
The Shadow Game - I

It seems harmless enough.
You just copy someone's moves, mannerisms, speech, clothes, and you pretend you are someone else.

Yet aside from this lighthearted form of entertainment mimicry has a very Dark side.
It is this Dark side which turns mimicry into a tool by means of which Evil steals from people and appropriates that which belongs to the Light.
Mimicry can be used as a weapon to destroy people.

There is one thing about Dualism you have to understand, because when you understand this simple principle you understand the actions of the Adversary, why he does what he does and what his plans are.
Dualism creates the possibility where that which IS can have its negative and opposite counterpart.
This negative counterpart in its deepest essence can NEVER be, because everything which exists has its existence in YHWH, so if YHWH is 'I AM', then the manifestation of the dualistic counterpart would be 'I AM NOT'.
Normally 'I AM NOT' could never exists, simply because it 'is not', it has no existence.
BUT, the creation of the principle of Dualism made it possible for everything which is based on the 'I AM NOT' to have an appearance of existence when it eats up the body of Creation, just like cancer cells cannot exist except when they convert healthy cells into cancerous cells.

So, the 'I AM NOT', and everything which is part of this paradigm of 'EVIL', comes into existence because it converts YHWH's energy into dark energy, the energy of Evil.
To be able to achieve this, it depends on 'what is', because its existence is DERIVED from the things which exist.
To create Darkness you have to target the Light and put up a block against the Light.
The Light is the natural status quo.
To call Darkness into existence you have to derive the area of Darkness from the Light by means of creating a block within the area of the Light.

So too the Adversary can ONLY bring about his great ideal of the New Order of Creation by focusing on 'what is', and convert this into his own pseudo-Creation.

This means that when YHWH heals and restores His creation through Yahshua's Salvation, then the Adversary has to find ways not only to stop this work of Salvation, he has to REVERSE it and create an ANTI-SALVATION, so that whereas Yahshua's Salvation spread the Light of Good at the expense of Darkness, the ANTI-SALVATION blocks the Light of Good and thus turns Yahshua's Light into Darkness.

This is the important thing to realize, because Dualism dictates that if the Satan wants to realize his ambition, he needs to abide by the way Dualism makes everything in Creation manifest as a reality.
This means the Satan is forced to mimic YHWH's ways in order to be able to create the block in YHWH's ways so that they come to support and energize the ways of Evil.
He has to mimic YHWH's ways in order to be able to change the polarity of those ways, thus leeching their power an absorb it to make it his own.

The Satan truly comes to 'steal, kill and destroy'.
He steals from the Light to make it his own, and by stealing Life-energy he kills, and by striving for his New Paradisiacal Order he destroys YHWH's Order.
He puts down his foot in YHWH's court, creates a block where his foot stands so that the area which used to be part of the Light automatically is turned into Darkness caused by the block he created.

When YHWH speaks Truth, the Adversary creates a Shadow version of it which lies.
He does not position his lie as the complete opposite of YHWH's words, but he integrates elements of YHWH's words into his lie so that these elements by means of false logic come to stand in service of the Lie.
YHWH's Truth is the Light which the Devil takes and puts under his own dimly colored lampshade so that YHWH's Light, -as it is placed within this context-, comes to serve and energize the color of the Devil's lampshade.

Just bring to mind YHWH's first instruction to Adam and Eve, and how the Adversary took these words of Truth and rewired them so that they ended up energizing the logical path to his Lie.
YHWH warned Adam and Eve NOT to eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, because in doing so they would surely die.
The Adversary did not position his own Lie as the complete opposite of this warning, no, he took this warning and embedded it in his own 'interpretation'.

'If you eat from that tree you will be like YHWH, a god, and you know that gods cannot die, can they?
YHWH is testing you to see if you have the wisdom to understand the implication of eating from that Tree, that you will die to your old ignorant self in order to come alive as gods having the knowledge of Good and Evil, and the power which comes with the understanding.'

The Adversary took YHWH's instruction, and created his own Shadow version by using YHWH's words and placing them in a false context, the context of the Lie.
This is how the power of YHWH's words ended up being mixed with the leaven of the Satan's Lie and energized the lie through converted belief on the part of Adam and Eve.

Yes, a little leaven leavens the whole lump, and the Adversary knows how to create Shadow versions of everything in order to absorb power and energy from that which is, so that the Shadow comes alive and begins to replace that which is.
As Yahshua said, when the Satan lies, he speaks according to his nature.
He uses mimicry because it is the only way for him to be able to fulfill his heart's desire: take that which YHWH created and steal its energy and function so that it serves his own ambition.
So there's a specific reason for the words and deeds of the Satan, for they embody the method in the madness.

If then Yahshua's Salvation destroys Darkness and thus increases the power and presence of the Light, the Adversary needs to create an anti-Salvation to destroy the Light and turn its power and its Salvation into the power and Salvation of Darkness.
So, if Yahshua became the tool to save Man and magnify the power of the Light at the expense of Darkness, the Adversary needs to have his own false Messiah in order to reverse this process in favor of the power of Darkness.

But the Adversary will not position his own Messiah as the direct opposite of Yahshua, an anti-Yahshua.
As he did with YHWH's instruction to Adam and Eve, the Satan's false Messiah will incorporate Yahshua and His mission so that they serve to enhance the credibility of the false Messiah.
He may hold up Yahshua as an important prophet surrounded by just a few well-intended but misplaced legends, or he may claim to be the returned Yahshua establishing his kingdom on Earth.
The false Messiah will follow his father's strategy when he mimics and twists Truth so that it ends up serving the Lie through being placed in a false context.

If Yahshua will send out His Angels at the close of the age to gather everything and everyone who chose for Evil in order to ban them from His Kingdom, then the Adversary will use his own false Messiah just prior to Yahshua's return, and make him send out his own Evil Angels to gather everything and everyone Good in order to destroy them and thus ban them from his Kingdom.

If Yahshua's coming will resurrect the Spirits of the deceased and give them a new immortal Body of Good, then the false Messiah will come to resurrect the Spirits of the Nephilim (among other things) and give them a new immortalized Body of Evil in the Adversary's  new version of Man, the re-designed and synthesized version of Man.

If Yahshua's resurrected version of Man will be made in the image of YHWH, and this new Man will not be able to become Evil again through Sin, then the false Messiah will create a new Man in his own image, so that this new Man can never be part of Good again, a human being which is engineered as a permanent obstruction against YHWH's Spirit.

The Adversary seeks to destroy Good and rob it of its power, and he uses mimicry to achieve this purpose.
It is a ritual used in occult magic, and most of us tend to have a subconscious knowing of its effect.
The Satan's mimicry consists of becoming a Shadow unto that which exists, and slowly drain 'that which IS' from its power and energy so that the Shadow replaces 'that which IS'.
'That which IS' loses its substance and energy to 'that which IS NOT', a power struggle which the Adversary hopes to win.

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