
The Trapdoor

Stress expert Roy Masters hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said that the reason why people could be hypnotized by a hypnotist was that they were already hypnotized (by Life's pressures).
Life in this dualistic imperfect world is an exercise in hypnotism, and our wrong reaction to the stresses we encounter in Life spin a hypnotic cocoon around us. 

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness which makes us susceptible to manipulation without being aware of the mechanics which cause us to act out the manipulation.
It is like a cocoon which grows thicker  with each wrong (sinful) response to the stresses of seduction and pressure.
Although this cocoon is a coffin which locks us into the arms of Death, it can become a womb which gives birth to the butterfly.
The cocoon blurs our sight of Truth and holds us hostage to a Lie.

I am sure most of you are able to see how Life has affected you in the sense that it shaped your character, and how it influenced the way you think and react.
We are put on Earth in the care of flawed parents, we go through flawed brainwashing centers we refer to as schools where we are exposed to flawed teachers, we have flawed friends and after school we come in contact with flawed people, either in business because you chose to become an entrepreneur or in the workplace if you chose to work for a company.
And some of the people we encounter are plain wicked.

This flawed cultural setting caused us to react to the flaws we were exposed to, and our reaction is the element which caused the formation of memories and their emotional registry setting of our wrong reactions.
This in turn is the process which set the 'hypnosis' caused by our wrong reaction to Life's pressures in motion, and to the degree that we remain unaware of this process within us we remain victims of manipulation by forces which avail themselves of triggers in our psyche which set a compulsive hypnotic conditioning in motion.

Hypnosis as a form of entertainment can succeed ONLY because the subjects which entered the theater were already in a state of hypnosis.
The smooth, relaxing voice of the hypnotist, the steady, undulating and carefully timed speech, these are parts of the toolkit of the hypnotist, but they are not the reason why hypnosis works.
Hypnosis works because the hypnotist taps into a PRE-EXISTING neurological pathway by means of his toolkit in order to insert a suggestion which can be activated by a trigger.
It is very similar to writing a piece of software code and inserting it in the existing software so that the new code is activated by certain functions we perform on the computer.
This can work only thanks to what we refer to as the presence of the sub-consciousness, the part which we are not aware of within ourselves.
The hypnotic conditioning is a hidden route which connects software routines within the greater structure of the software code.
It is due to the fact that we blind ourselves to software code running in our mind that the hypnotist is able to place suggestions.

Let me give you an example.
A woman walks across the road, and she is almost hit by a red corvette.
She gets very upset and angry at the driver of that red corvette, and her anger makes her feel guilty a little while later when the anger wear off.
To get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of guilt, 'as if she was the one who did something wrong', she decides to buy a snack.
So, she buys the snack and overrides the guilt with the taste of the snack, and she feels good again about herself.
The next day she walks past a shop where she sees a red dress.
Not knowing why, she suddenly feels uncomfortable and the urge to eat a snack, and she satisfies this desire by eating a snack.
A day later she walks past a woman who drives a red Mercedes, and suddenly she feels the urge to eat a snack, again not aware why she suddenly feels like eating a snack.

This is just a very simplified and condensed example of how conditioning succeeds through our wrong responses to stress.
It is a process where we make ourselves blind to a part of the software code which in the end produces 'the urge for the snack'.
The push button activating the neural pathway which produces the urge for the snack is a code we have relegated to the blind spot within ourselves.
We are not aware of this software code being activated by certain triggers, but whenever we encounter the push-button, we experience the end result of this piece of code, in my example the trigger of the color 'red' giving rise to the urge to eat something.

In the case of the woman in my short example we find someone whose Life was changed by the way she reacted to the red corvette, a seemingly innocent, harmless daily event.
Yet all these small events and our reactions to them strung together form a rope around our ankles moving us into a different direction than where we would have gone if we had not been subjected to manipulative stresses.

This in short is the principle which makes hypnosis work.
The hypnotist seeks to insert his suggestion into the blind spot of our sub-consciousness like a virus attaching itself to the software routines of our operating system.
He proceeds to provide a push button which triggers this code so that the end result is that the hypnotized subject ends up acting out the will of the hypnotist without being aware of it.

It is this blind spot, our sub-consciousness, which has the potential of reducing us to biological programmed robots acting out the suggestions planted in our mind through our reaction to the pressures of the environment we were exposed to.
And as we act out our programming, we live a Lie and help to establish a false image of ourselves, an image created by malignant Forces using the pressures as their means to trap us into their hypnotic suggestions.

Hidden forces of Evil, the Fallen Ones, avail themselves of the use of our fallen state by conditioning us to become plastic robots with an artificial identity, living to serve their rebellious cause. 
As long as we remain under the spell of Sin we remain their prisoners.

It is our bondage to oblivion (which is what hypnosis comes down to) which turns us into victims of manipulation.
But those who are in power LOVE to imprison us in the land of oblivion, because it enables them to yield their stick of power over us.
It is hypnosis which keeps con-men in business.

Right now in 2013 we reap the bitter harvest of an ever increasing hypnotic conditioning of the masses.
As the people sink deeper in the seductions of Sin and their denial thereof, the hypnosis is able to strengthen itself and take on absurd forms. 
Who elect the same bunch of useless politicians even though they lie to the people on a daily basis, who buy the same old crap passing for music, who ridicule noble men and women while upholding the vices which are promoted by the lying media, who sacrifice their principles for the sake of belonging to the nameless collective, who adopt and support absurd moral and ethical values which inevitably lead to the demise of a nation, who are the sheep led by the pied piper?

If only people would turn to YHWH and let His Light shine on the Darkness of their sub-consciousness.
Yet when people sink deeper into their comatose hypnotic fixation where the Lie passes for Truth, those who can see the Lie for what it is because they love Truth stand out to an ever increasing degree, which makes them even more than before eligible for target practice by the hypnotically controlled masses.

Hypnosis has a physical, a mental and a spiritual side.
Hypnosis manifests as a physical phenomenon by means of neurons and neural pathways which establish the hardwired, interconnected network of memories and thoughts by means of which hypnosis is effected.
It manifests as a mental/psychological phenomenon by means of the conditioned responses to the stress of seduction and cruel pressures.
It manifests as a spiritual phenomenon in the form of a bondage to Evil which allows Evil Spirits to have access to our Soul and Body, even to the extent where they can enter the Body and cling to our Soul.

Hypnosis often is presented as a form of entertainment where a hypnotist is able to pull pranks on the hypnotized subject without the subject being aware of it.
But when people attend a show of a hypnotist to be entertained, they simply are not aware that just as they are entertained by hypnotized subjects acting out idiosyncratic suggestions placed into their minds by the hypnotist, they are the entertainment of Dark Shadows whenever they act out the suggestions placed in their minds by the Lords of Darkness.
The prank really is on us all, and considering the immense suffering resulting from it, it is not funny by any human standard at all.

Yahshua is the one who came to save us from the false programming of the Evil One, and the process of Salvation is one of being awakened to the ugly Truth of how we are manipulated by the Evil One through his Evil hypnosis.
Salvation is also the process of being awakened to the beautiful Truth of eternal Life, and the reason why we experience suffering at the hands of the minions of Darkness is because we do not belong to the Darkness of Death, but to the Light of Life.

Yahshua came to set us free from bondage to the hypnotic cocoon which becomes the sarcophagus of our Soul as we grow into warped personalities, the outcome of hypnotic programming.
When we fix the eyes of our Soul on Yahshua's Light, the misty obscured vision caused by our hypnotic cocoon is clearing up, and His Light breaks the deception of the cocoon so that it becomes a learning experience.
Life is about entering the bondage to the hypnotic cocoon of Darkness, Evil, and returning back to the freedom of the Light, YHWH.
Our time in the cocoon of Darkness teaches us a lesson and shapes our Souls into the image YHWH has in mind for us.

As long as we live in Sin we are subject to the hypnotic pressures of Life.
To make things worse, there is a spiritual aspect connected to this hypnosis.
Whenever we sin, we open ourselves up to the Dark Side, and this provides Fallen Beings not only with the opportunity to influence and shape the quality of our lives, it also provides them with a portal by means of which they can latch on to our Soul and its talents.
When an Evil Spirit enters us, our identity merges with the presence of the Fallen Spirit within us so that we come to experience the input of the Evil Spirit in our mind as our own.

However, as long as we have a Soul we experience a duality within us caused by the presence of Evil Spirits.
The moment we reject YHWH's Ruach, His Holy Spirit, as an unclean and unwanted influence, our Soul merges with Evil and becomes a twin brother of the Evil Spirit(s) hosted by the Body, and no longer is able to identify with YHWH.
Those who reject YHWH's Spirit as an unclean Force acquire an intolerance of everything which is Good, and they can never be saved from Evil because the element which makes Salvation possible, the ability to identify with Good, is absent.
They truly become the 'pod-people', the ones taken over by the Body-snatchers.

Possession by a Fallen Spirit in most cases does not resemble the scenes of the movie 'The Exorcist', where the possessed individual is growling and speaking in ominous voices, but usually it takes on forms which are hard to detect, where people lead seemingly normal lives except for the fact that they experience an adversity against Good, part of them (if not all of them) resists Good.
On the surface the possessed may look like normal people, but beneath the veneer hides the presence of an Evil Spirit having an experience in the Flesh, like a joyride in the Earth plane.
The hypnosis caused by our wrong response to Life's pressures acts like a gateway by means of which Evil Spirits are able to enter our Body and invade our mind.

Yahshua's Salvation exorcises Evil and sets us free from any authority we have given to Evil Spirits to be part of our Life experience.
Yahshua liberates us from the power of the Evil One so that he no longer can take possession of our Soul.
He makes us aware of the deception caused by our hypnotic bondage and proceeds to destroy the shackles which turned us into slaves of the Lie.
Salvation is a process of awakening to Truth, and to the degree that we can accept and embrace Truth deception cannot hold us captive anymore.

Yahshua came to save us from Evil, just as the Evil One seeks to 'save' his own from Good.
Yahshua's own are given a clear conscience which represents Good, while the children of the Fallen One are given a perverted conscience of Evil, which inspires those who identify with Evil against everything which is Good whilst aligning themselves with everything and everyone which is Evil.
When Yahshua's own sin, they experience guilt and shame, and these uncomfortable feelings are there to drive them back to Yahshua to seek forgiveness and restoration from their Sins.
When Yahshua's own abstain from Sin and live in harmony with Him, they do not experience the presence of any conscience simply because they ARE the conscience, they have become one with the One who created the conscience.
The Fallen One uses the presence of guilt, fear and shame as parts of a motor driving the compensation for the guilt, fear and shame, thus becoming a battery energizing the hypnotic cocoon.

Just as there is a spiritual side to hypnosis, there is a physical side.
Think of the trinity of Spirit - Soul - Body like this: the Spirit projects the Light, which is transformed into an image by the slide of our identity in our Soul, and this image is projected onto the screen of our Body.
We may deny the existence of Evil in our Soul for a season, but if we persist in our denial inevitably the moment comes when the blemish of Evil on the slide of our Soul is projected into our Body, and this translates into a debilitating disease corresponding with the particular vice we are in denial of.
Every disease ranging from high blood pressure to cancer can have its root cause in a spiritual failure, and by addressing physical symptoms by for instance removing the cancer surgically, the cause still remains and the symptoms will return.

However, I should emphasize the fact that the presence of a certain disease does NOT automatically mean that the one suffering from the disease therefore is guilty of a spiritual failure.
There are other causes which can lead to diseases, so be VERY careful in pointing the finger at someone, because, what do you know?
Are you like YHWH that you can see into the heart and mind of someone, and determine the exact cause of a disease?
So beware you never fall prey to judgment, but always learn to operate in love, knowing all too well that if anyone of us should stand before YHWH without Yahshua's covering we ALL would be destroyed by His presence.

Life consists of many pressures designed to elicit a reaction from us, and our problem is that we come to relegate many of our wrong reactions to the blind spot within us, our 'sub-consciousness'.
These pressure points are stresses causing a release of chemicals in the Body which produce a physical reality related to the stress, the physical reality of emotions and feelings.
For instance, if someone suddenly lashes out at you in anger you may feel a sudden rise of fear, followed by anger over the injustice that is being done to you.
Thy physical experience of both fear and anger is the result of the release of chemicals which cause the sensation of these emotions as a physical reality.

This physical reality then impresses itself upon our mind, and in our Soul we make the decision to accept the physical reality of pressure as a mental reality.
Our acceptance of that physical reality sustains it.
We accept it either through identifying with the physical reality where we become the anger, the fear, or we accept it through our attempt to resist it by means of our ego, seeking to suppress and overcome willfully.
Once we accept the physical reality and we begin to react to it either through identifying with it or through our wrong resistance, our acceptance envelopes our Soul in that reality so that we truly become that which the physical reality impressed upon our Souls.
This translates on a physical level as a strengthening of the connections between the neurons containing the memories of where we failed to meet stress correctly.

There is a third way to deal with the physical reality caused by our emotions as a response to cruelty: by learning to create a little distance within yourself so that although you may feel the anger or the fear and the physical reality of those feelings, but you do not identify with them.
It feels as if there is you, the person, and the physical sensation of emotions which give rise to thoughts you do not want to have.
Instead of reacting the wrong way through identifying with the pressure or resisting it willfully, you give it over to YHWH as you endure the assault to the best of your ability.
Thus the feelings will pass, and no hypnotic condition can happen as a result of the stress.
The stress was there to force you into the straight-jacket of a hypnotic conditioning, but it failed to be effective because you did not give it the energy it needed to become part of your 'software code' through your acceptance of it.
This is how you reject the false reality trying to invade your mind, and how you can give it over to YHWH.

Our decision to accept the physical reality of stress and the suggestions which come with the stress, cause our lives to be made over in the image of the stressor.
The switch by means of which we activate realities through our acceptance of them, or by means of which we deactivate realities through our rejection of them, resides within our Soul.
In our Soul we receive the input of both our Spirit and our Body, and this is the reason why we experience conflict.
The conflict is able to exist because our Bodies are hardwired to act as an extension for the force of Evil, while our Spirit wants to do Good.

If our Spirit has been restored to YHWH in Yahshua, then YHWH's reality for our lives impresses itself on one side of the Soul, while the reality of the stresses of Life, -which are recorded and produce a physical reality within our Body-, impresses itself on the other side of the Soul, and the result is two conflicting images.

Whatever we choose to believe is whatever is activated through our belief.
Our belief transfers energy from the Soul into the object or image we choose to believe.

The Satan knows this all too well, and he is a master at maneuvering pressures against us so that we are shaped in the image of the reality acting through the pressures, a reality which was set up to assault our Soul by means of our emotional responses to the pressures.
The moment we say 'YES' to the image resulting from the pressures which are applied to our Soul, is the moment we operate the switch of choice in our Soul which activates the reality we accepted.
The switch opens a trapdoor on the stage of Life which transfers us into the dungeon of Babel's palace.
Here in the dungeon of the Lie our Souls are strapped to the wall and kept in bondage of a false reality, the image of the Lie.

This false reality is the image of us the Adversary has in mind for us, the role he allots us in the play of Life.
Since the Adversary considers himself to be a god, he seeks to re-create us in this image.
Our place in his empire is as obedient little cogs in his contraption leading meaningless lives where we sacrifice all of our energy running after carrots, not realizing that, -even if we obtain the magic carrot-, upon the moment of our death the elusive carrot still remains, but we are gone, forever.

We sacrifice ourselves as we run in vain after rewards and illusions because we have accepted the reality of the Fallen One for our lives, a reality which holds up these rewards and illusions as the highest Good we should strive for.
In our quest for these holy grails we donate all of our Life-energy to the machinery of cogs, contributing our part in keeping the cogs of exploitation in motion.
From our first moment in Life where we were exposed to robotic parents who accepted the Lie,  through the schools where we were destroyed and shaped to become obedient little cogs, followed by the career where we sought to climb the great wall of ranks and rites in search after the elusive pot of gold, right up until the moment right before our Death where we realize we have spent our lives chasing after wind.
Isn't that a very accurate description of the lives of most of those placed upon this stage to participate in a play which propagates the Lie?

We come to respond to pressures of Life, and these pressures and the suggestions accompanying them are part and parcel of an image of reality impressing itself upon our minds, and as the pressures grow stronger and we fail to realize how we can resist the pressures, we come to accept this package of reality, thus activating a false image of the Satan for ourselves.
We become hypnotized subjects under the spell of the master hypnotizer, the Satan, who uses our fallen condition to bring us into submission to his will and his image for our lives.
We are created to be slaves in his slave system, oysters served on the plate of the Fallen Ones.

That is the reason we can be hypnotized by professional hypnotists: we ARE already in a state of hypnosis, the hypnosis of the false image we accepted for ourselves.
All the hypnotist has to do to make us an extension of his suggestion is to push the right buttons and place suggestions into the sub-conscious mind, which is the part of our Soul we have chosen to deny.
We have closed our eyes to the sub-consciousness so that we cannot see how the fuel of pressures is used to energize the motor which projects the image of the Satan's reality on our Soul.
When the hypnotist places a suggestion within this sub-conscious machinery, the hypnotized subject which ALREADY lives in acceptance of the image produced by the machinery will automatically activate the suggestion and consider it as his/her own idea, thus becoming a perfect unconscious extension of the will of the hypnotist.

The hypnotic cocoon lends itself very well as the incubator of a crop of loyal robot followers of the ones who corrupt and exploit them, even to the extent that they become physical extensions of the corrupter and the exploiter.
Truth is the poison which destroys the cocoon and that is the reason why Truth is hated in this world.
Truths cuts the shackles by means of which the prisoners are kept in the dungeon, and once the shackles are cut, the power over the imprisoned comes to an end.
Truths shatters the false images the Adversary plants in our minds so that only the true image remains.

The moment we choose to call upon Yahshua is the moment when our Spirit is restored, and YHWH will proceed to project HIS image of us into our Soul.
That is when we are given a new chance to learn to operate the switch in our Soul AGAINST the Fallen One, and FOR YHWH.
When we choose to believe in Yahshua and hold on tight to our faith in Him, YHWH's image for our lives becomes our reality.
YHWH is the one Who brings us a new image for ourselves, one which goes beyond our wildest dreams.

It is YHWH Who sets us free from the hypnosis of Life.
He is the One who rescues us from having fallen through the trapdoor into the dungeon of despair where we become hostages of the horrible image of a phony reality impressed on our Soul by Babel the Great Deceiver.

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