
The Violent Spells - III

The spells are a nuisance because they are nothing but a manipulation.
A manipulation of reality, a manipulation of your Body and your mind, a manifestation of the Lie.
As such Evil spells are weapons which project a Lie in you and your reality to the point where they can create great discomfort, even agony and severe pain.

Spells are attacks on our Soul.
As long as we live in a fallen Body we cannot be immune to spells in the sense that they do not affect us in any way.
Spells can make you feel sick, they can make you go through Darkness and oppression because your own emotions and thoughts are turned against you as long as the Darkness casts its Shadow on your Soul through your Body, they are metaphysical bullets fired at your Soul.
But know this, the enemy may fire these bullets at us, we are invulnerable in Yahshua.

A spell can also influence our environment.
A spell can be used to lure vermin or rodents to your house, create mishaps and accidents,  it can be used to turn water to blood, just think of how the plagues which were visited upon Egypt during the time of Moses.
As you will remember, the court of the Pharaoh employed magicians who apparently had knowledge about how to hack segments of our reality and manipulate them by means of their spells.

Fallen Beings view their knowledge of the way the metaphysical reality works and influences our physical reality as a branch of science which allows them to manipulate Creation as they see fit.
Real magicians have access to some of their knowledge, and they know how to apply it and thereby modify the physical reality through spells.

So, not only human beings can be affected by a spell, animals and all other elements of our environment also can be manipulated through the magic of a spell.
Our environment can be hacked because WE can be hacked due to our fallen nature.
I mean that our Body is hooked up into the network of Evil, and because of that, the manifestation of the energy of our environment can be modified by the Fallen Ones.
Just remember how YHWH told Adam that because of his Sin the Earth was cursed.
It was not something 'external', the curse of the environment was the direct projection of Adam's curse, and just as Adam had hooked up his Body to the network of Evil the projection of his environment could be accessed and modified as well.
This could never have happened if Adam had remained pure.

Spells can be used to induce a hypnotic state so that many people who lack the resistance act out the information of the spell.
It can be that they massively like a certain artist, or ignore a particular artist, and the same can be true in case of a man who is candidate for the presidency for instance.
If you happen to be one of YHWH's own, spells can be used so that you can't find a job anywhere because no one will give you a chance.
It's not just a coincidence, bad luck, anymore than when a talented artist who is one of YHWH's own cannot have commercial success, but instead it is deliberate obstruction designed to keep you down.
If a nation comes under the power of a spell, -and this is very easily achieved if a nation can be seduced to fall for Satanism in its many overt and covert forms and immorality-, then the nation will act as if it is out of touch with reality as it acts out the information of the spell.
Don't underestimate the power of the spell, it can be extremely powerful.

On Earth the practitioners of magic have to make sure they follow certain principles if they want to be sure of the effect of their spell.
You probably are familiar with the story of Genesis and how YHWH created our Earth.
He had the concept (the image) of Creation in His mind, and the image of Creation became a reality when He SPOKE it into existence.
His energy manifested in vibration, and the image of Creation was energized through the vibration so that it became our reality.

Likewise, in occult magic the magician should have an image of what he seeks to accomplish in his mind.
He needs to energize it with belief and vibration of the sound of the word spoken, often accompanied by specific Body movements.
His belief transfers the energy he channeled to the vibration so that the image he believes in is carried by the energy and becomes a reality through the vibration.

I'm just mentioning this so that you are able to see how everything which belongs to the realm of occult magic mimics YHWH's established principles in order to tap into His energy and use it for the occult purpose.
This is like stealing energy for illegitimate purposes, and YHWH forbids it.
Because the theft of YHWH's energy means you automatically transfer it to Evil, since we live in a dualistic reality.
There is no middle road between Good and Evil, no white magic.
There is just magic, and whether it is called white or black does not matter since both are established through illegal ways, the act of theft of YHWH's energy, and as such they automatically become an expression of Evil in a dualistic Creation.

When you pray to YHWH for a blessing in a particular area in your Life or someone else's, you are following a procedure from which the sorcerer's spells are derived.
There is one big difference: you submit your request to YHWH's approval, the practitioners of occult magic seek to bypass YHWH's will in favor of their own.
Because those workers of Darkness now manipulate YHWH's energy in Creation, they now operate on the other side of the Dualism coin.

No one can bypass the principle of Dualism, so anyone who acts contrary to YHWH's will AUTOMATICALLY becomes an extension of Evil, even if they purport to work 'white magic' for someone's benefit.
There is only ONE way to remain an extension of Good in Creation, and that is to do everything YHWH's way, to follow the procedure which YHWH prescribed for His own, namely to submit all to His authority.
When He does not give you what you asked, He does this for a reason.
Maybe what you asked is not good for you at that moment, maybe it will come at a later time in your Life, maybe He tests your love and faith so that you are given the opportunity to grow stronger, whatever the reason is, there ALWAYS is a GOOD reason, and you need to learn to TRUST YHWH and rely on His decision.

When you pray for a blessing to come into an area of your Life, you are submitting a concept (image) of the blessing, such as good health, destruction of spells thrown at you, etcetera, to YHWH.
The concept (image) is energized through the concentration and attention you give it and it is passed on to YHWH's attention through Faith, Belief.
If YHWH's grants you your prayer, He energizes and activates the image of the blessing and speaks it (vibrates it) into your reality so that it will begin to manifest in your reality.
His energy manifests in the vibration, words, which carry the information package of the blessing (the image) and by inserting it into your reality it comes to your attention as an activated integral part of it.
Occult magic simply leaves out the procedure of submitting the request to YHWH and focuses on the elements which are involved in the process of altering reality in the image the sorcerer has in mind.
That is the basis for all spells, and ALL of them are Evil, WITHOUT exception, because they are based on a theft of energy from YHWH.

If a spell is put on you, know that YHWH's words override the power of the spell.
With your prayer you can reverse the spell so that if affects the one who put the spell on you.
The Satan knows that all those who believe in Yahshua are given the authority and power to destroy his ways of magic, and his ways of magic are exactly the elements which give him power and authority and which keep his exploitative system on Earth in place.
That is why he is so fanatic in keeping YHWH's own from realizing the power they have in Yahshua and maintaining a state of ignorance on the part of YHWH's own.

I am here to remind you of the power you are given in Yahshua, how you can destroy the spells of the Evil One simply through prayer and belief.
Paul wrote about how the Adversary's magic is used as a weapon against YHWH's own in his letters, and YHWH has shown me how it works so that I can pass it on to.
That which traditionally took place in secret places now is shouted from the rooftops.
This truly is the time of the Apocalypse, the time the veil is lifted from all works of Darkness so that the Darkness can be destroyed by the exposure to the Light.
And as the works of Darkness are revealed, so too will the workers of Darkness be revealed to all of Creation.

Magic is possible ONLY because YHWH created a principle by means of which His energy could be tapped illegally.
He created this principle so that Dualism might be able to become a reality by tapping into this energy and manifest itself in Creation in and through the vessels which chose to go against YHWH's will (=to Sin).
Sin is a choice which sacrifices energy to Evil so that Good is blocked by means of the choice to Sin and Evil can take over the real estate where Good no longer is present.

To the occult magician the blessings YHWH brings into someone's Life are a spell.
A blessing is when the image of something Good is energized by YHWH and spoken (vibrated) into existence so that it enters the reality of the person receiving the blessings.
Because it now has entered the reality field of the blessed person, it is tied to the energy field which creates the reality image of someone.
In other words, the blessings become visible in the form of positive effects and changes in accordance with the information content of the blessings, like a programming.
As I wrote, a spell is derived from this principle.

A spell can manipulate reality in order to affect someone negatively, like for example rodents coming into your home, appliances not working properly, headaches, pains, diseases, failures, loss of money.
The spell is energized by belief and concentration which act like a magnifying glass of the energy you are able to channel in favor of the spell, and once this image of the spell, like for instance rodents entering your home, is tied to your energy field it is spoken (vibrated) into existence and integrated into your reality.

This principle is entirely derived from the way YHWH affects Creation, only it is an act of theft.
If you buy a product from someone, the product passes hands with approval of the former owner, and without his approval you can't buy it and own it.
A thief on the other hand does not seek the approval of the original owner, but simply takes what he wants and thus makes it his possession, which is the way occult magic works.
All magic draws its energy from the act of theft, and this makes all forms of magic expressions of Evil, there are NO exceptions, and if anyone practices it he/she becomes a vehicle for Evil and he/she will become heirs to the reality of Evil, which is everything YHWH is not.

Evil merely is a tool YHWH invented for the sake of our growth in the Soul and Spirit, a temporary stage used as an instrument to sculpt us and make us ready for what He has in mind for Creation, which is beyond our own imagination I can assure you.
The future of YHWH's children is excellent, so bright and beautiful that all the suffering we now endure is MORE than worth it.
But we need to go through this stage in order that we will be ready for the next stage.
Evil serves that purpose of making us ready, and as such it is a temporary phase which will pass.
If we donate our Life-force to Evil and identify with it, we trap ourselves in this stage and become an integral part of destruction.
This is why we should heed YHWH's warning to steer clear of magic and do it His way, because the consequences of disobedience are horrible.
Who wants to live forever in a world where Evil rules?

Evil creates a strange type of myopia which makes the believer in Evil look at reality in reverse so that YHWH in his eyes becomes the Satan and the Satan his God.
The Satanist looks through the eyes of a mind which reverses reality so that YHWH's own are Evil and a threat, and the Satanists are good.
Most of them don't look like a stereotype of the Satanist nor think of themselves as such, they just believe in their God and their form of reality flows from that belief.
Some of them pose as Christians propagating a certain dogma, even attending church on a weekly basis.
It is not what you say, but how you react to YHWH's Truth which shows what you truly are in your heart, and this is what makes someone a Satanist or not.

But in the time of the Apocalypse things are changing.
The Luciferian character behind every aspect of our society is in the process of being exposed, and as such it requires a conscious cooperation with that Luciferian character if the current reality is to be prolonged for yet another season.
It won't be able to, because Yahshua is destroying it, even today, and although it may try to assert itself once more it will happen only so that it might receive the final death blow which Yahshua will deal to the Evil system of exploitation.

In order to cooperate in that old system of exploitation which makes the belongers sell out for a sense of identity and confidence, it increasingly requires a conscious act of conformity to Satanism due to the explicit Satanic character being exposed for what it is.
Before it may have been a subconscious subscription to the Satanic treadmill with many choosing to close their eyes to the ugly reality they are part of, but since Yahshua is exposing the Luciferian character more clearly today it now requires a conscious conformity.
They will KNOW, and then be sealed into their choice forever by the Mark.
Yahshua made it this way so that no one will be able to plead ignorance when He comes to destroy Evil and all those who are involved in the games of Evil.
They will be exposed as conscious Satanists unable to deny the part they played in the Satanic system, and all the blood spilled for the sake of this sick empire will be required from them.

To operate in this world and keep its hierarchy and system of the Lie alive and well, the Adversary needs the eyes, ears, arms, legs, hands and feet of his servants in this world.
And on Earth you will find plenty of servants who in their hearts have given themselves over to the system of the Lie by conforming to it, because it gives them an advantage in this world.
On a conscious level many choose to live in denial of what their heart deep down knows, that  they are the Satan's arms, legs, hands and feet which build up his kingdom on Earth and keep it in place.
They are everywhere, and they are many.
They are like zombies acting out the directive given them by the Fallen Ones, and when so required they can be taken over and fully controlled by the Shadow world.

Our planet is inundated by these types of zombies who may appear like ordinary nice people at first glance, yet whose hearts are aligned to Evil.
The walking dead have always been there to make sure the will of their Dark lord was executed on Earth exactly the way he wanted to.
Yet whereas they may have looked away and stuffed their ears from hearing the voice of Truth in their hearts, the conscious awareness of what they are a part of as Yahshua is exposing the Evil nature of it, robs them of the opportunity to plead ignorance and unawareness in the presence of the Judge.
They will be found guilty and sentenced as such.

Their way was the way of Darkness, and their ways brought suffering upon those who refused to adopt the ways of the Adversary.
Like Yahshua, who was the archetype of what this world does to those who come from Heaven.
So the agents of this world do what is required of them to safeguard their own interest and keep a grip on sanity and the way this world operates.
But I am here to tell you that Yahshua comes to shatter your sense of reality and identity, and as Evil is shattered and crumbles to pieces, so will you, the hands and feet of the Satan.

Those hands and feet of the Satan can be used to implement spells, they can be used to make sure a spell remains activated through their presence near you, and they can make Life really hard for you.
But you must always remember you have the most powerful spell-destroyer and spell-thrower (in the eyes of the sorcerers) at your disposal: prayer.
The Shadows and their slaves fear the moment when you come to realize how powerful your prayers really are and how you can use them at every opportunity to destroy the works of Darkness and throw YHWH's 'spell' on THEM.
I do hope you will not take this literally, because we do not throw spells of any kind, but in the eyes of the occult workers of Darkness our sincere prayers in Faith are spells.

When it comes to the Satan's hand and feet in this world there always seems to be one who is the motivating catalyst positioned to mobilize the Adversary's hand and feet, someone who is deeper entrenched in Evil and used as the 'leader of the gang'.
The others are encouraged to follow his example and partake of his Evil, thus acting in the capacity of the hands and feet of the Evil One.
In their descent they can become just as Evil as the catalyst, the leader, even stooping as low as murdering innocent Souls.

These are the days when YHWH is lifting up the veil resting on the hidden works of Darkness.
He brings them to Light so that all may see and understand the things which have been relegated to the realm of occult magical practices and which many believe to be fantasy.
Yet they are real and keep the exploitation of this world and its Evil system alive.
YHWH uncovers the hidden shame of the inner circles, He sheds His Light on the obscure ways of magic so that all may know and understand, and know how to resist and fight them.
You fight Darkness with Light, and you receive that Light through Belief in Yahshua and obeying His instructions, and you use that Light as a weapon against the Darkness  of Evil through your prayers in Faith and in the Spirit.
That is how you will win the battle, and it is important you learn to be a warrior.

You destroy spells through prayer, asking YHWH to destroy the spell, bind up the powers behind them and remove them from you, never giving them a permission to return to your Life.
You have to do that each day, because the Adversary operates through spells and he uses them as a weapon against you, firing bullets at you on a daily basis.
When he sees how you resist him, he will fire many of those bullets, so you must take care to wrap yourself in prayer and fire back through Faith.

YHWH's word is stronger and overrides ALL spells.
The Evil One knows this and that it is impossible to override YHWH's word, so cleave to YHWH so that He can speak His spell-destroyers into your Life.

In the last chapter of his letter to the Ephesians Paul refers to spells as assaults from the unseen enemy, how they are like weapons fired at us, and how Faith in Yahshua is our shield, our bulletproof vest which keeps the bullets from harming and killing us.
Make sure to remember this when the enemy attacks us and  seeks to disable us and cause us to believe his lies, which are the information packets he feeds us with his spell, his hack of our system.

He manipulates our feelings so that they come to support certain thoughts he plants into our mind, and that makes it all the more important to learn to stand back from your own thoughts and observe them.
This is not easy because thoughts ARE an integral part of you and you FEEL the emotions which support the thoughts, yet you MUST learn to stand back in spite of the emotions you feel and pray that YHWH will rescue you and modify your thoughts.
YHWH knows that you cannot help Evil thoughts, and He will not condemn you for having them.
He wants you to stand firm in those moments to the best of your abilities and learn to submit these thoughts to Him, because they are direct attacks on your Soul and only YHWH can handle them.
The problem with these thoughts is that when you begin to struggle with them, you are energizing them until they are so powerful that you begin to believe them and you give in, thus energizing them even more.
This is how you end up fueling the attacks with your own energy, and all the enemy has to do is to observe how you are seeking deeper in the swamp he created.

Our enemy can create feelings of anger with the suggestion that YHWH is unfair so that we raise our fist against YHWH.
He can create feelings of depression over our lives and suggest we put the blame on YHWH because He COULD have saved us when we prayed to Him for help, but instead He waited and did not save us out of a particular situation or from a particular assault when we wanted it to happen.

When we believe those lies because we suffer from the manipulation of our feelings so that our misery, our pain, our anger drives us in the arms of those thoughts, we invest Faith in them, and after having strengthened these thoughts through our struggle which ended up energizing those thoughts, we energize them even more and turn them into an integral part of our reality and our identity through our Faith in them, shaking our fist at YHWH as an extension of those implanted thoughts.
Thus we keep those bullets activated within us through our sacrifice of energy to those bullets, and they are killing us.
In other words, we put off the bulletproof vest of Faith in Yahshua, and the bullets of the Evil One entered our Soul so that the bullets now are killing us from within as we donate our energy to them through our reversed Faith.
This way, after the bullet is fired, we end up killing ourselves with it instead of letting YHWH remove the bullet.

Holding on to your Belief in Yahshua in spite of the fact that your own Body and part of your mind are turned against you is like keeping on your bulletproof vest of Faith, and the bullet-spells of the Evil One may cause some pain due to the impact with your Body, but they cannot cause any lasting harm beyond that.

Prayer is our loaded gun which you can use to do some serious damage to the Evil One.
Prayer sent up in Faith through the Spirit and to the Spirit is the sword of the Spirit you can use to smite the Darkness.
That is why I referred to spells as 'anti-prayers', because they operate in the same way as prayer, only with the difference that they are extensions of Darkness Evil.
In the eyes of the occult magician your prayers to our Heavenly Father are like powerful spells, and the Fallen Ones know they have to be very careful about how they approach you since you are the one with the more powerful sword.

I hope that what I have written here will bless and benefit you.
The moment we are born is the moment we entered a war zone, and the difficult part is to figure out how the enemy targets us and how we can defend ourselves and deliver counter-attacks.
With these posts I have tried to make you aware of the weaponry of the Evil One, how he uses it and undermines you, and how you can resist it in the right way and come against the Evil One.
The most powerful tool the Adversary can mobilize against you is YOU.

The information I gave you is not free.
No, you don't have to pay me anything, but I have to pay for delivering this message.
During the time I wrote these posts there have been a couple intense attacks of Darkness which seemed to come out of nowhere, more intense than the usual attacks.
They began on Friday, lasting all the Shabbat, right through Sunday, both last week as the week before.
And on Sunday night they were gone.
So, I had a chance to practice what I preach here.
As always Yahshua overcomes the Darkness, and in His Light it always is as if the attacks never happened.
He is my Strength and my Victory.

Like everyone of you, I carry my own pain, and all too often Jeremiah's lamentations feel like my own.  
But I cannot let the Evil One's obstructions keep me from delivering YHWH's message.
If YHWH wants me to deliver a message, I obey and I will not stop, because He is my Father and it is my desire to do His will.

So, practice what I have written, be strong, let your love for YHWH overrule everything, and when the Darkness comes do your best to endure it and wrap yourself in prayer.
The strength to resist comes from YHWH alone, and believe me when I write that He is trustWORTHY.

Believe in His Yahshua, trust Him always, especially when your own feelings fuelled by emotions shout at you that you should let go and stop believing a non-existing deity who, if he did exist, does not even care.
He DOES care, He DOES have a plan for you, and He DOES love you.
What? Will you stop believing Him because the one who is targeting you and making your life miserable wants you to do that?
Will be believe the nonsense of lies he is feeding you for the sake of pleasing him who thrives at your expense?
Tell the Devil to get lost, and fight him with your prayers and your Belief in Yahshua.

Soon the Satanic spells on the Soul will belong to the past, when Yahshua returns and we will receive a new restored Body which is not tuned into the network of Evil.
The 'end of time' really is the end of Evil, which really is the beginning of Good, Yahshua's Kingdom which is coming through.
The Darkened One will put up a fight though, because he will not let his authority be challenged, but he too will be defeated and have to acknowledge Yahshua as his Superior.
Ultimately he will be exposed as a feeble noisy Shadow selling everyone a sack of empty lies, the product of his love for Evil, and he will arrive at his chosen destiny, end station number '9', the realm of Gehenna.

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