
The Numbers - VII

To finish this series about numbers I will first summarize the most important principles behind YHWH's numeric system, and the numeric system the Evil One derived from it, after which I will proceed to explain a few additional principles.

The essence of YHWH's numerical system is found in the basic decimal range of single-digits, which begins with '1', the Foundation, YHWH, and ends in the first double-digit number '10', a reference back to the Foundation.
Everything begins and ends in the Foundation, YHWH.
Or, in other words, our dualistic reality was created and defined by YHWH.

Within this basic decimal range YHWH introduces Dualism with the number '2', and Dualism is the principle which brought forth counterparts of everything YHWH created, on its most basic level the counterpart of Good in the form of Evil.
This is why, beginning with the number '2', the numbers following after '2' have a definition given to them by YHWH, as well as a counterpart which is the definition given to them by the Satan.
YHWH's definition is the Light of Truth, the Satanic definition is the Shadow of the Lie.

This principle of Dualism splits up reality in two opposites: the reality of Light and the reality of Darkness, and both are separated from each other in the numbers '8' and '9'.
With the '8' a new phase in Creation begins and a new reality, and as such the '8' as the symbol for eternity is like a door to a new system where the current reality and the numbers pertaining to that reality no longer apply.

This is why the Evil One cannot use this number in his system, since the current dualistic reality no longer applies, and he considers Dualism to be the evidence and outcome of the superior intellectual strength of the Fallen Ones.
To the Adversary, the '8' means that YHWH has 'taken away this intellectual strength' and made it therefore impossible to exercise the 'strength and skill of reasoning' the Fallen Ones take pride in.
He is blind to the fact that he reasons along the lines of a pre-programmed code of the Dark side of Dualism, and that therefore his 'intellectual strength' is really Spiritual weakness, and his 'freedom' is 'slavery to Evil instinct'.
In the new phase YHWH does not take away intellectual strength, but He de-activates the programming code which caused the manifestation of Dualism.

When YHWH uses double- (or more) digit numbers, they all refer back to the basic decimal range of single-digits, the meaning of which I have explained in part II of this series.
'12' becomes a '1' and a '2', both adding up to '3' as the numbers representing the fullness of YHWH's manifestation to man, and the '2 -> 1' movement stands for the movement out of our fallen condition, our internal Dualism, back into unity in YHWH.

The single-, double- and triple-digit numbers together form one complete story, which can be repeated in a 'higher octave', which is the four-, five and six-digit range.
In that case the 4-digit number is a mirror image of the single-digit range, the 5-digit range refers to the double-digit range, and the 6-digit range refers to the triple-digit range.

So, '12,000' is in essence an extrapolation of '12', only multiplied by '10 x 10 x 10'.
'144,000' is an extrapolation of '144', '12 x 12'.
And by the way, '144' is not a reference to the '9' ('1 + 4 + 4'), but a reference to the '8' ('4 + 4') and the '1'.
As I have said, to the number '8' no number can be added.
So in this case the number refers to the '8' and the '1': in the '8' we enter the '1' (in the '8'  we enter the unity in the new phase where we are '1' again, and the current numerical system no longer applies).

Whenever the Evil One uses a single-digit number, he links it to one of his own numbers as found in the double- and triple-digit range.
He creates a Shadow-component out of YHWH's number by placing his own (false) concept over that number, and then proceeds to give shape to this false concept in the form of double-digit numbers, which stand for the process (growth) of working out the concept embedded in those numbers, and the triple-digit numbers, which embody the birth of the concept.
As such the Shadow-component is given a place in the double-digit range, which points forward to the triple-digit range.

However, the Satanic concept of numbers is based on a false concept.
This means that the double- and triple-digit numbers used by the Fallen One really lead back to YHWH's original concept of the number in the basic decimal system, the single-digit numbers.
So, the Satanic '999' as the embodiment of the ideal of a Satanic reality, a Satanic paradise, will turn out to be YHWH's concept of the '9', the realm of complete Evil, Gehenna, and not a paradise.

The Adversary seeks to draw us into the deception of his double- and triple-digit range.
The Evil One uses double- and triple-digit numbers to represent his own concepts and ideas, and he needs to draw on the energy of YHWH's numbers in order to be able to energize his numbers incorporating his concepts to the extent that they can become a reality.

Always bear in mind that the Satanic numerical system is based on the shell he placed around YHWH's numbers, which is the shell of the Lie, since the Satan has his foundation in the contra-side of Dualism.
If YHWH is Truth, then by virtue of the power of Dualism the Satan automatically becomes the Lie, the Satanic gospel.

Sequences of individual numbers are the equivalent of a story with a specific syntax.
The two roads of Dualism often manifest in the two directions in which the syntax can be read, from right to left or from left to right.
Just think of how the syntax '1 - [2] - 3 - 4' stands for the opposite of '4 - 3 - [2] - 1'.

YHWH speaks often through sequences of numbers, and the Evil One plagiarizes this by using his own numbers to create sequences and stories relating Falsehood.
The Satan incorporates numbers and syntaxes of numbers in symbols, such as the pyramid, the pentagram and hexagram.
In that capacity they become a very powerful statement of the Satanic doctrine.
He even uses the obelisk as a symbol defying the '1' of YHWH.
The obelisk usually is a square ('4') shaft ('1') with a pyramid ('4') on top, and if you read this series on numbers the statement with the obelisk is a very self-evident Satanic statement.
The '1' placed within the perverted Satanic context of the obelisk ('4') becomes the '11', the Satanic '1' on Earth pointing in defiance against the '1' in Heaven.
The obelisk is the Satan's version of YHWH's '144'.

A symbol such as the Satanic cross illustrates the Adversary's hatred of YHWH's concept of the new phase of His Creation, and how he seeks to destroy YHWH's concept of the new phase and replace it with his own order.

The properties of numbers are the reason why the Adversary selects certain dates for sacrifices.
By performing the sacrifice, the released energy is designed to resonate with the energetic properties of the concepts of the numbers incorporated in the dates. 
To make it work, faith is required, in this case faith in Evil.

When we celebrate the days of YHWH's moadim, his appointed days or Feasts, we energize their concept so that they, and their numerical structure, become a reality for us.
Although this notion may seem strange to some of you, each time we give attention to something, we energize the object of our attention.

Let me give you an example: thinking about forbidden pleasures in your mind will make them come alive as a reality in your mind, and this affects your 'external' reality, at least, that which we perceive as our 'external reality'.
The reality in your mind can be energized to such a degree that you will seek to gratify the need for the forbidden fruits in the 'real' world.
The reason is simply that you energized the thoughts of the forbidden pleasures so that they came alive as a mental and physical reality pulling on your Soul.

Let me give you another example which illustrates the power of belief (faith).
If you believe you are a failure, then through your acceptance of this notion in your heart you end up energizing and strengthening this belief, not in the least through your emotions which are like energy boosters towards the object of your emotions.
Your energized state also expresses itself as a physical reality in the form of your feelings, and these feelings color the way you perceive the world around you.

It becomes even worse when you open your mouth and say, 'I am a failure and my life is wasted'.
When that happens, the tree of your reality spreads seeds into the garden of your Life, and these seeds will bring forth fruit after their kind, which in this case stands for failure in all matters of Life.
You end up obstructing your Life through the manipulation of your faith which was brought about by sabotaged circumstances caused by unseen Shadows.
That is why it is so important to guard your mouth and be careful with the words you speak.

This same principle applies to celebrating YHWH's appointed days, including the Shabbat.
By focusing on celebrating these days and believing in their concept, you energize these days and their plan, and they become an integral part of your reality.

YHWH's appointed days incorporate HIS plans and HIS concepts
The Satan on the other hand has his own plans and concepts which are derived from YHWH's concepts.
To turn them into a reality he needs to energize them.

That is the reason why he not only avails himself of appointed days of celebrating the Evil cause, he appoints certain dates based on the energy and concepts of the combination of numbers, and energizes them through sacrifice.
For the Satan the strongest energizer of his appointed days is the celebration of these days by means of a sacrificial blood offering, and before the Fallen Ones can create their Utopia of rebellion they need to perform a huge mass sacrifice in order to energize the numbers which are structural elements of their Utopia.

Perhaps what I wrote here about numbers and how the use of numbers plays an key role in the realization of a physical, tangible reality, and how there is an alien, hidden species ruling this Earth, sounds as if my fantasy is running amok with me.
But I can assure you that the presence of Fallen Angels ruling this world, using certain numbers as an integral part of their plan, is TRUE, regardless of how weird it may sound.
The problem is that these Fallen Ones belong to a different dimension we cannot perceive with our physical senses, and that is why they have the advantage.
If we could see their presence and exploitation with our physical eyes, we would be shocked beyond belief, because what our eyes would see would be like the metaphorical equivalent of a huge, dark, ominous structure planted on the soil of this Earth, that which I have described here on this blog as the structure of wheels within wheels on the stage of the Earth theater.

These Fallen Shadows make sure that the ones who promote their agenda and their plans receive media attention and financial rewards, and they are the ones who guard the interest of the Adversary.
Anyone who dares to rebel against their cause is a target for persecution.
The Fallen Ones also are the ones who make sure that YHWH's people remain anonymous and deprived of financial rewards, a people relegated to the sideline of existence on Earth because they are a threat to the plans of the Fallen Ones, especially when their eyes are opened to the game the Adversary plays with the world and them.
Yet even though their Evil is organized, it is not a perfect, smooth organization, and mistakes happen.

The persecution of YHWH's people does not just come in the form of deprivation of financial means and being kept out of the public's focus.
The Shadows use pawns to obstruct these rebels against their cause, to make their lives miserable.
They even assign certain people the task of embarking on a private crusade against the ones who are a threat to the cause of the empire of Darkness, and these vessels become like Shadows attaching themselves to YHWH's people, thus assuming the nature of the wicked Forces of Darkness inspiring them.

Very often these Satanic crusaders become the actors in a 'Shadow-spiel', which consists of the continuous creation of a false perception shells around the ones who are growing into a threat to the status quo of the Adversary.
They invent lies, manipulate facts by placing them in a context of the Lie, they knit biased rumors together into the Dark embroidery which has an appearance of truth but which is the opposite, they highlight perceived faults and mistakes of their target, and each time their hate object acts or does something, they RE-act by countering it with a lie, wrapping the paper of their hatred and falsehood around that which their target said or did.

You have to be very careful when you encounter people who have merged with their Shadow-mothers, whose only purpose in Life it has become to obstruct and attack YHWH's own.
They can be very clever and convincing with their lies and stories, but you have to learn to look beyond the words at the Spirit behind the words.
Because, there is a very dark Shadow-Spirit which expresses its nature through the words of the chosen Shadow-vessels, words which become bullets, Trojan horses, seeking their way into your mind so that you are overtaken by the Shadow-Spirit through your misguided faith in the lies they used to trick you into believing them.
By believing in a Lie you become a victim and an extension of the Lie.

If you don't know whether someone sets you up to accept a Lie or not, leave it in the middle and do not form any opinion for or against.
Just hand it over to YHWH, and He will deal with it.

I have seen very clear examples of Shadow-people attaching themselves to their hate-object  like a vampire-Shadow seeking to leech Life-force from their appointed target.
They grow into empty vessels devoid of a Soul whose only purpose in Life it has become to act against their hate-object, thus reducing themselves to completely reactionary vessels of Darkness, perfect embodiments of Evil since Evil is completely reactionary in nature.
Their only purpose is to draw blood and get inside the mind of their targeted victims, vampires on an unholy quest for blood to satisfy their dark nefarious hunger.
They live off the hurt of people and long for the day of the destruction of their target, not knowing they are mere pawns acting out the will of a Shadow-Spirit seeking to thwart YHWH's plan.
But they play a dangerous game, one which will cost them their very Soul, because the reality of misery they seek to create for their target is the reality they are building for themselves.

That is why it is so important to remain devoted and pure, because any side-path into Sin is a permission we give to the Fallen Ones to mess with our lives, and this can have devastating consequences.
Just think of what I wrote about how we energize everything we give our attention to.
Through Sin we sacrifice our Life-force to Evil so that it comes alive in us as an alternative reality, and this sacrifice of energy is the power we give to Fallen Beings to affect us and our lives.
When we sin, we are creating an opportunity for the Evil One to create a breach in YHWH's hedge of protection around us, and he can use this entry ticket into our Life for his own benefit.

A great illustration is the story of Amalek's attack on Israel as they wandered through the desert, and how Moses stood on the hill holding up a rod to make sure that Israel could win the fight from Amalek.

Whenever he grew tired and his arms could no longer hold up the rod, Israel was losing and Amalek was winning, but the moment he brought the rod back up, Israel was winning again.

Amalek stands for the forces of the Adversary seeking to destroy us, Israel, and our only way to have a proper response is by remaining devoted to YHWH.
And if we get tired and fall prey to Sin, we should be quick to repent, because the Adversary Amalek is standing ready with the sword in his hand to weak havoc in our lives.

So, be careful to remain pure and devoted, each single second of the day and the night, because the Adversary is waiting and watching for that window of opportunity you can give him through Sin.

This world truly is a war zone, a war with a most insidious nature because its victims are created in secret through deception and falsehood.
We are born into the empire of the great deceiver, Babel, who desires to trap Yah's own in the dark dungeons of her castle in the Loft.
We eagerly await the moment our great Liberator will arrive to set us free and burn down Babel's castle, so that His palace can be built upon the ashes of the Shadow-empire which exploits us and robs us of our happiness.
We came from the Light and we long for the Light, and the clouds the Shadows cast on our lives are torture to us, causing us to loathe our Life in this Shadow Zone under Babel's oppressive and unrighteous rule.

Babel grants YHWH's people a modest amount of freedom, yet at the same time she submits them to various forms of torture on a regular basis.
For her it is like milking the cow.
Her torture extracts precious Life-force and talents she can imbibe and use to strengthen her empire, and the longer YHWH's people remain ignorant to the ugly reality which they cannot sense with their physical senses, the longer she can continue her torture game and profit from the milk she can extract from the cow.

Yet inevitably the moment comes when Yah's own learn to see with their Spirit, and they will sense the exploitation game and identify those working on Babel's payroll.
Even though Yah's own are a liability in Babel's empire, and she has assigned Shadows to them with the task of keeping a close eye on them, Babel has no choice other than to tolerate them if she wants to continue her exploitation of man and work on the process which strives to implement a Satanic reality.
To destroy all of YHWH's people on Earth means suicide for Babel, so she HAS to tolerate their presence to some extent if she wants to continue to work out her plans.

However, after the moment has come when the eyes YHWH's people are opened and  the Light of Truth shines upon the ugly reality of this stage, they have grown from a liability into a threat to Babel.
They are no longer plugged into the deception of the matrix, and thereby have become living threats to the status quo of the Evil empire.
Invariably she seeks to isolate them from gaining exposure in her empire, and all too often Yah's own find themselves cut off from the world in isolation and anonymity, an invisible prison Babel has created for them by closing all doors of opportunity for them.
Babel will surround the awakened ones with Shadows who are given the task of making sure Yah's own remain isolated, and they are to seize any opportunity at their disposal to obstruct the moments when the Light enters the hearts and minds of Yah's own so that whatever they say or write or do becomes an extension of that Light, and thereby a threat to Babel's interest.

But, do not worry or be anxious, because YHWH is stronger.
He opens up paths which remained hidden for the Evil One, and He shuts off alleys leading to dead ends of deception.
He creates safe paths in a rain of bullets the Adversary fires at His children, so that they walk through the rain unscathed.
YHWH has assigned powerful Angels to us who protect us during our stay in the war-zone.

Babel is not always successful in her attempts to obstruct YHWH's people, because YHWH creates paths for His own too, so that the purpose He has created for the lives of His own can come to fruition.
So, occasionally YHWH's Light pops through on this darkened stage for everyone to see.
But Babel has a large plethora of strategies to deal with it.
If she could isolate Yahshua from His context and put Him to work in service of her own religious circus, she believes she can do that with anything else.
Just think of the Catholic Jesus, the Protestant Jesus, the Islamic Isa, the New Age Jesus, the Gnostic Jesus.

The Adversary has a plan, and he will do anything in his power to make sure the preparations for the realization of this plan remain on track.
His plan is a Shadow-version of YHWH's plan, the plan to create an autonomous reality which is 'free from YHWH's paradigm, the distinction between Good vs. Evil'.
It includes a new man built from a Satanic design.
YHWH's aim is to live in and through man, and the Satanic Shadow-version is the same but starring the Fallen Ones instead of YHWH, so that the new man becomes a temple for the Satan.

The Adversary seeks to create a shield against YHWH's interference, and he hopes to realize this synthetic shield by taking the energy contained within the building blocks of man, and build a new 'improved' man from these building blocks, a man which is not locked into one particular dimension, but one which can enter other dimensions at will.
He aspires to create a man which has no place in YHWH's order so that he falls out of YHWH's reach.

By merging his Spirit with the vessel of a new perfected man, the Adversary will be able to use it as a shield against YHWH.
The Satan believes that if he is successful, he will be able to by-pass YHWH's plans to lock him into the realm of Destruction.

When we were born into this world, our Spirit merged with Flesh and Blood, and we became man, something different than before we entered the Flesh.
Just as we became man, the Satan believes he can achieve the same if he can successfully merge with his concept of a new synthetic inter-dimensional man, the '666'.

So, ultimately the Satanic new order and the Satanic New Age will have no place for man in his current state, since he belongs to YHWH's order and therefore is a potential liability.
The human DNA needs to be modified and re-built in the most radical way, and herein lies the greatest challenge for the Fallen Ones, because they cannot afford to fail.

There are too many who do not understand the drive of the Fallen Ones, what motivates them, and why we can NEVER trust them.
It is not just dumb instinct, it is not a cosmic bet between YHWH and the Satan, it is not the sick need to torment, hurt and exploit, it's not just hatred of man.
You have to understand that when YHWH created the principle of Dualism and how Evil was able to manifest itself as an alternative reality by means of an energy transfer from YHWH to Evil, this opened up the door for the Fallen Ones to use the energy they could harvest in order to create a reality of their own.
They believe it was their own mental strength which created the presence of Dualism instead of the other way round, and as a result they feel they have the resources to be able to beat YHWH, so that they can escape YHWH's judgment through the results of their own resourceful intellect.

To do nothing means passive acceptance of YHWH's paradigm and His destiny for those who rejected His Goodness, and that is why they strive with great zeal to implement the structure of a reality where they are able to abide on their own terms, which really are the terms dicated by Evil.
They are not going to let YHWH get His way with them, and driven by blind rebellion they have embarked on a course for their own paradise, regardless of the hurt and suffering they inflict on man and beast.
Man's blood is their elixir of Life which they use to build their empire, and the sacrifice of man is their way of leeching energy which YHWH put in man to the benefit of their cause.
That is what drives the Adversary.

I suppose the fact that the Fallen Ones have successfully engineered new creatures in the past which had no place in YHWH's order of reality is the reason why they believe they can be successful in building a new order of life, as well as provide themselves with new vessels to merge with and thus escape YHWH's order.
They want to isolate themselves from YHWH in a reality which is built by means of YHWH's energy, yet which stands completely apart from YHWH's reality.
They believe they can create a Utopia for themselves where they can be kings and queens on their own terms.
Anything is better than serving as an obedient dog in YHWH's empire, so they think.

But I would rather be a dog in YHWH's household than an esteemed guest of honor in the household of the fickle Satan.
I know that YHWH loves even His dogs to such a degree that no dog will be lacking in anything.
YHWH gives them freedom, a space to enjoy Life, He feeds them and takes good care of them.
Yet even the guest of honor in the household of the Satan does not know when the Satan's mood will change, and he will find a dagger stabbed in his back, or the rug pulled from under his feet so that he hits the stony, cold hard floor in the palace of the Fallen One.

Do not be dismayed by the roaring Dragon seeking to intimidate you with its noise and its mighty hordes of Shadow Servants wreaking havoc on this planet.
Your fear is the Adversary's strength, and why should Light fear Darkness?
Has Darkness the strength to subdue Light, to wrap its arms around it so that it is covered by Darkness?
No, the Darkness fears the Light because of its power to destroy Darkness, and the only way to make sure the Light does not shine in you is by manipulating you into the choice to put up blinders of fear and doubt, manifestations of Sin.

Let your Light shine and be intrepid in the heart of Darkness, because we have a Father protecting us wherever we go, and we have a King who has prevailed over all the forces of Darkness.
The hour of Darkness seeking to wrap its tentacles around our Yahshua became the moment of His greatest victory and the greatest defeat for the powers of Darkness.

This world knows hours of Light and Darkness, and everything around us testifies to this dualistic flow.
The sun comes up and shines its light on us, and it goes down and we abide in darkness, the moon shows itself in its fullness, yet then it hides itself in darkness.
In the Light we have joy and strength, and in the hours of Darkness we simply have to learn to abide and persist, and hold on in trust and in faith.

So, be strong and trust in YHWH, because He has never let anyone down.
He DOES allow us to be tested so that our strength may increase and our characters can shine.
Know that YHWH is faithful and true, because He cannot lie and unfaithfulness is alien to His character.
He protects us and created His hedge around our lives so that the Adversary can do nothing without His permission.
We have to make sure we do not poke holes in YHWH's fence around us through Sin by remaining devoted to Him, and if you fall prey to weakness, be quick to repent with all your heart, and you will find that YHWH is even quicker to forgive.

Babel has drunk from the cup of madness, and she believes she is able to create a wonderful Utopia with bricks held together by the cement of the blood of her many victims.
She believes she can erase the definition of Evil under the dualistic principle, and transform it into an alternative reality based on her own terms and definition.
She believes she has the intellectual ability to invent and control such a reality, and write the source-code of a new, improved version of man.

Babel depicts the '9' as an alternative paradise which she will build for herself and all those who believed in her, and she rushes towards her ideal, urged on by the ticking clock which YHWH has set for this Creation.
But the Truth is that her paradise will be nothing but ruins as the child of her unrestrained ego, smoldering ashes of a devastated place of torment as the destiny of her ambition, most certainly not an 'alternative paradise'.
Babel is blind to the fact that she is a pawn of Evil and as such can bring forth nothing but the enactment of the nature of Evil, which ultimately manifests in Destruction.

So too the goose she expects to lay the golden eggs will turn out to be a Dragon breeding eggs of Fire and Devastation.

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