the Destruction they have become.
You on the other hand hold up a crooked mirror which projects YOUR Evil on those who are innocent, and which rewards and validates those who are Evil like yourself.
Here too you are nothing but a vain Shadow reaction, mimicking YHWH in reverse.

Because you are a prisoner of your Evil instinct you cannot see the intrinsic difference between these two mirrors in terms of Good and Evil.
Instead, all you can see are two standards competing with each other, and you deem the standard which can achieve the goal you set in the most efficient and best way possible to be the better standard.
You lost your ability to think from the perspective of YHWH's balance based on the dualism of Good vs. Evil when you cut yourself loose from YHWH and you no longer could relate to what is Good.

You lost with your good old Adolf, you lost when you used the military power of all the surrounding nations against tiny Israel, so who is superior and better equipped for the job of ruling over Creation?

That is why you are busy gathering ALL the nations of the world against Israel: to make one giant fist to squash Israel, just so that you can trump YHWH in the matter of using force as well.
But YHWH knows not just your plans, He knows your heart and your secret drive, and He exposes your occult wickedness to the entire world.

You cannot trump YHWH in anything, yet He triumphs in all things over your sly moves, Babel.
He uses you to bring about His own victory, so if you are superior, then why is it that you become an instrument in His hands?

When you try to mimic YHWH by turning Him into your instrument you invariably end up as a tool in YHWH's hand again to implement the plan He had in mind.
He is ahead of every move you make.
You thought you could destroy Yahshua's mission by embedding His message in a framework of lies, turning Him into an instrument for your own plans.
And yet in spite of your counter-moves throughout all the centuries you have seen how Yahshua's message is able to deliver those who believe in Him, in spite of your frame of lies.

If you are a Creator of equal standing as YHWH, then create like He does.
Don't mess with YHWH's creation, but bring forth something entirely new the way only He is able to.
But you can't, can you?
Because you are the created, and He is the Creator.

You KNOW the prophecies which speak of YHWH's total destruction of all those who come against Jerusalem, and yet, STILL you think that if you make your fist big enough you can beat YHWH and destroy the chamber of Israel He created.
Still you think that if you can push Israel into signing away YHWH's land that you are able to eradicate her presence from the stage for once and for all.
It will not happen.

You can't create, you can't come up with anything original, and so you keep mimicking YHWH as a true Shadow expressing her Shadow-nature.
Yet when the Light will come to fill this place, no Shadow shall remain."

Babel is aware of the persistent presence of certain individuals who can see through her ways and her Falsehood.
In her attempt to lure these persistent believers to become part the great big wheel of Lies Babel uses her twin face of reward and punishment.

Rewards, benefits, hope for a future, alternating with Babel's other hand which employs the stick of hardship, ostracisation, alienation, punishment.
This combination of reward and punishment has been very successful in driving the marionettes into compliance with one of the wheels in Babel's structure of Lies.
And so she uses these same old strategies to push individuals into servitude as cogs in her great big wheel of Lies.

Yet, there is a kind of believer that simply will not comply, and Babel cannot exercise dominion over him.
No matter how much trouble she sends his way, regardless of the promises of grandeur she holds out to him, he simply refuses to bow down and conform, and it drives Babel mad with anger.
She gets so angry that often she ends up killing him, in spite of the fact that his blood ends up destroying Babel's Evil.
Babel likes to think of that sacrifice as a 'necessary Evil', something which cannot be avoided.

In her heart Babel believes that she has the intellectual resources to escape YHWH's judgment anyway, so if the sacrifice ends up releasing energy to the Dark side, even though it adds weight to the balance which will activate the destruction of Evil, Babel takes the risk, in the false self-confidence that she will find a way around the consequences of her destruction.

And if Babel cannot kill the ones who refuse to bow down before her throne, she cuts them off from her empire and the benefits she can offer.
She isolates them completely from life itself, so that they are forced to stand by on the sidelines watching how all the opportunities and benefits go to 'the others', while they themselves experience nothing but hardship and adverse circumstances.
They have been relegated to the rank of prisoner in the dungeon of one of her circles, seemingly stuck forever in one of Babel's pseudo-eternities, the wheels within wheels.

Babel recognizes YHWH's people from the moment they are placed on the stage, and she proceeds with caution.
It would be easy to kill them off the moment they entered the theater, but all of these individuals have been given unique talents which Babel might be able to exploit and benefit from.
They have energy the Shadows can tap into.

It is one of Babel's favorite forms of entertainment, to make life hard and miserable for those given the talents, and later exploiting the harvest of their talents to increase her own power and wealth in her Earth empire so that their talents end up serving Babel's well-being on Earth.
That's her ultimate, favorite form of revenge on YHWH: she punishes that which is His, stealing the harvest of their talents away from YHWH for her own benefit.
She did this with Israel, she did this to Yahshua, and she does it to all those who belong to Yahshua.
And she thinks she can get away with it.

Besides that, YHWH's own all have guardians watching over them so that simply removing them from the stage can prove to be very difficult, if not impossible.
So, if the position of the pieces on the chessboard prevents you from taking them out, then use their position on the chessboard to your own advantage and exploit them.

As long as these individuals remain unaware of their identity, Babel is able to manipulate and exploit them through her devious ways, but the moment they wake up to their true identity and the power and authority they have in Yahshua, that is when trouble begins for Babel.
For Yah's own can bind up the powers of Darkness and do serious damage to bulwarks of Evil.
So if Babel cannot kill them, she tries to isolate them from the play of Life as much as possible in order to limit the risk, and keep her strategically important agents out of their way.
She simply makes it impossible for Yah's pieces to move about freely on the chessboard by putting her own pieces in strategic places.

So, once YHWH opens your eyes and shines His Light on Babel's face, and you see Babel without her make-up, do not be surprised you will find yourself cast into the role of a misfit and outcast more than ever before, someone who is cut off from opportunities if you refuse to conform to her agents sent on your path to seduce you into whoredom with Babel.
Babel's wrath is cruel, and she will not hesitate to punish you by making your life as miserable as she possibly can.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Babel will not hesitate to let you feel the truth of this statement, for in Babel hell transforms itself into the fury of a scorned woman once you dare to reject her and her ways.
Do not be surprised if Babel sets you up for a life which appears to be a failure according to the standards of the world.
Yes, this message is not the kind of message you will ever hear from the prosperity teaching pack of wolves, who also try to set you up for failure in the sense that you will have false expectations of life and YHWH's role in it.
They teach prosperity and the role of giving donations in this game of deceit in order to be prosperous in finances themselves, and they do this at your expense.

Always bear in mind that this world and its standards are but an illusion and have no staying power, like a dream which will fade away.
When you entered the theater of Life, your spirit was like a hand enveloping itself in a glove.
Your spirit no longer was able to relate to Heaven as it was accustomed to, but it had to interact with the dream reality by means of the glove.
Entering the glove felt like falling asleep in your spirit and becoming part of a dream world where you interact with the dream reality through the interface of the glove.

When our time on this stage has come to a close, our spirit will be pulled out of the glove and released back to the greater reality of Heaven, and everything you have acquired for yourself in the dream reality will be left behind.
It will vanish just as the reality of a dream disappears the moment you wake up.

So too any Earthly successes and possessions will be nothing but an illusion.
But that which we will take with us is the 'HOW', HOW we treated others, HOW we responded to Babel's offers, HOW we became wealthy.
Did we choose to succumb to Falsehood to gain status in our dream world, or did we reject Falsehood, did we abandon Truth and merged with the Lie in order to reap the dream benefits?

The definition of success in this world is derived from concepts rooted in Babel's blanket of deceit, just as the definition of failure in this world is defined by this very same blanket.
Babel's blanket of deceit has turned this dream world into a mirror reflecting an opposite image of YHWH's Truth.
Everything here is upside down, designed to make you relate to false concepts which grow in the soil of Babel's blanket of Lies.
So too the concepts of success and failure are turned into the opposite of what they are in the greater reality of Heaven.

What makes your Life successful or not is NOT the success you harvested in terms of Earthly wealth and esteem, for these things are temporary and fade away.
Don't believe in the lies of Babel's blanket.
Babel loves it when you believe her Lie, for it keeps you in emotional bondage to her structure of Lies.

What makes you successful is whether or not you make the right choice to believe in YHWH, and work out the right choice by rejecting Falsehood and clinging in obedience to YHWH's Truth, even if it means you are rejected, isolated and cast into the role of a social and financial failure in the fading dream of this deceptive world.

If you love YHWH and you refuse to conform to the Lie, then even if you have no money and no job, and you find yourself standing on the outside, even if you are an outsider in your own family, you are a huge success, because you are able to see what it is all about and make the right choice.
This success in the eyes of Heaven is eternal, something you will take with you when it is time to leave the stage.

Don't let Babel drive you into her deception through her punishment-reward strategy, for Babel is a harlot facing her impending destruction, and she tries to turn her own destruction into yours as well.
Babel speaks with a forked tongue from whence punishment and reward emanate, a tongue standing in service of creating the bastard off-spring of Lies.

Do not despair when Life has spat you out, and when you look back you see a path littered with obstruction and failure.

First of all, if you have come to love and worship YHWH, you are a success, not a failure.
Please imprint that on your mind and remind yourself of this each and every day.
You are a success because you have made the right choice, and Life here on Earth is about making that right choice.
The suggestion of failure to your mind, amplified by the definition of success this world holds up to you, is just Babel's fury unleashed upon your head in the attempt to put you down and make you feel miserable.

Secondly, YHWH WILL provide you with what you need in this Life.
If you lack the means necessary to do your work in YHWH's kingdom, He will send forth His messengers who will pave a way for you through Babel's Red Sea, and she will not be able to follow you without drowning herself as you walk through.
No word that YHWH speaks will return without accomplishing what YHWH destined it to do, and Babel is powerless in the face of YHWH's will.
YHWH will make you successful, but it will be success as defined by HIS standard,  not Babel's Shadow standard.

Remember that, because in spite of Babel's attempts, YHWH's Truth always prevails, even if it seems Babel may have the upper hand for a season.
Seasons end, and so does Babel's illusion of being able to prevail over YHWH.

So rest assured in unwavering faith that YHWH will provide and pave His way before you, and He will provide you with the instruments and the means you have need of.

Trust in YHWH and look away from Babel, for in YHWH is all that truly is, and Babel is nothing other than a phantom of distraction into what is not.
Have Faith in Who IS.

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